,. CANADIAN STA'l,ESMAN, .BOWMANVIJ..JLE, THURS.D AY, .JA~UARY 7', 1185. } " · ;' ' c' · · ·· · · ' ).. . . . .· NEW AT ' i . "- ' . ,. I 'THIRTY t" . (30) . ~ ,· _; - DAYSf . _, " ' I ',:-~,..,.. ' 'I ;~ ·l{~CBL~TEB, Ho.us~ ·... ·. · Made, do. Plaids, do. Merinos, do. .]! rench Reps. ·· ~"'~ AND A. FULL ASSOlWME~T OF (l;ENERA.L DRY GOODS: ~,.· ,.,.., - .. · A'.kL WOOL Di~gona)~, do: 1j£> me . "· .. . ' . '·. . . ' TJ0WMANVIL~E,Septen1bcr ~~, 1874. /MR· OR TA NT . ·., > ·.A ··· _ JOYOUS EXCITEMENTT · . . Bros.' sales have beeri. considerably ' . in advance · of those of the corre.: ""' '· """~ AT THE l'3pondirig .months. bf any. previous CHEAP BOOK, -STATIONERY) FANCY coons AND TOY year! '\\TAJ::, H OTJS E, . "·· . . . . . . . ..,-O'Har:a's Old Stand, - " Townr Hall Buildings.JAi . - . -IN~ ' TlJ.e avitj.ity witli whicP, Barg~in.$' ROBEI~T EAS~O'.N, =Proprietor. . . The subscribe~·'s stock consists of a very large assortment of Books, , .,.. . . lJ.aye lJ~~~ Seized,,and tne rapfdity: Stationer1e\!ci~~~y.~~f::~:~~!t~.~f~~~~·~~.~~~truments, A..l,Jc l"l~:N!·· e~, "~ . ·g : witli which Custom. & -Ready-~ade · -. .... ;R., :EASTON shows a very large lot of Cheap 'Vax ·Dolls. I Cl UJ ... 1· r1 ·ofJf.JCJlfJ _ , . ..· .. v (/ Ill(/ Clo.th . i.n .·g.,, ·, o , vercoa .ts, , Sh~wls,.. D~. ess~. A $1.50 Wax Doll - - .. for: $1~25 ·: _ " I . .: . · ""~ ' . _ I A $1.25 wax Doll· · - - -for $1.00 · . . . , ;.~:.. . -. . . G:oods,Blal1kets,Furs,Buifalo-robes/ 4 '$1.00 Wax Doll - . . for $0:75 . .·. ~ · · . ' ~ · · . . . . ~. _ ...... ·< · · and Winter Goods generally, have ;s ·h· A$0.75Wax Doll- - .. . -for$0.50 CR·OCKERY AN:O · GLASSVV.A~RE:. .-~ /' · 1e.tll.. the· ef'<ttdb · ·1 ·1 · """. ent· sh ····: · ·· ·.··· t ha · t", 0 And same discount on \V ORK-'ROXF.S; and a much larger discount on DRESS..... .1 lJ 1.LL lNQ-cA:SF.s. ' ALBL'~Is-a · . $1.50 Album. for '$1.00, a goo'd Albunj for' 30c., the ··1·r .l!J~ Tri~ . ·T< TIIN · .SI;,f':rE s. T·.o c..1"..r . ..a··n-:3. t"'t.. _ . ·a· : C;.tbine't )llbnn1's at: half price. Also, a very large assort1nen't .!!I V ~ \4 LL framed, consisting of Plain & Colored J,ithographs, Oil.and Black Chromos, " · '· . and Cabinet Pictures very cheap. ' .:.,_ · . ~.... "~ LO PRICES asked have· b.eeri -On and hcfore the 22ntl R. E. will g've a I NOTICE rloll~rs f-- '11y apprec1a - · t ed . tb" 22 .. a inst. tn inclusive, pre·ent every u· ". , ·haoe. . F>m1ilies buying to the amount of $10.00 will have a very liberal discount, ........ 6 TT :E i ~ -.::r ~ :E l. &::!. - -' lt.llii~~~~[~;~"' O'Hara's o1ri stand, Town Hall Building, Bowruai1ville.- ..LY..I.. ._, . ~ ·.~ .....,., " .. . .' ' .~ ...a::::::» r;:;;::;, - !Ill ft 't ft " Ar A. ' ~ . · ..T ~ v ~ C_ f)_eap xM A i3ci.o6ct5."' I ~ <, ,, ' ·. ,. .·· 1 .·.·.·N ·. ····· O . .· y· . -N · ·.· · OE·· ·M · ·[..··.·I·~v·· .r··.,, ·/twhich t6 , make their WINTER · 1PURCHASEf?. ' . , · ·, , :. ·l ·For the ~past 2 i.nonths·· McClung The discerning public have e\rii dent1y discovered the right place at : . . - _ ,, / ' --. - . :·. ~ . ·' . . . -· · : . GREAT,, REDUCTION ' ' , ' ' ·' ' ' ' . . ' Ol'tl'y "oo ,,8 . . -- ' . J'lo, 7t,.J,,j'n · ·· . } . · · ·l w ·· Q LU «· ' of,PICTURES '" - w · . . . ·· ' . .. · . · Dece1nh~·r beautifulPapier- :. _ (rorn -· mache PoRTFnJ.TO to -all pers_ (>118 bnyr1lg four Fel>'y h t; 1875, Sl\UJC -\\·orth of g-oods; a.:-i9. for $5.00 pur· ' ·o c· 0 'rJiePeople's C,heap Warehouse. 0.uR MOTTO....;...~iA nimble six-pence iS be"tter than ' a-slnw ROldng shilling." _ ·-:.. i .·_ , _ n. .f.1'- ,Y .j I .LV.L~~~ . · ,,, Bowmimvillc,Dccemberl7.18!!.. ROBERT EASTON. having decided to make a change in their business, 1 W~ b. ~gto announce llOO To'-'the Electors of West Durham. RUBBERS AND FELl OVERSHOES. that_wc sell ,al'\ Bootsana ,jA . Shoes at 10 per cent. discount for CMh 1 for BO days obly. \~ill ki~1d.s ot ·. ·ES jI .SOLD AT COST Felt · Gaiters, i. . 35 GAS. E-S I I 35.OAs l?<JR THIRTY DAYS. ! ' . ' Felt Overshoes. Felt Overshoes. 1 Pait'l< J\fisses' 13uff I 35 ('IAS·ES l Grain \Ve!: I Balmorols,at$1.50, only. \ U lingtmrn, $1.50, only. I Felt Overshoes. ·. Felt Overshoes. \ and 30· da·ys 30 · dayS j\ will at p~r c't. discount fur cosh. i. J OO Pairs Men's whic.h wilJ bo .· ! Rf· N. ·o w··. . ,. · SE ..L'l· · .· N .-· . s. ·. ' ·f .: .o . · ,· R " .CA SH Greater Attacks than .·e_ver . JForthe next . · . D .-A~ -Y-S · · . · ·, ~ . , , .· . . will be made I Greater Inducements than ever · will be offered 1 ,, Greater ·Bargains than ever . - - · . will be giv~nl ao · '. ' ·-. :J 'ou:t·: , _,~ .1 · .' · .. ·. . · · · P'ebal and for cash 10 Ca.seil Children's at for_qash their large and well assorted .stoc_ k of 1 1,000 I_)~i_rs vf \Von1 en 1s,}\1isaes' BootS, be sold 10 Chil.d ren's ( I j . 30 DAYS ONI... Y. is gomg on, at . : .·· I DRY GQ.Q:OS, j;T'Call early and make . you!·selves· .happy, while t.he t-ush..2tl' . . _. MILLLNERY; - CLOTHI"t'~G, 1· . · -. "· · l Anderson&Co's Boot&ShoeEmporium. · Bow1ni..nviJle, -Deceulbe; . 10: 187-'-L ALL Boirmanville, December 3, 1874. · " OOJY-l:E ! ...<'> ( ~"\ CROCKERY AND G LASSW A:RE, · . . .. .. ·. ~---:- · /'-_ ....:...,·= ~ · 'r-- ~·-" -.,_ :~ ; -, .. ,Floods. a re - -· Now here r _,;...... .- .· , ·. . . . , . -. , .-" -·---:· - - l\N. .· . . "~. r . A· - m I ' - ' .L 1 . , . ...,. PRE:f ARE FOR Cold Weather. -----..----· . ,. ,,. _, ·--- - - - -" ' -:>-i "'(/ ",_. AVALA.JlVCH-E I ·.· 0F GOODS AT . ·.· . . ·r . I . I . [ I s~ F_ J3: I . 'L- 1 IJ 7 S .. IThe_stock having been purchased in the best ma,rkets, . . ,_ 1 STOVES; STOVES . 'STOVES. ... - -. -Silks, 85c., 95c., and $1.90. 1 .· Womens wfiite·Cotto.n Hose Sc. · WhiteMarseilles,Quilts. -· $1 .25. r Lace Curtains .:.. $1.00 pr, . · buyers can depend on getting · · ' · · · The subscribl r in ret.uring tha11ks t o his numerous friend s ·and cus tomers in Bo1"· inan:vilJc and surrounding country, for liberal support extended · to him in the past, begs . lo stato tliat _}le has naw <?ll ha1id 1 and cqnstant~y arriving, the- largest " and best ass<:>I'i.t:U t:Ht of 8 ·~ 'I ~~:;:i~o~~~~· White . Dress Shirts, . : . - ~1.25. \ Gr~y Cottons, - 7~ c. per yd. \ Tweeds · from 25c. to $2.00. I ~~~:per::Yd· IMore,j},813,tterBoo~sfor less Money .· ·· · · · ,., 1 Coal and Wood; COOKIKG, PARLOR and HALL , STc)VE 'S ever offered ' for .so.le i_ n this place and which will be sold at the very -( AT -THIS EST.At3LISHMENT 0 ~· P>'· Prin~sN~~ A~~~;lr, ~rtce. Fashionable Felt Hats. 1 THAN AT ANY OTltltl ltOUS! 0 tN Ttta COUNTtlY; ·1 ·Lowest Prices. I I HARDWARE, HARDWARE, . HARDWARE. In this depart my' stock will ·be found ' co1npleto .eriibritcing _-e verything· kept _in , this-liue, all -" of which haviug been p ~u· .. -. chased for CA SH in the best home and foreig_ n xnar~et_s, and at botton1 prices., eri- · . ; ble 1110-to .~11- at ·-\'ery I,OW FfCWRES . 4 ·' , ---;:"~ ID ·Ontarto ·Call fa r . l y.anrt 8ecur:e Bargains, as the wh9le stock' I . 1 -td P> · ' ./ ,. i must be sold at once. · Ul ··· · ' _j ·.·-· ,,,_ F'Oit The Best Patroni~ ecf, Most Thorough and Practical BusinGss ·· School in ·Canada. ,,i.n Institution for Bu sine"" Training, where Boys, Young and MiddleAgoo. ·111en ca)l procure an Education suited to the wants of every day life. TINWARI, ,. :TINWARE, TINWARE, . Mr .. F. T. HOSKIN~ st:1fficient m t:tj· The Grocery departmen:t · is now complete with · A FULL . SUPPLY OF ' 'th~ slibjecto taught are jitst su·ch as every Merchant, Farmer, Mechanio and Profe·· _, . ., ( .- . sional ]r:I-an· require in t.ransactidg ~very day bnsin..:ss, and embrace the following: is still at the head of .t he department, a guarn,ntee that all = wor k eut~t~st ~~ cd to him in this liue will be WELL attend. ed to and satisfaction given. 8 8 I ·by ·Single and Double Entry, Spencerian Penmanship, (fommerci.al Paper, Banking, Steamboating, Correspondence, Arithmetic, .Brokerage, Spelling, Commercial Law, Practical Grammar, Mechanical Drawing, Actual Business Cou rse, Telegraphing, Phonography, etc. ,oUr Couf5e Of Training is under the s11pervision of ' ~qok,Keepina ·' TOE lllGDEST PRICE IN CASH FOR HIDES. - · -, . . . 15EVEN COMPltJTENT . A.NP EXPE ~IENCED TEACHERS. G00I>S1 REMEMBER THE STAND, ,OPP OSITE OXTARIO BANK · : . . · ~ T. BASSETT. ·. ! ·. . ·~ I . ( ... 'l