CANADIAN ex _ The World lB STATES~IAN, BOWMANVILLE, TJIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1875. THE GE1'ERe\.:G What We btake It 30 DAY-S T - 30 SPLEJ\DID STOCK GRAl!W JUST ARRIVED F~-ilH for ~""J,f:! AG E N CY B U SINESS CARl~IAG ES CLEARING SALE I -BY- Fashion NEW MlLLLNERY, also a lot or GOODS GIVEN"" ..A--W-~-Y ROBERT EASTON, --Al HIS- llfONTHLY, ' The Great N ationa 1 Magazrne, WESTERN ASSURAHGE COMPANY. INCORPOR allW 1851 nlso n Large Sto k or STAMPS for BRAIDING ond EMlHWlDEI Tho one can mal c tho sunniest day ~cem ,.,.ondro s sud and dreary 'Ihe other snule" thoclonds aw11.~ ~nd makes a da1k day ch eery Th s lfeofou8.,, e all Abo1 t as ve sbo lil make it CHEAP BOOK, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS At~D TOY WAREEIOU8E, ~ Capital SSQO 0()() Fire and Marmo llS H\J. FASHIONS Eor Sp11ng Just t o hantl ft!l!" Dre3s ma kin~ J: :vr11s A FLETCHEh 0 Ham's Old Stand, To\\ n Hall Bmldmgs ....@! THIRTY R E 1s prepaied to sell at greatly reduced puces for -Fi om, the A OJJXOTny i1 DA'\'$ the BLA OKSMITH THE ISOLATED RISK & fARMERS' FIRE INSURANCE COMPAUY OF CANADA SA I oFACTOlULY ~DON> WORK, ua' of Phreno logy and I'hyst Time, Money and Labor Saved F JR. E N" C :EC A WILD J.IJIGHf SCENE Shortly after e1gl t ' clock on W ednes day night says th.e Roche.ster l>e1noc at, "1 wild er) carne from the hps of a wo1nau Lots of 1!&ndmg on the east ond of the Central Railroad bridge, whtch croose1 the Gen Ri v·r bul a fow yards above the falla A beautiful Papie1 maoehe Portfolio given to all persons buying $~ 00 !!hire"'"" no on· there b ~t heroelf for the w01th of Goods at Reduced Pnces night was t old the wmd blow otrongly ~ from tho gnlf below and the nust and @"'A Beautiful Life like P1ctu1 e of HON E ELA KE for 40 cents ... PRINCE OF IV ALES fu1 30 cents the pan for GO cents snow fell in a very uncon1f Jrtable wa\: The bndge JS a 'ery cold and desolate place during the winters stortn Hear tng the cry Thon1as Ryau a flagman hur rteu h1s shanty to the foot of Water sheet ar d a brakes nan r 1shed out from Bow1nan'\1llc January 0 18 5 Fell 8 raloon near by The gul "'as wung mg her hnncls a.nd cry1n I lteousI) as she gazed at a dark figure mo,mg down\,ard in the water When the men can1e np to her and spoke she ran screaming do.,..n the futli"oad track l~1erQ "'as no necessity of a:1k1'ng any questions however two plain ,,, ]v Vls1hle facts tcl<l thn.t n t err1blG tragedy be J g enacted tUa.t a hu1na. 1 being 'wns stn.nch ng at the door of eternity ~ i11y o l tlined aga.ulHt the sly and only a few fet:t 1rurn the edge of the falls, sk od a f1~nnale form No word was uttered by Made, do Pla1cls, do Mermos do :French Reps her as she steadily app·oached the brmk AND A FULJ, ASSORTMENT OF GENER4..L DRY GOODS and no word "a~ spoken sa.'\e a. st11Icd cry flf horror fr otn t he two w1tn es3es as !ilhc MANCHESTER liO(SE 130\1 l!ANYILLE Septembe1 29 18'74< threw out h er arms and we1 t down with the wh1rhng waters to her death below U pon the ice JllSt bel YW the bridge were the in ... rks the s111c1de had made 'vhen _she took her rn~d leap Site had JUlll[ed O\er the ra.ilmg, fallmg upon her hands ai1<l We beg to announce that we will sell all krnds of Boots and knee· got up and walked dehborntely ornr Shoes at 10 per cent discount for Ca,h for 30 dM s only OIL POLISH I This Fre ch Oil Polish 1s prepared for Ca1ri1geii: Buggies H<;,rnes~ , lloots and Shoe"' A1'D ALL KI N DS OF LEATHER 1g_1 - ---~~-----y HmisE el.ND c \.TTLE MEDICINEll. l l antageous term a N B Coun ry Storepeekel'a supplied o· . . I n'" At the very owe:;it rmces .Age1 ts GU E~T,PH "°"" a';;-r~n o· S" ... vv b .J. eLO HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPiNY 11\COi<POJU.TED Ule. 8 ap1tal 1ilachine .._ O MPANY. TI-IE OSBORN. 11n 'J H!..RrFOHD CON 000 000 .A~sete o¥er $2,i)()(J()(I() R &: H 0 lBHA Ageti<s I I I HAND IN HAND MUTUAL FIRE 0 NEW FALL STOCK AT I EATTIJSfG-'S_ -------·------- I i GANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMP'Y Ca.p1tal 11.nd In"\ es ed F nds over$" 000 000 ALL WOOL D1agonals,do. Home E S1 rnrrsm n 1s11 SmartEstate!I F 0 It SALF. LOCK-STICH MACHINE. l hli is an old. anti rel nblo Con pa11J and the Rates mneh low er than Am er1ca11 or English Oompanrna and the pro!ita arc large H ead Oillco 1Ia1rulto11 <\, G R U!SA r Eso Mai ng ng D e lei To the Electors of West Durham. RUBBERS AND FELT OVERSHOES. It I'" II 0 l! "'..R .A. s rRAVELLERS INSURANCE COMP Y. IIARTFOf.J) COJSN the 1c· to \>]IOle the current uapt by - As the w tter 18 not very deep now she J 100 Paus Men l3 Felt Gaiters wh1d1 \\Ill be ( m._·t h1\u passed slowly t o\\ ards the falls I SOLD e\.T COST FOR THinTY De\.YS f U An u)vest1ga.t u l\as made the follow1ng Il] It apueatetl ll at th e Unfo1t111 ate $.U...,1de was the youn.-. ind l H elj daUJ te1 500 Pans Mrnses Pebal and Bt !l / I JO Oases Oluldren s Gram Wul U ) lmgtons at $1 ~O for cash only of a weal hy i es lent in Rochester n<ltned Balmornls at $1 50 fer cash 0111 v \ "idmcr Sh.-. hacl iuarr1ccl c nl) a. year since 1gentl~n au nan ed Ch1151tu.n Theucr 1 000 Pairs of Wonien s J\.f .sses and ( lnldren s ( A iJaby autl unluipp1ness cu 1e i n due Boots "111 be sold at 10 pe· ct discoun t fur c 1sh f s a.~mn She rt.:turned to hei f ~ther B 35 CASES IF It Q e F e lt Q versh oes versh oes. P R OSPROTUS OF 35 "ASES L1BF.}Fl.A.L," Felt Overshoes. Felt Overshoes. '·THE OAHERO"< & 00 .Lv'.J.. { 30 d 30 dayS ) aVS LONDOrl ADVEST!SER l\ ;U-E ~SRS 35 flAS"""S t T~1eBradburyP1 ano rHE BESr J\IADE R & II CJ 11 o\.R.A .A.gen t:1 al Pun1.11::;nEns Ol! :rnE hu1ne 30 DAYS ONLY. 1S go1 HJ on at u g-C,111 early and mal,e J om ~eh es h«pPJ wlule tho 1 ush ~ 0 R GANS. t y( u want a first ch:t~oi Org-an p trclJasc one tose tin ted d1c an1s ot fond and curly love Anderson&Co's Boot&Shoe Emporiun1 }lowm "'n'11le December 10 1874 11~anufa tu1r:d bJ Serenad·rs aml Tar Pavements H was at W11lrn ns\ll [ wa that sl:t young men recently went out to Rerenade tho belle of tlrnt tow n They had prac h eed fo1 i;eek3 on t~a:: \lnhn the :flnto tho Floods are Nowhere I -AN- AVALA~CHE JF GOODS AT11 October 1st. s. I P1n·1ficntwn of' 1he Jllleocf, nv. vem~nta ~~~ ~.~~~~~-- A psel lo sc1auhf u gentle1nan said to 11111 garcl~ner Gco1 ge th.e time Vi 111 coma when a n1an will be ablo to carry tho Jnanure of au lCre of land Ul .one of his wu·tcoat pockets 'Io wluch the gardener replied I behern it, sir but he will be able to cany all the er p m tho other poc~ct 85c., Q5c., 1-and '$ 1.00. Silks, Womens white Cotton Hose Sc. White MarseillesQuilts. - $1 25 Lace Curtains $1.0\0 pr. 15c. per yd. Curtain Lace, Dress Goods, 10c. " White Dress Shirts, ~125. Grey Cottons, 7~ c. per yd. Tweeds from 25c. to $2.00:' Prints at every price. A NEW AHHIVAL OF hn 1gm :.tiou ot' Hae §!»kin, and Gene1f!lResto1 <ilwn to SoiindHealth IS N(W FULLY ASSOHTED fO~ T!fE F..A_LL AND -1\::Iany persons neglect tlunr ho1ses h ealth and cond1t1on until it 1s t00 l l.te when at a tnfl n g e xpense and . n o trouble the hors~ nn:lht l ct,Ve been saved lf attunded to in time lo all wlJ.o 1na.y l:m.v-e t cca.s1on to use an n.1twle of the kind Dai CARELE~SNESS Fashionable Felt Hats. Ontario W 111 ter Trade 41 - -t--f-- EXTHA VALUE -TN'- ALL I-CINDB OF GOODS g J&W JMMURTRY&C~: I nspection -vn1 ited ~ The Best Patr()nwed, Most 'fhornugh and School m Canada Insbtut10n for B11smess Trammg where Bo)S Young and 1\hddle \.gcd :rtlen ca.n procur\j an Education stuted to the '\\ants of every day hfe Ihe iUbJects ta.u ht are JlH;t such as evtl ..f "&Ierchant Farn1er l\fechan1<! and s1onal 1'fan 1equ1re in tJ,-ans tctidg ~very day bnsin ss and em.b.1 ace the :tollo\' in b 0 THE ROWMe\NVJT,T F. r TORO:-iTO B"R i\.NCHE8 CAPITAL PAID UP HEU) 01 FICE OinLLIA CunooR<+ BO,Y:\I ~!'VII LE I OsHAWA "\VHIT.BY UxnnIDGE he ho~· 3% Book Keepmg by Single and Doume Ent1} Spencerian Penrnan,lup Oornmerc1al Paper Bankmg Steamboatrng Co1 respondence Ar thrnet1c Br okcrn,;e Spe.1Lmg 0 )rnme1mal Lt" Prnctical flrnrn:nar l\fechamcal D1 awmg Actual Busmess Course Telcgrnphmg Phonography etc October 1st. Our Course of Trauung 1s uu<ler the sup1:ff\ 1s1011 of SEVEN OOlH'ETFNT AND EXPERIENCED TEACHERS free 1 cl a> ye Bowma.uv1Ue