fThT r ,fbdit~UUUl I is 'prin cd and pu!'llsheil Eve1·) l'hni·sday iU01·n1ng by the P1opr1etor: 'V Th-.1. R. 0 LI :N1 IE Lt t) C OFFICE-Post Office Block, INQ STREET BOWMA"VILIE ONT NI<; \:V TA..ILOR SHOP Dowmanv1Uc October Ii 18"'4 GLASGOW HOUSE Subscriber begs to inform public that his Stock is now- Very Complete, and ernbraces an immense variety ir1 MERKLAND -OR- S E L F · 8 A. C R I F I C E. & Fancy Dry Goods, R"Cir<lBIE FOR THE PRESENT SEASON HIS ATTENTION HA YING BEEN ESPECI ALL Tl GIVEN TO THE' CLOTHING E> E PARTMENT, Hi ~RIET1: AND CHE;\PNESS AS ~ELI .\S Ql: ~L!TY HIS CIOHiti um 1"EEDS "ILL BE FOOND GEN1S SUI1S ..,p~ and 011 the Shm test Notice :rr~ .i\lw-ays on hand a Large asso1 tment of T ,ible Lmens, To" ebngs, Sheetings, Blanl,ets Cai pets &c , &c I OI - REAL ESTATE. go1deJ· THOMAS PATERSOf'J. Bown anv Ile Oct 22 1874 D. CI-IEMIST AND llOW~'llAJ'. P01VN IfALL 1Jl T 1LIJIJ'.GS, DEA! ER IN J I/,LE. Drug gs, J\.[ed1c1nes and Ghem1c21ls, Dve S utis Pa e 1t l\fcd1c1n 8 Pe fun er\ Brushes Colnbs Soaps Paints a.nd Oil· Pamt Bru,hes Coil 011 ai d Cool Ou 1 omp· &o , &c PY'.lSICI\~~ PRESCR!lllONSCA1ElCL11 CO~flOUNDEDA"D AIJ onn;ms COltUECILY ANSWERED ftlir p t.rmei 'f and Physic1ai .s from tl e Count1 y V.?ill jtnd o etc and of the best q'Uahty H Stock of Med c\-n~s co1n IRA ST13 VENS Begs to mfoun I , numei ous custo i "'" said THE ELEPHANT HOUSE. ers th at he is now J c_pa.1 e t d sh up OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES Prompt pa.)inent of all notes an l accounts 18 rendered i1upe1nhvc h.) tlns business arrangement and all persons indebted w1 l please take notice and JOVern REMEMBER Bowmanv1Ue September i 18 3 .JOHN l\foI EOD \NY LL IE, WHEN ABOUT Bu_} mg } om Chustmas Treats J"OHN McLEOD & CO. / solicit the same liberal support and p{tronage extended so long to .JoHN Ay do i btle,. And was not J nes ~yt n as neett of k11 to bun ns me and Ralph Fal ne1 nearer To tlunk oil any iuo1tal in his senses pnss 1 g O\ er the pt'! 1n1su g lads to leave s1ller dl8carded the old system of long credits and will conduct their credit bu· ness as all occonnts will be rendered on the 1st .January 1st l\fay and 1st September In the case of n1anufacturers mechruucs and others whose class of trado Will find a splendid assortment at I I Stock large an<I w.@ll OMovt.edL A splendid variety of COOK HALL, PARLOR WOOD Iand 1%}:K STQn!il!, hr. OOAL a.nd JOHN McLEOD & Co J '