' §u1.n~ ! House Wanted, T O K E E P AH E A D! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF --ft.ND- find a tena.nL by ap pl vulg at the STA l .&:.':!MA.N othoe 'T'e ·tuut will a ~tce to t ake possession lLllY tin1e before the fir st uf April A NY PERSON HAVING A HOUSE to r ent, suitable fot· a. L a m1ly of three, co.n Confectionery - -- - - WAN'l.' ED AGEN'I'§ M Il\1MEDIA T ELY. EN OR BOYS CAN MAKE FROM THE LATEST DESIGNS IN TYPE, BORDERS, ETC ., HAVING RECENTLY BEEN ADDED TO TH E . are marking down their prices in view of taking stock. - -- :- -- McCLUNG BROS . DEPOT. WIIOLES.1LJ~' I rin d R17TATL JUST ARRIV::O:D, and fo r ,. , ±le a t the above Depot ~"P:Vi' FRU rr antl CONFEC 'l'IO~EnY . $\.I t o $8 per da:. BusinesH :pleasan t 1tnd l1 onora.blc, with no 11Sk.s. ll'or pa1t1CUl.\rs apply to Bbx 257, -IiUsha>\ a, P O, Ont. (28-3~n . ) ground. T HE HOUSE P IED bJ Dr. R E I D, 11 ith half an ni:-.n~ a! ATPRESENT OCCU- STATESM A N Th e Jon DEPARTMENT IS OF FI CE, Pei-sons desirous of purcha.sh 1ng can a;pply tt1 DR. I-tEID. & Do"l'I. m..J.nv1lle, Sept 30, 187!1:. now in a better position than ever to turn out NO'A'IC~. & QLu ck s ·vu1wt;; t e ndcLl lo. (15 31n ) ~to1c "NEAT AND TASTY" PRINTING. -~----··<n They will make it an. object for customers to purcl1ase, even though their purchases inay be kept over Oualit~ is the test of Cheapness, for next \Vin ter' s use. THOS. DARLIKG IOK, ~ A .LL KINDS OF SEWING l\U- 1 ..l:-:\...: CIIINES 10p:i.ircd Sa.tisf11ot1on mrn..ran· tecJ ,t'-« .All 01de1s Jelt at lVfcssrs. Ye5o-,,.vJ(:}88 1 1> 111 be punctun.lly nt GEO I-I T UOM \S . BO\\ 1nanv11lo1 Dec. 10, 1873. i,tu111bcu·, Po sis and n -ood. a nd lionllock I.umber, Cedar Posts and Cord\\ood, in largo or sm all quanW.· ties. Enquuc at Thon1 pson & Burns· office J AMES VEAL. 15Iy. Noven1hc1 11, 1 8 7~ FEERU..ARY-. ED. THU. FRI. SAT. SUN. MON. TUES. W - - T HE ~rnll' P i rc SUBSCRIDER OFFERS ll'OR NEWCASTLE NURSERIES. I Trees, Shrubs, Plants. SPRING OF JS74 ·~ WE INVITE THE ATTENTION of Planters and dco.lc1s to our large and complete s tock of 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 ---- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - - - The goods included in the subVIC K'S poined list will be disposed of at FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1875. 1J1 puBLISHED QUARTERLY Sp1J.,QIALL';r .!. -LQ'TT VV PRTC J.. .r::!J S · I J..;J -JANtr- I \l'ondcl'.lui Ctn-e Dh;ea§e, o~ ILeiug . 4 5- 6 11 12 13. 19 20 18 .._ 25 26 - 27 - --- ----- -- - !-·--. So, for BARGAINS that are really worth calling BARGAINS, you must ;go to McCLUNG BROS. A.ttY Num lER Jns t iss ued , and contsuls 1n er~ loo T'a.l{u,;, 5--00 E ngr avin gs, d1 e:cri ptlon s of morethan too uf 0111 bes t 1<~ 1 ,1,-rer~ .nul l'(·g · t·t.lhles "ith Du c ct10us for Culture, Col1~red Plate, elf -'l'l w m ost useful a ncl elegant w o1 k of t he k1 nd 111 the wot ld - Only 2'i c e n ts f or the J eai.-Pulilt'-'hed in Eugli sh and Genna.ti . AddJ.c.,s, JAll'I ES '\']CK , Rochester, X . Y Standards and Dwarf Fruit Trees, GRAPE VINES, S:v!ALL FRUITS , Call and get a Statesman Calendar for 187G, if not already supplied. A few still left for free distribution. ORN~'.l..MENTA L TREES, Bring in your wife and daughters and the BIG SLEIGH; those miserable cutters hold nothil?KI When y o11 see ou_r prices you will not be Oysters! Oysters!! afraid to bl1y. Oysters! !! Orono, Nov. 1st, 187J. Shrubs Hoses, Ne'> and I tare 11'1m t and 011ld. n1ental 'l':rees, J,\ergreflll8 ,i.nd Du lbous Roots Small Parcels Forv; arded h' MD,1] " 1lf'n dPired. Prompt attention g iven 10 u.ll 1 tq uHm:.. J P . TJOVEKIN & CO, Newcast le Nu r scnes 30. Newcastle. ISPOST OFFICE BI_JOCKo~ I "\W anted ~ R ELIABLE for the UENEHAL AGENTS I F. F . McARTH-ITR, F . F . McARTHUR, OF T HE OF T II E · Smitn Ame rican Organ Com~any 1 ; B08l'O N · ;i:D-G5,000 Organs made nn cl sold ALSO, FOJ't "'!&" 0 GE O. STECK & CO'S 1 1873)- !--+:> rrn !HlAL YO R IC Fo Tel·nui unc: CE.taloguc;:i , add1ess the a bOYC Vo1n UJucs. 11 tf. ~E\Y c+ LADIES l;/i:TA~HIKG BERLIN WOOT, 'f 'r a.n1' o thP-l '.Ln~y Goods, B B CD ~ vrnmc E FOH THE HOLIDAYS, '\Y1ll find a. splendid assort1 nent n.t A ' v l\i1ss STououroN's own1a.nv1lle, Dec . 16th, 18i4 E 20. E v L A Special Bargains i11 Bogs to inform his numerous custoGrebe 1\1:uffs, OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES. CH IN A, Ladies' Woolen Jackets, Cross-overs, G LASSWARE, n;-- BEST OYSTERS lN Breakfast Shavrls, EARTHEN WAR EJ Clowds, Shawls, &c Blankets, AT UNHEARD OF Hbrse Blankets, P R ICES ! Railroad Vl ~appers, DENTISTRY. Over-Coats, MAGNIFICENT c H rN A Pea .Jackets, Gent's Plaids, 0 11 ..,___ _ S_E_.'.!:.::J Ijadies' Sk~irts, &c. Vvinter Dress Goods at BREATHBEAUTIFUL TA_Kil\fG prices! nH~1s IRA STEVENS th.t.! he is no \~ preJktJ ell to dish up He has fit ted up rooius whe ro parties can Slt do;\ n and CJdoy n d1 sh of the 1'UWN.~ <\. susualho keeps on hand a choice lot of BREAD, C.AJCES, (~C) PAS'IRY, 1 MLrln1s 11-'Cayer s and opvontc tl c );'1ekHuck<1. f.:-'fJ- Ri~ prepa 1 at1 on>i bcu1.g iuu.d c fo1 the ap proach1 ng hohd 1l" Don't forget lhe :=itnnd two doO:r8 cnst of Bo,'i1na.nv ille, Nov. 26th, 1874:. to be true, don't believe it. Call and see for yoursd vt)s ! GOLD FILLINGS. AFHJicaaR 'I'ccth INSERTED AT A MODERATE FEF. Teeth Extrac ted 'Yithout Pain. I ~.i B B 0 0 r r c K Q TuicCLUNG BROS. Company's DE.ALF. H. IN r J M. DRIMACOMBE, L.D. S . ·-\ ssi3l erl hy G D. LOCU:HARJ'. L.D.S. 21 I Dece1n1Jc1, 1874. IC 0 ri..w- ·., l\fn.1ch :?lst, 187±. 0 mun A N D O R~AMENTAL TREES, Seeds, Bulbs, Flowers, etc., etc. NEW PUBUGATIONS. SOLD ONLY BY SUI!SCRIPTION, l'HE ALD1NE , THE ART JOUR NAL OF AllfERIC_1.. T HE BEST PAP EH. THY IT. POSTAGE FREE . BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 0 .l~ w Ln T1 , 01c1 ~ 1m L1l fu1the1 notwe, 0 pcrceiil . "1. lFl'HOld?:ED DISCOUNT 0n Arr.er1! Harper's JYlagazine. ILLUS'"I:RA'I'ED . ST' I LL STILL CONTINUES CONTINUES z Q 1 DE OPE NED IN !tf1t. W. T. SCOTT'S B~ot and Shoe Store lll Bo \\ 111an villc, on Pai-ts I, II. III and IY a.re no\v i eady. MON D A Y, FEB'Y 1st., TIIAT WEEK SU T.:rON'S z 0 I I EYEP.Y 1 nt 11 o'clock n rn o.nd 7 o'clock p. n1 , a11cl DAY F OR ltlSURt-HOUR MISCHLANYi 01"Jg111a ll y A Lar ge Stoel.. of D RY GOODS to be W. T. SCOTT. ofi:'e r2d ~ Jo ..nnal, To be completed 111 40 parts, issue-d fortnightly Eo..ch part ·will cm·ta n u.n el"qant ft ont1 sp1ccc engra.-.,;ed on steel for the London _.\_it S. DURDEN. 26. REPRODUCING ata price "\v1tlun the ;popu1a r r('a1 h , cu~avings ne~ et bt·fore offered n.t le>1s than fl\= e t unes the a mo unt Bo\\m anvillc, Ja.n 231d, 1875. ro O"\'VNE:l'{~ OF SELL SELL ..A..T A.T -AN D - Propert~ 7 Thelondo~ArtJournal. Each pa.rt will conto.1n 26 quarto page3, inoludthe elegant frontispiece, on hcuvy plat e paper. A su perb title pag-e, i1cl1h illunHnated in reel nnd go ld, w ill be gnen "' ith the first part, and the p1int111g of the onbro 'vork will be a '-\ orthy representation of the " 'I ho .A.Id1ne Press ' " hich 1s a guarantee of so1uethrng beaut1ful a1~d valuaolo, 1u~ These pl ,ttcs haye been the attraction of ~~ INSURE YOU!\ PROPERTY IN THE Ag;deu!hrr:d .l!m!;mra 1ue Co. A.ND- l f.1.t a Cost oC 2~ Chi. a Part P .anTs I , II & III ARE JusT P unLrsnE.D. COST · COST., ~ ~ ~ '--4 Save J-Jlilf Your Money. Read Office for Canada., :Kingston THE ART J OURNAL. e§t ,v~ usic .li."ubThe if'heaaP !i 1'1 h ed. Bffwmnnville, Fchr1111ry 10, 1876. PRO~rtCTUS of the CHORISTtR Burnett's Extracts Fol cooking p urpo!'ies Burnett's Extracts "Pre-«muumtly.<:uperwr" -l'nrk<Jr Hou~~. ~ td Farn1ers and Ga1denors Rea.cl th1 6 ! A.GENIS lV Ll'TJ~l) t Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTH.ATED. Bo!lton. Burnett's Extracts ROSE, .t. EMON, VANILLA, CE LERY, AL MOND, NECTARINE, NUT MEG , ORANGE, PEACH, GINGER. CINNAMON, CLOVES, Burnett's Extracts "Thebc.it1,. tli.e. wv1 /J"' -l:lfthAv H otel.N.Y. Burnett's Extracts "U11Caexcl1Ui'=l&°:it,:~~3<t.. H ote1, r h1l11. Burnett's Extracts The su_pcr-i-0f'ity <( Jltese J;;xtr.a.cts c<m-Si$ts intlieir perfect punty a.nd great stren.9tk. 'Ibey {l.J"O warranted freo from tho poieonou6 oils and acids which enter 1n to ilrn oom:posltlon of 1uauy of tho factitious fr wt :fiavors now in the mo.rl;:ct. They are not only true to their names, but arc prepa.re<l. from frwts of the beat qua.1,ty~ .and a.rA so highly eouceutrated that a comparatively mnall qua ntity only neecl bo used. These l'eas h a.-i·e re ·t·11th been brought to this co u.ntry from J upo..n and 1 11 oye to be the finest known forta.h le u:;c or for Htock l hcy gro w in the form of a bush f1orn 3 to 5 feet h iO'h a n d tlo not r eq1nre st1clang r11 hP.y yield t'rom 1 qua1t to a ga llon of Pens per lrnHh. A package: t ho.t will produ ce from 5 t n 10 bushela of Peas. 'Hth cnculars g ivingterUJs t u Agents and full d irect Lions as t o tln1e and 1nu.nn er ofp1anting. ·w1U be sent, p1 ~pn,10. ,t,o n ny c ue des111ni:r to act asAgent, 0111c c e1 pt of 50 cents The sPed I otferare fr@sh and g en un 10 t hlB year's producbon Now 1s t he tuuo to ordor, so you m a.y be l·l P.JJtt.red for cn.rl:v planhng .~C!clress, L L OSME~T Cle"l c biud Tennesee. ' ' 'l'J<:STHIONIALS \.Y e l1ave cultivated tho J . A_PA XF.SE PE.AS, the pas t seao;on on R sma-11 scale and we are oon' 1need tli ey are a perfect sucl e>1s. Therr yield wasenor1nons 1?01 thotubJe and fors~ock, they ii.le nnswpm;:,;ed b~ uny othe1 pea, T h e;,. g!o"' ~ell ou th1u land and urc bound to b e a No. 1 fertilizer. A. J. \.VHITE, Ti u;;tee Bradley County ~'-\... E BLUNT, P M., l'leYeJand, Tenn . · I have cult1va.ted thr. lAP.ANESE PEA the la.st year nnd r a1s efl thPn1 at t h e r ate of 200 bnsh els to the ac1e. The blooms e::s:::oeJs bu c k w h eat for bees F E HARD,VTCK , J.P., Brad ley Coun t y ~ 0 (fJ D D CALYH', M P. l' We hnve exam ined 1nto the cond1t1on and s 1 1nd1 ng of tbe i\. gncu ltur:l.1 Tns11r11 n < e Company, fu1ll d o fnll y concur with .Mr Ufl en 1u 1e e omn1ending i t ti: th e Fntr1Eas 1 )tt111 s Province, aa one r,e 1~cctly safe and iel11:1bt( in Vih1ch to1nsu re tlleu p1ope1ty. PERRY D AVIS & S O N & LAWRENCE: MONTREAL, P- Q. 1,000 OLD MAIDS, Ageata for Dominion af E!n~1~ JOSEPH BURNETT & CO., BOSTO~, Prooriefo!:'f.I, 't · 'I!'; . '-'\~ ~ l 'R 0 0 IC AGENT S, CIJERGYtvIE N, U Teacher~ Poe l n1 :1. If r~ Ti'arm ers a nd ~').,.f~c A>·.t1kc Y J HHrTu! u \Vautt·d, to c~nvass ~)2. I I W l rf.' "BIBLE L ) ·K j_~ qr ess t;...Rntxa.ct inadQ for 5, n1ore 'l'mna fr ee A. FI. l\.'IEGA fTI:-T, Guelph Ont. 9 ly G1.8S ' Suld . - I J C CL A.HK 1 BankPr 1 J CARRU 1HEH S & Co GEO. A KIRK P A TRI CK , M. p. B M BRIT T ON 'Vl'e wou l d refer y ou to the follo1~ing gt n dcru e n , in rega1d to the respons1b 1 Iny o 1.< ComparJv . -D Fi s he \ F.'lq , C(lsh 1 f'r of ;:ir. On tn.rH: Pqnk .Tno McLPod, M P , 1->, J , B Fa1rb a u 1 Esq., Postmaste1 ,J. E. F a re w e.1} Esq, B::.1r11ster. I l\gcut for Cubourg npd vic11J · ty 1 WILLIA)! l' I ;, H Bo,\ru a n~ ST l?GEHY, Yo1k. ~lL"Y" lt~R 8TRJ·E T Vv" li CLlil::l'.tE, Local Agent o.t ,t-1:; 7N1ght calls nns"\\ c1 c d nt D1 Boyh; t3 o! l ... t.1 gerl, 01 <.Lt Dr Rc.:1d's rN.11 c1Gncc