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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1874, p. 3

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·4C&'.§ J · .,.._ 4 ..,, '·:::<·· CANADIAN _S§L _;:: 9, 1874. &E-· .. ...431!! 3 , 'll'he Fedeu·a l 18auli o·· ~;anad a. can obtain any iufOl'lJ..Ui,Ll.On relating to 1t on ap. .ERSO~S WISH ING to SUBSOR!BE P for stock in the :F'ede:ral Dank or canftda, wh ich will soon bo in oa.n do so or o~eration, .I I · i '~ ~.'Of\ 'l'HE BLOOD IS 'l.'HE LlFE " ~- · -·.:u; ne.u~e10.uor11:·. d.1.'.lt). .· ,·er~f\ 23. i CL AR K E 'S I I 1g . i oc~rO .BER c:~ ~. . ,,. !Wrla fameo ~Ion M ixtur; I I '1 plloatton to . ROBT . .ARMOUR. Bowmanville, ~fasch 30, 1874. 36--Jm. Trad Mark,-" :Blood MiKtu re." REMOVAL I JO~Ei"U JiEFFFIH!lY ha~ re· ...... I I Tbj) great bl~od . purifier and restorer, for t;_.1.ns1ng nud. c~oann~ th e b~ood :f'rom a ll impu. ri.. rns, ··a11!lot oo too h1gh ly recommended . Ft?r 8.crorula, Scurvy~ Sk in Dis~~ses, and Sores Ctf a.Al kruds tc fa a, ncvei· fui:ing r,-::l<f. ne;-r.1anent 1 FOR TUE IL&. DI F. II .! ,'U TOULD RES?EOTFULLY l' t NOUN CE to the public he A N· cure.It CureB old So.ree. . Cur.e s q1ce1·nted Sores on Lht- Nt'l1Jk. Cures L1ct·."ated Sore Lexf; . I Cu:·es Blackllea.drs or Pimr::oo O>.! t..he face. 1 I moved hL:'I Tailoring E:>tablishment from the Go!dcu Lion black. !)!ld hal:i ocmmenced bu.slne:ire: In b1·r. Mni'r's B uildiny, fl.rat door East of: ~!. Ma.yer's store o where he ls p··ep~trcd to fill all orders in tho T ...Uoring )\ " "'· oa. tho shortest norice and in tho la.ttllit 1t7les· ....... .J..;J.ktng the public ror p ast ta.vars. he ho11ea to roccive u. contin uance or lJatronaa-e. Bowm::i:nvllle, ~fa.roll 4:, 187J. 32. E.v ery Day Now Spring Goods wil l co ntinue to arrive at I McCL u·NG .BROS. . ~-:· . kh ar t , "~ , "'fl 1. , ..1 or R ADUA'rE OP 'l'HE ROYAL '-' v ( '1 7f LEG-E of Dent.fl~~ Sul"geons ot Ontario Jl i .e-n t. ist. 1 - . :I I Every Week New Importations at M c CLUNG BROS. OtHce-over F. F . .llifcArtJ1u1·'s store, King St. BJwm1.1.nvHlc, Oct. 20th, 1S73. li·tf. . " I Cirres Blood. and Skin. Diso~c.:;ee. · 1 .o. '""'-'S:::. Cures Glandu:a r Swel:ing;:;. .uu.'I ,.,;., whatpver cause a~·:,;ir:g. _.\o this in~ture ts pleasant to i.ha La5Le, aucl wa~allted ~re1:1 fro m nuythin°· iuj u"ious to the WOOL GOODS, . m·Hn de:i~.n~e c011stltu t ion o~ either Sex. :::he Prof t~l~~{u~~ilclts su1rerel"8 t.q g!\Te it o. tl'ial to test HOISERY, 'f.bOll;5Ands of Testimonials f:·om a ll narts. GLOVES, 80.!d. 1n.Bott!es 23 3d eacb, fl.nil i21, COD· RIBBONS ·ta.ln :ng _ e1x :hnes tho quau~ i!.~·-, lls -sufilci' cn t t o e1fe ct a pe:ma::'1.e1n cure in tile g ren ~ rnn· FANCY GOODS jority of io 1~p;--2tand'lng, BY ALL CHEl\I:.. ' ISTS and PAT EX i' MEUJCIXE YEXDO R~ BELTS, throu~h~Jut the world. , F.RILf JMG " So~e proµi:i e t01· , F .·T, ':'1 I .1 AltK1JJ, Cbemist, 1 1 J..J J., " 1 A.POTJIECARlES' HALL,.LT:\C OLN, EXG L'D. Expo1·1 Age~1t,. . SCARFS Unrgodvne, Burbrldgcs & Co., Co:om aa Street & &, ' P, :.Iii Lo 1 on. · 1 c., , o., ~:i'4 t ! Xe wli~:·ry a·ir\ So n~. 37 Ne·.v;:ve StrcPt, London . Bare ay and Son~, !J5 F'a ... in~t r·::i S·1c;:et, Lo:Hlon · .;;:.llll';{C." und S in q , ux ·ortl S r o?et . London. ' · 1 Aud all the Lo \VhJlesa!o llu1t5e3 . fro~1 Cw;es ScuT ·vv So1·e s. · Cm·es Ca.n-ce:c·ous- O l cri:-~. SH_ I\.. ' VLS, DRESS GOOT>S, FL :\.N!\EI R · ... PRINTS ! ' t GS, .jf._; · '1'0 'l'BE PUBLIC. JE NO HUMBUGf FAXR· SQUARE DEALING . FUlL YALU FOR yourMONY! DRY GOODS, cr,ouns, I Clothing· and Groceries. ~uits ud Sllir-4 nu.t:de t o·ord@r-. Ayer's .I I i · Cherry Pectoral, For oi' the T.:.:roa.t: !lnd su.M as C .Jugh.H, Cold;: Whooµi.r:g - - -- _ ___ __ _________ Every Person Should .' Agcut !i !n l"au :uI;;.. Jfontrcal.-Evans, l'1crcer a11tl Co. , 'Vholesale J,\ LARGE AND EXCEJ,LENT A:!ISORTMENT 01" Dit!!CG.S~e I~na;s. 1. . Cough, flro~11:i~.i.!,::.,,,.A:thp:;.a.."' Dr o.;gists. -'\;\THITE . LEADS, ,...,, ' 1 " m;:~urNE." ~ee the New Stock rit z (D McCL. UNG BROS. ··- -. --- - - - - - -- - - - ~ IJ:) (fl (fJ Every Thing To to attracL,-this season, at ,~~amine t11C bra:i<l and d o not bG ~nt J oft" "-'ith n ~ 1,~r,ra~nt~. Tlle b t:! ~L i ~ n 1,-,,-~1y~ ch eapest. on , .:"'.:O]{t 1n Hcn.·. irR n-r l:e by J,-ihn H i c;!!JJlbot ham. br r2spectabJe dcale" !'S in Pr,i nis througho11t O tur iu, nnd to d.e3.le?:l'l on ly by " ' "fI"· b~aml, are tinsu! p nssi::d i·:; :· }.iotl;i.-· il..nd hri!lhtn cy O· slrn.d.e. . P<tC~ ~g:cs !nll lle1t \\ Pi:dll , Th01n1 t1!ic nre wa.l"ilCd th n t certain o~ b('."1· bralfds ' :i r e l} lb'J. s~i.ol't in c··c1·y so·cJ.Ucd 2Y uound .:\o. l ," "Xo. !?," r.nrl I .. s~ 3," of · this , I LAD IES' F 'O R GQQ :QS · 1 · IR ·iiasb., Grebe and S<:litl, m;w ~tylee. N ov'r 1st~ 1873. nna oona:~:;~7~, ~·, ·~·" , ~c!e i\:\.11 ' te~v -1 !rnLi11<. : .. · 1 '~'r>.tnrJ rv e as~:i c NONE CHEAPER. moro real ' '""' fi .' 8- F. HILL. Bowma.nv i lle~ . I I r ELLIO 'l & 1-- CO., rrnrc 0 McCLUNG- BROS. - -- ---. -·--··- >-;) (""'" c+ D 0 B CD ~ Every ~epartment Will be full and cqmplete at J · .H I G G I N a~ .. ' BOOTS and SHOES & c o 'S I ANDERSON ""l 1f. ------~-~------~---""'"--~·~~1:11---.~~ . I '! ' i!>Ef,f,l~G AT COS'l' . n . 00 t J.,.;..i · an d b 1oe "17' · _.r:i .... mpor'..!.1..1.IO.. 0 '!' H A ;11 , Woll M cCLUNG BROS. z CD Chenueo..Is. Also~ a. splendid · carefully solcctod B .a. a.a Great .sorted_ stook.of Gonuiue Dr~s and Pur~ English I NOUNCE that he ha..s r&'"'....eived ~!io<Jk OIIElfIIST AND DRUGGIST, E GS RESPECTFULLY TO AN- ' oft.he moat. LI 0 E c: i k~~~oft ~~~ 1:;~~dtn:i!~~:.~;·~:~~:!;· ·;f;~-:~~t·:.:~~~~~;! RU BB 0 Rl s a I1.d _0 "\"l E 'r1_ s .r : .....,, amt uaporcoi1=0;d nt··.cf: or Pu:1ncc""7' Afi~,; -.";, wl11ch Rrs easuv nt ."11 i: .-eooru"' 'E) 1 ' Our ,-t·ry 'la,Tgc s~ock !Jf Felt G·oods, cureJ uy t!:. ~ 1 ::··t'p!irat101,, ~~r~ :-- ·~b. iero:nm·lrnola f\ : __ l' ~~ !.';} u~ ;, ihc ved, were th~y 1:n.t prov;;·: h~~·cNhl (' . · -·'-"· " As n i~ !:: (ldC<Ju.'.l-fr, en ,,,1i~·ii ·:- .~ pULH~ i m:i.y .roly furfnlt protect1vu. By ...: ui.:ng lA!V 'i{h~ i thctoreruuners of more s::r'.> t>; ,·: Ot>_S(;, it. !\ll.~·e» r k nt· cf ~~.:~·~ ;!.:ug , unutunbered 1h-·e~, fiH t'. ).... :.:;,,1 rn_Jt to be compntod . . It.!-~ tdal,':nu! i;o-:; . 1 Lung;J beyond n;:-1 .- ::.tile ~ .r1::-d icin;;o. Thu tr "~·I di~nµ:eron~. nilecti ... ns of i ;, ... Pulmca!ll"}' (.'.-l~aw y 1el_ d _to 1~ 1;~,.,·er;. r?:J.-< (; · . _. ;. of .f'.ox.u;J.Z!l~ ti o ~, k110 1Yn: SI) : .mrn: 1 of nli :;;, ".: ·,, b1::hes }he fo.c.t, ~-~:t Cn&nnY 1)1.:c1..:: 1 · :Ar. wl11 nod <!o ~e :'·.'.'Ii~-r:- ~ t cure the nftl icti11r; cE i"'" ·hr.l of the Throat a:1rl t hro1i;r~,.. ~~ thi..1 ~ .d. !:'.' cc'm1n·i::-~,;·.~ ~i!'.)'i';·-: t:~~t i'i. 1y rind ,:;'~'..::c~ · control thrm. Tho tcsU11; my of 01:r h11et f~ ~.1!(\ ~~~.~~:;~: ~ ~~7:!~,~I~ . ::i. ~t -·· 1 ly ~n1at be cleared ou t to iuake l'OfllH fnr rr-.ore. J . ng Cas1.., 1e il · l...L s.-.· QJ . Clearl · .. lnot fi;.:,tr IJ u.t· ·c ' l,)i nnU too often ;·;i. ir·.r,.e-.:::-;~;:.;i.1. 'fe:~·· der Im1gs need t:<: ·iefencc; ·n ·~ :i !~-- i~ nn~i~ i! :..;, ~ Every Man Should see the New Tweeds at DYE STUFFS! which oaunot bo 25Urpa.Bsel1 foi" excellency o I quality An a.ssortn1ent of Anillne IJyoo kep : 0011.stantly oc hand, together wi!h. r chcioo w· / lection of . l 1 FOR THIRTY DAYS. Tho g<lOds must be wld. DON'T FAIL TO CAJ,L at uewithoutie. As :L,nfegt1nrd ' : ch ::.:.: :;. s:nid the distrcflsin~ <li:>.caac~. 1d11· ·1. r)~f"t t:~~ ~; . .--c~t . sud Cilcst (If ..::hi:.tilooll, C1~·;.:H1~y Pr:·:-rVRAi.. j i~ inY;~lu~blc ; f.:J1 ·, 'b~~- it~ th11e !v - t.H~) ·:inlf j.. I tadf\~ ·Rn' rc5cucd from p1·em:i~tdl' '"'"ifi.t·~. an.:! 1 ~~-·cd to tlit> !O"'-' m1l! nffo cti:n, _l:<_nt r~~; c l <~t ~·.::. "O . "-;j ....... ~ ~ UJ McCLUNG BROS. I , j muK1 CH.EM1CA[,'S, I REED'S OLO ;sT AND· BOW.M ANVILLE .. ' f OIU!,I f P ...UN1'S, P-A TENT :l!EDICIKE8, I BRUSHES, COMBS, SllOULDERBRACES, · 6SUPPORTERS1 &-0., &o. ANDERSON &~ CO. p 0 0 Every Woman St-ould see the New Dress Goods a t COLORS,VARNISHES and WHITELl'A UI' At tho very lowest prlcoa. N~ B.- Country Storcpcekere ::mppllcd on ad \ &ntag-eoua torms Hats, Caps I and po1;131bfo !"·d ec ~ wn . It !ll'lY be :::..-:,Dfkleu tlv re. lied !'..pon rt!l po;;c.0.,::u~ < :..'.! tl1c >irh:f".s it hr.-;"e\c-..· : exhib1t-0d , t\n<l c:i.p.:i.!Jlc of m:-oduc:nr. <.~u rtc !'J tt~ men:i."1"::1.ble ~E tho gro·.tte:t it faQ.s Jv~· cfiretc<'.. encc~tsful ohem1c cl inn?s~i.~n lj mJ, " :> ( ix~t Di- t~a t~ sr,_:wed in _l '1~':ki11~ ('.\"('l'} :.,·~ iii fl~ l:.h.:cst I!-11 Ilro n chitiS t wne1~ :~i,'!,; · !-<' ·1:w !:1_.-,·.- ~i1r t.ut\Y can be c11red. Origlirnlly the product vr j()t!.i";. 1a.t·or~Oi.U.· ;t:t'ld ;~~E~r.:~~~'.i1:;~:~;::¥:~ :~;;1~~~~~;.:;:~;5;.'.:·'~ 1 HORSE AND CATTLE llfEDIOINES. l 0(/J McCLUNG BROS. M, MAYER a nnouncoo ono of tho Iarge· l stock of WINTE.R CA.PS, Collm·ets, ltiuj)s and, BUE'PA.LO ROBICl'J. he has evor opened IJ:) "j "j GENT'L E~ENS will be found not only vari ed, FU~Nf SEfINGS l !!!o Ho! (;;enHemcn o~~Fa~i';.~ ' ' and h111 · _ _ _ ~ u -;E NTLEHEN'S A · Nn BO v·N t · · -,, 1 ~ · ~ , ., ) · .i:. d.J :i.. b ~;.i·.:-.... .1: ... · 1ifR N1.':5, U·Ct.dt-, Jn the ne west 8ty·e'i. 0.. IJ:) & <: CD but embracing ell the noTeltlrudn thGline. He b egij to ren1ind the pn.bHe. too, that he Alter§ :ind a·epail·s 01,D FUHS on.the !!iiho1·&.cst Notice. I n u FrmS HIGHEST PRICE I'Al D FOR· R"" ""' · I i.{)~~ . ao1 so thM1 .. Jhvo~·rtt tenthcscfcwlin"" ] ...nd all I ha ve to sai~1'hr.tycu'canjlndmootill aihume I am not goi~{! a<'w ax. · · ' 11 tf 11 li · d ,.ca r ospec l1 yw cite· M. 1\.:1 AYE;"\: . · .. · I ELLIOTT Jr., I HAMPTON. T IIE {.+1t1~AT ItI~itlEDY Ft) !-~, C0f~ SUM Pl'~ 0r~ ,.which can be en red by a timely rcosort t o this st:1;1l1arl1 1n-eparatio11, as l1~1a Deen ]>1'oYet l . I.. .I.. The 5Ubscribet' IUlllOUDOOS that he'"'·" 'now on hand 'DJT t 1 10 J. ·- . 1 ' l s or ,. l l n:n urc::.. .. A Large and well Assorted I I' which h e ;::j .QC (. · """t 1I lI . a~y I - . AGENCY - I Paris Founctey ! , __ _ l .Af{-r1ci;.iltur<", i Madii 11\:<;, ?..'.:·a..,- . ·C\J";·s>, Com bh· '"' t l«.;:,1 )ill:.:.:,~- . cl::·>!. \lnt what th~~fa-n:.11 Pr· wen t':\. i ri, i;-rv v \ . ~ ,.-~r> 1 T ~Ta. l,n Cru ~ ner~: , 1----- Eb all 1ny k ind old rr~·:.'!!!d::; r..:i.:.1.j· ··nrn1· .And all t!it: young oner~ . t0·:i. · ~. Arrcl·zc!; t,hn!t ga,1·1nent\> ~tk~lJ' uii_~Jt:i .:r.:. fLi.shion,;; Lhat 1:t.!.·e nw;v: · [m,...;-M 'Vbe1~~ old ~,"' :.:ou ug-, u~ ,, !' f!··h11d.s, 1B!'~· \. V.'3,(' :)lJl C &;rcet1ng, b:;· R. . f']::' c ".. 'f ['._ ·---------~- ---- · ··--·~ H1 l0~., Il1 )\>1na.;n ·.1.1:._. ~t~;.>;;~ ;; the sale .>l HAVE t1. 1~1.. (~J ~ :<~I) !; < 1'If:JRDVOH lJ lf the l)l .. J1) 1 ·1· e ·,o "~ Ii· is ~·' n,.1-1:",-·L ~,._ l\.i ..v .. Nlgcll by r.rnny prominent _ Offers for sale one of the most extensive and complete asllortmentl!. of . physicia ns to bo tho most .Goods to be found in any country store in Ontario. J tcsti1"!1011ials l'eccivc·d l.. offer~ a~' his usuall y 1 ' ! ·~···sn ;.·s .;;;~~;;;,.t~; . . . & P arh1, .~ ,tn~i. ·H·:, :·tli'.\~~V{r~1..·\\\' """· ~i:.i.:r:ni1~tlf: . reliable ].) 1'Cp~ratior1 Qvcr i~ 1- C:S::EAP ; '· DRY G OODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOE:S, PAINTS, OILS, ;cROCKERY, PATENT M~DI<:;INES. · GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to order in the latest and mttst <tpJ. roved manner, 1'-nd on the shortest notice, from Fa.11hionable. and earehlly selected Clothes and Tweeds. Plat.;111 ··erla.rly recei vE!d. The faU:Rt New Yi>t·k Fashion · · trorhlcc!l fo;· the rclic:f mid cure of all J,,ung complnints, and b offered to the public, sanctioned by tho cxpel'icnco of ovcl' forty yc:m:i. \V hcn resorted to in scnson it. sclclon1 :fhils to c:UCct t~ r.:-,pcc(l 1l cure · in tho rnost~ Sc ye1~0 c-~s.cs of Cou_g;l:;s, Bro11cb1tis, . Ctoup, "\Vhooping . Cough, J nfluc11z:1, Ast!n:1n, Colds. Q r.i1 -, . ' ,.., , I.Jore l. n·or!t., l ~~ l l!:J or ~..Jorci1css i:i l !1 0 Chest :::1:1 Side, L i\-01-'· Co:~11;lui:1t , B -l '-..... · '"t1i~10" t.:i ~ I FAMILY Table He especially eallt attention to his choice lot of Shirti ngs, I Got up in rro wels, &c., &c. Gentlemen·~ and Youth's Suits the n~e;;t styles, and on t he chen peilt teruu, """ \:..l"' ' ~~·~ :1 ). ' -r· , t 11101 · ' "r ' . I'""Y'~· u ' ." ' ...... ..... "TIT1'E. :".l".·,' ' ' ~t .~ J3aLs<1iU cl0(.'8 not dry· u1) a Ayer;s HENRY ELLIOTT, Jr. Hampton, Nov lOt.h: 1872. Cough, und len'\'0 t'.:c t·:1 u:.:c behind, as i; l ~:l' c:1 «(' 1:it'.1 most prC>JXll'ut io:1::, b'.1t it I vV AHRANTED TO FIT. -~-- ~--- -~~-- ---- -·· ~- --- NO SECOND PRICE.I · T , PA.1.'F.0.:§01' ~ l;. y('\ .,..,!;'! v.Ji. .) Sarsaparilla " 1. ' \. Jlaubood : .How r.01tt, Dow I t · - effectual " remedies ~· ~l evcl' lli~covcretl for cleansing the ~yste m and purif) ing wid~ly linom1 t.1 one of the ~ most Is .it: ~ ~· die' uloocl. It hao stood tli e t e·t of ,. yeai:r-:, witl1 a· con- . ~tautly growing J'ep"- . -~-~ . · utation, bafctl on its mtl'lll:'lC- v1nuei-, _ant1 su~taine<l by its rc-.arka.b!e c: · re:-. ~o . ruil1l as to be Safe and ~ n(·!it·ia ! to c:hildr~1 n'i nnil yet fO ~ea1·chincr ~ tn ~-n~~;_·i11:dly p ur~ e '01 1t 1l 1c great co;. ' · , .011 . . uf .hv ii ioo..J , :·nd1 ns the -;. crofiilou!': ~n I ~yphilLi t: «ont,.r.11> in :11ioil . J mput·ilies, q: tti · C:.J.l'L'~ t1un La Ye h : l'k~d h1 tlte f'yste111 L:· yc:i.r ..... ~oon yk~h1 t u this power! anti-· u~~, a wl <Usappe..:t r. lie1H.:e its wonderful · 1L·n1·t·!', 111 any of whith arc pulilicly known, , . ef ScrofnlaJ all sc.:rofhlous disea::c~, l.Tlcer~~ !;";rupt. hn~:->, an<l eruptive tlis. orlleN of t}E-! skin, 'l~lu11.ors. Blotch((s, J~::,!ls. l':;In1ple;,, !,.u~tule1i, Sori~s~ S,t. , l'~i?·c, Rose tir EtySipe~x<, '1.'<~Her, Salt . lt!ieum; ~cald lle..~rl, Rin?l-YOrm, ;ind int.l!rna.l Ul- ~ind .. fectually removed y~·itho.ut mci~icines, an4 wit,h- and fo:t sale nt the above Dep(..t, NEl\V FRU.lT ' outd angero~1 s i.urg1cal _operahon..s. bou g1 es. ina.nd CONF'CTIO'"ER -I .itrument.s, nn g.~ or pointing out n. mode · ii. ·' ' Y, of cure at once certain and effectual bv which HOICE LEMON· ORANGE II.ND 11. eve.ry matter what hia condltlon may Citr p 1. 0 t '· L ~ be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and rad· to arriv~~ s~f. 'sh ) 1 e~, 1 Figs,d LeFimoli!ns, Orange:-i: lea.lly .,. , · i..· e .~ mon s, lucrts B~-a.zi1 · . · . a.nd \·\ a.lnnts; Kei11er·s Dund ee Marir.alade · Has one of the largest nnd best stocb of Sent unrlel" ~~al , i.u a pl ~1n envelope, to a n:ir "'d ! 'Vest India p~-c served Ginger. Pl · goods i'1 t-he Do111i!l ion, and v.-ould cali t:1pe>cia.1 ri ress. JW!ft naid on rece~pt of six ceuts or two T<;>matoes, Pea chcR; Green Pens.',O reehborn1:1!~d 11.nen(ion to t he same. · pm~t stamps. Luna Beans. Our DlJlninion ex.cel8ior fia..q ·bcr . · \\' .ti. 'TCHES , th e b c~ t , s_ , ·l b y r11y - 1 Addreiia the Po.blts'li~-rs, Vluegar.; Salmon Lobster 'a l:la.rdlnes . 'I'opmat :r)'. e l ec.,cl CHAS. I ' . ¥LINE, S; CO. Sa.u~e and Pick.le'e. 'l'hey h ave come and a~~ self, o fdJfferent grades to sul~ tiurchftsers. 127 Bowery. Ne w { 1 i P i; f..QfHce Box. 4586, coming at t h e Frnit Depot SHELL AND SHELLED OYSTERS. ' · CLOCKS.- An immense nnmber. that the awful conduc t of Sclf-Abufle may b eef- (without medicine) of SPERM ATOR· · RIHE \or Seminal \ VcakD<'P.8, In vol. unte.ry Semlnnl Losses, IMPOTENCY, Mental und / PhysicaIIncapoclty, Impedimonto to ?.farrlago,, WHO ·:!tc.: or sexual extravagance. - h..Price Inn. sealed envelope only l!lix cents. The world-renowned author, in this admirable · Lectur~. clearly proves from hiR own experience · edition 01 Dr. Cnlverwell'· {)ele· ' brnte·I Bt111'ay O'l tho radical cure Ju:~;~::::;ED,ANEwl I I F .R u I T Confe . c"ND, Q n e ry DEPOT --' 1 loosc:1s n:H l cL·a :,l5>'d c~~ll~·i-0 tho tl1 us rcn1< :·vi; ~··"( 1h<\ the comp i'.1in;: i'll~ : 1."'.H~1.: n lll""'H ... ,,, "o -' ~'ll'<[ · hnp,., \hJ':; 1""1 '; . ,,t1'c)'l t ~ ~'"~ l , I ! ot Bowmonvillo, Doe. 10, l81ll. ° wa "iT .!' n"o~ 1 J,, ~ Ji.5 v.,,..' ]'or restoring to Gray .Ifah: it& natural Vitalitr ::i,ml Goll)?. A n-r I StT".iI \V . _.\..~1 d. T OW~.~:: 1 ·~· l-, F.;0~~3 , l:ki~·.t r;!), lb.~'.l. · H P "L.T;:; ~s "ri ·;. ""),.d,.; r ..,g.-:at:rn'l.T 8URG· E~ON BEA-UTlFUI~ ! dr·»·~iug LE'SA.L ~' d R ETA.IL 1 ~t a1·1, · · · ~ Y(fST - - . "' _A RR IVED, . 1---------~----- I· I yEs , , Is IT . 1l s 0 ·! " r-;r-; T ,.-... i i::)11 GOL.. D ~II.. LINGS in ·r. t once :igreeable-, "healthy, au it efr~:..:tual fo r -. pr-~ :": u:vl?g :he t1:-h1r. it .s~o:: c A a ro Buckler 'I I j ARTIFICIAL TEETH . INSERTED AT A MODERATE FEF. THOSE wISHJ:KG TO H -' 0 I j , }i.ttthoay'fi · io.;.(~t·~\t:y~us Of t11e. Utei·u.~, Stomach, ~ilH i ...1J.·cr.. · It at:ffi cures other corn~, ;_.,.hi ~>. lo w1JiclJ it would npt ;!eem especi~.::.! t; ·~ .. i (l.11u.~d, Bueh a.f! D..:.·opsy, Dy:i\pep.'!i~~ '!~ ~·"if,~. 3~e-e:aralgin,Heart Disen~e., . . J."'f'tG,~!(1 \~l a:~r1rn~. Del>i!ity, ~nd :f~· ('iH.:~. erht HiJ:~ wh~""'n they r..J.·e ma;oiff:!t.n- i :,J'2." ef f'i'.i'1 ~-~ o,i~!1t ·"" . ' "'f" [ilt.: r· i? (11)1 :, 1~1·nf\ ;lon.5 poi¥Ju~. (·'~. ~,:1! 1 ,::.t"!t r;!! l' of health and ;t ·:1r~ r1f '~,,_\ :'- <):lt>On. , EYe:11rhare no di:::otder .·t.'·.:i:-:r ·.~r :· ) pt><.1{)l 6 fl!.i'l ·hettt:r, :o,nd livo lo11!!er f : ·t 1.' ~ , .~·. n~·i::i·.t th0 bioo<l. Tb.~ ~y1;:te1n tno;·e~ :-;-·~ · tr id. ;· t·nnwt~d v~1W :;.. .f\d . now ie-11~0 of i · il! ·r~1J·...:.(··." d!i: tl>.<rrtC!&~ion a~d lfatl"sseln.n~ i:·, T1h>. Sprir1~. By renewinrr the ,~ 1.1 ··: vl·;o!' (.'1. the !hfrestive 01~an!", o. ; ., ,·. NIFICENT !)IL CHROMO, TO SllMITE we n.ble. to o:fl'e.r a. oom blna..tion ofllti:iraey and of genui.rie worth, a.ud at prloes UD· SPRING OF 18'/'4. Pl"'<ellent<Jd. · Thts fine oopy of S l"!ec~ oi' ?'l"atnre'l'I gra.nd~irt. wnrk, is not preeented ln the otroal llmited e.tyle, - ·ti<! dlmenolon·. H >:. l!il. ro1>klng ·· yfot,ui·., at INYITE THE . ATTENTIO"' vezy de!!!ilrable !lz'e, in rtMlf f Pl t d J.' AN OR..~A:Z..fENT TO THE . .R.00].of oomple~e st~~f ti.ti. ,,d~le.ra to our loo-~ a.nd ATa.ocd by itM pre5encc. B u t 1ew oopi es 0 f th!s ....... ~·ra.I Ch tolllO -· ll';!'ltUi.i. Wl11 ~aJ1~~'1.i'!'tirli!': th· retail ""<>?'""' and thoo· . 1 ACTUAL RETA.IL PRlOF' .o. ~.M . . . .,,, ""' GR.APB V!Nll:S. SM.ALL nmrTS, wblle If ordo""1 In conneot.!on with OtJr Map- ; bot.I> will be $rn1~5 a.rtiet~o ~ork NEWCASTLE NURSER-IE8. YO SEMITE. . I I AVING ·CONTROL THE MAG- Trees,Shrubs, Plants. I , ' A ND TIIE CIHtOMO <iF 1 WORI!v is IIousehol d Magazine' ~owman.. mc,Dcc.10,~~~- ~N!nBs~AU ~. 'I Qua~ity t~e ~!!s~~~~!r~~~!~~· 20. no~ h tn gto G~LD ClI AINS) 1'.r-<\1)chcs, ~-l ng:-i: &c. i surpa ss hr! i1l L'. 1 Teeth E xtracted V./jth out Pai JSi ,( · 3HOUI.D COXSlJJ"T Tll:K1R F .o'..!t'tILY PJfi~SlCI~\N . lhe Pro-,, ~rwe. i a nd i:;ee llwm. Forks, C'lti::t.l to o. n~\ anJ ;Jt c -fl ne~i. qnal i l.y~call S I L"'{"F:J~ n'1d .E lectro pl:'.te S:)nnn:i and. ' i .J . EL.ECTI{O.J>J;:\Tn;D SETS in oTeat c 1 variety-the ·whole is a i1 imn1ense <.; took. , .i.L BRIMAOOMBE, L. D . ;;;, I · J. l j l : 1 l .----------~-----~WI--.-- stock -the be '.~t in llm world. ROGE RS''tl Cut!er,t-- a. full D S T Q T T , ])F]ALE'R i CffEMIST ·.A.1'1 D lo D . RUGG JR T .......~'Vlli LJ:.~ WE T.0Wl\' ffAL[; lJt.T lLDTNOS, T;()1J')lfA SPECTACLES - Special at.ten lien PiveJJ 1~1 fitting glass~~ to all d egree of xfght. f ... eilaro·e Htock in gol d. iSJiver, aud commou fntme~. Lai: med tJlu 't\dlkccpi~c1e11n~nu.\'lf'f'Orou1.. Its occasional use will prcn-t'.Ht ~· he h~i:: from t ul'ni ng gray or ±2.Binr< off, au.:1 consequently prernnt [,,;lclncos. T},., rest.oxatiun t\f vitn.lity it 8iYto:6 to tl1a sculp n.trt:isls ~tnd pl'evonhs ·;.Ge f.~°rl ..nation of da ndrnfl~ rrhicli i~ oft~n ~o ul!.... r~1ean1 y a:1d 06:e1~ ··. h- e . .Fr~ :f.i.·on1 tho8e d t:ho:o tcri·)n :~ ~nb~t a.nees to if.s - ~,~{,:.7 , :~;.;,l C{,lz(lr, 'l.(' tt~ ~};4 glf!SS and .ftesla;e.1';1 cJ':' flfnrih. ·. 1.«?-.iD l1nir is th ickeue.d, folti ng ~ 0 ;~ :c.oo <.ti<., trnl baldnc.·.s often, though no ~ ;ilw,"rc. iui-ed by it\: ll i'IB. N ~tJ1ing can. ~ · ~tof:'~, the hair ivl.1&m tho follicles are destroycd1 0 1· 'the glands atrophied irnJ decayed; Lnt ~uch as rt:main Cun h~ . saved hy i hio npp'Jication, and stiim:. · lated into a.ctiv ity, so that . ~ liow growth of hair is produced; · Inst~t>d ~f :'on~~n~. the ha~r with n._ I~a.s~y s~dJ· . r estari<iJ / G..-"f., ~ or qratt );,r:.i.i:- \Y]Jit"h 111ake Stan d rt F ard san do w 'a rU1't T rees ORNAMENTAL TREES, .me, o. -l 1\o!orrie & Ci;>,'s sp ectacles-a fa,rgF; i-;11pply sud v"ry lull ohcu.p. spectacles to i1t, al S.i£:hts-s supplyPebble ju.~t ar1·ived from E11; land m·d· oxprcosly t o order n.nd hearing my n·m" a.nd_ohpa.per than any ot her b1 tov:n or colllltry MUS, DoGGS~ AND CHE 1\11CALS, ~t'."'1""·e.·a.ll others tn qUlllity, ~It is a dedded fret, thnt oar st:ok J!re &'i.u.tHo, Patent A1ed.ic:.Ueo, l'0rftat!~1·y, Brushes1 C1..)r:o.bB, &a.11£,. P~~nt:s 3-<1,l (>i11'~ P a. int. Brus!~ ~ CGi'?J Oil, anti Cool Oil L:t,tnp~ ~z. c., &,~. ' prioo, and·exrstore a.nd · ' l'YY:IIC!ANi!' !'Rl!i'!Olt!!'T!ONS CAREFULLY COM.!'OU'j,;1JE'D A1"1'1 .l.l. L OltllEil8 C-ORRECITLY ANSWERED. Or. J, C, AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., .l'i· end 4.nnlytl.!:al C1unn4.Jt·. !IG#p P<' kLL IORUClOl$'I'$ ;z"'1n· wruma,. I . OJlino two y~r1111 a.dvOJlce, ~t ~l.00 1'1" ~P~\Ull sired. - Prowpt attention given to & l enqu111~·· COME SEE US-the good time, Ch:istAddre~'l>on·s HOUSEHOLD MA.GAZIIS'E. . J , p, LO".EKIN 4' 0-0., '""" >ncl New ).'c~r" Js·atha_ nd. ztne 4NJ.C~. or by su1>aorlb.intr for the :Ma~. by a. Pre.mtum th e plotnre rn.a.y bei A9en dlnsrustwo8n~rl()f.lonf4for ~heMa:fH ·~ ~~~·.f° 5138·Mew &nd ·RaredFBntlt and Oma.-rees, vergreen~ an ulbous .Jkiot.a.. Small Pa.reel s Forwa.rdod· py ) f?>\l lVhoq. !le, · J'iowo&·tl0Nur·or!o1 onr bea.nt.ifnl new I all INSPECT filled with cbnice d5 ROO · .:tud in·; a .. i·ious to 1he Jn,.iri t h~~ i:.,.'L; ..1 r c2a1 oltlv byn e fit~ bn.t not1 1Jan:1 i£.~ ~ lf 'vo.;-·::~d 111ort~l·;. · f~)l' a JI .1.111 ,D1't · i~~i~ni.'G - J "' ·" -'< i:;: ..... -.L..;.., no ..l11ng else can be fo .. ~d so d~..:..n·ab!~J. Conta~ning neither Oil nor <ly0. it dr>t'lS ;10~ tioil white cambric, r111d Yet lasts long on the, ,;ivin g it~. ric!~, gl~ ~(Hn c pet>pal'at-iorri:I (: .i ng-crn~Js lMtre, ?,nd a grateful peri',:l1"e. . . . . .TJIA'U~~ Nowbur1rh;N, ·Y . )' AAUON BUCKLER. Nn-OQtlo, J'o!t. S. 1871. '" PiJ." Farm«· ' ""cl Ph!Jlifoia.<J fT<YM ·l<l < «i<l ef t~· bwt q·.,,ii"1f, a._,. .Cov.a!.ty ,.;uJii>d o .r Prepared by Cr. J~ C. Aver iii. C:'l,. l'l~d: ttf M·di·i.,,.. "" .Pi.·a~t!c..,...1. .:::7til 4.n?-1.ytfe~ 1 Cnem.!~ · :t.-0 W.t:L:;;.i . l\!A~e. ,! -- _,.__· __I

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