CANADIAN STATESl\'IAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1875. Organ for Sale ! A BARGAIN· ORGAN (Dom1n1on Orgnn Co n1akc~ can be had for Ct-. SH-Cheap b~ apply1ng at 1lie STAT SM.AN Office Bowma.nv1Ue IFeb 1th, 18'"'5 A PERFECTLY NEWJ'IRST C'L<\SS F. F. McARTHUR, F. F. McARTHUR, OF THE OF THE McCLUNG BROS. marking down their prices view of taking stock. . lll l'or ~:1le. PIED b.t Dr RF.TD, w1th half an ll giound T 1IE 1IOUSE AT PRESENT or Adn1i11istr.atm·s' Notice. In the GooJ., of WILLIA l\i GEORGE BORLAND, D eccased Pe1sons desirous of tf'lrcnasluog can B}JJl DR ItEI B E A v L I~ E~ v L A E B They will make it an object for customers to purchase, even though their purchases n1.ay be kept over for next winter's use. The goods included 11'1 the subjoined list will be disposf~d of at SPECIALLY LOW PRICES. So, for BARGAINS that are really :?V:Orth calling BARGAINS, -;}TOU must gp to McCLUl';;J"G BROS. 1 ~ Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For D1sea.sea of the Throat and Lungs such as Coughs, Colds, Whoopmg Cough, Bronc111t1s1 Asthma., sal e l'1ne and J-I..,n-:i 0( l l.tnnber l · , i Po,.t<>. and Conh\ ood l l larg e )l Rmall ql twH Enquire at lhompson & Bui ns offic· J \ME§5 V! T HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS J THE WANT SUPPLIED. ha'\Jng hitherto been i n con-\enrnn<Ad ln not being able a t hmeR to procure: fl.el el< the un ders1gned hllerl Lh~ 'r anL by t ho e s tab B R a.nd Consumption. B T HE PEOPLE OF BOWMANVILLE 111 hslunent of a Denot fur the t.raffw G 0 0 G - ~ COAL, WOOD, LC 118Ell, SHINGLES, LATH, POSTS, lli\Hll!H STILL CONTINUES STILL CONTINUES LADIES Bri11g in you_r wife and daughters and the BIG SLEIGH; those lniserable cutters hold nothil~ When you see our prices yo11 will not be afraid to buy. Special Bargains 111. Grebe Muffs, TO TO . W ANrINU BERLIN v\OOJ, \\ORK and othe1 fancy Goods, Ladies' Woolen Jackets, FOR THE HO LI D \ YS, Will find a splendid assortment at Th'I1ss Sro-uanroN s 20 SELL OFFI SELL OFFI A.. ".1." AT C O S T .. c 0 s "Jt"" 0 ~ Cross-overs, Sh.awls, EARTHENWARE, Breakfast Clo\vds, Shav.rls, &c. &c , Blar1kets, AT UNHEARD O:F Horse Blank:ets, PRICES 1 Railroad Wrappers, Over-Coats' ~ Pea Jack:ets, CHINA Gent's Plaids, T ·adies' Skirts, &c. Winter Dress Goods at Bl~EATH TAKING prices! GLASSWARE, JJTif } ou thmk this too good to Le trne, don't behe18 it. Call and see for yourselves ' PiiY.PARED BY Dr. J, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., J'ractlcal and Analyt1cnl Cheuusts. SOLD DY .A LI. Dh.UGGISlS EVEH.t\\HEI\.E Ayer·s Sarsaparilla McCLUNG BROS. Company's DEALER IN FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Seeds, Bulbs, Flowers, etc, etc flist :\.11 TretHfu11ushf':d hy 1\fr-i: C are gunr:1nteed t:la~:; NEW PUBLICATIONS SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION, Q aull 11 ue Io Address, n~une (2GJ P 0 Box5a, Bo"\\n1an; 1lle 0 · ··trnqucstiou1bly tl e best !iill~ ! .lil«i~l or the ]{il' ~ RU th. " P OJ_!._~· "\~o. k A. Auction I' ILL BE OPENED IN z P::u ts I II III and I\: arc now ren.dy. Harper's ltflagazine. ILI~l:TS-:'RATED MR w r 1'001T s 13 ot and Shoe Stcrc u1 B·l\rnuinv1l1e, on Q Teeth Extracted Without Pam By order , .A.ss1stecl by l\f 0 NDAY, i:i.t 11 o cloc l a. n1 and FEB Y 1st, i o dnc { p m, and SUTTON'S J M BRil'vf<\OOMBE, L D S G D LOCKHART, L D S 18~4 FOR THAI' >I EE;{ .lt. Lat ge Stuck o! UISURt-HOUR MIS[tllANY. fo be con1plPtCll 111 40 parts issueU fortntg-h t ly l nch pa1t \\ 111 contain an el"'gant fronhl'IPH t c DRY GOODS to he ofiererl or1g1nuUy cn,,ra; ed on stt!el for the Lon don Art Journul z 0 F BRAUN, December, Dept or Pubht; 'Yo1 ksi: Ottai,.\a Jan 16 187u I l SCOTT 23111, 187:> S RDRDE~ REPRODUCING al a 1n u ~ " 1tl 1n tlrn norrnl tr reach, engravmJ?" ne> 1 l liefo1e offerer1 at less tha·t .fivei times the !l.lllOUilt Oysters! ()ysters!! Oysters!!! IR ....~ STII.VENS BeQ'R to mfm m his nume10us custolnc1s that he 1s no,.; prepared to dish up 26 O°"VNEI~,.,; OF These plates have been t11e attractrnn of Pro pert;' -AND- 1'he~ondonArt Journal. Ile has fitted un rooms -where pa1 1ief'l < u1 int down and en 10' a dish RESIDENCES. ll\SUllE iOUR PROPER1i r:; THE I ;Tiff' BEST OYSTERS IN ot the TOWlC~ Agl'icullnral Jn,.ununce -AND- ~'o At a Cost of' 2.i Cts a Part PARTS T ] f & 111 AHi~ Ha if ] 'our ]/Ione;'. Office for Canada, Krngston JuS'I Pvn11sut<:n THE ART JOURNAL '.l'be Cheapest ;,1u~ic Pnb- 1 ic !<ihc1l PROSP[CTUS oftlie LHORISTtR Kno,\1ng that Choi r ~ Glee Clubs o,nd Choral Societies have long fel t the want of good Ch orus ]'.fus1c easy orexoo t1Jn anclche:i.p in .form the subscr bl I aims to mei>t tlns Vi ant 111 T HE ONLY RELI \13T, R GTF'r DIS 1 ltlU L l lO:\ In tbe counLr)· riiE CHOJUSTER $75,000.00 IN VALUABLE:. Gl.FTS! To be c ' istr1buted m L D SINE'S l7lst regular mon~hly Gift Enterprise! To oc drawn Monday Februar~ 22n<l 18i5 Tv. o Grnnd Cupttuls of $5 000 00 Each 1n f ~Stf D D CALVTN, M P P 1'.,..e have examined in to the cond1tion ancJ standing ot the Agr cultu1al Insn1arae Company, anll do full3 concu1 with ~Ir nu en 1n recommending 1t tC' the Farmers vt tn1~ Province, as ODP i)erPectly safe and relrn.h1c 1u '" l1Jch to rnsure the11 pro petty J C Cr ARK, BankE>r, J CARROTn&:ns & Co GlCo A K1RKP.A1R1crr, :rw. B M B.1u1'10N We would 1cfcr v.pu to thl.1follo-w1ng ~en demen 1 1n r~gnrd to the rcspons1b1I1tv o "le Compan-; -D Fisher, Esq, Cnsti1f'r.of ae 0·1tfLr1f P1J.nk 1 Jno McLPoll, M P, r, J B FallhallL Esq tPostmaster 1 J E Farewell Esq , Ran rntcr Agent for Cobonrg and v1c1n1l.), 0 NE PUIZE p Oo0 T \\ o Pll!ZES $500 I 1 VE PRIZES $100 ft ac , in ~ t r. ror THE COMPANY, .,g )Ia1den Lane, Ne'" Tork. Drs WILLIAM T FlSH '\\ h. ( LIJ!JE, Loe al .Agent &:t Bowman- I SURGERY, SILVER STREET gcry, 01 a t Dr rtt:Hl s 1cs1Clcnct..: L D SINE, "ox 432 23.r N"1gb t calls an~wc1cd at Di Bo) le" old sur Cincinna.ti O