!Ill er~ vV~I. · I TIMES! 1n l"on1c n.s::; 1t1nont of ti CHANGE OF BUSINESS. and - ,_ II 1T \ N NS, GOODS --~·~'m"""-"" ___ :A T CHANGE OF BUSil"iESS ! N \RGF Ql: c\.N1IfY OF R "'A.T n 8 11 l <>.1 le \II 1 ARR1VF., k1 ;t; a full an I iomp etc~tock S~L OR- F-S.A. C R I F I C E. sorrow alone CH \PTEit XX\ III cONTIN~ED The hr se ha l the exhansterl " rn ont I tuok lnm in and closed the door he look \\ lu h HJ com1n )n after such a. solemn The Best Fu_rniture i11 the Provi11ce 11p1 at moderate iatt, h) < illrn. n ,ne J rntend to s~ll f<>~' Ccrnli, 11t.rl.1r1y rwt 'm(lll P1 ofits. NE.\:V REPAIRING OF AL1 ,KINDS DONE and { HAROES JvIODEHAH MILLINERY I -\ND- a NEW HEARSE -one of the fine,t rn Ll10 count15-flcm the celebrated manufacture1s Meosrn Aimstrong of Cmlpl1 I am p1cpaied to furm 0 h I uneials v.1th an outfit u11siPpa,sed many cit;; m the Provmce I teep on hand a Stylish Millinery! Ju<t ari n eel at the SPLKNDID LOT 01 CO.l:<l INS, SHHOUDR, &c House1 are -a: I -r _j_..J ' 8 5 c.' 9., and ~100. Womens -vvh1te Cotton Hose 8c. \1Vh1te Marseilles Q u1 its, - $1 25. Curtr1ns, $ 1.00 pr. Lace, 15c. per yd . 10c Dress Goods , V/h1te Dr es~:. S hirts, $125. Grey CoLtons, 7~ c. per yd. Tweeds from 26c. to $2.00. Prints at every price. - I A. NEvV ARlUYAL OF " Speak out, child '\Vho 1s hej' u He 18 th e man for whon1 Nnrrnan 1sacrificed "11- hc 1s the slay·r of .I.lice Ay 1 -toun s hther Mrs Catherine started- tn har extreu1e wonder sho could say notlnng " An Icno<..:ent man ] ;frs Fashionable Felt Hats. tlus dreadful <lee<l was done unawares and in a hfe of agony has it been n. '\ enged Mrs Oathenne re1na1ncd silent for 1 NEW Tho Bost Patrnmzed, J\Iost Thorough and Practical Busmoss Sulwol m Canada Institution for Busmoss" Tiammg -,,hem Bo:is Ymn,; and MiddleAged 1\i1cn cau pr ocure an EducatJrn :tauted to the "ants 0£ C'\wry day hfo Ihe suljects taught nrc JUSt such ts e'\ery l\ierchant Far1uer l\fechu ic and Profes s1un(ll i\fan requ ire in transact1dg ever) dri J bus1n~ss and en1hrace the tollow1111:::i JOJE3JI3J[N'"G:,.. nan1P that the hlue eyed gtrl by )Our s1 le Vias sayu1g I kn e w you \Vere Norrnan s sister- I felt that h11:5 ~p1rit was '.\ itlnn you, Onr C nnse of Tra.111 na is under the snperv1s1on Jf SEVEN COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED TEACHEHS