.· ... CC.AlVAUl~ · STATES~IAN, ·~-· \ -·,' . . . . : . irew _frame Cott.age, ~vit b liltone : ceµ:t.r nnd g~d variety of fruit t reei:J ·in l'.1 '! 1-('nr- i den, situated on the corner of I..amb anu Odell .! Street,g, ne:lr LLrn Ffl.ctorY. lf'or t enns, &.c., up· ; ply to ARCH'D(L\L131UITH ·. . On the l? rermiu~~. . ·1 .o ·o · .WIT.L $9 ··- as. ·BoWM,ANVJLLE,· TIIURSD.A ..Y, ~ 3lJJ~Y 29., . ~ v ~ . . . . . .. ' . . . ,. . ...:· . ·1s1·s. - ?" . . . &. ¥, -" & For Sale. PURCHASE THAT t . . . . --AT· -. - -. · :Iv.I . c CLU '. NG . . . . . 1\'otice 1o Conh·ac.to1·s. undcrsignedltnd -endorged"Port.Da.rllugton J{nrbour 'Vorks," ~'ill hr re{_-d :rcid at, this offtco ).1ntil noo.n- of ·Monatly, the mh da.y of August, S the rush is to continue and increase for another , EALED TENDER.S, addressed to the ii. i I . . a can be ·c lerk. .tnowoince .andattheoffi.ct'!.oftlleTown · n10.nville. on a.nrl after Monday, lhe 26th inst .· / where printed forms of '1'e111ler ·will also be ob· ta:ined. -.· _ Contractors are notified that Tenders v:Hl not, l-_,e consiclered unle.ss ui.nde strictly in aeeordance wlth the nriuted formS,~nnd in the oose of firms -excapt U1or11 11.reattachcd tbe actnal sic:-naturo Rnd the 1ni.turc ut ta.e· occupation and place of resident~e of each member of the sa;mo, Fo1· ihc·dnc fulfilment of the Cont.met, Stitls~ ft}(}tory security \\"ill be reonired en real oota.te · ,. Or by deposit ofmoncv:, public or mu nicipal se<:Urities; or bank stock11 to an an1onnt of five per cent. on t.h ri-bulk sun1 or the ConLract., ' 'l'o the 'l'en_~er n1u.e:t be attached the actual j:,igno.ture of t'vo responsible andso1veot persons, rcsideafr-J·of ·the Do_ m ihion, willing to beconte mITeties for the c3.rryiIJ!l out o( tbcs o condlt.ions na well n.s the due_ p t""1rforn1LLnce of the \YOl"ksem-. ·bracetl by. ~he. cdnlnwt. · · . .- , " r tinent doP~ not. l~owevor. biii.d.. fl;. · This Dc1m. 1 · s elfto11.ccr.pt. thelff1Vestor liu:fHfhder. 18.~i.nns ~d speciftcati<>n8 1 seen tb1.r . (BO) - T ··. _a·· _. ·I R T.y. 0 . y ti .f (QO) ---- ·or----_ I ·t A . 9 --.· .,~ . . ._,;,., · _ . ..... , - ~ . .· ·~ -. . _ CHEAP coons · 1 Dcp_ ni't.µ:rnttt of P11bnc·-J~r.ks, l F .· J)RA UN, . Ottri~·a., ,h11y 17th, 1~75. !l.:ortlcr · f .., h Th·e p ub1 IC ave respon ..ded no b-.·..1y··. to our ~ · -...~ ' · Secretary, --~----~--- -- ---- I1asolvent !\_ c t of 1869. . CAN!l.DA, ONTARtO, _ Call, and nOW We Call again. } In ~heCoun tyCourt of County of Oxford: tho County o( Oxf1»d. In the matter of TIUGH MUSTARD, an Insolt.·ent. . in the otllce~ ofthis Court a.Dted of Cnn1110sitiQn and discl].ft.-rgQ, cxc~utc.d by his creilit.ors. andlon Fridn.v, the Twent.ie~h - day of .August next., ho will apply to tho Judge of the said Court for, a. confirn1a.tion o!t.he discharge th ere- T HE UNDERl3i'GNED HAS FILED · -.;JI byD:~:;t"t~o 7th day of .July, A. D. 18i5. G ' 00 · d Ini;crsoll..July HCGII l\lCST ARO, Per BRO-W N & \'{EI~LS, A t torneys arl lftr,1n.. S. 18;5. 5<l-5w. s are se 1ng because ::FAGTs ·are I JU.S T RE TU KN ED \~ii th · i1 · te111·ng I ·an in1men9~ stock of SPLENDID STOCK GRA:IN l'ARill tb1· ~A.f,E? in 7th con .. narHngt.o!I. contnining .250 a . cre-11 --more or lei::s.. '\Yell · v;atered. Large young or· 'Chu.rel. Good buildings and fences. " .! For particulars, RJ)ply to 'V ~. 'fuim~ L OT 14 and SOUTH HALF of T,OT 11> I E ·PRICES VERY MBCH REDUCED. . . . . l ' · .- . ' ,· . · · '· · July Rtb, 1875. Il1iydotr, Ont . 43-tf. The lUdine Company NEW PUBLICATIONS. soLD oNLY BY suBscRrPTroN. J'Hi<; Al.J).TNI>: . THI' ART .· TOURNAL OF AMEJ;lICA_ We shall continue to back up our adver- 1 Bu1lders '_,-H_ a rdware in abundance, and Furn.ishings o1 ·tiserµents by g~ving the . Bargains we promise I every description. Persons building can have all their ~1an ts supplied place,. and profit by ti+e special redlictions given in such cases."· 111 01111' "fhl!! spleniliclenterprise is not only wo11 sustain 00 in eYory rc11.tu_ re, bnt it iR being constantly <le Yeloped 1-1.nd. ~mproved . It t.o-day ·stanrlS "°"ithout a riva.l i:n the ,,· hol1~ .worltl of pcrior7ical lit~ra "turo. The b enutifnl tlog-vortnrlt, "!\.fan's Un"Belllsh Fri~nd;' a chrumo presen ted to every subscriber, is a tlecided hit. aTid will , i f possible. add to thf: populari_ty ""h ich this work .ll.as g_ a in-ed. Th e AR'f' UNION fcat u rcnlso -pronuses great and bcncficicut i·esult3, in a1·ousing pobltc lnte1·-o.st in t.}rn flue arts. Circulnrs and full informn.~ton on npplica.tion. Parts I, II. III and IV :,i.re no.\ v rcadr. INAILS & WI DOW CLASS AT OLD FfCURES. I . ·. '. I . ; ., .P~ints,and Oils never known to be so cheap. When we .;SAy Bargains we ::MEAN Special attention called to McLeod's House&Villa Paints. all shades and tin ts ready for' the brush. SUTTON'S BargainsJ ;, , ., '. I~ lflSURE-HOUR MISGHlANY. 'To he completed in '10 parts, tssuod f'ovtniglttly Each pnrt \Vill c_ on..ta!n a n el~gttnt t'rontispiecc 'Originally engraved on steel for the J.:i0n don -Art .Journal, ,c l - · f CARRIAGE GOODS . IN GREAT VARIETYT -at ~ price ·~'. i~t41 ~ · t h,e.:poPu1dr reach, c nB'ravil1gs f never befo.rc Ofl'cred at less t ban fiv e tunes the I amount.. · Tbette plat-es have been the attra.ctioi1 of REPRODUCING .. . 1 f I _ Wheels. Felloos, .· Spokesr Hubs) Shafts, Axles, Spring·s, Moss, . . . , , Enamelled Cloths, Rubber and Dash Leather. · The.London Art Journal. .Rach pa_ : rt will conttiin .26 qunrto pago.3, inclurl.- OIL CLOTHS MATTINCS AND DOOR MATS·~ stores -· · · · ' Large crowds have visited ·our . Oil Clotl1 for halls .in one pi'ece. r: ll.ntl t.he pri1iHng of· the i;lntire \\'Ork will be n ·w orthr, repreg~ntaUon . of ~he .. .The Aldine Prces ' .which is a· guarantee ot something ~':j-:~~ ;~~~~~~~~~~!~~7,:-~~1l~EJ;A~~:~i:F during the past month, and ·the _ ·· Sividit_ y .wit .· h wh _ icli 1 . . ~·;t~u! ~';;;lu:b;·~;) Ch. p ARTS 0 " Par· . goods have been "TAKEN" is gratifying evidence . . ·r, .rr & ~· ..lRE JUST PUDL tSU&D. THE ART JOURNAL. that both GOODS and PRICES are I . ·. 1 1 l- .· E ·. .. - . I . - . ·. . ~ ""'L':l .. ·.. -L-J ~ a ·' A. G- E s--T :a: E ' ~ 1 . ' ·.· . .. . '~. TAK!ING.'.' ·· . . , .., .. Cotnpfcte in . ' 2. n.1·0 · nthly p . arts, at $1 <'0.Cho · R . c- , producing _the best full-pn"gc illustrations 1 troni the ca.rlicr VQlumos ofThC Aldine. Each n1onthli pa.rt. ·.,vill .Contttin six superb plates v.·ith ·accompanflng dcscripth·o matter, nnd Whether for b-inding ·or frnnllng, "\1'ill be entirely bey-ond competition in price or n:rt.istic eb t\ rae.ter. J!:very impression ,~·ill be mos, bc e.rcfull y taken on the finest. ton ed r,apcr, anil no,1 - pnin11 ·will be epared to ma.kc thi s t 1e r i.chcst prcr duot.ion or a press whioh hm1 won, in tt. 1narvel0 11sl y s hort Li1ne 1 . ~ wu:rlil-wide r QJlUtation. Leath·er· and;·R ·u .bbe1?;tBELTING:,; arid a splendid assortment ·of Mechanics' "T ools;with t_he celebrated Baily Plane. ' '\vith the latest anq., most beautiful designs, with· new an cl impFo\r.ed le cks . . -.. . ... ..... . - ~ ... · ·.Jl.. .J ;· · i._.-· · · GEMS FROM THE ALDINE, Esµe,clally ass orted (or IJ'I ., Ir We are pleased to see our efforts to "sel ··I '· ~ lit...f ·· ~Rod s , Scrap Book Illustration.CJ ancl Draiwi.n(J Clas-' . Oop·i es. ..... A large c.olicction of pictures of dHfcrent si2tes &Rd on n.hnost every eouceirablc subject have "been put 11p in a.n attractive envelope, and are :n.ow oft"ered at a prlct:' . intended to 1nake them ever~· Hooks, Baits, and all the· fixings. Envelope No . 1, containinff 50 heauLiful enM"t·a·vings., is now rr.a.rl.y, .'Lnd will h fi sens_ postage p:ii<I , to any ful~lreHgfo1· ON~ DOLL.A.tt, A lib· ~o} ral discount. t,o agentini.nd·teu.chers. :popular in sense. the right goods at the right prices" appr~giated, and i are carrying this war into next month. f 1Q Q G OF fr~m $1.50 per set upwards, finished and! casec{beautifully. SCRAP BOOKS. A splendid as:sortn1ent of SCRAP BOOKS 1:110.ve been expressly prepared for the hoJidny t1coson, and . no prcsoht of m ore permanent inte rcst ca.n be s~l~~ed for gentlemen or Ia.dy, old .Of" YOWl.R'.. · ! . No.1. Hnlfbound.:cloth sides, gilt back, 250 pp. 12 x 16 -inches ... ..... · ·.... .. c .. . . $5 00 No. 2. Ifalf bound, cloth sides, gilt back, 500 rrp. 12 X IB inches .......... , . . . . . . . . 97 00 No. 3, Fnll morOcc_o, beveled boards, gilt nnd n.ntiqne, very r~.ch, 500 pp. .. . . .. . . 12 00 J..ettered to m:-cler in l!'"Cll at 25 cents ea.ch line. Sent by rnail, poi-lt~paid, 0:1.ret.eipt 01'.thc price. 1 ,. I · . .. A v· :i:·t D Ik 00 E N -;IJ 0 0 L s Spa.des, }:\hovels, Forli:S, ,Hoes, Scythes and other .impleJL.ents iD;.'large 'variety and in1proved quality. l!ishers ol :~~I~t~Pt::it~E,~~~~~:,~Jt~;J~/1/i,;~~t·d but MORE ·ARE ARRIVING, and for the next To .a.tta.ch the glMs. it i 9 only left for the e ns- THEALDI~E lHL\'C -prepared iiuprcs.Jons o! many of theh· most beautiful In~:.:li~::::~L~.:;:~::e~~:~~:~:~~pnbplatesfor ;::~·b~:"~::~~~;;~".~~.:,~;.l~~~;;~:soc. attached - ~ Som . e of our cheap lines are running out . . 30 - Ston Jes - Ia · , Staves ',·. ... :D-· or c oa1 · latest ·and best in , lroer 10 pasta·andfold over a.a alrca.dy Six· of this- size rm- $J,t'JO, ,..,.ucn selection is loft opublishers 6subjects,.lOx12~ in·· 20c. ; 'l.\'ith glM:8. &Se',.. '19ubj~cts, G~ ~ 8-.j- i.n ·· 100. ;. wlth gls.ss, 40c. ·1 12 eubjoot.R, 14 x 19 tn .. 50c.; with giass, 1.00. Sent by , mail, witho1.1t g!D.ss, post-paid, for CA.N\' .-1.SSERS WANTED. 'NIE .A.LDINE COMPANY, w &York. , 58 IUa.iden Lane days we shall OFF.EE GREATER INDUCE MENT THAN EVER I _ · . .' · SHOPDEPdR7l.JtlEHT! Cheese - Factory Milk'· Cans; for safe;- cc. DAN A'S .PA TENT SHEEP MARKS. CIIEAP~ ES T,'1"fhe most laH ting, Lheleast troub1esoma :-.ancl m ost cnu1J1lete ever invented_ They are used and recco1nmended Ur inany of tho best Breeders in the "C-nited States and Canad1.1o, ~\t-cb . as G. B. L oring, Salc1u, l\:fass .. Pres ·de.ut N-0·!.,o.England '\V uol Grovrcrs' _ Society ; John S. H0ss.. . rHcnne .p in, Ill,; Professor }'I. l\<~iles. of thE' State l ,.A.griculhn·al College, La.nsi.ng, l\.l ich; Hon. Geo. ~:Drowu Toronto, Ont.; J oh.n Snell , Edmonton., K eep no peddlers. The cost of peddlers; saved, and the' benefit given direct -to the farmer. . . ' Come and prove it. · ~ T HESE MARKS ARE THE -Ont. On each Mark is stamped t.heffwncr's name and the sheep's number. 'l'hey \V ill be sent/l"ee1 : by "Q.UI.il 01· express, for only /OUJ' cents each,.ana. ' ·w iJl lnst for TWENTY YEA.RS. 't.'§_ Cash must accompany all orders. · ARCHlBALD YOUNG, Jn.-, Sarnia, Ont Orders addressed to the-CANADIAN STATEll·MV Office for any quantity "':lllbe_ tuled a.t the abosea 1ue11Lioned · p1'ic~; a1rqntckly ~ , tbe ·Mar~s cbev Now, remembe1 for the next 30 D.AYs· Orders for J~]avetroughs and .Jobbing p:rc;>mptly' executed., M . Cc LUNG · BROS.' is the place for Cheap Goods. If yo-u want good goods, cheap g-o'o:CI.s,, @ 5 J1,,d just · . what you want, come to the "Elephant House." _ JOH1f . McLEOD·& CO. ma.de and sent, 1.~. R. CLIMIEN - ---- W. R. ,1,-.. r .. ~ · ' , ' ;i · ·,, Cli.mie, I l I 1~ SSUER OF MARRIAGE LTCENSES! .. . · ; ' ' B .v a:.;t.no.rityo!Hl e ExMlle11cy th-o Go\'er1 1) _ C'h.". rter ··- OJftc:e .:) .th~ State.<;? i?;:t·,?io~ ,f:- ~ :. :. :it ' ~ ,..c::CLVNG ""~~ ~~ .. -- · --- - -· - ·eaos. ,.. Agents for .TAYLOR'S FIRE-.PROOF SAFES. tion. Sold at Toronto rates. : _ , · W.ELL.INGT(l~ BuILDINGs, . ~ ~ -~ · - Bowro.a\wille, May, 18'1::i. !