I VERY LO"V"/, F. Y. COVlLE. wmnn~1 le (_) hber 1"' IClD HARTFORD FIRE COMP~NY l:.iCO!::PO&ATED 1810 HAHHORD CON STOTT, AND THE DOMINION BANK, BOY\'111 ~N'i ILLE C01l'ITAL PAID UP $1000000 Stucl of Med c nes cont Sewir1g CO"'I:P.~NY. lHRfFORD CON:i Ass ts 0 c ~ 000 oco 21 Burnett's Extracts Fo cuvk pu uo.se Burnett's Extract s p 1.., d inget B[lC1es r.re ( f LEMON ALMOND ORANGE RO E NECT,..RIN,; CE.LERY PEACH NU T MEO CLOVES G NGER. CINNAMON VAN LLA Sm11nf1mencan OrganCompany, and sold 11"1 The auperwrUy <if tl ese Extracts con:nsts 1n t!ieu" perfect p inly and great s ren9th TJ ej nro war... u utcd f uo fro1u the po1sonons mls and ac1d8 w1 ich I enter into the composiL o l of ma1 y of thofactit.iOWf fruit flavors now in tho market They tlro not only true totl.teu 1 a nes but a o preprixod from fr dt11 ! of the best quality and arA SQ l t"J Iy con ~trated that a C-Omparat vely Bmall iua11uty only need be uactl PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE,