CANA.DIAN STATESMAN, .BOWMANVILLE, TIIURS-DA.Y, JULY 15, 1875. ~ "' r - -- - ~ -"" Cuisto11os De11a1·t1ucut THE bus1ost man in Russw. is P.nnce Gort.chakoff He r ··· at SlX fi m , reads lt. ttcrs un til c1; his secr etary reads or nntlJZCS to lum the n101e 1mpo1t111t art.1 clcs Jf n telhgcnce 1n tho d .:u ly papers of Europe he lui cht:s at noon, '"1lks an hour receiv es v1s1ts fro1n one t o four ans wer.s letters (ro m f nr to eight, dtnC1'1 a.nil spends the ev1:: u1ng at ' he E n p r~s 1 f Ger n1ar.y s cottage The most interestu g por hon uf Prtnce Gortschakuff's correspond cnce is the letters he gets £1 otu In.dies Ho begs e\ e y Russ au 1 ·cly about t qmt St P et ersburg to write h m frequent ly and tell bun c' tr., thing she sees n.nd hears In tlu s \VRY he lS kept f i.n11har t\ ith all the public, private, ancl secret hu;tory of Etm pe lhe old fello" e\ldent ly knows wh ore to look for nc"s THOUSANDS AT nm FROM THE rI'IHE UNDERSIGNED OJ;FERS for of an acrA of land ottacbed s ituated on I ibcrl) slreet 1n the lownof Bo'\\ mnnv1Ue The house ts a double one each part conta uung fi"'i'C 1001ns "'1th necesl!!ary con\ en1ences and there He' eral bearing fruit trees in the garden AL~O a splendid assortment ol Housel James Morris, I N IlESl'ECTFULLY RETURNING NEW l\ULLIJSERY, also n. lot of tlla.1tkR to the pu bhc for past 11 he 1:1.l paLronage "Would a.1 no 111cc thrit he is now prei ured to till all or ders in his lin e in a.111u11ner seco1 d to not!~ ta.bhshrucnt 111 the count1es mt.le a lh' cll1ng House Wli h tihtee eighths DRY GOODS BUSINESS. 1 OH ~ALE CARRIAGES WAGGONS REAL HAIR FANCY GOODS CUTTERS also a Large Stock of SLEIGHS STAMPS for BRAIDING and EMB ROID-"'P FASHIONS :MANUF.AC'IUU:mD IN ANY STYLE DESIH ED AND ON 'llIE SHORTEST NOTI OE AND Wol..GONS $20,000 Worth of Goods! Time, Money and Labor Saved. '10 BE SOLD WITHOUT RESF.RVE 1 P::E'l'..EN'"OElC J llst t.o ha nd. Jt4!" Dress tnak ne; I Ren) cmber that noth in g but the best m aterial is used and best workmen empJoyed-th 1s e n s uring durab1hty e leg ance snd ci mfn1 !;-the mos t 1m por tant reqws1tes in a conveyance H epa1:nng 1n all branches of tho trade prompt ly attended to {:l<ll DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTE R Bovrmanvillo of peo_ple n o w carelessly allowrng themselves to unit tluough the p~nHJJaty sy :optoills of consu1nptlon, un derihc fatal delusion that they are tu ubled w1lh ncthm g b1>t a " slight cold ' How m:ces·a1y is 1t, then, that a cold should be cared for !101n its inc1p1ency, and every exertion used to get rid of it ' Bryan's Puhn 111c W ifers' 1 ill stop the hack mg cough in a (cw m1nntc.!ll, and by their in· fluenco on the brunclual and pu1mo11a1~ orgat s all fenrs of dangerous >esult will soon ba d ias1patcd-but they must be taken in t i ue Su 1d by all l)ruggtsts nun country dca101s Price 25 cents per box ~-RE Ilc~\[A.:.-. IIAllt -How 1nany persons NEWCASTLE NURSERIES. 0 IL PO LI s HT Trees, Shrubs, Plants. This French Oil Polish is prepared for Carriages, Buggies, Harnes&, Boot· and Shoes, A.LL KINDS OF BLACKSMITH lN ~ SATISF AC IORTI Y DONE WORK1 A SUPERIOR MANNER SPRING OF 1874 of Plante1s and dealers to our Jnrge and comolctc stock of When you want an) tlnng 1n the niTrnge line, give JAl\IES l\IORRIS call, au l he 11111 smt you ) ne rl oor '\Ves t o f the Ontnr10 Hank Bo Vi n1a.n v illc Oct 10 1871 LESS THAN CO ST. AND ALL KINDS OF LEATHER WE INVITE THE AITENTIOJ'I IS 1} Organ Co., B so1 HIGGll\'BOTDA.lll CHEl\iIST AND DRUGGIST, EGS RESPlW'l'FULLY TO AN N OU N CF. t hnt he h a~ ted stock of Gcnuuie D1 ugs a nd Pl1re Rnglish Chen 1cals .Also a sple nilitl s tucl.. of t he 111ost flnJ.'Cfully select ed rec eived a \Ve il as abuse t 'ns d ehc ~te and beautiful ornament hy burn1 g it v. tl 11 a lcuhohc \\ashes and pl 1ste1 u g it with grease,\\ 1nc.:h haa no affin ity for the sk111 and 1s n0t absorbed Bur nett a Cocon.1ne, a coin pound of CocoB nut Oil, efc, s unnvall~d as a dressing for the ha1r-1s 1eadtly absorbed, and is peculiarly adapted to its va11ons cond1honJ prevent mg its fallrng uff and promo tmg its healthy growth lLLI:S ors has the cl am pion far1ner His Sulin an and ha resides .1.11 l!""ord county, wluch is the scene vf his ag n cnlfur 1 operations H e has this season, 22 00) acres in corn, 18,000 of wluch he put lll \'1th his o vn tea1ns, the other 4 000 1s let out on shares He has a 1s > 6,000 a1.; 1cs 111 o:\ts and flax He ha.s 400 teams ~t " 0 1 k, an d no less than 800 persons alto gether un lus plact:J nan~ is ]}:l1cheal Would respectfully tender his thanks for the p,it1onage rnce1ved dmmg ths past 18 yems He has now decided to OHS DYE STUFFS· Go out of the Dry Goods Business; And in order to dispose of his stock as qmckly as possible "ill commence a (}1 eat Clea1 zng Sale on PAIN1 S COLORS V ARNISIIF.H and \VHITELJ!;A t~ At the ver!i lo-west pMces HORSE A.ND C 'TTLE MEDICINES N B - Co n1try "l-&ntaf(eous t enns BEAUTIFUL GOLD FILLINGS. , A1·t1ficial '.l'ccth TNSER'IED AT A MODERATE FEE Teeth Extracted Without P"1l.m A.ssrnted by 18_ 7 5, AT LE'SS ::J..'HAN COS::J..'. Burnett's ExtractsFor cooking purposes Burnett's Extracts .l'1'0-t!ltUttl!ll!lJ/ llq><ll"U)J' ")-UELPE-I Machine CO~'.lP ANY. -l'a.rlter llou1e Bo11ton Burnett's Extracts LEMON. VANILLA ROSE. J M BRil\fACOl\1BE, L D S. G D LOCKHART, L D S 21 Tl:IH black 'cJ.nth1ns' a. new species of tho potato bng ha.a ap,ieared at J ohet, Ill It 1s a sn1all insect uf a slate color, not o\ er half an inch lonJ, and it co1nes in such numbers at night as to blo.cken the funccs F ar1ne1s are fiJht111g the1n. \\Ith "'ulphur and 111n e, and with so1ne :;;uccess ALMONO. ORANGE NECTARINE. PEACH CU..ERY, NUTMEG, THE OSBORN. December 1871 CLNNAMON. CLOVES. GINO.ER. FRUIT -A.:N D - THf ~PRl~G IMPORTATIONS HAVt JUST BttN COMPlflfO, The Stock 1s Very Large anu well asso1ted, and must be sold w1thmagncn time. Burnett's Extracts Thel>m 11· t111J oor11 -"E flh .J..V 1 Hotel. N V Burnett's Extracts U1ed (';J;C/U8 Confectioner y DEPOT t'13lyjor yen -Cont nenta.I. H otel, l'blla. will be the Cheapest and most Lo y -&L BLOCK!· This Extensive Dry Goods Sale ever held m this County -~I. Burnett's Extracts Tht aupeh.OrU,V qf U.e" E:etract· cot18'st1 ·n theW pt.rfect purity and gteat 8lret1J!lh They are war· ranted free Crom the poisonous oils and nclds whicl\ tinter into the composition of many of the fact1tlo1111 fruit flavors now ln the ma.rket They are not only txue to their ua.mea, but are prepared ftom fruits of the bt!st quality and so highly oonee:ntra.t.ed tha.t a comparatively small quantity only neell baj used TVJIOLESALF a11dRE1'AlL .JCST ARRIVED, D. \VILLTA~IS 111crou::; uU ::. t OlUClS Vllil .c du ring the c on in& Sum.mer E Ltly as the E e.,,t nd JIL:3 n1otto 1v 11 be 1rli.:: 8 .. Ch eap a s the SALE will COMMENCE EVERY DAY at 8 O'CLOCK A.M. TERMS OF SALE -All sums undc1 $50, Cash, over $50, four months crnd1t on approved notes . \" o1 as the De~~ PERRY DAVIS & 'SON & LAWRENOE, MONTREAL, P. Q LUMBER,· SHINGIE8 and SQUARE TIMBER I H .L\.. S TEVENS Qualit~ is the test of Lhea~ness, ' DF. <LEil l:'> AgeDtt far Dom1n1on of Ca·ada. F. F. McARTHUR. .;·~~~~~~~--~ JOSlPH BURNm & CO, BOSTON, Bownu\nvill c Dec ORDERS SOLlCI'I'ED · -~------'.\ lta<1 for past patron age It\ hopes to r ccc1\ca. continuance of a fair i:;h ire of public ~~~ -r~.,,&~- . """"'-"'~1+-RUl'f-AND -ORNAMENTAt TREES, Seds :Bulbs, Flowers etc , etc 27 ly .A ll T re1 s f rn !'.!l ...,1 hyi\1R C arc guaranteed ftr!'.ll d11;; s 1111 J. Cf-IAPLIN, c ustom AVALA1'ICHE OF GOODS AT BANK, $1 000 000 TOROJSTO BR ll'CHES l l1 uc Lo name A. die s POnox C}:'i Bo\~ {£6) ma n ville Smart Estate! FOR SALE. I 7[_. .. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. IN CORPOR \TED 1&;1 c~r·tal, OSHA\\\. ' \ HITllY F ire aud j\ fanne $800 ooo Silks, 85c., 95C4, and $1.00. Harper's Magazine. Womens white Cotton Hose Sc. IL:T, UST RA TEDWhite Marseilles Quilts. - $1.25. Lace Curtains $1.00 pr. RISK & FARMERS Curtain Lace, 15c. per yd. THE ISOLATED f RE II SURA! GE COHAllY OF CANAUA Dress Goods, 1 Oc. " Wh1 te Dress Shirts, ~1.25. Grey Cottons, 7~ c. per yd. Tweeds from 25c. to $2.00. Prints at every Head Ofilc e-J;..1 n~ St Corn er Church CAPITA L $600 ()(JO .A m a t uri:is 'VE w ould call t11 e atLcp.Uo1\ of J ear.lwrs k K !';KTESNE W 1\fETUOD i.on TBEUEE D0HGAN t,t A NEW ARRIVAL OF P11r1ficahon of' the Blood Jnngorataon C the S~stun,~aud .\_ND J\ih Ton1<:o:s as being the best "ork for thum u siru1 1ent s J1h1s work is pronouncccl supenor to a ll others of its class b) tenchcra who Fashjonable Felt Hats. Ontario 0ap1tal $1 000 000 Ge nm all~estmatwn to SoundHeliltn NRW METIIOD '!'be Chea 1u~o;t U ul!lic t·11b· li!o!!zed Ny PROSP CTUSoftheCHORISTER H · ad@ftloo The Best Pab omzcd, Most Thorough and Practical Bus11,\foS School 111 Canada Inst1tut10n for il'Atsmess Tiamrng where Boys Young and 1.fiddle \ 0 ed Men can procure nn Educatwu suited to the M:ants10f every d&y l,ifo A. G litl\ISA 'I E~i' H &Il TRAVELLERS' INSURANCE GOMP'Y. II ~RT'<'ORD CO ~ N lhu snhJects M·HJJht are Just such as every McJ;"oba.nt, Farmer, ]'){echan1c nnd ,aiqna.l ~Ian require in trausaottdg every day bnsin as, and embrace the tollowmg .A.8sets over $2 000 000 R So H ,0 H A RA Agents DANA'S [nsures agamst D cn.t11 n,nd A c;.cident PAT'ENT $HEEP MAR~~ Book-Keepmg by Smgle and [)14uble Entry Spence)rnn Penmansl11p Commercial Paper, Bankmg Steamboatmg, Concspondence Amti\,\rnetic Bi okerncre Spelling Commercial :Caw, Prnctwal Grammar, Mechanical Drawmi Act.v.:.i.l Busm~ss CQUl.<i", Telegraphmg, Pbonogiapby, etc Our Course of 'Iraunug is under the supcrv1.s1on r-Qf ' TheBradburyPiano 'IHE BESi!' l\iADE R &)II OHARA ££VEN .CO'MiPETENT AND E'X'PERIENCED TEA01iI1E:RS ,<i}EO f YOU STEC~ - (}B;'3)- & COS .... 'vant a. finit clliss Organ purchase 1 ul.11ufa-0ture U b:> .lU EPA. I, l\EW "YORK l C~t~log ucs .:i.a.dre "-s t h;;: nbove 11 If