El ~I'~ S'luu·!Hl.· y 1t!on1i111g by t he Propr1 e or R . CI.IM IE tt l J e OFFICE-Pa.t Office Block, 're() L. XXI. BO""\VMANVILLE, ONT., THlJRS1)A Y, READY ]/!ONEY THE OF THE DAY. o_ BiELFAST GING ER Man lfacturcd by KEN '.'IETll 0 'MPBELL !t CO !l'.lont!"eal IMPORTANT CHANGE ---~F- --- King & Dn 1<>1on Streuts Bo-..vnULI);-'Yill M~·Jm M Millinery, Grocer1es, and Seeds. fore --- V~--- Iha.,;esee n jOl ll re thln 011ce be ' You are said Chrrntian L lhe IS not or your face nntruo, one to tlnnk URDOCH BRO'S REC, TO INTIMATE THAT THEY \\ILL COMMENCE TO SELL FOR Fi n1 f u tlicst east to fu1t h et>t 'vest Her name 1s kno?.:n in e'i O"'Y land Of all ea1 th s so' erc lgns noblest best' Long Ulfi'\'" i:::ho r eign u p\ln the throne She graces b\ h er\ u t uous parts I ong may we fe el she is om O'>' n~ Qnaeu of o u 'E np r1:: a n d ou r h t art8 ' Guelph 1 CA SE: -ON~ hind her and look1n 0 back she saw a rndd} cou itri;; lid, of so1 ne s1x'- een or seventeen years trudging blythel.r along she st Jpped hun to ask the ME R \K LAND, - OR- S E L F - S A C R I :FI C E. MONDAY, MAY 3rd. CHAPrER X XII!- coNUNUED "Ay, deed d i v I-no+]u lg less 1\'Ir Patrick \u· her 0 <.: l away last ntght, W Is C.A..SFE_ Stocks are Con1plete 111. all I sh 1d- attfmt10n to busmebS arnl sell that support HEMEMBER THE PLAGE, - VIOTORIA BUILDINGS. ' ~Om J\f1llme1y Depurtr11ent 1s T HE Sl: BSCRIBER Boots and Shoes H1.1:J NG 'lHE S 'l OCK OF -0.F- J \vonld H HANNS, still uncl(l tha manage ment of MISS 1\fcfAVISH V :d 11 e for o~c n· IU one! A LAH GE QU AN JI fY OF ::N"·E-W- SPRING STOC::K \T- N E-W1~ STOCK 'TO ARR IV nov. opened out for "al e and BATTIN C'S A. S A ~IOHE r X~ f?i T 0 :Et. E mnl 1n0 n ull an 1 ~01111 letcstoc t: · Intecnd1ng pnrchnAm~ pleH~e call and _.__~ Hc\~D-Goon t~D(.UliP Fl TI ASSORTMENT OF Sr"cPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS NO" TO !:!pcct befo c JH rel as ng elsc\,h er e MANCHESTER HO CSE, BO\' llf rnvIU.E Bptci«l Inducem< ts Otfercd Joi MR w JENNnms A Choice Co1lect1on OF I s still tn el nl'gc of the 1nanufach 11ng- c1en:nt ment and v. ill oonttu1 c to l{Ua"ttn t ce A Pfi:R F ECT FJT in t h e J AfF:S'I ST\ LES ( omp, aJong w ith t h e tJ <\_SH ge.t 'aluc- and tho r ght; (lha11ge back I-I 0 1T S E ~>\.. N D JOHJ'li DORJ, A. ~D Bo'" nui.n\ illc !\-larch 99n d 18 :-, TEMPERANCE nn ~ Bedding-au tPlants J. CHAPLI1'T, DE;\'Ll'R l'I th on tree Anne starte I ashd " h J'l ur niot e1' ' [ r11nna. nuntl his n a n e-1t sla ng Ia.ng ago-but he v; al! a. gentlc1nnn, and iny J\fay be said fath e1 was y1n o the w1tn esaes ye 11 havo seen a mnc1de bouse,o we1 t.he 1e a' d1s1asket and b1 ken do vn GPurge Brock the g11eve,hves near th .., gate o t 1t B no frtr off HEALTH at D STOTTS T~e Messina lemonade rowder! A nto~t del1ghft·ul 1 e-f.resJung ancl coolu g T em1wranee B evm age FRUIT AMO ORHAMBHAL TREES, CALL AND SELECT. llo' ma.n~ illc 'Shall I n0t s c you agu.inl Chi 1st1an h esitated "l do not k n ow-nhy sh' nl 1 yon 'l y,on can got n otlung bu t 1 h)1t and d1s.appo1nt ment from we and yet -for £nee-yo 1 .Apui 20t11 1875 [38-tr B 0 0 TS 0 FOR THE LiDIES SHOES B 0 0 T t' - OF ~ EV--EBY B B 0 0 TS =- -OOTS LATEST STYLES DESCRJ:PT.lON. and c' the BEST MA SH 0 ES l'ERIAL flon1 the best :.\1auufa.ctui e1s and sold a.t 1-,REMENDOUS LO\V FIGURES. s H 0 Es PARTJ:CPLAR AffEN 'l'ION GJVEN ro LOYAL BLOCK! M. D. \VILLI :\_~1fS B 0 OTS GENTLEMEN 1S FINE SEWED WARE. s no E 8 B 0 0 TS TER"11 S - "SM4LL PROFITS FOR CASH' B 0 0 TS ANDJi,RSON & CO. SHOES IRA STEVE NS l(EEP YOUR HEAD COVERED. CrLSJll ORDERS !'O;OLTCI'I'ED. "\Vlth than ks f n past patronage he hopes to recei \ea c 01 tinuance of a fcur shuro of pubUc custp1n Ren1ovaJ.