CANADIAN STATES1VIAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIIURSDAY, NO,TEMBER 4, 1873. Explanation of the Failure of the Bank af Cal1forn a CGRNVVALL HIGf>INBOTHAllllB CHEMIST "ND DRUGGIST LA N K E T VERY LOW, s WESTERN ASSURANCE GOMPONY JNCORPOR ~~ 1 1J 1851 $800 000 Head Office T o101 to !Ion .!OUN l\!cMURBICII B IHI DAN Esq R &H OII'°'R THE ISLTED RISK CO\ er1ng the w hulo wt th \ lay er of stra.w an<l then · la} er of dry mrth rn1sm:; the latter above tho general lm el of tho gr 11 <l nn I slop ng 1t roof fasluon so that 1t w 11 shed ram The apples mll come For Cash only. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Hool Office-I'- ng St Corner(hurch CA PIT ~L ~600 FR.EN"C:EC 000 OIL POLISHT F. Y. COWLE. 13 ICLD HARTFORD FIRE COMP AN)' INCORPORATED 1810 ~ap1tal H UtTFORD CON $1 000 000 D. STOTrr AND DE \LER IN 1 _ DRUGGIST HAND INSUHANCE IN HAND COMPANY MUTUAL FIRE 1 TOJIJV HALL'I, J'lOJf "i1IAfiJILLE. Druggs Med1c1nes and Chemicals ' I ' I Hen!Office OntanoHall lhmchSt T onto W H Ill,/'\ LAND Esq P c tdcnt "\V IUOMRON Esq H1 GH SC.011' Esq Secretary R&HOH\TA BANK, DO\\ ih U·r\ ILLE $1000 000 Dye St ills Patent l\Ied1cmes Perfumery Brushes C011bs Soaps Pamts and Oils P u1 t Brushes Coal 011 and Coal Ou Lamps ~c &c AI T OHDEP.S CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMP Y. Cai I al u.nd In' cstcd F nus o~ er $2 000 000 Stock of Med c "" com Il&HOHAI~A COlHPANY. THE OSBORN. KING Of fRAVELLERS' INSURANCE COMP V. II \RTFORD CONN Assets I [ns lrcs g 1. nsL neaU R &II OH\RA 'l~eit TheBradbu:ryP1ano 0 R GA ~TS. GDC f yo1'l ·want a first class Orgnn purchase manufactured by A rl!ficml 'S: ceth INSERTED \T \. MODER !.TE FEE Teeth Extrac ed \\. ithout Pa n Ass tcd b) co IHELtl SHRUBS PLA~ rs Burnett's Extracts For cook ni; purposes Burnett's Extracts P -c SPP.JNf, OF 1874 n.nlyll -rarker Ifous<i Doston o Burnett's Extracts LEMON ROS£ VANILLA At.MONO NE01ARINE CELERY PE ACH NUT MEO. ORANGE C NNAMON C LOVE~. GING ER: Burnett's Extracts .. Th11W t ntJu>.1t0 l~ - f fthA.v Hold NY Burnett's Extracts U1ed IX lu l for ea r -lJun u uUi.L Hotd Phi a Burnett's Extracts R ELIABLE 101 GENERAL Ah EN TS tl 0 Propert:1 -AND- Tfte 1uperwr ty of these Extracts cm s sts' i their ptt:fect p inly and great strcu 7th Thcv are wa::.. rantecl llee from the poisonous o !sand acids wl tcll enter into the compmlit m of ma. y of tho factltiou· fruit :flavors now in tho :market They arc 1 ot only tine to their i nmes but a CJ :pre~rcd from fruits of tho best qual tj and nro sol ghly concent rate<l that a comparatively l'!mall quant ty only need be Ufled DETACHED RESIDENCES. -118 31--A.ND- anii sol 1 ~ PfJIRY DAVIS & saN & LAWRENst. MONTREAL P Q STECI1.. & COS UEDAf, Pltl\O, NE"\\ '/OP." For Terms nnd lC adtl.resa he ahove Conpan e!i Ageat1 f'or Dom nlon of Ca··d· JOSt:PH BURNETT & co. BOSTON, llaif Your Jlfoney Oflice for Canada Xmgston l - - - - - --- 11 tf PSYCHOIVIA NCY