~ ~1n~$1mna I s 1lr1nted a 1d pl lis hed g I !. I Every i'h1Ul' i!ida ~ 1'11.m·ning by tl1e Pro1 r ctor WM. R. CI. . I1VIIE at the OlFFHJJE-Post INQ omee Blocl·, ON I STIU:E I Bmi ;\:! 1..NVILLE 'rOL. XX. I FOR THE vi'lnl e thanl.rng those dunn \\110 WINTER ham so liberally patrnmzed lmn Ihe farmer peer esa da ghter 'J hero c nnd lily on h e1 cl eek 'logeLher love to cl well ll e pist \ell the sub,cnbe1 would mTite their attention as >1ell bas that of the general public to Ins carnfully selected ~tock of \VINTER BOOTS A:t-iD SHOES, Bouoht fo1 C,ish m the best markets, and will bP sold CIIEAP-QUALI'IY CONSIDERED Please call and cxamme for y ournelves Don t be humbugged ny ,;lar mg and lill.pudent advertisements but get value fo1 your money "' J. H. H~AN NS. is as usual at his post and offe1s a well assorted stock of G-OODSI AT EXTREMEL1'. LOW l'RlCES all can prove b:> -OR- GLASGOVV HOUSE. The Subscriber begs to inform th e public that his Stock is now Very Complete, and en1braces an imrnense variety in SE LF·SA.CRIFIC E UH ,.p lER ' -OONTB U ED Staple & Fe.incy Dry Goods, SU T.a..BI E FOR THE PRESE~T SEA " ON HIS ATTENTION IT'\ VING BEEN GIVEN 10 IllL CLOT f-II CLO t~ lF~ G DE Pi\. RT l\.1EN1~, TN VARIETY AND CI'E"-PNES S AS \\JUT AS QU1l fT Y P I S AND T" EEDS Vi 11 L BE r OU:ND :B01 S AND Sli I l S ~ 71 Got up m the \ cry Best Stv le and on the Slim test O~ THOMAS PATERSON. Uowmauv11le Oct 22 1874 STOTT, DRUGGIST CHEMIST AND . T0117.N HALL Bt!ILJJI:!IGS, EOlVMANVXLLE. D. DE,LER IN Druggs, l\.1ed1c1nes and Cherr11cals, D ye Stuffs Patent 1\i ed1c1nes Perfumery Br1~she ... , Combs SG'J.fS Paints and Oils Pamt Bru·hes Con! 011 and Coal Ou .Lamps &c , &c P"l:'l:S!CLi N~ PRESCI\IP1IONS CAREFULLY COM! OU'<DED <\ND ALL ORDF RS CORftEClLY ANS\\EHED ~ F a 1rncrs and Phus1cuins /101n th Coiwit1 y w-1ll ) ind o ir ele and of the bd q"ality THE ELEPI-lANT for the !Jber il patrona 0 e extended to 1u1u during th e past that fro1n aud after the 15th Sep einher instant s une bu.-,u1esss but n1ore extensn cly uu ]er th:::'.! namfl and style of JOHN l\IcLLOD & Co of th<> Pr on1pt 1ay1nent of all notes and accounts is iendered raperatl\: e b5 ti is JO business arrangeme nt o.nd all pers ons indebted will please take notice and ern themselves accordingly Dov.man'l1Ue . : : eptember 4 1873 JOHN McLEOD J"OHN McLEOD & CO. 1JTOULD sohc1t the same liberal support and patronage extended so long to J OHN VV MuLEon and take tins opportunity of mformrn~ t he public tlrnt they ha'e d scarded the old systern of long credits and will conduct then credit buR1ness as f llo-ws all ncconntsw1ll b e r endered on the 1st January 1st May and 1st September 111 each and every jear In the case of nlanuftct 1rers mechanics anrl others whos-e LADIES accounts n1ny amount to $50 or over the1r note If agreed u pon will be t aken p 1.-,a.ble at lhe R:tn k fm a stated period The cash purchasers and prom pt p ~yP rs on sh rt W \NTING BERT I~ WOOL\\ ORK an l othe fa l-., Goods credits w1ll nl\\ays get goods at prices c1t fl ue as onr great rum will be to cou1t. t11 . FOR fIIT HO LID \ YS, Will find a splend l lSsortment at Miss 0"1Jl"J&nT class of trade Stoel:: I \rge and well assorted ! splendid rnriet) of COOK HATL PARLOR STOUG HTO~ s 2\1 and BOX STOv ES for CO !\I and ' ' OOD Jl(\ Dee 115th 187:l .TOHN McLEOD & Co