AN EXPLANATORY EDITOR OFFICE-Post Office lllocll., KING o ritEE I VOL. XX. CLEAR INC OUT SALE THE TRAMP A1' THE BY LON HOlJlNG GLASGOW HOUSE. THOMAS PATERSON, to make rnom for Ins fall unportat10ns, 1nll for the NEXT SIX "WEEKS, Sell at Gre-atly Reduced Prices. VERY GREAT OFFERED IN Dress Goods, Sheetings, Sh1rt1ngs, Tr1n1m1ngs, &c., &c. N B - !\. laro-e stock of Amencan Cottons at prn;cs unprn b cedentcclly lo1> Dowmanville, July vO 1874 Fl.ECEIVED AT S ll BRA.DSHAVI' S OLD ST ltND, Stock I-Iavo you a y a.lnn1 'l BOOTS and SHOES, EXCELLING lN YARI ETY, NOVEL l'.I aml QUA. LIT J:.. PURC H <\.SERS PI EASE CALL AND INSPECT J. H. HANNS. Bowmanville ~!1 Extract fn m Hon at Aurora Hr ng it and '-'Olne c rr u1 n salt l l ey 'ere produced He pt lverizti<i them n1 xed them in equal quant1t1os then wet a small piece of cotto 1 cans.Ing the 10\\ dcr to adhere and placing it 111 my 1 hollow tooth I 2~tl1 1874 D. STOTT, CHEMIST AND DF.AI ER TN DRUGGIST 10JV.1'. llALL BL'ILDING8, ROJ-V;JIANJILLE. Druggs, Med1c1nes and Chemicals, Dye Stu118 Pate 1t Mcd1c1nes Pcrfun1cry B1 ushes Con hs S0n.1 s Pr1.1nts and Oil· Pa nt Brus! es Coal Oil and Coal Oil L mq s &c &c PYl:MICHN>< PRESCHIPfION~ CAREFULLY CO~!POUNDED AND ALL ORDERS CORREC!LY ANSWERED -;::..(ff 1 11ncrs (tnd Pliy.,tctan~ f101 t the ( u10 l1111vill jnid o r Stu k of ilfe lieu es coni et' ai d of the be>t qualtty SURGEON BEA. UTI.FUL FARrll: MACHINES GOLD FILLINGS A RTIFICIA,L TEETH INSERTED AT A llfODER HE FEl I HOSE "lSHING TO II 'I.v E Teeth Extracted Without SHOl LD CONSULT 1 HEIR F ~MII PHY SICHN Dov.; 1nnnv1lle Mal'ch 6 1873 J 1ll DRIM \.COJ\IBE L D S THE ELEPHANT HOUSE. T HE undersigned, 1n returning thanks to !us rnany friends and the public gcneraly for the liberal patronage extended to him during the eighteen , ears begs to announce that from and after the 15th September mstant same bus1nesss but more extens1~ely, under the name and style of JOHN l\fcLEOD Prompt p i.ymeut of all notes and accounts is rendered impera.h't'"c: bus1neos arrangement and all persons indebted will please take notice and themselves accordmgly Bow1nanv1llo September 4 1873 JOHN McLEOD J"OIIN McLEOD & CO. LD sohc1t the san1e liberal support and patronage extended so long to J oHN in the running of the 1 ad in each and e,.:ery year In the cage of tnanufacturers, mechanics and others whose accounts m-ay a:rnount to $50 or o'er, their note 1f agr-eed upon will be taken payable at the TlaRk for a Jltated period The cash purcliasers md prompt payers on short ingv;urk v llin~olveanenorrnousexpend1 the conv1ct1on that tllf~ n1a 1agemcnt of th.a lJn1ted States 1A1th Its present tc fltory 12 turc approximatmg to $36 OOC 000 and Jlll~t lS difficult a task a~ tho1r hest rnen q_ ueshon l'Iattero cannot d r rt n1 1oh 1 1ntlthttit \:Ould l otbev;1se ctnacuomp1rn1 Stool.t large aJH! well assorted A splendid variety of COOK, HALL, PARLOR after its co1nplebon \\111 invol\:c an onor n1ous annu-al charge ( n the revenues of the longer as they ha'c drifted h1tl erto Tho Tieaty of \\ ashu gt n pioduced a ~cry I to add to their existing comphcat1ons and aiiJ 00j1: STOv ES for COAL and WOOD. cc nntry for its running expenses and I piofoun 11 nr ress < n throughout this con d1ffioult1es by any such unw1eJctly accession 1 JOHN McLEOD & Co doubt mnch ifth ..tsee ion can be kept open tIJ It pro<.lu<:c l feehn 0 thn.t at n d stant or unman-agea.ble increasB as tl U3 great do cll'lW of trad-0 c:red1ts ;,.vlU a.h~flys get goods at prices cut fi1le as our great aim will be to conrt t1 1 t! turus 01 t to be pr tct1ua.ble as an engu1eer I <' G( IT 1' fra111es~Prrnon window...,