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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1875, p. 4

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CA.N Al>l.c\...N 8'l'A'fESMAN, 5 7 THE VAGABOND SAVAGE An old man of very activop hyl!lognom), ai sw ermg to tho name of Jacob Wflmot, ms brought t o ti c pohce court H 3 'Clothes looked as if they m ght have becii bought second Im ded In h · youtnful BOTHERING THE TREASURER Telling the Truth Under Great Temp- ( tat1on < there were o. dozen or more uf tl1etn [ oeated m front of the colored St Charles and they wer~ talkmg about tornadu es De worstest tornady I ever did see, ren1a1ked an old negro years ago in .A.labaru.a 'Did she blew much I Blow urnch ohoo mggers v;as no deck passenger, dat tornady WhJ s lh it J st !tfLed me ri ht up to re n1en1ber it " Eberythmg \\ ent kitm ch ' " K 1tin ' Dress you you poor tgnor ant nigger b 1t I aoed a iu 11~ hfte hke a fodder an how fur dye blode lntn I Jist gm a gne68 'Ono mile? ' Free nules I .l:o Across the ribber 1 OILS PAINTS Into a tree 1 corotrn Each one in the cro\Td a. VAilNbllES and when all were through the n. d WHI rE:Ll<;A l6T' Al the verv lnw .. ~t p r lc('lll headed old man repeated N tggers yo l is. all wrong Tha.t to1 HORSE AND c ~rn:E MEDICINES N B -Country Storc1 cekers 8Upplied on ad nody cum for dat mule an howled around '\ an t.ageou~ terms an got nr der him an lifted him up an 1 1Li he was blode J st exactly four mches by <le watch sure s you h 1 e ' There was a pamful pauso and then the crowd rapidly tl11·11'Ye'& out while tho old man renlarked Fvur mah"" by the wM"'ll, and I 11 stick to <lat statcmcnt._I~ I die for 1t 0 WESTERN ASSURAHGE GOMPONY. INCORPORA l E D 1851 no of I hive n1e ALL OF WH I CH Capital $800 000 Ho JOUN l\!cMURRICH B H~I DAN E sq F re 01 91 licn,d Oflice- To Having been purchased for Casb -undet the present clep1cssed state uf the Hhtrlrnts- l't &H OHARA has sense enough tu hold h s tu 1gue 'Vhat do yon ct nsurt>1 \ nuut that marries a. gul for her fine clothes a. yonth "ho st uhes n1ed1c ne wh 1e he has the use of h1s hands u1 l the ,1' oplc who will elect a dnu k ncl to office Mr N "" tuok tl1e letter and ou re \y hat do you I rngh at1 ~no t\gh it tvas al endorsew~nt from tho I 111~h at a n in wh o expects l 1s po Presulent Still he told the woman that 111t1on t o conuu nU th :\t i eapect "luch his he could not giv e her n. plaoo persanal quahficationa and qualities d nut \\hereupon the CelL1c b'ood got l".J:er1t She ca ue dow· 1 w11 h -3. suoccssLon of He '\\ a.s hsru ssed co1ne somewhat elated opened her port wh ch was 1 vel fiU l with letter. She I au led them o 1t one by one f r tho good r aturcd Treas urer to read He ha.d re.1.<l about three of thew when he ng~u1 interpo!'!ed to have the woman rehevo him from f lrther trouble by the emphatic an nouncc 1uent that he really had no pi cc to gne her at present Would ahe coll agam· Ay futh I ml! call agatn Ilut won t yeea read my ch:u-f\cterl ny here s a beauty and 1t · from General Gr:mt that foh W ill be found under current rates FIRE INSURA N CE C OMPAHY Of CAllADA F~E::c>.TC~ OIL POLISH i A R R I A. G E S ! James Morris, HARTFORD FIRE !HSURANGf May 10 1874 THOMAS PATERSOf~. J\ND DEALEU IN till $1 :000 000 AN OBTUSE MAN about 18 a1 tl s~nd - Nice chtld that proud of lnm ! Mn WM D LYON reeTa of Milton, has been chosen as the ltcfotm candidate in the oom1ng election of a. n1cmber to the said she an t it Ontario \sse ubly for Halton \as n1e own co 1s1n 1 lu1.t to ti ll uu~ that yees would help the p or When General THE ~! rl L<i ie E xpre" oays that th~ Spinner vas here he woul ln ( gi, e ine a d wn ward tendency noted in the pnce o pl 1.ce f u t n bekase I t a good look produce last wcP.k hna been checked and in~ wornan and it was that httle spa.I peen iuot 1.h< us an~ now finner Sai;11l~ that when he 1vas chief clerk t 1rne l 'lwo h 1.rd cases succeeded u1 maku1g then· from lt1ngston pen1tentuuy on Su 1day Oue of them hr ke thl'Ough three fe et of masonry to gitn h s freed orn D . DRUGGIST BOW MAI\ VILLE TOH_._\ 11 l l L B1JlLDIN&S, BOTV2!1A l\1ILLE. BANK, CAPITAL PAID UP $1000 000 I Druggs, Med1c1nes and Chemicals, S lTISF \CTOU!L' Dye Stuils P MAN~ER [N A Pe1furnery Bru.s hc ~ SUPERIOR Co 1 bs Soars Punta and 'Cc \LL VHiJEns Oils P"Y1 oICI I.N S Cool O·! nn I Ccnl 01 La1n1 s \oc I.ND j G~~~~~ ~l;E:.~~ds1u~~~~: ~z~~~v. 0SJ!A Y. t \~RJTJH UxnRrnar: a. man goes to a q tultlng party a.bout tea hme and sits d wn on a ball of "1ck1ng \\Ith a loL g d Lrr tng nee lie 1n 1t he will t1 uuk of more tin l::aS connected ' ' H ~N a> s f o> t 1 e Co1 "'l1y mll p lo THE - - ,--'i I with danung 1n a uunute than he can mention in two hours Don1inion Organ Co., I o\UHN\ILLE l Sewing Mach1ne 1 1 : u ELT->E r · CO~'.iPAN¥. , rRAVELlERS INSURANCE COMP y IT\TIT F OR;) CONN .A.s.~ I 4 .nd concludes lo try 1 1-i: :;,~m~:E~~ ~:~·, s I I I ts [is res agn st Den ti 'l HIS is tl: C'J s n.sou of the ) car we ar& old when it 18 too late to \Venr na.nkccn ~ I ITheB.radburyP1ano "nnoc::r TF. 0 R GANS. THE DOMINION ORG"-N .-CO RE"1.II!FUL GOLD FILLINGS. i1·hi!C1.d l'eeth Il\SERTED A l A MO DE;R"-TE FEE Teeth Extracl e l W1tl\out Pan n & H oH \ .Agc1 l ~ \ J M llRIM "-COMBE L D S L DS TREES SIIRUBS PLANTS 1874 ·1 Cocoaine Prevents the Hair from Falling Burnett's Oocoaine Promotes ita Healthy Growth Is not Grea.ay nor Sticky Burnett's Oocoame Burnett's Oocoame Lcn.vos no D iagreeablo Odor Burnett's Oocoame Subdues Refractory Hair Burnett's Oocoaine Soothes the Irritated Scalp Skin Burnett's Oocoame Affor 18 the lltchei;t I nstre Isl ot a.n Alooholfo Wallh. K lls Dandruff. Burnett's Oocoai ne \V.tnt -; d! I R ELI \; j Ir 0 Lh IE GENER"-L i\.U E N '.IS Burnett's Oocoame Burnett's Oocoaine Gives New L fc to the Hau · S m1f~ f:rrer 1can O rgiw~omµan~, 1 t BOS I ON Burnett's Cocoame R<ima1n.a Longest ln Effect 50 and 75 cents per Bottlo PERRY DAVIS & S O N & LAWRENOt MONTREAL P Q Age·tl for Dom n oa or Ca11ada.. BOSTOll, , ) r I

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