BASE Br\LL REHOI.D ! VVILI J;,XHIB,T AFTEP.NOvN AND EVENJNG AT RAILROAD Tl1ursday, July 22d. 01 GIGANT!G EXHIBITION I~~ EXISTE NCE I\LLEN AI\JD HORSES! 1,500 Wild Beasts, 9 ( 00 Uorgeo sly 1 J ma 0 a birds vVoNDERS 10 000 MusEUH 8 CENTRE POLE TENTS: A \\ WLD v NDEH, C '..N \T N 1IIF. ~R V:;;-~st Menagerie t THE T \RGESr \ND FINE;:;T ], \.bi; ON EXHIBITION 5 TRAINED ELEPHANTS !' 2-Horn3 a Many Rl11noceros ! THR:E ~URS 1 i,iQ .NFANT UUNS ' AND A SOUI I lclvlERlCi\N · cc i tl c hours of 10 and 11 o clock on the forenoon of each exh b t on day -;J?:R. O F g oun ls E lLa :J:EI>O:LV of 0 as can be v. place l Don t fo ;; t thu na i e , , ~~ GRAND EXHIBITIONS I 2 Afteri oon an d E'en g Observe and r err. cmbe1 4 P _A_-w-s r~~ Don! forget the name, To '\LL the Tent, the .A.dun s on Children undv1 9 J ears is only 50 cems 25 cents J\ DAl~ 1' OREl 18 tf HJGh Sole P10pn tor FAR'<SW RTll J! u.ED J I DINGES ar l C H 1 \. 1 :E::f E