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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1875, p. 1

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~auailiau vVM. R. J tnt~~min I IU.ornin~ is printed and pu olished _ E.-cry £ll11u-sda) bv the Propnetor CLI~!l at the IE our Ol'FICE-Post OOlce JJlock, ING STREEI · VOL. XXI.. BO\V~IANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1875. NO. 13. HARD TIMES Of BUSINESS. I__ I ~~ietru. B'£ CUARLE9 SW.!I~ TAKE THE WORLD AS IT IS Hard time prices ha'ie been a,dopted at the estab11shment of l'\/.[A.B..:K:. U f'3 1'\LrA"Y'"ER. .. A CHANGE He is offeru g h s ne'\v and handsome assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ~His T~!~ ~,:;;~~s2~rnER Buffalo Robes me splrn<l1d value Boots and Shoes - OF- J H HANNS, A LARGE QU -,NTITY OF , al\d ts prepare.ii. to t.nne mustcal iQ.str lments in ho 'most sat1sfactorv manner Best Ne1v York ) etercnces Or-ders left at R & H 0 llara s lient by mail ·will rece1v e prompt attenhon t NEW TO THE PUBLIC FTIUNER OF PIANOS AND ORGAN8, l. ha.a perma.nenHy located in Bowma nvLlle , IS no v opene l ou t (or caJe l\nd MORE TO Attorn~y at I uw J(on.e~ loaned un R IHsuer of Marrle-'1:0 L1ccen~es Ba.rr1s~1 ang and Soltc1tor in Charccrv Real Esta.te Ollice on h. tng teet Bo\vman'\ tile Havrng bought out tbe Cabinet Rusmess ~f Mr m!\king a fullnnr'I comple t~ stock M.A};NI:;,\ G and which I purpose canpng on at the old stand I'-mg street 6 pnr"haserg pl eri se call and Robert ~rmonr, llowmam11le I beg to sa3 that I will endeMor to keep eve1ythmg on Intendn spcct before p ucl asu g elsewhere EGISTRAR, "\\EST DURHAM hand that is needtld m the 1' urmtme !me Ha,mg had ten yeah cxpenence m tbe Bowmanv1lle Fmmture Factory and bemg appomted Agent to sell for the Company 111 Bowman ville, the public can depend upon gettmg Ind1Memrnts Offered f or 1i!:R W JE!iNINGS · lie aiud The Best Ft1rniture in the Province St. John R. Hutch<- · n. OARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICI ·:>TOR and ~ ota.ry Public JFFrCE at moderate rates by callrng upon me MERKLAND; -Olt- I intend to Sell /01· Cash, nial.i ng but Small Profits. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS D0:0!E and CHARGES MODERATE ---o,--- -First door east of Post ce upata1rs NTIW S E L F - S . A C R I F I C E. W fu.H. l.o" e, D. A,J,. f,. D., L :\. '\V Solicitor in Chancery and Iusolveucy .&c &o Office on Silver Street BO\\ m an ville 16 '14' BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY 11.T MILLINERY CHAPTER XXIX-coNTlNUED Having Bought a NEW llEARSE -one of the fine st m the country-from J he celebrated manufactmern Messrs Armstrong of Guelph I am prepa:red to furmsh Funetafo w ith an 1>utfit unsurpassed many city m th e Provmce I keep on hand a Houser da.y sa.itl Anne, "a.nd we can arrange And she tightened her grip on hi111 neck abont that after\\ ards Llhe, c01ne ht1re, tie, a.nd shoved her thn1ub further into Jus I want you to go with me to Merkland 1 " apple ., Mrs 'Melder took Lilte s little bonnet, "Well, you want to go for some one m and drew the child to her knee to put 1t Chic·go It has nothmg to du with thi· on "And they, re ga.un tQ take ye away p \per ' frae n1e, my ln.mb1 but ye 11 aye 1111nd us, "Hain t, eh') I know better' You are Lihe1 and when ye re a grand Jeddy ye'll all lmked m together, and I presnnrn yo u 110 forget the wee house at the nnll, thai \ read that yeoterday and lafec! and lnfe<l ye hrnd m wl1on ye were a bairn?' Mn, 1 and lafed, and thought Sarah """' an old, l\1elder's eyes wete over :fiow1nr.. \ fool" " D1nna ,g;reet ' wlnspered L11te, clnl.g; "I never saw :rit bei-ore ing to her kind nurs e "if my aunt Anue"But Sarah ifs no- fool" Aho resurned · takes me to s~ay at Mcrklancl_, ] 11 come I towenng' Jnm 1 u Just 1na1 k down e·ery d·y -me and Jacky-and wheu [ this you Ion~ geared grave ·tone you 1 If mam1na comes, she 11 come and see you - I tha.r s another item u1 th~ papers abou t Eh ' cried Lihe, forgcttmg her ·> mpathy Sarah you II never know whut broke you r with Mrs Melder 111 her remembrance of neck ! And she laid her fist on the tabla, it \vould ha' e been a very much more sen stble tlung for you little Abee Aytoun, to fiouush1ng it under hLS nose and \tent o u' h·we fallen m love with my poor brother 11 I - R t r~c t VILLE and Da.rhn ton R es lence Q teen Orders u1 nc tu aUy :i,tt eJ dcd to C ha1ge 1i-Iode1 aw 13 A -!iil~hc!!te1·ficid, UCTIONEER FOR BOW M AN The Subscriber 1nv1tes the spec1a1 attention of !:,h e public to his unususlly larg e, and well assorted st 0ck of Sta ple & FaJncy Dry Goods. AL L OF WHICH drew n ear a]so I n J ohnn1e Hn.lthn'.s p res cnce, Bessie would have had no obJ ectlun to n. sh~ht fhrt~tton with the young doctor, Jean Millers genteel nephew Jhe tall, -Win bu\ :u y qun,n fa ty of guod shipping slight lad ~rew huuself up, howcvet, with Apples Plnu1~ 01 b A.pples and Cider I the slightest noss1ble recogn1hon He had Ar ple~ also pay highest price tn Caah fur a aoul abo\ e fhrt1ng with maul ser\ ants S. B1JRDEN GOOD TUB BUT~ ER 1 ,$lit.. Office at l\.fP.~£ns THO MPSON 1...~ Bu&~8 I " 11.ndrew s matstcr, 1 Im meaning the doctor lies se r,,1ng lus time w1 has ta'en 111 a daft gen tl eman to board w1 h1m, Ja.ckv, nnd so the1EJ wasna rooru for th e been purchased for Cash Dr. S S :'hy1ucian" said Jea'1 Miller, "side t o tho syn pathettc ualla.nt and it was lleedful he should get Sae 1t s ex_pended-.h ha EngliKl.. ·~---------people every year lU into:neu.t1n 1 <lr1nkr1 0 would 1u pport 100 000 m1sa1u11a.nes at £100 a year eachi. 100,000 schoolmasters at £100 a Jear each. 100,000 schoolmistresses at£50a yeor each llQ 000 Biblc1vomen nt JO, ,. week each 10,000 Professors..£ Scieuco,etc at £350 a year ep~eh 100,000 aged men at £1 a week each '00,000 old \\omen at 10s a week each 2a0, 000 orphans at £15 a year each It wonld start200,000 young men "'th £10 each 200 Of.() young women w1i;h £10 each 50,000 atrug~hng trad ...>men mth £100 each 5,000 new schools wit!) £1 000 each 2,000 free libraries "ith £500 eacl1 -under the present depressed st,ite of the marketsI~ates Containing le;;crip!wns of DIS····· and rules ()1' their tre~hneut "'111 be sent by nunl free o all ch11.r5{e c anyone sending their address lo 714Broadv.:ay Ne"\vYork w1·11 be .c_ound under I' _ __ o - - - current ro So Do! Gentlemen oC Faslt· ion, not so thst. IN DRESS GOODS UHE~UALLED "OVAHTACES Vll LL OE OFFERED QASH BUYERS. I BusINES.'.'1 -~un.d "Y n1Jht when a young 1ua.n drove out of Vicksburg several mlleJS t> pass the evemng 'l\ith the g<irl of hie choice, he was met a.t the gate by her fath er, who i.t once proue dod to bus1neas by - -- o - .A.L~.A.Ys ON HAND A Large and Varied Assortment of LINENS, DIAPE R S, I TABLE ;\APKlNS and D 4MAS1,,S, J. CHAPLIN, DRALER IN saying Bowmanvillc, May 19 1874 FRUIT AND ONAMENTAL TREES, Seeds, Bulbs, Flowers, etc , etc .All Tr.eea furnished by MR. C a re gwarant eed 'flr~t ala.Mand true to name .Address, P 0 B ox:J5. B0Wl'1i&n\11le Cfil) Ontario of a supcnor k111d a.lsc. on he.nd 11 Cum to !!park LouJSe., eh?' ~ The youn~ llhln let ailencH answer th&' question " Expect it II make a match! ' contm ued the father B 'U G GIES AND W A G 0 NS constantJy orr hand for sale LOYAL BLOCK! M. D. WILLIAMS Is makimg every preT,?o.ratlon to suppl y h1s nu me1ou~'Cust01ners with E iRST CLA.:::'i~ MEA£S durmg"the coming Summe" His motto w 1l be U" Early as the Eal'hest C h eap as the Cheap est and as Good as the Bes!;. lad s gu1d I m anxious Gu1d kens, I 1'ould have ltttle thought o mysel thatam withered, and anld and past my strength, if it werena for htm Stlence .ag1un, while the voun~ rnan tie<l t~e horse As he was ready tu go iu, tlut father blocked the wo,y, laraced up, and continued "See here young man, let 11 ha.le an ..!'_nd i:.. rstandmg If ye mean hitch tween. now and Jm~ury allright;-but 1f y e don't, l "ant ye to. understand that candles 15 D>Jghty high th10 fall and crops dolj't tur,1 oat wuth a cuss" J", JEFFERY Having in stock a select as:Jorttnent of C loth~ will sell the samli at lowe=t priceil for CAq,H and1s also to fill orders for Gentlf ffit'll::,; n.nd Bo~a Clnth1ng in the lates t st;vles a.n<'l on the shorteat notice A tr1e.l solicited !'hanking the public fo1 past patronage he hopes to receive a continuance of fa vors a nd will e ndeavor to merit cu st om by dese1v1ng it The Best Patromzed, Wfost Thorough and , Sch-001 m Canada I Patrontse the LOYAL BLOCK RED, An lnstiiution for Busmess Trnmrng wher e Boys Young and MiddleWHITE & BLUE ~ Aged \ien can procure an E ducation suited to t he wants of every d ay h fe 38-tf Bewmanvdle .April 21st 1875 DAN A'S PATENT SHEEP MARKS. rhe 13 ub]ects t aught are JUSt su( 11 as every ]..! erchant F armer Mechanic and s1onal ~fan rcqu1r~ in traneact1dg t:Very day bus1nr:ss, and embra.ce the fo llowing Book Keepmg by Smgle and Double EntrJ Spencerian Penmanship Commercial Pape1, Banl,ms Steamboatrng Co11e8pondence, Arithmetic Brnl,erage Spellmg Cornme1cial Law Prnet1cal Gram'nar Me~h am cal Drawmg Actual Business Comse, T elegrnph1~g Phonograph), etc Our Course of Training is under the supervnnon of SEVEN COMPETENT AND E XPERIENCED TEACHERS Dl.ent1onOO P" e JPad.e and sent.

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