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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1875, p. 3

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.. ~GEORGE ""'....,...................~~...........~.......................................!!'!!...~~...~""!""':'."'""~- ·~·~!!""!""""-""""1!!!!!!...'!!!!......!"'.,.._._....z ~~s ~ large · nu n1ber of· ,, ...,.,.,,.. J \. n.THOMAS Sewing Machu~es ! I er for an.le that. I will warrant. ~"'-lso seY·;r11.l others, suc h as ttw""Fan1ily i:iingP.r, Ho.w·. ster, \Vanznr, Locku1~n. an (! .Wheeler ~WHao · Selt...-!u~ :\<lRt.: hinP.s tif a ll kmas l' a nd ·.~ 1875. ~ FA . L L "'-f""'"""~ - 1875. . i P ROSP E CTlJ8 F O j :- " JVJTNJ. 'J, .HJ~ fd (' IHi$ of h e nl'11 y Ii S'TOCH. O Jl..1' ' 1 NE\V AND SEOOND·HA.ND,! ,\.. hich he 'viii sell chea.p, nnd to lie a s represented. Ha.,·iug b een bought tor les.e than c llst, they wi tl Ue s01d chc.a.p euough t.o p htcc t.hcm w ithin tlle r e llch of all. . ~· I have t\ good new N o. 2 lVIanufacturing · tnr.:· ; nr~ ,r~'ll~~~ i H l hP. -v e r y ti r H r . T h~· rapid growth of tr~S l!Y t· i ,; 11nsifi , ·ely \·il l'. is fi.tnn11 l1' . . SU t"Cl'ili."~ ;d ili gC'U Cf' , p ln( · r· . ·.s_. t ,,!l·""·m MADE AS GOOD AS N;E\l.;. pr no charge. l{esiden ce Elgin street, two doore N orth of the Un ion S chool. GEO. Ii. 'l'HOMAS. Ilo1v1na.n ville, Oct.. 13, 187.'i. 11-:lru For A1neric'an and Canadt:l. White and BOOTS AND SHOE Sf . .,. Gray Cottons· the cheapest in town-- And as our stock is so well known it requires no i·ewanl.s to induc0' the people t o buy. · go to ARTHUR,'S . { · ,·--.. M F ' . F .· . c . Id ""I·m , OUH INDUCEMENTS ARE J I d. t · . - .... -n Ul'll:· on ts< (Cheaper "'tlod s and bett,er., quality for ·~ n ucemen s . ' SICN OF THE c o t.DEN ANVi l. - -- --:- - - - . holdiwi'h ~10l1h c1 w <.::u t1 ll}m1 a t e l\' t,eCl.ll'( a - 101 I h e \\_ 11.~ . , c:.cri l1 e is , ti:;id (lf'clar~ti li1U,.e e~1 1·11 e'::-; t {~ffurt ::i 1h nn !'~ ,- ( · In s i1 : 1\ . · : ~n c: pf h is tln:I dutn· :-J 1n h· : f u t u i·e tlcJct.ofl ::Lbo1 ·. tis h e h ri'r !· ' 111 r;ans c i. l1ict 1\u rl u SOJ f!llH:1· ·· · · n t'hrhboi-lioOd :il,oo 1 Jy placm g- :. ,. .,,. Cn fa mi lv 1 The subscribm· ha.vii. lo "' lllll"clins ed the ..' entire ,.. .of lir. T 1ros.' 1Lts;E. 'l"~', ·· { ' stod~ (jf Ilad:lware ::11~ ~1~1;u~·~nr;:;ft11~~s·~1 11 : : .. favor of t h o e"ch oithc pV1ttlu·ocyeo t~,<" Bt11.:crs~l ve a tlat·ks u p o11 t l .. ·.' ., ; ~ ' parL, Seve n Brick DwcllihgS; d esirably sit uat ed . as follow s::... · 'I'} ' nd . on)?rownStreet,at 0 ·. ,;.1. le. OJP;-~ e'f\'Ll, pi-~S e11t, oc~mpl,ed b)· - Col ., Cµl;litt, J.fayor; Large and , con1n:iOEflhns ~-w,~llin g<i, g{iO~· bai-h u.nd · outbuildings, n1ill_ ou~ Of the bes Lf rm:t nnd vegetable garrlem~ in towti . . OF THE LA'l'E THO~, ;.J__ B R O\VN is offered for .sah~, in "'·tiol~ or in hlHE ES'l'ATE · ., - · , · I ..-"'°Call 1 . bft lJ less 'l'ElRllIS STlllCTLY 81\SH. .. , ~ ~ ~ a nd see for yourselves, and you r friends will follow, ~ 1 · ~ :tno11e~- thari ·c.can be ·g ' rot else\vhete. - · - ----------------.) l · :\\.;ouid r4spectftU1.1~ iii~~i·iii tlie inl1abi.t ant~ n,rHJ Of Bt)"\:fnri,f1t. ·ilJe H ' ··t - I ' .y occ.upied by tJia- _tindcrs lgned- fonrtee n rooip.s Pesid:c.s . clo"Sets, ~t C . ~- ,one of t h e in os t. complete tcsidCiices in tow11:. Good gardeli attac hed. , o' cc u1~icd Dy J. finnkin, Esq., collectoi· of"Custo1ns. Gordcp,att :.ich e d. q.1 0 . on Kine Street; '" - .: . I IC -.. 'Ve Il-b p resent occupie d .bJ' Mr .. JC'hn Murdoch. l\>Iost comfort able reafdenpe, ' vithcgood ga rden and outbuildings. oncor··' , . . .. . t:i or Hro>Yn itn1l Church Streets, at nf ~sc nt Occupied by t ~·o ten<l,:nts. Garden att ache d ~, · . R" . Kl~g str.cet, lotelr , .·. .. , " '·!'occupied .ais a 11oop Skfrt. F a c t or y . \Vith ~itt lr. outlay a good reslftcnce could be made c f this building. ·Th e resid e nces abo ve rnentlo ncn al'e of a super ior Ci~.5s , w ell tifl ilt; ·w i t h stdne-wa llerl c ella r s, p.nd a ll n ecessary con veni en ces. A rare op pl'>rtun ity is 110\V offered to pe r sons vi; iihil1g to proCure S upe·r~rj.1· r esi(l encc8,as t h e p1 op1~rt.y wi11 only N QW. J; ' ,· }· D 11' on J{ ;ng \j l.; B 11~ ·' · we lng b<imand 1ate- td For cheap . ],lannels · and . :Winceys, go ~ ' ------~,.,_.;r . . . .'--------...;....----.....;,.-/ 'Daily · ·Receiving Lar:g e I111portatioiis ;',i.;,~·,~ l:J'~"'1;:,~~;.e~ ~~~~ci: ., , ... ,. .-D t ' ,.T7RoON .AN Jj, o:::'l · '· J. . ltE E D'S OLD ST..A.Nr. '~- ;. (>...:., k.YJ Q(' [ t · '"' ~ .additibn to his present stock he is . . . . i . · . sbi:ruu ndinst t~oUiiti:.0 v that in . , · h~1 ~~(d;~1ft r~·;~·v~~~~w~;~~~<l1 L: f"llo~'·r·' """ \he mos< uutidu~effo" \Vrrx1~:-:s. rnclt"'. <1 '8 h·ahh· ch·mu·rntances. '" "'· ·. 1, ·· . · · ,. ·. ··, ' ··" · , · ~ lit fti,r1:.:sn n lt ha:> hecn · r)n.p l~r rm rh e pttrt of t he Tl" owositlon """ c·11ll<l h e .o r·' .- , ~ " . · . . ' ·· , . " I v:ill W\~ for111er1y Pnjovt~d .- ~n , 1 1 J :p·1<· 11 $ b1 o' \ hose Homan Oal.hol1 0 n 1,,(,;;r~·sn lto<lin cut.tin g- 11~otl' 1 1 ·. ,,f . prCSCrit ~nmn1r B dck . Dw'el1iJig · . , .· __ (double) Street,at., F: F. McARTHUR'S. = === - -=::::. :::: ·_ :...:, "" - ..,, ' B ,· l· D l'tt" · c ·of:lN\l\rALL i . OE,,BRITISH A.t ·n . AMEHICA N I suair & as · 'A1J·. v·· · lt.A" a ·w · ,Alt. ! ;· ' - · ' . . ' ~ ~ '~ hef. ' rh P- uc tun1 c1 1 j cnlat ion of lh1~ DAlT.V \Yrr ' . e o m 11u r ati\·el :r Rma.ll. Rm rmn 1' · 0P 1l3.000.or lesM l h an f-o,lr p (· · ' a tt'ec tnspec nn; a rHy,a s " ' eC>' l. cul!l.tirrn eril.rn.I in v olume to , the <l ailY ci ty y1rrn.;s, prohahl y 1 o](I R Cathnlic r<>ad 0r·· · < ~ ' . · g, 'fi B1;ickDwelli1JO' (tlouble) J36ck BuildiriJ < ail of. whicli having bec1~ approximately tucP·P"'. f~l~ r·i~ The p rogress f~om .oftlm . Cll'. S en1 1.,·\ "' .· Ctr. Daily aud Trio·'\"!.:' : 1s t Sev.t. l s t 8 e-1·t. 1871 lb:7ixi 3.0«0 10.000 11,IJOO 1Z.9fi 0 3,ti!IO 3,UQ O 3,8110 ft ;,: ·~ pmchascd fur cash he is. enabletl t 0: 187:-; !S'ii. 187::! ' rour~haaei·s are ' b~ op Q l), t ot, l?alP for a i;i.h o r!, tu.rut. l"(':quested 10 \'le·w th<> property. FOi· ,f n r lh.ei!' informat ion apply to T. T. Colem(l,n ; L. Co i-tiiS:b, or the 11n<l e rs il.:'IH~d. · . ., , JOHN COLLA ~fl· .hOwmaTiv ille, ·April 22, 18H. £9-tt' InlendJag Drt3ss Go'o ds, at A.splendid' stock of Fall and ··· BLAN'K ET S[ . .P . .AiN,..i~s ANJ.J .~ · I, · · offei· at bottom prices: · Hi,. il tock of , rn1;; i2 ,.wo 3.200 I \Ve ha .\ ·c g ood reas01u1 t n I· to reuch th e ·whole countr y U:. · t!1 e \.Y n 'N Ess presented oat·;, u f e\:ery fam il y . 'l'o this 1~ · m inrnl t o depa rt fl" onl t.he w.:.1 _;- OIL S \vil l I. I F ;.F: McARTHUR'S. will be found complete, and ~vill be sold at \,ii.\tes tlrn.t ----·--- --·--.:.- . t~D - - DEFY CO MP ETITION. FRUIT . ing ou r publicu.t lon s to o..1o rn p· tl:i efr merits al mo, nnd l.o i scfJ.l e u. com p etitive effo rt m 1 f'ub·; cl'iber .~ to increO.!:m tl rn ' This c on1pctition \\'ill "laflt d 11 1 OctoOer . n nd will ~be open t;. p1·izes will be foun d -below. Ii t hfa c o1nes to any who tl P ' ~the ,,·rr:-; 1~ss, w e mar sa~' t.J, year.:; it has labo1·ed for rhe ) g.clil.!al tr ut h·, aud for 1 .h o 'o [.. 1t·· Uquo1 ; trutfh;. Our effort. i" ,1. TIAN 'r lC)tP EH Ai'·;('ii; NEWl:ll 'A '; -~ .. · i' VERY LQW, " . Confectionery · DEPb T; . ' 1i;i~~t~~~·i1 ~1-~)l~~8 ~11~~:'.:. STOVE DEPARTTh/IEl\1·rr 1I ~~~~~~fr, · 1 a n ·i any p oli tical parry or r e ligt ,,11, ' ·' ··.:- kee p it s r 'ca,-d t>r s -~ -n.nd th e J\ wl edge or t he 1 121 1 JY.IIOLB'SALEiintlRETA1L .JIVWl' ..titRf1'·1.:n, ·. c~OICE LEllIO:&, ORANGE AND Citron Peel ; Dutm1, Figs;,LcJnrH1 s, Oh i.nge1t io i\rri\'fl; S oft-s hell .\.huoul:ls., Fi1betcs; B L'it.xil n.nd \Vnlnu t s ; K:cillcr·s .Pufli;.icc Mar)n4!tttle; "'iVcst India preserved Giti«ct; ,~~firs; J?ht n)t, 'l'01nutoes, Pen cbes; breeu IJetts, Grcc1JC01·11 und · J~iu1n Beans;, Oin· Donlin ion excelsior Ra :> pb erry Vinegar ; Sal m no, Lobs te r 's, Sardines; Tonu1t o-z Ba u cC a nd Pic kles. Th ey bn,' e .con1e uud a.r<' c on1ing at t.h c. Fruit De.pot. S HELL ..1.NJ Sl!ELL~ D 0 YS1"EilS . ' it.ntl. tor sale at the nlji9·d~ )~fonGt. ,NE"\V FRU!1 a.nd CONFECTI DRkRY, · - Cotton Yarn and Bags just received at ' F. :F, Mc.ARTHUR'S. For Cash only. .~- , ~..,,,. ;:;;.; I wonld aloo ~tate ' t hat Mr . .TA.MES :NOS\VOllTHY Js oro rsociatcd wi:h ,1 ue as I l . ·' ·, t ers. a.1H' i::> c sp t·ciu.ll y th e 11 1 · ci n~Ie . I t. is freely en1belli oJ,, . T h e 'VE C:KL\" \\' ITXKSR l sptlCC to Soci a,!. Agr ieu lt ural jH:.i·t;)er in th o Tin and Sto ve brri nch Of ,· of tne D AILY 'VITN F.SS fo1· $~. I _ i s i n .... j cla se cont-&in lu g mn ch Tru~ D.~IL\" \\'rr~Ess df\il~'. 1 l tl~~;~w!1~~·~~Ett~:S ~T~~:f, ~ ti\ ice, a nd hcarl} do11blcd l and is the very tuost tnu.t (;. price-~J.10 per annl'!_ln. . ,, .i1 I ____...;. · i~-<:li-.k in thiHIino Wil l He cicc uted pro1nptly, tcr than the piiperf; whi r..:lJ · for ~3. 00 per tl.nnum. ..A.ll. of !)o nrse.are post-71a i 11 ,., : S n hsc rlbcr'; 1·emittinR" new ··· ,, '[ their ow n are e m:itled to t h t· 1 ;.; · ·;, ·~ ;;;;2:...;~°"""'"'-"'-------------.---- Qualit~ is tne test of Cheapness. , THOS. DARI..1NGTON, llown1 n.n ville. Dec. IO. 1873. 20. ,f AlLORING DEPARTMENT. McAHTH UI{ has succeeded in securing the services of Mr. BATTIN'G, one of the best Cutters in the country. You can ~ely upon getting a perfect lit malle m any sty le. ! F.Y. COWLE. Bo\·;n1uny) ifa, OctuOer l~{. ,· on ea ch subscription: D .& I LY \Vr1' SE 8 ~ I F. F. .. EAVETROUGHS A SPECIALTY. I PR,~SPE~T~S i\1 th e best rna nncr , and a t very low prices. , j. 'l' !f~-~~ ·~ ~ KL V . \ V ~ll:kLY .. ........... . .. . ·i . . .. . . . :. I .Can,zduzn Jf ;~lt,- c·· THE WANT SUPPLIED. - trrHE PEOPLE OF BOWJIL\.NYILLE i havin g hitherto b een inconvenienced in 110?. I lJein g it hi e :l. t. timcs t.o pl'OCnrc fueL etc . , t.h c 1q1"der s l·{ned h nse :fHlc< l th e want. by t he c stn blis h1ricn t 'lf a. DOpot for t he truffic iu ' COAL. · W OOD, LUl\HlEH.. tATH, POSTS, ·and SQUARE 1'!11BE H.i . it:ITd are prepared \)l'OlllIJ l ly lo ft!T orders in lhPJ .'tbo\·c Jin<', a n d to <... liv er arlidcd in all un.rts of A tremendous stock of Cloth8, Tweeds Overcoatings al'.ntys on han c l. Flannel Shirts made to ol'der, I ! t i of 1\ nware of ev ery d escription ahvays i1~ ~t~ck, i 'he ·~iis~J;J;,;;,,'!';'.>:,,.', ' ·· · IA large stock ·nd to onkr at the shortest notice "'": ;t ,,,... , / · '°' rrJade · ' THE STO UK OF Iing. tw o t o a talc i n large t y 1 S 11rn h~l S c'h nol sc! H l"' ' ·o f \. · r e aiUn>< ol "'" J,, , at ti: <~ lu 1re;;t )HY'~ iblc -.:: . 1 ,-,\. , pagm; uf frn1r cc\' 11:un i; ea<·il. 1 p~ 1·,111 f~c do[J1tt·1n1~nt. u. ::foi1· r ' : 8 8nit ary d op artincut, o.ud 1 . na r t.1ne r. t. Two pages a.r eg· , .. SHINGLES, the Ton·n. ' Tho h ighest price prdl1 for J.11n1ber, \\~ood, etc £<Jr \\-obuy fi)r(,'ASH, nntl sell for C ,\511. · · ., - . . . .. h. I A la~g·e stbok qf s ·fi·ts, Drawers, Hats I and Caps, Very cheap, at . I i I· Ibeen ., oue to t h e 8urn11.1.11 :3chool le""" tio na l Series. a rid a d1il d . 1.: .. pape r it'! nut1-, >'l1ifi~:<- n~l y ill 11 ~ '.' a 'ei·y n tpHl 11H;r e;1.i:;· 1 . t1 u~ pn,;i ~-{' a.1:, .11 aJt1 f · L)l(:n · . 1 ' · I d pJ'in g· ~ 1~'i.11 be fo1hi d · e omp~ote, compr ising nll · the favorite kinds in ~~;~li·)J~h·~·~ \',~;~"~;,;ii,~.\~.",';'. ! t,ha t !he \·l"'lµ l"~t: 1u:-s :'-5,IJUO. and LlH· l'H1 10 ol hi.n·\· , , I . . ' > all, Cook:, Parlor, &c., for coal oi· wood. H .· Oillco Stree re, anCl Yn.rd-Curucr CA. :>; N . I ..' l.; nnd Georgo .li: ... . ' ' i LLl A l\.I Jc! 11:i i\r cc r.1: LLAx.' l -,. 1 1e CLELL 'N · v, C ·) l,'\:; :iio\\:ma.11\'. illc. Sc_ p te111 b ur ~2. ~ ,. · . F. F. McARTHUR'S . . iS ;fJ; . ·· ~ .;...-....;... 1 · Mc CLUNG .· BROS/ -R. 8. ..,--MANNING. ·. 4 ·, peritv, some iu tµo rla nt i mp : or. t11e p a per.. ttn d it w ill, or_~'l .. . more a nll murc 111 .-t , <)Ul:. tion gr\>WS . ivitl:"lt of t h r Sl!: NGJ:!Ht h a,!j h em.1 by ,the \'O lt .J · . tion of it Uy fri cn11~ "110 h11 1· npin L·111 of lts ·wn rth. and by t it in :o S n11rlay S 1.;lt.ool ~. Y o '1 ·my .tha.t. (.h eh· ~J.illday Solt1_1 . cstitig and he! L cr attended fi1.,y , t.r od uced . 'l' he foll ow in g t h e pri . h~ t ~o d uco MISS:-N-EWSdTuIE!M~U llf'Spectf11liY 11nnlfnh'1:(~1-> lo t he Tia<liP.s of ,,~e s£ D urha m tha l. she Ju ts ope n ell n Row.n1 anvjJle,Jan. JQ', 1875': !H-tr. RD 0 s B: i BR.O'S ~ -4'>---- tASH CIRCULAR . l c op y. IVf:· A M 'M i · MILUNEHV Afrn ORESS:M KINC J<" . '1·A..HLl. ;? liilfl~ NT. . ·--· - omrj H B QQK ' , ~ fl c uµ If'R . 50 tjO p lCS . 10 cnpies .. Cll f)ic s .... l.QOO copi es. : . -?. u r plus c o pies for distribn (} m~n. for $ l. OO. . ---:- ·-· ~ 100 ·.; ---~- · --- .. . . . ~n ti!~ s ta.n tl o: ·<P. ~.:?"ocerJ· . """' b"""' '· Septnm~nr 22. · · 1875. ' -~ ' Bow1hiin dllt'. 8 w here sho will k eep i n sto ck an a.ssortliu~nt o f 1\fil1 i1ien·- :t nd T1·innn i11g"i:! of a JI kiutl siat~i ~ !i s tyles, a nd a.t lowest price~ .. .,. _ CU'fTING h nd FITT[!\G i I ( c·~ lt;i:. b 'f.-t :I\fPIKG dolie ~ or er. H.Allc. Com bings an<:t Unt.ti h:r i prepartid for· ,. Bt..·itcl; es. , . . ~~ iH.r"~ .J. t'. POLI.. ..1.~:D s:1p~~rintenr1 s t.he ' ,,.('i t o f J:i:~:4!~~·h U:-o's 1 EV'ei·v J buy·e1· shb'tiltl see our stock ot STAPLE GOODS. . I 8 · Every· buyer !il:iou!a.· see our stock _ of Fancy \Yor_ t hy ~ { n oti(;.r>, nna 1-in1ch 1nore so than · · Editor.'\ 9f ~.t w s[iap~eTS. Dress Goods. Every buyer slioulci see o(fr stock ot On a11d after tho First clay of o·ct~lbcr, 1875; our btisiness w\ll"be conductell 01'1 a CA.SH hasis. ·we . have/ after duly ]qonsifluring· the · matte1-, conduclcd to abandon the CrrniJh SYs·h:M, :rncl to sell Olli' goods for ,r eady money, Or its' i!ciu! valent. ' It .is unnecessary to rnsort to argument or explanation to show that, in these clays, the Credit, System is inj nrious alike to seller and· rurcliasor; and it· is universally ad~ mitted to ·be a11 injustice to those who buy f01> i;;ash. . So there is no apology I}ec es;s~ry, on _ Ol..U' 1iart, for rnakiHg the proposed ch~u1ge. This new method will enable us to take every' adrnntage of the markets, and ·place within our' , rectch large tra<Je .di sconrit:-; 01~ cash purchases: ' · c ' -·, : .... · , .· · · ' . .C Q. P.Y , . /'. ·.,, - '~· " ··~ · 5CE T5 . p1wsPECTUS FOH ;1> "1Vew D01ni1tiolil 1 ·A NB ·fXf R u nlS. t \ ::~f; 1~;-.'s~.~v~~",:~;i'ti"i~·,.,~·,·: ·, 1 :.h e pi Qs.e ut 1u.s !Jlp(;h a.5 t he-1· m~nt on t he pasl.. ~n rt.t.he 1\! \\1l1 lTc1Nid ·w1t b a n . c as(· .1 1 1 Jn g<.1c ral ~1 ,1ean~ app1 · tha nli it11c rto. 'iV hen,\\(·sn: --A.. T - 1te are not to b e J11Hlk 1 r p1 ice, w e refei· to t he full r Hit hert o th e Do'llu :.<1ox l ~1 · ~ j \\l'. EE K1 , y \.Vr1 'KESS a.t : be 1o;im ply i rn p o ,.;i-;ihh~ t o- c o1: 1itt.h hus 1Jee1i add ed to its l i i 1 tor papor a.n d 11rinl ing. 1'h ., I f ort h t-0 be clnhhell wi th t h · .ind i s. bett er wort h it s C08 ' · Twe nt ~i-ftvc ·c<'.n t ~, instend · di!':count a Jlnwetllo t.rienrl "' 1 .· · - -- :- · i;; 1b s(";rib e r ;; al full l'ates, th , 'Tl · ·t ' · t l ~, . d ·.l".'I · · ,; , B ]· · t1 ... ··ze ~ cnihe1 · :-,; h c ing now p1 1t inl t· 1 . , lC .IlCW D Cell 111 .";.l, llllrlO I \ -' opy ·a n f'.iX e1c . . se JOO" JS l e Sain C _ Sl" T hl3 obi ect of thepubli~h e1:> 1 \.S R. E.:\i;; ton's )'.'"o r J,; -~bi lli n u- Exercise B ook, whi ch he sel li\ at JO cen t:.:; w ith beautif ul !n rl e ,~olcp a. n a th·e C a u1 n .. ;Jffiute<l co\·er aii<l ·n1 1Jltip l ~~~t~on table ou Lack co t er. N.B~ -I"fo _ other huu~e keer:s ;}~~fi ~1 j~~ 1 Ji~t~r~~l~fn ~<:~ry01 ~1 .. T 'E A S ·. 0 s I llhe " CEIE A P - I the s ame book , as h e has i t mad e expressly t o o.r d er. . . V_ ., C Pnt Ex 1 ·-·ls Bool'S -' · · 1.; i_:,. ._ ...._, · 0 0 Il oo 1sca1 1 .b Pa1Jcr 90 c··n ts . ...,. · V J. ' Our .S.tock i~ - one of tile .. best m · . J..i... · · .. Jinci of BL_ACK LUSTRES. _ Ett!ry buyer should see our stock of . quire for G c ents. PLAT.En.. ~ ". ( · · :wARE, L. .. FINE CU TLERY, """ ' "' n11d PHICES ..,vilJ he 10 snit CYery pcri'mu, cs Aono c a n b e 11isap1,n inte tl, ·as all 1n11st. be so]d. AARON BU CKLER. Fancy Woolen Goods. buyer should see our stock of ~-:~cellent· F:u·m for t<lale. i'he beneftt~ · "'. 4i~~ ,will result to · mers nnrlifr thi:s' syst em 'are man~fost: not o'nly 8lrnll we b@ able ti1 buy Ol}F·go.o ds considt:rnbly. dtcaper under the · li<hafrtages .I'efcrrod to, b ut' much smaller profits than were necessary·under the old system will suffice. ·· a.t. l L E ast on's .Soh ool Dook En1poriu1n. · · · N i:,v nnd i mproved Lca L ller S chool Bags, only 70 c'ents caclt. Co1111try tr fl d e 0 r l' i·~ nA T .0 . f ..... 90 CCL , . 't Ql tcs nts c·li. 0 la "t ..0 s .JO t o, l ,., a , '. · ii) .... , ,r; ~ -ea " ,,. ' : l"") <.; 2 Pens of Nos. 292 a nd 1'04, for 1 cer~t; ;; cents per d micn. . Cheap Penliolders and Pencils.- All kinds of School Book s sup plied pt r ()U il'C---".o t1ar Le r L ~L , can to 1uakc t,hc ) f agi.i.zin[ · 01 ft' Olli -u ~ 1·A,. ·1t° C (. 'lt'·)J . wha w e presume no m ·tg ' ' ,, ' · · ever yet b ee n for· 1:111}' lmtg- ' r l\f aga z!ne b eiui{t!ili t O... t11c f1 .. 'l'ho&e t~ l'est ed_m cffort,S t.h e fl llll.l1 · tl d11 k, in WaStC then- 1 ,. l~m'ie's. superfine N ot e P 1c1icF only 10 cents per quire. Ex trUt ~ ('n ]y r.mppll~d. · ;'. ~ ' 1. T o t h e 1)er8onsendin~th· · · ., , , /~· of 1non eyonor hefore l ·· :« . · w ,, · iu ent in advance for ow 2. To l) e rson sending !eeo?~11 1 i 1 :-i. " .. th ird -i. 5. " fourth flfth sixth Beaut.iful Burnished l!~ n velcipcs · only 8 cent s per pHck iige; .uess En Yclnp~ s fro.tu .SJ. 40 per 1,000. . iO cents pac kage;' ' Busi- Ji. Large st ;ock oJ .Blank Books. · 1,000 page .B lank Books for $·~. Big stock of Wall Pa1ier : L ots of othe1 : i£o'ods offe ting at 7. , ' -Sf.2,Ve"I! ' ' , li'iv e prizes uf $5 eachf0r~n e JOHN I)l;!P,G' P l' BLl !S ·-------~ -- , EING J, O'l' r, IN THE c'\th B ed, CON. O,F · Every Ft .. Ff;JAS T O I"··;J "M Oheap B'i:iok, ,Statiou ery anrl' :Fancy Go och.; Sto rei ~i.10 \91 I l r.11· Build ings, Do\\ n1 anv ille. stables ancl 1o;h e 1b, a good nr{'hHn1. and w ell 1.l'"ft.t.~rcd . J I. h; 2 uUl e~ t1:on1 ' Vil lhln1sburgh ,a nd '1 mU~'s' frQ~1'ti l.h'e fl nnr1:;;h 1.n !.{ 'L'o w n of Por~ P e r r y C o. r twri~ht , 1fl1l a t; rt :F!, liO o f which ate d ea r· There is afrnm< ~ hnn sc , goml frame harn. ~con Y c1lierit l.11 _s t·liool h ol~sC il:n ll chu:i'clHls .- · For further patti"cularS· avp1y to · . DAV.ID ROW.AN. 'Yillin1nsburgh P. 0. Cartw1·iglit, 1V IILLINERY Goods. Rernemfref Des irabJc P..1.,.01·etty· tor SiiH~: . with c l.we11ing1HrnHe.· orchurc1. stable,...& c · s;tuaterl on J,1berty street, i n the T0\\"11 of bOW 1 nrn,nvi1Io. A 111ost ple a santly s ituated IIon1c· ' Stead. F o r tP.rm~, nnd oth e r pnrtic11lurs , cn4U.ire of t he s n lJ scl"iber, on the ptemisc s.· . , ,.r. II. DREWRY. · Bo'\\·man\"ill e, Aug. 23rd, 18.75 1-tf. \V c are rletermined, this season, to push our business with renewed energy, and shttll deavor to excel in m·ery depart111ent. Our[arnmgcments are such that, no establishmentcan ! . tmderse·n us. Hem,ember, then, that the rtght place for .cheap goods, is en- 0 .. - ,1· .4. / . .,;'" MoTT6:~" A ni mble 8ixpcncc better than a slow, poki ng shilling." . THE ELEPHANT HOUSEL ---:--- . of t;ept'r, fhe. s11hse1 ·il u , . 1111 ki nd s for Si .25 per ton . ( . 1 .,: , $ 1. 'i5 dcliYe1·cd . Orders t o 1 ·~· · ;, 1 l<:ing· street. l\1. ' D u ruN n THE P H' : Ii.' ·;; 0 I Acfo:s OF E;xcELLEN.T LAND, . Murdoch ~ro' s Is the place to buy yoili' Rcmcmbei· ~icCLUNG Bawmanville, Sept. 1st, 1875'. ·BROS. ·1 : SO . M E THING· . Soda Notice to the Lovers ot: Pl~1lCHES. ·PLB1'ED a rrangr-mc.n t.s "t\ith a bu yer Hocl;es t.e r , N.~Y .. t.o sCll for him on co1n n1ission, will be inn p osition tbi& s~ 'tson to supply. good .Peaches at n cheo.p rate. by th e er~te.or bas k e t. J .A \VYiiLIE . POET 6 Con:SE"R August 19, 1'8'7fi. 0 Murdoch Bro's is the pfo:~ c to buy yoti'r · Coffees. Rc1iiern ber A SUBSTITUTE FOR LATHJU~D P L ASTE R . !Tne Patciit Alurninous and ;r~amental' B u!lc!ing Paper. l ·I T HE SUBSCRrnER HAYING COM·. i"n Valuable Pro1·e1'Cy.f"or Sale I: /: 1 I ! ·A large 1 soL fl~ Ac*1£.N 'i' 1~~o :R "rI-=rrs PLAUE . Pnper Oil-cloth . and .~~~~~.:~;ln~fh~r~!!':~:..\ BE~;:".~~5; ~~ i' Carpeting. ll 0 .. ~·o supply o' E .. 'I stocl< rcceivoc1, p] A,in arnl ,;rnamcn t.a l, both for u·alls i . . . . (' and floors. · . I K ing .lo D a,.1uu S te,. · 'l'he P aper Oil-cloth and Carpeting is a cheap and clnrnble 8Ubstitu t e ! -::---- -- · "p-~-:i·J; for . The chemicals wi~li which the paper is saturated render ;:!'h o UJ ~ c.,~,,. ptoof ag~,111st rats, ~otli s a nd n11eH. . . . [ 1-..,J ·, · .~\j .. ~ ( jn~t ~if KEiS'NE'rn.~;:i;.:'. ~!nnnfoc·u··· it! ) or Bale Pars onuge, s it11atc o n t he eorner O "\Vellington a n d Division S treet s.-... ..,,, Terms, &c., may lie obtain ed ~'om' , II. O'HARA.. l\1arl{et Buildings. Bovtronn Vill e, July I, 1874.. -19 ni'riR'ritusTEES OF THE CONGRE..L GATIONAL Chu rch ,, B o wnlanville, offer 1s the place to buy y& ur Remember Sugars. VARNIS :fI · P O LI SH l 1::.10~~~:Rr:;\~:.;:J Mucn w A .. NTED. l · ,i : SPLENDID AND- STOCK M u.r docli '.Bro' s~ i-s: the pla£e to buy yoU.r ...... ,,;:.1 ~ . ~bi.s Polis~1 gi vcs a ·most clcgant lustr?, and ..dries instantaneously.- ! Notbmg 'e ver d1 scow,red before to equal t his l'ohsh. . · 1 AC\ OTH E n 'i' HIKG 1 GKA.1.N FA.R il l f'o1· !iili.f,E! ' -n1ore Chard. Good buildings an d fe nee.'i. F or par ticular s, app ly to Wm. TGER, . .fuJy' Stb, 1876. CflOCKERY~ T ::110 9. IJ<' YOU 'VANT ' For PIANOFOH.iBS, Fo1· BUGG!ES, CLOCKS, CUTTERS. PICTURE FBAME8, SJ,EIGH S, and all k i nds of and' nl1 Kiud 8 uf I I.R:.....OC-. II. QTEY· ' 10 .t '! RE TuLO · __ t 1' ·" ""'"" 1. rn;" RRi '· . 14 aniSOUTH HALF of LO'r 15 L O'.!' in 7th con . I>arlington, containing 250 acres or les s. wP.11 v<"atered. Large young or '/£rnished Fnr nittire. V TarJtrnhecl Car!.'iagea. estr~OHsh111e1 1 t !v 1nore uud ""'ill r10-\v be f o111 · ... · Haydon, Ptm D ,lY.- A,.cnt· "'nntcd I. $5 To $20 All classes of ·vnrk:tng people, of. either se x, young or old, make n10:re mon ey timtt; than a l. a.nythiog else. :Mtirdooli Bro'§ v1cToRIA nu1lntN'as; -· Bowmrnville1 S"l'tember22, 187'5: . . ,., . . is the .place to puy the at work for ns in their_spare mmnents, <Jr all the . ParticnlarR t'ree.- · Post ca.rd ·td tht-i Sta.tea costs bnt one ctmt. Adtirc~';i G. S TINSON & CO., Portlau<!. l:!aine. {13 BEST CHEA:PES'f Goods ke1>t to~. : in .. 1 G-66:D and . aii<l CHEAP ri:RY O:o ODS. · liIAN CHESTER HOUSE, BO"iVliTANViLLE. , . I usual, a lnrge titnek on and Tinware, all vf which w i il ~::; ;BETvVE ll:N. ; .; '.-· ) .. .' ·. A fu ll stock of Brea· ~ .. 1' · )' "·' I S~p t. 25th.1875~

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