CANADIAN ST.i:-1\_TESMAN, BOVfl\if~~NVILL:E, THE TJIUR~l>A¥, 0YFftBER 22, 1874. Dominion Organ BOWMAN\ l1 L Ayer's ro ' ov. NEH"" OF Sarsa pa rill a I WESTCOTT Feb19183 30tf Propert: -AND- 1 1 Dt:.A CHED RESIDENCES lNSURE I our. PROPERTY IN THE i;;ncuH11ral Immrancc Co -AND- R1A.GES! Save Haif Your llfone; HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN Head Office HAIR RENEWER 1 IIs the only perfected and WORK, !DON< MANNER sc1entdically prepa1cl lprepat atton of its I md RESTORES ever offered to the pub!tc, and has no competitor GRAY m merit By its use GRAY HAIR i . soon resto1ecl to its 011g1nal youthful color nncl Im! ITS ltaucy, which is so much OPJGJNAL aclmu eel by all Pernons whose han ts tl11n orfallmg COLOR, out w tll by the use of our PROTulOTES Rene"\) er,soon see its good ITS effects as bv its Ionic and I ·tmmlatmg p1 ope1 ties the GROWTH han glands w111 be rnmtecl 1 ancl the Lau grow tl11ek and strong ag nn In cases of Baldness 1t will c1rnte HA IR To SPLENDID IS A TRY AND DRESSING BOTTLE AND mn cs tl e scilp whi t OWE mHIC KB fiiT clean ! it t· tl e UP best an 1 11 ot NEWGASTlE NURSERIES. THE THIN Stan~ar~s GRAPn "\ [NES CllliAI T GENT'El'lrnN R AND BO"Y ~GU{ ME::_..i I H n ado in the nc vest ::ict les A~D- So Ho' Gt:nHen1en of' Fa§b· UH! not so flust. Con fect1onery DEPOT nun LINE TO ROuHESIER Commencmg on or About Apnl3 1st JVJIOLES iLE a1Hl RET 1 IL NORSEMAN, fJ. lYIOOT{E'S C-> ODS' fV I?gazine AND Tlif CHIW~10 R UR Al N E W-Y 0R KER, Aye r's Hair Vigor, For restonng to Gray Hair its natural V1tahty and Color. A ICE HOT COFFEE & ~ I OILSI'AINTR 1 COLOR~ 'i'ARNISHES and \\ lIITELE ~ gg1sts