C.A.NADIAN J.HJTC n!E.lt§ ' 1"01.'ICJE. pression in t he money mfl..rket, a.nil having to pa.y cash for o u r stock, 've tl10 11nderr>ig ned But.chers of this 'J'own_are cnff1p0Hed to do a · Cash business. Therefore on and after tl1~ 121.11 day of July, 1875, our busines;o w ill be conrl1wt.ecl STATESJ\iIA.N, -- --- ----'~ -. ... )' . "' :': . I I -AT- F R O . JY-[ ! I N CONSEQUENCB OF THE DE- 1 Engla~d, Direct,GLAsGovv- HousE. OF · oN THE CASH PRINC IPLE. I CA wKEn & BnOTHEn. CH ,\RL l~ S -YOUKG. -Silla!l.profits and quick 1·p,t,11r'11- hnr1ing iL will 1neet the v:le'\Ya of the p11hlic fayo1·ably. 1\IL D .\ 'VILLJAMS. l\fATffElW RICE. cCLUNG :si: r. 8. All t hose in arre:1rs by book accounts, or otherwise, will ple<""Se call aud settle forth· v.'ith. Bowma.nvillc, .Jnne 80th, 1875. 47"1w. the rush is to continue and increase for another (.QS'i2,saa il ARRIVAL OF MORE THAN RO T, L S ROOM PAPER --AT-- . 3,sna The Subscriber invites the special a ttention of the public to his .unusually large, and well assorted stock of ·vahtJ1.l1le Pa·opc1·ty fo1· Sale , 00' Sale Lhc Pu1·sonagc, situate on the corner o T HE TRUSTEES OF THE CONGREG . ._\_TIONAL Church, Bow·1nanville , offer VY:Cllington and Div-isiou Streets. '11erms, _ &c._, _ n1ay be obtained fr01n I-I. O'HAR.A, Mnrket Buildings. Bo'Wmanvillo, J uly l , 1~74. 49 (30) T· HIRTY DAYS! (30) WALL y::;?;- R. EASTO N' S COM P R. I S I N G , /Staple . & Fa11cy- Dry A LL Goods~ Cash~ E~Ip Qll IU]\:[ ( o F w H~cH - Having. b e e11 purchased ·for Desirable :P1·6pe1·ty Sa k. Golds, Satins, Pann ellings, Oaks, Ihlls, and other Papers of a great variety of coloring. ~ I'RICES--from ~ cen~~ per roll.~ with three-eighths of nn a.ere of ln.nd, on Queen street., a t p r e:;;cnt occupied by t he su b:ScriOcr-; iS offered for sale_ The h ouse C()uta.ins I roo ms, >v ith good c c?lar , &c. In the go,rden are several good fruit trees. l!"'or t ern1s, a.n.d other pn.rticulars . o.p pl~" on th e premi ses. 'l'HOl\IAS \\r A.RD. T HE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, 1 Will 00 found Under CUrrent rates. 1 · ·· . : 0 :- ·- -under the prmie11 t depressecl state of the markets.. . . . · _ · · · Mirrors a11d Pictures----very cheap. lkiwmanvillo, ]l!a.y 21, 1875. - -- - -- -- ·- ----Executo1·B' J\'otice to Ct·ed.iitws, again st t h o estate of the late .John B.oll·"'-ood, ,of the Town ship of Clp,rke,· in the Coupt~~ of Durharn, Fn,,rmcr, a.re notified to send in particuln.rs of the same to 1L Hussel! I~oRcomb e, of th~ Town of Bov..-iiui.nville , Solicitor fvr the untl.erslo-nod EsCCLLt.Ol' nnc\ li:xeonr.rix, <m o r before t h e fO'urth day oi'. .A.uguet, 1875. '! 'he said paxticUlA.rs t o in clude necessary dates a nd items, a nd to give the Christi a n narn cs and Snrn a.mcs of the claiinants, and the ir 1 -'oi>J, Offlce acli1 re~:-;.- And notice is g iYCn , that f_ymn a:r:d after t~e :said date the Executor a rni R x~ 01it.rix oftbosa1d e.S tate ,;,-ill proceed to disLt'i1n.:Le the asse !."1of1.l1e t estator among-Ft th e parties entitle d tlmrP.Lo, havin1~ rP.gard to the cla.imot of wh ich tihey shall then have notice, a n rt will J ~oL Ue lial1le for Uie ft.!r6et s so rlistribu t ed, or any pa.rt t h e1·eof, to a ny l)er Son of wh ose clai m := mch E X'Ccutor or Kxcc n· t rix shall n ot have had Ul)ticc a t the L ime nf ~ ncli distrilm tion : this notice being g iven under Sbet.ion 27, Cap. 28~ of 29th Vic. .An<l a.ll < pnrson s indcbt.cd to tho· s.lid Eshttc an~ reqne:-;t.cd to settle their indebtedness forth. vo'ith, :vfrNEilVA A. BELL""OOD, Excctti1·ix. JAMES BELL Vi'OOD. Executor . 'i i-tf. The Public have· responded nobly to our call, and now we call again. '!'"" j-- . ' A LL PERSONS HOLDI-NG CLAIMS _::z;.-;;.'!frf:r j%JJt· 1l-z:.£l"' ;JliS<· :/l,g3 ... .!fl'lr ff&J" ' ->-. .· ·· ,.,< .·· ,. ,,;_ c ·Y, ~' .«' Q;h i 1d1· e .h'fS 0 a hs. Lots of Cheap Ladies' Fans. · La.rge Rocking Horse for $3.00. Special terms to Base Ball and Lacrosse Clubs. Indian Rubber Balls. Ross, Sponge, and Dead Balls. IN IJRESS GOODS U~EQUAllED ADVANTAGES .Will BE OFFERED TO CASH BUYERS;~ - - - :o : - - . ALVV .A. Y S 0 ON :H:.A.NJ:> A Large and Varied Assortment of:·· .. LT}lEI'lS;'" : _-DI'AI'ERS, .. MO._'l".l'O:,_:..'.' STAND,· TOWN HALL BUILDINGS. ' A ni.mhle sixpence better than a slo\v, poking shilling." .. I', an l'A.BL;.i .N A PKJNS d, .E/.A.Jl.IASKS, SHIRl'INGS and · . SHEETINGS, d:c., .tc: I Bowmanville, May 19, 1874. THOMAS PATERSON\. Goods are selling because telling! ~FACTS · are JUST ,. RETURNED FROM NEW' YORK with· an immense stock of Bowmnnvillc, J" unc ~Oth, 1875. J7-51'_o'· Bale thn.tsp lenili<l F~LJ'DJ . h~!ngcon1po~e.Vof the north pa.rt of Lots n un1her 7 a n d 8 i n t h e 5t h Cori'cession of the T o w nsh ip of C::isl \\Tight, T HE SUBSCRillER OF FERS FOB ln t.he Conntv of. D ur h arn, couta:ining 160 acres , 135 ac;rcs of \Yhic h a re d~a;rerl. -well fe nCP.d a1Hl in a. good stnt.e of cu1ti\·utiu11 ; the r c nuti11 iIJg 25 ncre:;'consistillg of goarl hard ·woorl bnsh. 'l'lwr11 an~ 011 t,h e prcm ifos nn ex cellent Stone bomu~ (nettrly n ew,) a g ood Vi'C'Jl of · w atf'l', Cist m·u with r111n:p, woo(l shed, wash-house. &c .. t ·w o fn:i.111 1~ hal'ns, goocl st <:J..blc<> , and othC'r outbnilrlingH; a t.lui\~ ln go you ngorch nrd, s bade trees. ..;&:c .· &.c., \\ ilh nll the o t her con com itants ofa firs t-class far rn a.nd comfortable home . T h e fanu is " "ell k now n. as one of the best in Uw To\v11sh ip, C(lll \rCnic11tly sit u ated , \Yithin {}a,;y diSta.Dcc of chu!·ches, schools, gri st mi lls. ' trn.w 1nill~. &c., and is generally conccdefl tn be 'One of tho inost desirable farms in the County of Dnrhu.111 . ·~ Ti t.l e in disputable . ~ 'l'EnMR:--Onc J1 nlf of the p1u·cl1 as e monP:t" t o h e pn.td when t he con veyance is co rn ple L ~d; l he balance mn.y remain on nv wt.gage a t a rcnsonabl o rate of in terest, fol' su c h time as may suit the purchast> r . .A.l!>O fo:r sale , the N o1 ·t h lrn.lf n_ f Lot N o. _6,_ in 'th~ Gth Con cession of 0arLwn gh1", c on1ai n1n g nne hunrlrer1 ?..ere:-:;. 'l'] tit' J.oL i s cl1ie Oyva.l 1rn.hln tor Cerlar ti1nbnr, and nill be sold in connecpo_ u With the fi1-st d e scribed i u:rrn , er sep a t·ately, w1 l9uc h termR a i-1 1n:'t.y be agreed npou. For I11r~her ra.1·ticnln.1·s apply per s on ally to th e 'propriet.01· 011 j,he pren1iscs, _o~: by le tt er to Ca.rt ·wright. P o:.iL Office ; or to W1Iuan1 L ucn s, -To\'1:n:ship Clerk, C H.rt\'.Tight. \:VILLlAJvI FERG-lJ"SQ).r , Proprietor· I PRICES VERY MUCH REDUCED. · lll Hardware a bun.danee, and Furnishings of' We shall continu.e to back up our adver-· Builders' _,.,, '·· \. tisements by giving the Bargains we promise ! . every description. Persons building· ean have . a11. their wants supplied . . pia'c.e,. and profit by the special redl1ctions givBn in s·ue:fu.,.cases. . . ln On? NAILS . &~ WI DO Paints and Oils never known to oe so cheap .. ~rt-.~~~~~: ~~11ne ::th, 1Si5. _ _ _. 4 7~~::,- i W-hen we Bargains! - -, ------------~·--------- BJ' au tnoiitr of His Excellen cy t h e G-overn .or Goner Offic e o the h'ta-tcsm.an office . I SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES The Aldinf} Company CAR·RIAGE GOODS IN GREAT , NEW PUBLIOATION-S."~ THE ·ALDINE: THE AH'f JOUUN.A.L }1..1\:IER.IGA ~ ~----C>l" . SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. I ! \l"lheels. Felloes, . SpJkes, I-!ubs) Shafts, Axles, Springs, ·rrameited ere-th · , R-ubber anEl Bash.-Le:atheF. 1'his snl cndid entel'p_risc is not only w 811 snst ::d n ed-i.n CYcry fcn.ture, bQ.t it i s being- c o nsta.ntly de velo.p ed a:nd in1 p1·oted . l t to-day s tands -.vi!J·ont :i. ri val i n t he v:hole ·wffrl<Lof perioi'1i ca.1 li terature , _ T)w bect.utit\H dog-portrait , "J\rian's Unselfish Friend," a. chron10 r,resentcd t-o every subscri ber is :'I. deciderl h tt, 11n d ·w iJ l, if 11ossihlP, iidrl to thf, iJOptU a dtY V vhich I.lib ;work haK gained. The AHT UN l O"N fea.t:ure a.lfm pt"on1i f'l eS gr·cat dn d benizt1cient 1 :csnlt8 , 10 ar01nli11g public intEr~~t itt the 1}iie a rts. Cfr(!\!fa.rK and full infornrn.tion _ un application . · · during the past · n'lonth; at,id the avidity with which ,BIR, D . stores O,l'L C[., O THS, .. visited_ have Large crowds our . ! ATTI CS AND DOOR · M, A TS. one~ pfece~ Oil Cloth for ~halls in C A. . G- E S--T :a::·.E g·oods have been "TAKEN" is gratifying evidence that both GOODS and :f>RICES are ("TAKING."' . . ·. ER,ASSJ. · . f'eyrts 1, II. Ill nnd I V arc no-.,.,.· r eady. . i \Vith the la.test and most beautiful designs, with new and improved locks . · - s uTT oN ·s Lf ISURt-HOUR MISGHlANY. ·ro be comp-letefl in 40 pfl.rt 8, iHsucd for t u1ghtly 1 Each part w iJJ c ont,a!n a.n ehg11.n t fron l.isp ief'.e origjna11y engrave d on nLeel fur Lhe London, -A.rL .Journril, Rubber ·BE'LTING, and a splend.i.d assortment of Mecha1~Jjc$? Tools, vvith the celebrated Baily· Pla::ne.. 'REPR OD UCIN G ata prit ~~ -.·.-ithi n the p opula1' r e ach, cn gra1"i ngs .. nc\rc r la~forc offere ll a t less than ft \'C t in1cB the u mount. I "These plate,; have been the attraction of Pl We are pleased to . T d C K L .'E . The londo11ArtJournal. Each part v.-1 11 coutuin 21i f111u1;to page", includ:ing- Lhe elegant fron tL'3p.icce, ou h eav y pht1.e -paper. --p,,- 8ll'Perb t1t l Q pag-c , richl y illumin::i.teJ. in ;i.·cd uutlgol<1, ·will b.~ giY~n \Vith t h e fl r.sl. 11a1t, innd t he prh1t-ing o f the ent.ire "f01·k w ilt lH-~ n · , see our efforts to _~· sell . ' !beautiful iv,111 ~'iSt;h\Q.bl e, d ·- . d · 'P~~~~r. ;::r,:s.e'J:·~ ~u~~a{,1~e ~l~";;~t:;; the righ . t .goods at. the right prices appreciate .. .,. an 0 H · . . · Hooks, ·Baits, ·Rods and. all the .fixings. . ·. . ·. )l.t a (Jo§t -0C '2:i iCts . a Part P.\RTS 1 , n""' m-:: 1 .TUST PUBLISHED. h are carrying this war into next mont . . . · il·· ., .Q-·. ·. Q '. . sE:Ts ··. oF q ,ROQp-ET! from $1.50 per set upwarcfs, finishBd and ca.Sed· b~a·utifully. THE ART ;TOURNAL·. Con1prctc in 12 Jnonth-ly-part:;, at $ 1 each . Reproducing lhe best fnll-pa.ge illustrations fron1 the earli eL' irohun eH nf The .Aldine. 1 Each monthly· part will . c ontain six sup erb p lates with a.cco1npany ing u.,,.~~ci'"iptlve matter, . And '\'hethcr for b indin g or framing, 'v11l be ent irely boyond competit lOU in pricC or a.rtistic ohara.ctet. Every impression wjll l1e m os t c.a.re~ fuUy taken on the :finest toned papm-, anc1 nu p al ns will be s.p aredto mnko.this the richest. pr0-duct.inn of a press Which has -..,von . .ln a m arvcl.c:n1sly short ·tin1 e, a w·0rl?-·'Nidc i·cputn:tlon. I I GAitD ~~ades, EN ·~.' ' f. T O o · L .S · dW . . ,, ... ·· GEMS FROM THE ALDINE, Especially asscirted f01: f;crap Book IU11-stra.tion-s and Drawin.u Cla.'Js Copies. A large collection of pictw.·cs of difl'eren t. 'sizes and on aln?ost every (lonceivable subject ha.ve: b een put, up in an attractive envelope . anil are llOw otre:-etl at a . pric~ intended to 111nke l>hem popular 1n ever y sense. ' .En velo µe No. l. containing 50 benutifuJ engra.,:viJ~gs. i3now r eady, a.n rl will b e sent, llOSta~e ,pa1d;toanyarl<h·essfo:-ONE DOLLA R, .A Jllrnl d;iscount to a.gents an d t.ea.chers. Some · of~-ourc}'leaplines . are . runningout,. ,<'t . . . but MORE ARE ARRIVING, and· for the next 3G U· Iaays we shall OFF ER GREATER INDUCEMENTS ~. . '.'I , 1 lib-I THAN. EVER ·. f p ~ . SCRA.:P -- O'IJ es ~test :ri~ b~st hi ~arket0 '8 tovesI Ti.-rr ·· SHOP - DEPdHT MEN"I'!: 0 ... /d 0 . j Shovels, Fork§,._Hoes, Scythes and ·other imple111en ts· in larg~ ~ar~ety and in1proved quality. kSt . 'c0· 1 I d. - ·. . - - . BOO.KS. A splendid assortment q_f .SCR~&,_P BOQI{S have been expressly prp,1m;red for the holiday fiCUson, and no . presen t of more p erma.11cnt, interest can b e sel ec ted for gentlemen or lady, o1d -l -Or -young. .; No. 1. Hnlfbound, clo Lh Bides, g ilt back, 2.50 pp. 12 x 16 inches . . .. . .... . . ....... '. $5 on ,No. 2. lialf bound. cloth sidrn-1, b'1lt back, 500 :pp. 12 x .16 i nches ·.. _ . . : . . .. . . . . . . . . . $7 00 ,No. 3. Full 1norocco; bevbl-:;d hoar ds, gilt n.rnl antique, ver y rich , 5DO pp .. .. ... . . 12 00 Let.LP-red to order in gold n,t 25,cents each line. ! !-cnt by ma il , post-paid, on receipt. ol' the price. Che.e se Factory Milk Cans lot·' ~ale.. .K eep no peddlers. .The cost of peddlers tJaved: and the bel;lefit given direct . t '.o the farmer. Gome and prove it. . . ' · In con1plin,,ncc -i,vlthrepeatcd requ ests, the pub.· :)~shers of 'l'uE _1._Lnf~}!) have prCJ?O.rcd imprP.:-;- ! ,J31ons of mn,uy of the n:- most .b eautiful plaLet:J for 1 · pasoe-pa.rtout fra111ing. '£he cuts arc mounted on a ben,utif'ullr tin t.ell ..azaH"e mat, '\'ith a handsome Ted border li ne. ' · To att,ach the gl a ss, it is onl)' l eft for t.hC curr ..tume1· 10 paste and fo ld over iu1 already attached border, aud this n1ay be done b y a child. ' I 27 :::ubjecta, 12 x 15 in., 25c,;»vH.h glass, .We. Six (!f this size for $1, 00, 'vhen s election iai left ·' 6 ~u..b;iects, . lO x 12} in ., 20c:.; 'vit.h glass 4Pc. 7 suhjects, 6.:\- x 82 in., lf>e. ; wHh glass~ 4.0c . 12 subjP.cts, I1. x 19 ~n .. 50<:.; with glass,' LOO. ' p · pu bllshors executed~ Now, remember! for the next 30 DAYS Orders forEavetroughs and Jobbing promptly M CCLUNG · ·._ . BROS.' . is the place for Cheap Goods. If you war1t good :goods, cheap goods, and just . -- , , wh.at _ y ou · w ant, come to the " El{7phant House." , . , JOHN McLEOD & CO. ' Agents for TAYLOR'S FIRE-PROOF S.A~FES. tion. Sold ,a t Toronto rates. · WELLINGTON BUI.LDl.NGs, ,../Jg;;_t by mall, WJthout glaS8, p ost-paid, far ~AN\' ASSER.S I A sample on exhibi- W.'1X1.'ED '.J.'IiE ALDINE COMPANY, . . ~ .58 l\:Iai1len ~a110 , · w : Y 01'k. BROS. Bowµrnnville, J\!fity, 187 o.