CAl~ADl.i\_l'~ STATESlVIAN, BOWl\'IANVILLE., TIIURSD.._ i\.1'.~ · .._t\.PRIL 9., 1874. ;\.prtl 4 - In the case = SPRING · FULL RETURN" · M3..JORITY 2G2 M'Arthur to take order,, for & Summer · TWEEDS ---AND-- ' L OF F~ RM I~ TOW::-.TSH.P OF li.> Auct CO~ v 011 by\ DARLINGTO~ TO A DEGREE TN P URSUANl' LIN CON Lt'.'l there w 11 be eold m B rtou Auctioneer AT THE AL~IA HOTEL M.1. ket Squ:ire Bow nanvllle V RYONf ADMITS NOW, \01 th- IHAT THE I !NE OF TR ~N,.,POR'I <\TIO!\ FOR PASSENGERS AND FP.EIGH'l "Bea~er Block" the place t o get them made up m the right style