- ' . . . ., .BOW~.VILLE, THURSDA~, 1'ROFESSOR DONALDSON·s TEN BALLO O N~.AN ASCENSIO~ AlJGUST o, 1875· ...._ .... IL. :t_.{ p .~ "" FATE. il't THE r.rRRCY OF A H URRICAYF: IN A ROTE ULL OF h ViL AU G URY-DONALDSON N ERVOUS 11.l'i D Glt.AYE-c'iHE LAST SEEN OF T HE BALLOON- J,OS'J' J:!'i THE. LAKE . (F101n the Chicago Tribune ) There ia evrry r eason to fear that Prof. Washington D~nalds<) a and lii s haple~l! companion, 1"Ir. G:,r11nwood of the Journal, perished lll the hltrr1cane of rrhursday n iizht. The Qeparture of th e bolloon was foll of evil augury. A frail b ~\g of chcn.p cotton, harnessed by wreaths of old cordage to a crazy wicker basket, the re weL·e no s1gns of care or precaution in the process of making ready. On the contrnry, hnlf a dozen indifferent fellows 111 t he hippod rome ~ervice hung to it ;: n a h!;tless way, and the reronaut himself paid so httle regard to the swelling globe t h at one might have been excused for sn pposi ng tha.t he had no concern with it whate ver It \\as iiu poss1ble to O.l"oid nc ticing the r ents and patches. so1ue of then1 very clumsily ropa.1red,which disfigured \\hat should otherwise have b een its u1;brokeit contour. The ropes by which the,..car was attach ed were knottP.it, spliced and t a.ng led in a fashion more indicative of hurry and economy than of a. proper rega1·d for tho safety of the Professor and 11 is companions. Altogether, the bl\lloon wore f.\.n air of ahahhiness and deb11ity, not to have dete cted wluch, in the light of pl'eaent evidence, seerns unaccountable. Gross e~ Pornt, some twelve miles north of Chicago, and wlulo stunding out thirty iniles fro1n the shore, they had seen the balloon dropping its car encc in a.while into the lake, only some mile and a-half dieitant from their vessel . Realizing the dangerous situation of the reronauts, Capt. .An<lerssen hea.deJ. his schoo ner 1n their di~ rectinn. Bttt before he could overtake the machme, w1uch was bonnding at a rapid rate on the water, there was a. su dden lighting of t he car and t h e globe shot up ward to :i.. great he1ght, soon d1sa.ppearing a]t;ogether f1oru the v1 ow of the schooner. R, E T I _ ::R, TffE I I ~ G- I \.Vanted? for the I RELIABLE GENERAL AGENTS GLASGOVV HOUSE The Subscriber invites the specia I attention of the public to his unusually large, and well assorted stock of FR.OM Smith Ameican 01rn31 mpany, TIO ST ON. ~65,000 Organs made and ALSO, FOR sold. ~ DRY ·GOODS BfJSIMESS. $20,000 Worth of Goods I TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE! GEO. STECK & CO'S \1873) - DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTER. Conauenclng on cu· nbo1._t 21.londn}, lhe 19l· Aptil. J~7;. G 0 IA D JUE D \ f, PI:llYO, NEV\,. YORK. THE PROB ABLE FA.'£ ~ Oii' 'IH~ MRONAti'!'S. Fo Terms antl Catalogues, address the above I 2:om an1ea. 11-tf. staple & Fancy Dry Goods. · TH E 1 ST EAM ER Mr. Elias Colbert, whose patient and successful tnvcs tigfl.t1ona in meteorology entitle him to perfe-::t credit, warrants, \Vi th h js ripe experience, the followin g theory · When t he balloon left the circus ground at five o'clock, it rJ.1s e to an a1htude of 5,000 feet iuto the cnrient of a wind blo \,Ulg steadily to t h e norhhea.st. B efore the impulse of that breeze it went ~bout fif . teen nHJ e3 an hour on a course which had fvr its starting point Chicago, and for its concl1uiion the neighborhood of Grand Haven, in Michigan. Thel'e were about 120 miles of water to b e tr:averse<l. so that th e voyage, under favorable auspices, and I at the rate of fifteen n1iles an h our, wou]d 9 terminate in eight hours. L n.nd should have been rea1.;hed about 1 a , 111. At 7 o'clock the Little Guid e, standing on l some 30 tniles froiu the l lhnois shore, oB Grosse Point,and about twelve miles north of ChiOU cago, sighted tho balloon. still on its thanks for course, and exn.ctJy where our c,dcn1ations TllE DAR.TNG .:"!!.RON.A.UT. would place Lt, to wit · about :10 miles froi~ Donaldson was eviden tly ~ve.r.y n ~ryQn 3 its start1ng point, with 90 rr1iles yet to tr<\Vabout the start. lle wlust1ed vacantly to ~el before ~it co·1ld arrive at its destination. himself, and took frequent observations of Frum causes easily understood upon re4 the '"ind and the promise of the sky.- ferencc t o an in te r,. iew with Prof. Steiner, 0 OU Sunbumt. dusty, an\l restless, he formed printe<I below, the balloo n had lost a great & picturesqu e contras't wtth the ap~tl7ebc deal of Lts car1ying ability even at this canva.s.,men who kept the halJoon to its early stage. I t already hoYered on the moorings. The tw o reporters who enter- very surface of the lake, aud Uragge d its ed the car together held no co n versation car over the crest of th e \\'aves. \Vhat it stock with hiin, and while they were in the heat ( \V,ts t hat D onaldson throw oYet>board to of nn inaudible dialogne, he swung hin1 - lighten his craft we perhaps shall never self, monkey fashion, to a platforni of know. It is no t iru posssible t h at hlB unwire nettin~ just under the n~ck of the fortunatecompan1on r ehnq urshed his kold, balloon,'.n wh ich uufragrant neighborhood an<l be1nldered by the fury of the race he r eman).cd uuhl the machine became a I across the hungry plain of waters, fell oat ~ speck m the upper blue. The crowd had of the onr and so perished. a good cha.nee to ~crntinize htm o.s he len.n- SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. ALL OF WHICH Time, Money and Labor Sav~d. IHaving been purchased for Cash "NORSEMA.N" tit citAw~·ottD, Maater.1 Fn.EN"C:Er \V ill make her regular tr!ps on tlns route; lea T Cobourg every 1norning. 7 30 and Poi t Hop e a t go clock for l tochoster; connect· OIL POLISH I - under· the present depresse1l state of the marketsing th e re with the New York Uen t1al a n d Eri 1ng at n. m, LESS THAN ~ C O ' ST. Th1s French Oil Polish is prepared for Carriages, Bufitgtes, Harness, Boots and Shoes, AND ALL KINDS OF LEATHER. It will give n.ny art1cle of Leathe Y. n. most br1l hant &ppeara.nco, and at the same time from its oily 'properties tends much t o 1neser ve it. it will nlwa}s be n1oist &nd pUaut, and may be exposed to 'va.tcr nnd washed u ptl '"'1H not lose tts b11l· ha.nee.and it is not to be' fearedthatanycrust wlll settle Qn 63.ld leather \l' hen preser\ ed vdth the above oil. MT J:i"or tbp, woudv. ork of Baggies, Ca1rmges, and .Furn1lun~ , Lhe1e is not a better o,1t1~le Ht use. .)\TanufacturcQ. by .A., SI:MON & CO., ·.ra nue1 s Unu Cu1r1c1s, forn1crly of ]"ranee, now of Phdudelpfiia, l'Q., L~S1'RUC'l'lONS-fihako bottlo, A few tlrops on op1eceot·['onge,aw1,.t1·ghtlytothe1eather. and you wi l ohtiun the fl pes t lustre, Price 75 cents W Bottle, or $7 50 per dozen. ) Will be found ·under current rates ---o:--- Itrul w::tys, f m a ll po1nlf; e ast, \\est urn] sout h . RE1' URN TNG·- Vllll leave Clnulntte (Port of Roell( st cr) 1huly 1:1. I fJ o clor k p n1 , e::xucpl .S aturdays, when she"\\ 1l1 le,1ve at,'{ p. n1 . for Cob ours direct Dea.let s in St0ck will :fin d tlns the cheapcK and most exped1t 10tos i·ou tc to Boston~ A lbany p ·· IN DRESS GOODS UNEQUAtLED ADVAHTACES Will BE OFFERED TO CASH BUYERS. 1 New York, &c. J1"or furt her infornHttlon 38] ~pply ·'· UD. <'=' i ....AJAT&; #"' .,.,, or c. is 1 - - - ·o:-·--.ALVY .A-YS ON :H:.AND "' ,.. ~ 1 - I W .p 11 t en d er ' h lS · U 'tT 1d respeC t .1-. J ·. ,. A Large and Varied L I.l'.rb'1'lS, A~~ortme:qt SHTRTJNOS and SHE.ETIF.'GJ:J, <~c. , de. Of I KINKLE' S :N°EW t;o the patronage received during ths past 18 years. He has now decided to DIA PERS, I s11per1or A nu1tc u1s to l.f.E'l'IIOD F OR Til E REED ORGAN AND MELODE01'- as b c111g th e. b est V> OJ k fur these Instruments. "!his \\ork 1s pronounced all others c t its class by teachers \\ h" 'S l(INl(I E 1j _...J It. CHA \VlfOilD, Port I Iope GILDERSLEE V E, K1ng sto· to. r. - - - - --of WEwouldcall the a ttent10a Teachers~ TABLE N.1PKLNS and DAMASKS Bo"nlan\ 1lle, August 13.,. ISi:i. J SMALE, General Agent. 2 1 G t 0 f t h e D ry Goo d s B us1ness, as quiddy as possible will commence a Great Clearing Sale on · A. JUAN of '! IIOUSA 1\'D Rowm am1lle, lllay 19, 1874. THOMAS PATERSON. R 0 l w H EN DEATI:( WA.S H OURLY · e:Xpected from CONSUMP'l'l ON, all r em edies ha' rng fa1le<l and D e. IT J AJ\IES wns ex permumttug,he a~cHlt:!o ta ll.} 1.o.1.td e a preparati on nf INDJ .\N HE ::\1P, wlirnh 1 nre<l lits onlv child nud now gn ea tlns 1ec1pefp~ on rccP1ptoft·wo s lnlllpH t o pn~· o.x.pt>nscs. IfF: l\tP also ~ures night-sweats, nausea at the stomach, a ntl. " ' ' II break n fl esh cold JD 24 hours Adal:"ess Crad dock & Co , 1032 Race St., Philadclph111, nau11nr.; this pap('r. ·. F And in order to dispose of his n Burnett's Cocoalne Prevents the Hair f'rom Falling. Promotes its Healthy Growtb. Is not Greasy nor Sticky. I OT::a: 1875, · Burnett's Cocoaine Burnett's Cocoalne Burnett's Oocoaine Len.vea no Dieagreea.blo Odor. Subduea Re!ractory Hair. 3,500 ROOM R. R 0 I, L s 0 F ' , - CA.UGHT I!'.~ A HURRICAXE . cd, in the attitude of an anctioueer, oYer the upper h oop.and exchanged som~ sh arp and n ervous raillery with an acquaintance down below. He looked short and very .I . squnre shouldered, wit - 1. a. gymnaBt 8. breadth of chest and big-JOllltedness. His coat collar was turned np to shield a large, inn·oulnr neck from the sun. and a silk hat r · 3 was drawn dom; over his face. rlus litt- ter was brow n as a b erry, "ith hair cropped shQr~, a. thick dyed tno n stac:he t wisted up in an inquisitive point at etch end, and n. pair of dark bright eyes wluch roi.;ed · hither and tl11ther. Just behmd him the brasses and the reeds and the dru1 ns of L he band were br~l.v1ng and b n,ng1ng cheerily J A hundred\va 0 <rs 11hot thelr quilps a.t hin1, l\Ieanwhile a terrible hurricane Wlll!I at a point parailel with the j northern extrenuty of Lake Th1'ich1gan.. . The storn1 centl"e, af! meteorolog1oal wr1ter~'I t erm 1 "t · d d d , was spinning rou n an roun on ·t t t t t f th an I seas ern course, wen y imes as 1er the draggled balloon was rilnnging before ti10 nor tiiern b l ee:ze Of course wh en th e car d. 1ppe d into the g~thenng Burnett's Cocoaine THE SPRING IMPORTATIONS HAVE JUST BEEN COMPlETfO, This will be the Cheapest and most Extensive Dry Goods Sale ever held in this County. The Stock is Very Large and well assorted, and must be sold within a given time. Burnett's 0.o_~oaine Soot hes tQe Irri tated Scatp-:31dn. EASTON . - S P1\ P·IT R l~l\f PG R. IlJ~l C 0 :M:, J:> R <: S I N G , Burnett's Cocoalne Affords the Richest Luetre.. · Is not an Alcohol1c 'Vash. K1lla D and! uJl'. lake it immediately retarded th() flight of the ba.lloon, acting upon it hk.e a brake.-V\T1th tlus 1mped1 n1ent the n1ach1ne prob 4 I I 1 Burnett's Cocoalne Burnett's Cocoaine Burnett's Cocoaine Gives N cw L lfe to the Ila tr, Remains Longest in Effect. G·olds,' Satins, Pannellings, Oak s, H::tlls, and other Papers of a great Yariety of colm ing. ~ PnrcEs--fro m 5. cents per roll ..rztJ ably could travel no faster than eight to twelve miles and h ou r 1\iiirrors an cl Pictures----very cheap. 7&ffei!;~~ The rea.der cD..n j ns t here re,ilize the si tu ~-ttion of D,n1al . lson . a ncl lus co1npanion. RuJ.1n ing northeast , they kne\V nothing and Pnce in a w lnle soiu ebrdy, with Lul gs of th e tornado wh~rling tempestuously to s tr onger than the rest, caugh t his attention th e not Ih ern encl of the lake, big with and won a r eply. . , their destru ction . no:KA.T,DSO"S" SERIOUf-<. The moon ah one fitfully, cloud§ thicken-. Just befot'e the halloon bf'ga.n the sei i es ed b eh ind them a.nd chased each other in of short Lun1pa aii d Jerk $ which was the constant procession across 1b:; f,t.ce. Perprelude of its departure, Donaldson cover- hu.ps t hy descried the l:.1irnps of the litt]e ed h is eyes with his hand and g.tzed- ·ted1 SC - llOOnei ___t win kl ing - t WO-...----·Th 6 ,, IllllBS 0 · k fastly over the treachernus l" k e. One fl! d b tl t d bl 1a·e wa.sru e , y .10 s e~i y ow, an d wag,s un~ out· "Donaldson, you d bette r ti t ti h ·t b a.s 1e3 \V-ere orn rrong I y tiie nn cret ontl " The ~rouaut was silen t for a ]cl t h h th l l t 0 . then ho muttertid : ,, I WISh I w1e y mons er, ove1 w 1c ey taf oo nunute, little control, its wa\~es must have bt·oken Cou Id'" · over them, antl <l.ngr1ly tested thoir gra.sp Grimwood of the Jo 1o nal "as in that of the ca.r. The to rn pest, on the other dingy wicker car, peering tluongh the not- ha11 d 1 .gath~J.ng Y1Jlu1ne and. fury in th~ work of ropes hke a c,_i.ged bnd Dona1 dn 0rth, spun round ('fl its ce11tre and swept son's wire perch was full y three feet above 111 frenzy over ... the face of the l ake. When hhn. VVhil e th e Professor plnycd at being the balloon harl aclu eved probably t\\oci pta.in of the air sluD, the sole pnsscngf'r th· d f t 1 , d 1 , , ir s o i s c 1sasi,rou s Vfl yage, an on y made hunself Qt home, aml ttpr«1smg a I f t I h d t b t dt l · or y nn es a. o e ra \·erse o com p e t e bundle of c1rculars 1 r<1eant for rer1a.l c h stii· a II l ·ts t.errors on th e 1 s t orn1 b nrs t in ~ 1t, tic hntion asked if they were t he r)rOVlSllOO ~ I b . h 1 a oi 1ng Sl.J ere. Everybno1v fanghed at the lightness of tho . 1 f tiie Iiurncane 1.1ie pa.Lio ~ an d tiie course fare except Donald >on, who ha<I lns arms o f tie I b a ll oon 1ntersec . t e d JUS t a b ou t f o rty turned around a pan· of tho mum ropes, rn 1I cs f r o1n G r and II aven, an d 1 "t \-ras a t t h e a.nd who:-;;e face '\\'as hke a copper mask. )Oint of that in tcrsect1on that The journalist looked to be a slender , I THE GAL E STRUCK DOWN THE B.A.LLOOX. young fell ow, \1iith a. plain, l1onest counAs the stoL 1n w1nd poured its fury about tet,ance, n.nd was serious enough for one the doomed 1nr.ch111e it spu n round and On th e eve of such a fatal voyfl.ge as tha.t round hke a top, with the poor wretches which, httle recking, he wa.~ a.bou t to take in its car drnggcd through tli e waves in That he real·zod some of t he penis of h i· their cage, wluoh whirled them f r o1n side ~;itu ation was evide-nt in the cxh·fnu e gravto side, giddy \\Ith hopelessness and disi ty of his features, which \Vere in 1uarkcd may. At la·t, if Grimwood had not been coni'ra.st v.1th tho re ck~ess auJ mack1ug dashed- out of the car befGre his supren1e ~a.cee of the mob. hour, his inexperienced hands must have UP INTO r HE AIR. looscncrrtheif death grip. Donaldgon , an It would be hard to define the exacl d 1 expert gyinu<t.st, probably hung on \Vith a\ moment of the st.:u t. Half a. ozon men stronger and more skilful hold. B ut even held to the cable, and the balluo·i, ·'owly if the older of the t wo lost men survived mounting i our feet, reeled to and fro his 001nrade thera conld not hav e been < ·s ;if it were sorne n1ouster canght in a trap n1any n1innt es between lheir dl'ownings.>u1 d frantically be11t on escR.pc. No\V ral- Once fa.illy sprawling upon the surface of ling it.a huge bulk this way, now thn.t, wit h the water, the balloon could not escape Donaldson sw1ng1ng from the upper hoop, from its adv e1sary by flying before it. It ,u1d Gr11nwood je1ked back nud forward took only ,the violent conCU$sion,and then, n1 th e bfl.sket, it frightened the crowd into rent in twa1~hkethe va1l of the Temple by a succession uf stampedes . Then Donald~ its death -blow·, the hugf! yet uusu.bstanhal ~on ga\·e an n1de1·, and G1 un" ood seized a crea t ure burst and sank, sa11d-bag aud pou red it.~ con tents throngh Ho w the tw o men inet their fato w.e ~ti.air he cordllge 011 a score of upturned facts probably n ever know. A tragic chorus fhere 'VM a V :\St langh aJl l'OUnd, a ~b ower sang lhe1r re quie1n in the roar of the t hun,,f hand-111lh~ frou1 the car, floating to the der and the 1va1l of ihe wmd. Had there earth hke a hundred thousand ~ lnte fig- been a fittin g inspirahoo ·for snch :111 end 1 1res,:i.nd before 1ts fh ght could b e realized, ing, t heir death would ha-ve b oon her~ic. the b alloon shot up in to th ... clear sky, and But, wild as theh euterprise was, Jµ)bod y was socn hanging over the la.ke h ke Sti1· can thitik withnut a thrill of the two ~onls ha.d's hcnenng roe. Don al1..l.,on still kept w1uch, se;zing the wings of the stor m,pashis footing on the perch, and ·wa.ved his sed out of the crash and the ruin of tha · ha.t. Grin1wood still peeped through the tempcstnous midnight 1n,,o the hav en of a. hen1pen grate ·which i111pti soned him, and snied bundle a.ftcr bundle of han~-bills Thns, amid the sh outing of the mob and L he crash of the band, the two unfortnri.ates went to their fate. 0 SALE ·wm COMMENCE EVERY DAY at 8 O'CLOCKA.M. 1 TERMS OF SALE:- All su1ns under $50, Cash; over $50, four months credit on approved notes. Burnett's Cocoaine 50 aad 75 cegfs per Bo1tlo. PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENOE. MONTREAL, P. Q. _$<Yr J? ffi'"" j:._ 47'4 Ag·ats for Dominion of Canada. F. F. McARTHUR. JOSEPH BURNffi &. CO., BOSTON, Proprf.ton. "tli!"0_ C .hildrci1.'s Cabs. 4!£; Lots of Chcn.p Ladies' Fam;. ""':3% L n-rge Rocking Hors ~ for $3.00. "'* ~ ~ Srwcial t erms t o Rase Ball and Lacrosse Clubs. -~~ Indian lfohbn Balls. ""* ~""· Ros';, Sponge, and Dearl Balls. ~ l'ai a·i~ i':.· l, ii on t~f the ~aa v a 1.1 ora ti ou §! ~ ~e .m , =~nal ir Geneml Resto mt ion to Soiiwl Healt1. · O'HARA.'. S 0 LD A - THE GENERAL TO'iVN HALL .BUILDINGS. s mlA ND I J_~"i..._ ·. RJ~ l'H lNCIPL1£S F U LLY CARRIED out in the t r e..'1.tlncnt>11dop tc ll by the } ic111cs k no wn as th-a I and l 1UB. 1 em wen ~ l n dia.n 1.lOC'l'OU LE'iY IB JOREl'll US lll. ins nwst W00l16J1'UJ AJ1e1atn 0 nnd 'l'on i.c ::.\iled· G1e.Lt....::ilw:ihoncct Re1l1'etl:v · are Nowhere r A G E N c yr _ .. ~~OTTO -" BUSI N ESS nimhfo.~s-ix_·1_'_e_n_e_ e _b_e_~~~1~t. l-1a_n_a_~~w,~-~liilli~ -AN- FORMERL y CARIUBD ON BY R & TI. 0 J{AR1\ \-Vill be OOTJtl n uctl b;, 1TE NRY O'IfAlL\ under~ tlJe name of the old f:l rm. Bn ~ra11 ce nn 'l'on11ier.rnce street , and through tbe .>Id Ccnh c S h o p , nLukct Bu!l·l.mg «) l( Lnff stre.::t Bowtnnnvilh.': , D . STOTT, AND T O 1f 7¥ HA.LL B I i.,TJ Dli.UGGIST OF GOODS AT LDIKG S, BO JVJJA.J'. VIL LE. DEALER IN s_ :S:ILL' s_ ' WESTERN A~SURANCE COMPANY. Druggs, Medicines and Chem icals, INUOHPORATED 1851. ' Brushes, ~ Head Office- Toronto. Hoo JOH N l\foMURR!CH, Esq . - Dye S t uITs, Patent J)fedJ.ciues, Perf-1.1n1ci,i; Co1nbs, Soa.ps, Paints r.,nd Silks, 85c., 95c., and $ 1.0. Capital, $800, 000. Fire and 1\.-Iarine 01 Js, P ; 111t D1 u shcs, Coal Oil, and Conl Ou i:a1nps, ltc , &c. Womens white Cotton H ·o s e 8 c . I . Q , l t $ l I::? JJ. IL~ LD ~N. Dnector. , ·te M W hl arse1 11 es Ul s, .2 t.J, n.&:H. OHAR,~, AgcH l· Lace Curtrins, $1.00 pr. ~ I Fa1·1nei s wnd PJiysicians from the (Jo1o tby 1t:ill find o Stuck uf 1\'Ied1 ci ne~ 15c. per yd. lHE ISOLATED RISK &fARMERS' z>o µ-Curtain Lace, sed of the best qualil'IJ. F IRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAHADA . Dress Goods, 10e. l.:Ien.tl :o::t, " TH E 'J-UELP1=-1 White Dress Shirts, ~1,25. Dominion Organ Co., Sewing Machine '.'\,Esq, Jr., · Grey Cottons, 7~ c. per yd. JOHN R. Fl. 0 HARA, Agento. CO 'iU PANY. Tweeds from 25c. to $2.00. THE OSBORJN°. Prints at every price. CLO HARTFORD flRE INSURANCE I Prc<ulcnt. - I>fanagmg P\ Y SICIANS' PHESClUPHOKS Cc\RlCI<'ULLY COMPOlJ l\DED AND ALL ORDERS connECTLY .:'\.N S\\'EH.ED. it Trad llie.rk,-" Blocd Mixtue." Office-J\:1ng Co1nerCh1n cb . Toionto. CAPITAL, $600,000. Depomted "\\lll1 the Government, $100,!lO.f-. Hori. Al.EX . '.:\fcl{E::\ZIE, 1\-I. P ., - President. ::YIAUGH~'I Mnnnger. & A NEW ARRIVAL OF OOMP A'NY, IN'CORPOR.1TED J 8 t ':· .... ,_,.1.., Fashionable Felt Hats. I HARTFORD, CON. ~. J._ssets, ;;>;<.;er ~2,500,000, & II. O'l!Al{.A, Agen ts Ontario · HAND IM HAND MUTUAL FIRE l~ S URANCE COMPANY. CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE GOMP'Y. .C~,Pit~I 1,1.nd Invf'..st ~d Fuuds, over $2,000,000. ;ESTABU.SUED 18H. THE LA'!.T Sli:EN OF THE IlALLOOK. fh1s i s an old and rDliablo Cowpany, a.nd the Rate~ itrc much low er thu.n An1c11cau or Bnghsh Co n1panics , anil the profits a10 argc. On Friday n1orning, a ft er a .11ght of un usual hurricane, tliero was an early nnO f\.nx.ious u1qn1ry at the Htppodrom e for the i.dventur ons pair. To the fir.::;t o\S nell as t he latest q11estiuner, 11r . BDrnn lu 's agents could only reply with an expression of h·>pefulncss. Donald_ son h all SlllYtVod Mch momentous penls rn the pr.st, had come out soatheless from so wan;y )l,l.lld to ' C rt t l1are l1an<l encounters wit h d ea tl ., na . e enoncrh for b eing O()lnfident.1' as excus o ·nut wheu, later in the c : ay, a coasting schoone r brought news of th e ball.loon's · h lire per1l n.t an early hour of the i11g t, s0n1e titne bef.v1e it was called upo;J. to t l of ~h e t einp._es.:, stand the treme11tlous shoe\. : 10pe for the voyager's safety gave plac.e to ,1 reluctant behef t hat they had both perhhed. The Little Chnde, a snui.ll era f t, t inployed in th"e luruber a1) d tanba1k trade_, . Upon 11 te re d th l'i po1t ~bout 9 o'clook l ., he:c a.11 i\ a.1 h~r captain, a ~wede uanled ' d 1 t a compah iot us ma c, \.ndersen, an 11 amed R~s1nu.ssen, ho lh toltl ho"' at T ~ 'do ck on Th\1radn.y even1ng} v. hen off The B;8,Gt P~tronix;ed, licad Oillce-Hamilton. Most Thorough and Practical Busj,ness School in Canada. R & H . D'HAU .A, .Agonts. ! J. :U:IGGINBO'J'HAlU Institution for Eusi,o.ess T1;\Uini11g, w:b.ere Boys, Young and Middle. Aged Men can procure an Education suited to Vhe w,ants of every day l!fe, fRAVEtLERS' 1NSURANGE GOMP'Y. HA H rro.1m. CONN. CIIE1HS1' AND DRUCTGIST, The subjects taught are just such as every ~ferchant, Farmer, l\'Iechanic and "BEGS RESPJl:CTFULLY TO AN sional 1"1~ ~equire ;n t.ran~tldg every d a.y business, and NOU.NCJJ.: that ne has received a. 'vell a.a ,i;pib~a,~e the foJJ.ywbii;:. so:rtod st<1~-K of Ge.n i.. i~e :D.rvgs ,&..nd Pip::c EQglish Oh etme ....t ~ Also, a ::;plendid· sto-91..: 9f tA_e WJ?M ,.a1efuUy selected ' ;aook-K.t1epipg by Single and Double Entry, Spei1¥\llpan Feµm:;i.n.sihip, __!)YE STU F--F S ~l Co,rn;r;ne.rn~al Paper, Banking, Steam.boating, Correspondence, A1ithmetic, Nhlch can not be surpassed fo_r cx;cellepp.y o 1na li t y An assortment of Anilin,e tJ~ es ik:cp Broke1;ige, Spelling, Commercial Law, Practi cal Grammar, Mech'!'nipal . . onstantly on hand, together 'vith ~ ,~qi.cc ac Drawing, Actua) Business Courne, Telegrapbin_g, Plwno_grapb.Y, etc. lection of DRUGS.! CTflt:MIC.a.LS, .ft & H. O'HARA, .<).::onts. ·1 The·E radburyP·i ano THE IlEST MADE. It. & H O'J.I.ARA, Agents. .l'AT~~1;J")f]i~§?roft"k~, OILS: PAINTgbLORS,t X'ff' .A.t S HOULDER i;l,UACES, IS U PPOitTE.RS, &c , &o I I Posts and · :o:"- - ..\ · Our P&ti~o,n,al:wie 'much la.r.ger, and our erms lea.s .t$an any other Bnain,css .College in Ct1na.da. The united n:bD1iSs1on of over one thousand of our Graduates, no" fillmg li,let'.a.tn e poa1L1ons a.s .Accountants and 'l'elegraph Operators, are the guarantees of competency ~tl ;;\icc~sa v; c offer. I VARN I SHES 0 R GANS. wood. - Cord t . a.n9. WllltfELEA 1 owes prices. IIORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES, N. B.-Country Storep~e).i;er.e .suppliedon"a-;1 ,oi autaigcons tcuna -0 very th I - " ;nplaeati-0n 51 l r:irn DOMINION ORG.A'N R. & H O'TIA, A gt:nts. co.'"' L ' T ,ij:E ~ SUBSCRIBJDR OFFERS FOR sale Pinc a.nil ~~Iemloc k Lrnnber, ~ Cedar Post8 and .Cord w1Joll, ln Ja1 ge or small quantities, En1111ue at Thompson & Burns' office. JAMES "VEAL Novcmbe.r ~J.. 187!. l .J-Jy. C· ·- (15)