· ,. ;;; "'-.....----·-· . );., .,, \·:·'~ !;~{ CAN~.\]) IA:X ;'". STA.TES~1AN, BO"T~1AN-V IL~:E, 1875~ FALL. · -- 1875~! --·- ---- -·---E!i~ . _si --~---- ---- -. -. -~ ------= _ ±Sit£ _ :;±&Si__ -·- - l:s:.A~D-W-A:BE I . - . I Winding Up! OCTOBER iOth, i875. . ' . j ·. CHANGE OF ·BUSINESS AT-THE .. 'l . '. J " ·<'Dteapsicue .JsTO~Erl East corner, - .-:--- of Town Hall. For American and .Canada White and ' Gray Cottons:--the cheapest ·in town-· go to ·- · · 1 . '· . ~ ' ' . . ' It is ' my intention on the above date to. wind ~p the long" SICN ·OF THE COLDEN ANVIL. , w .in'1cd eredit ·y~te~, and fell only for no arg11mel!t to e·tablish that it · ·~- CASH, or.:ts ~q1livnlcnt. lt ·r·qnire~ · . of both buyer and ' ,1 , , .HARDW A .RE. ... : F. F : McARTHUR'S. " ' is to ihe adn~tage seller to trade for ready pay; the buyer thereby getting goods at LOWElt PRICES, .and the seller being saved from loss by bad deLts. We' think then that The sub~criber having purchased the entire stock~f Hardware , of'Mr. THoll. BAs~E'I;T, would respectfully infoi:m the fohabitimt& " :".' .. ., ~ : The unrlersigned would <lesire to call the attention "Of the public t6 the fact that they have a large and well ~ssorted ·stock of Nickel and Plated Goods, Block Tin Tea and Coffee Pots, Triple Plated Cruets1 Butter Knives, . Pickle Forks, &c.; a1id as for prices they wont be beat by anything in Bowmaiiville. Our .s.tock of Shelf and Het1vy. Hardware will be. ·fou[;d complete and well assorted, tonsJsting in part of Hodgers' and Wingfield's celebrated Pockt<t and '. Table Cutlery, Wade & Butcher's Razors.· all parties will concur in the. wisdom of this change on our part~ · Our goods will hereafter be bought for CASH only, and we r .' 1 of Bowmali.ville and 's urrounding countrY'that, in add~tion to his present stack ho is .· . . For cheap Flannels arid Winceys, go to · ,. . · shall thereby reap the advaniage of large trade discounts, which advantage we are determined to·give to our cu·tomera. · Pariie8 purchasing from us may theref<1re depend upon getting goods at least ten ·per .eeut, cheaper Daily Receiving Largeimportatioils OF BRITISH ANJ) AMERICAN F ..F. McA:RTHUR'S. than under the old plaii. Our stock will thiS Fall be more replete thim. ever, and a still :MECHANICS; .TOOLS. Wallace's Bench Planes; Tep.non, .Hand, nijlping; .· . ' ' ~ . -~· . ---- -- ·_ ' ': · ·.···'Cross·cuCan-d Hi1ttilig Sawi; Broatl ~nd Q110ppin'g Axes.· ·: l1igher class of g~ds will . ""L be kept. We therefore guartintee the greate. st ., " satisfaction: to all who may favor. ~. with .· . .. . their P·!ronoge, .· · _' ,_;. - - -· :· ·1· .· , ; ".- ' ' ! PAINT·S · & . OILS,· Comprising best English Paints, Oils,Varnish and Japans; Fire.proof Paints, Chocolat~,, Slate and Stone, 3!1d. all kinds of Dry Colors. ' ~, . ·- ·, Dress 'Goods, at '· ,'A '$plendj(l ··Eito9k ;. ~f .Fall.and"W1nt~f . ,. ;-Ready-~tade Tl~eJoila~ing~'liiies will:~e found full~""' ~n · ,or which having been purchased fot' cash ·he is enabled' to· I . offer at bottom prices. ~ s£o.eJ{ of..' . . - -" . . ' - - ' ' · F~ F. McARTHUR'S. , 1 ' Cloth1:1tg; .Cl~~hs, Tweeds, Dress · Goods, Silks, . · Shawls, Ski1'.~s, Cottons, Winci:ys,. I . . . · . Blanki?ls; Buffalo Robes, &c.,&c. made to order in city styles, on shortest notice. I ·PAINTS AND ·OILS will be found complete. and wilf be sold &t priet;S t1111\, will . .. , CENTS' SUITS AND SHIRTS ' I j ' DEFY .CO:.\fPETITLON. ;. · · · Fir~( CJCtra prt'ze Provi'nciat Exltibition, Ottawa, }875, and the great Central Fair, Hamilton, 13oWMANVILLE, October 1, 1875. . . . S_ F_ ::EIILL_ ~ TIN, & STOVE DEPARTMENT! f. f I ' ·STONE'S Tubular LANTERN. , Recommended by flu ·Canadian Cominission·· jorexhibition ' at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia. ' i·' ·. Cotton Yarn and .· Cotton Bag~ just .received, at . ANDERSON & · 1 ... · c 0. : I would 'Ills<> · state that Mr. JAMES &a beg . to' inform the public gene~ally that they have received a large portion of their . NOSWORTHY is ···.;;,iated with me partner in th,e Tin and the bu~iness ,_a.· F.A.LL · cfo 'VVJ:N'TER. .F. F. McARTHUR'S. ,. STO ·c n : ·O F Stove branch of This La1iteril asserts its own merits so forcibly ,that it is not necessary to print a list of 1lames t~ recommend it. The public ~re best judges o( what s;1pplies their wants, and if you want a good Lantern, that will uot · giie you any trouble, go to. ·iCHEAPSIDE." ·,. BOOTS AND SHOES! And as our stock is so well known it · requires no rewards to sufficient gp.orti-iiteo that all work in thi1>Ifoe wilrbe ere011ted promp'tfy, in the best ma.Dner, .' TAILORING DEPARTMENT. - -·- ,- - i: induce the people · to buy. '· . · ' A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF LAMP$. . .,_: - E, E. McARTHUR has succeeded in ~ecut~ ing: the services of Mr. BATTING, oneoCthe best Cutters in the country. You can..rnly upon getting a perfect fit made in any style. · A tremendous stock of Cloths,' Tweeds . and Overcoatings always on ,hand. . 1 -Flannel Shirts made to order. Inducement's. Chear,er good.sand bett?r quality fo;. (Inducements " . .. . {OUR INDUCEMENTS ARE ) .Jess money than can be got elsewhere. ) , . ·· ·and_ at very low pri~es. . - . EAVETRQ·U GHS. A SPECIAJ;iTY. . A large stock of Tinware of every description alw:ays ·in stock, · and made to order at the shoirtest notice .. @"Call itnd· see for yourselves, and your friends will follow:.,.m j Locks and House Furnishings, SPECIA,LTY..,Jf.J Tildisley's Him a1.<l Mortic-e ·L orb . Nor~ich Lock Co's goods. A · TERMS STIUCTLY CASH. '. !: Bewnuinv!llo, October, !------------------:,. 18;5.' REED'S OLD STAND .ANDERSON & CO. THE STOCK OF HEAVY E:ARDWARE. 1 Bar, Band (\.ncl Hoop Iron. (·; · ' Hall, Heating and Cook Stoves. Agents for 'IIaggert Bro'.s A?ricultural Implem~nts. . ..J3owu1anviUe, Nove1nber lZ, 1875.. . , .I -'-:. I) · 1, will be founu complete, comprising all the favorite kinds m l{all, Cook; Parlor, &c., for coal or wood . WEBSTER & CALBRAITH. . A large stoq~ of Shirts, Drawers, Hats and Caps, very cheap, at . .. :.Dow-manvi lle.-18 e ptem'bor 22; ·1875, - · ~ \;~.:.~:/;~ :~ :,.;,'4 ~,,,.,.;,, , ~> ·' _· -· __ _:_.:___ _ __ __ _ _ ·r"\." ··; .,.-·:.-,.;. .,... - ;~-..'--'~ :-~ ...i···(- -~---- . ~--'-__......, · - . . . J:i1. F. McARTBlJE'.,S_. ,':- .· ·:.. ~ ·- · .- -.__ ,__ ,- _ -~----. ---__,_.>·t·-' - · , '-. _ · · . --- MoCLUNG -.BROS/ Bowmanville, August 26, 1875. · . - ·-' ', R. S'. MANNING. 4 NE"V ,., .) ' . .. ·CORN?\/VALL· .----. Every ·bnylli' should see our stock: of .-,t. .- ·. -. ;l:' CAS B CIRCULAR · On an cl aft.er the First 'day of October, 187 5~ , , · :· ·. ·.· our bUsiness will be conducted 011 a CASH ,· · basis. · We have, after duly considering the · matter, concluded to abandon the CREDI1' Svs'fEM, :.lnd to sell our goods for ready money, or itSJ!equivalent. I.t is unnecessary to r~sort to argument ' or explanation fo show that, in these days, the (Jreclit System is injurious a:llke to seller; and · purchaser; (\,n,cl.it. lS univ!'Jrsally· admitted tq lie an injustice to tlw:"e who 'buy for cash. So there is no apology necessary, on our part, for inaking .the proposed chan$e., · .. ... l · STAPLE GOODS. . .-, \ ' - · -AT.- .' ' " -- .. !. - Every buyer should see our stock of · ,. . . .. Fancy Dress. Go~ds. ::R,_ EA .ST 0 . . ·CHEAP . STC>R.E. '~ · -:-0 o · ~..:l·s·' { . . ,, ,~ .: ,.',; . ·.." VERY .LOW, I"-·;" ... ' I' . ..... - f~, _.. Evc.~y buyer should seo our stock of . . · i T he ne; 5 cent mltmmotb Copy and Exercise Boo k the' sAfue siz·, ag R. Easton. 's York-shilling Excrcise.Ilook, which he sell· at 1l'l cents; with bca11tif1 I printed cover and n. rnltjpHcation t~l>le ?"back cover. . N,B.-No ·other hou~ · keep' the ··me book, as he 'has it n'iade expressly to order. . ·~. · ·· 1·· ' i~ :.f BLACK . l..USTRES. '· ~ : .J.R'.,b.r .Cash· on1M. : ., --.· ' ,: ' . ,· ·- · c.1 ' ··' Every bu.y er should see our stock of ' ) .' c I. This new method will enable us to take every advantage of th'e' markets, qnd place within our .reach· large trade discounts on cash purchases. ·i; . ) quil!e_ -for O _-Cent8. 3 cent Exercise Books. -. · · -.. Foolscap Pap()r 20 cents per quire-,-q uarter · ,_ ". ">«,· .. · : " ' . Lots of 20 cent Slates for 12· cents each; Slates from 5. cen.~, cl\Ch. 2·Pens of Nos. 292.and 404 for f cent; 5 cents per do~en . .', ,, . , · ~ Cheap PenholdeTS and Pencils. .All¥,inds of School.B,\iok.s s~pp,lk·l at R ·..Easton.'s Sch-ool Book Eu1poriu1n, . ' Fancy .W oolen Goods. . F~ Y,. COWLE. . 13owmanville, October lS. : 1 Every buyer should see our stock of The heriefits which will result .to our custolll,.ers under this system are manifest: not only shall we be ablo'to buy our .goods considerably · cheaper ~nder the adva;ntages .refetrod _ £6,_but much smaller profits than were"necessary under the old system will suffice. · , . · '· · ·New and improved Leather School Bags, only 70 .·~nt~ each.- .. . . · , ._ --- ·:. .. . ·· . . Country trade ·up.plied. Burnished Envelopes only 8 . ceut~ per package; Extra only 10 cents"package; Bu» · ness En· velop·· from 81.40 pe~ 1,000. . . · ' - ·· . ·: Large stock of' Blank Books. l,OOQ page ~lank Bo~kl; for$4 . . Big stock of 'Wall Paper. · Lots of other goods ?ffermg !Lt · . Perie's superfine Note Paper only 10 cents per qu11'.~· · · .. · , ' . . B"autif:L B.. EA.ST4QN'S , . !YloTTO:-" -· ' ' .. .. . 7· . l .· ~ ~.' FRUIT --AND- MILLINERY , Goods,' Remember .. : ,· 1 .t ~~ ·~ Con.fectionery :' . , DEPOT. f..., ... .· ,_ _, _, JVHOLESA.LJ;; mui BET.A.IL Worthy of notioo, ·and much more ·o than .. ,· . I . . - ' _. _ ._ . . · Editors of Newspapers. , JUST ARRIVED, .androiealeat the above Depbt. NF.1v FltUff and CONFECTIONERY, . 1 Murdoch Bro's · · is the play~ to buy your Remember ~ '\Ve are determined,, this season, to ·push our .. , business with renewed ene:rgy, and shall · en,-y deavor· to excel in every depa'rtmeu't. Our ar-,~~; .· rangements are sucl\ that no establishm'ent can .. ; '.'.;" ,,:,' ; unclerselLus. . Remember, then, that the right : \: .., · pla~e fo r cheap goog,s, is · ' ; .hl!5 t" _; ~ . ' . Cheap B'ook, Statiouery tmd Fancy <j~od B s :tm:,,,, To\'f'll H~ l~ui,tdings; ' llou·n1 af1vi1J ; _·~ . . ' ,., . '· . . A ·nimblc sixpence better than a,'slow, poking shilling:' . . " ~ THE ELEPHANT HOUSEJ. / . ' _ ~ _ .. _ , _ _ . · ' · t ,· .. -'1 i..--· .. Our. Stock is one of the b~st . in Hiles or T E AS. " .< .; · ' ' SOMETB I ,__ ?iG NE:W. _ __ ,. . .. ~ . . ( . ,4 Bowmanyille, S.ept. 1st, 187 5; : a:oioE LEMON, OR,\NGJ!J AND WATCHES · C Citrbil Peel; Dates,.F igs, Lemons; Ora.ngcP. · : - · '. ; 0 arri'"' SofL-Hnell .Almonds, F ilberts; B«azil PLATED . WARE and \Valnnt!i; Keiller's.· Dun.dee Marn1alade _ ; .Ll.. :\.. , ASUBSTITUTE: FOR LATH "AND PLASTER.:'. --·-.·The Patent Aluminous and 01· namental B~1il~iii!'(Pii:per~ · .l'aper Oil-cloth and .ca!'petfil/c"~ 0 ·tr. ·Qualfty is the tes.t of . Cheanness. _sep_tem_ ber.. ~~r · DesirableSale. Property for . 1815 soc:-::-th- · THOS. DARLINGTON, Bowmanvillc. D~./ 10-.')873:. -· · 20; West lndia. preserved -'G jnger; · Pcu:rs, Pin ms, · 'Tomatoes, Peaches; Green Peas, GreenCorn and Lima Tieans. Our Do1nlnion oxcelsior Ra~pbe.rry Vinegar; Salmon, Lobster's, Sardines; Tmn~toe iSa.nc~ -~nd l?'ickles. Th.cy ha.ve qonie. arid _an'· nnd PR!GES wi11 be to Suit every perSon, a1:1 .. "' oml:rijf at the - Fruit Depot. · SHELL ANT &one can be disappoijlted ; as all , mustbesold. JlflELLE.l),·.OYSTERS. · · · FINE CUTLERY, AARON :BL'CK, LER. Murdoch. Bro's is the place to buy your Remember ,~ : . Coft'ees. 'i._ll .. SOLE .AGENT :B'OR THIS PLAC:B.: .. · A la~ge stock just received, of plain and ornaniental, botl\' !or-w;1,;_, and floors. l . . , . , The Paper Oil-cloth and Carpeting is a cheap and rlnrablc substitti't , for oil-cloth. The chemicals · with which the paper is saturated rendef it proof against rats, moths and mice. · '.. · · . . :M:urdoch Bro's is the place to buy your Sugars~ Remember THE WANT SUPPLIE 0. COAL, . W90D, ·THE PEOPLE OF BOWMANVLLI,E with dwelling hrim~e,orch·aro . stable,& c 8i~~atcd On street., in the '!'own of Bow n1anvillr,. A mo8L pleasantly situated HOme-" stead. _For term1:1;. ~nd other particulars, enquire ofthe s ubscriber, on the pre mises. . J, H. DREWRY. haYing hitherto been inconvenienced in not Bo\vmunvllle, _ Aug. 23rd, 18';;) . l·ti'.' ·being able at times to procure .ftiel. etc., the un-dersJgned hnNe filled the want~ by the estabSPLEN,DID STOCK Jil!hmc!lt ')fa ·Depot for the -tra1l'ic in - AN:b- . O ACRES 1 Liberti . oF EXCELLENT LAND, VARNISH POLISH. · ThiS Polish gives a most elegant lustr~! and ,.dries in.st~iit~neously. Nothing ever discovered before. to equal tlus Polish. . , . ANOTHER THING · MUCH WANTED . . Murdoch Bro's . is the place to buy your Remembe .. J;. f , ... G-o . CROCKERY. LATH · ,. LUM13ER, · SHIN GT.RS, ~ · ··post,i;;, ,. in 7th con. Darlington, cOntaining250 acres -more O'!' less. well watered. Large youns or chard, Good bulldi~gs a.nd fon~es. · for ~ALE! LOT 14 and SOtiTH HALF of. LOT 15 f,lftAIN FARM For partkulars.·;~mpl·y"~ou·11. · ·r.ri:e:oe. . IF .' . ' .. ' - ' For. PIANOFORTES, F'or BUGGIES, CLOCKS, . CUTTERS, PICTURE.FRAMES, . SLEIGHS, and all kinds of and Varnished Furniture. _ ~II kinda 6f \ ' arnisl)~1 C~ rri~g~·tt:... and nre prepared promptly to fill orderR in I.h e . "" .i. ~ abo\·e line9 .and to deliver articles in aJ_l"jJartif:o·r · &Yd.on; Onthe Town. . ' . J nly 8t~~ 18'75. T11e higheet price paid tor Lumber, \Voorl, etc · ---"'~--------nr· \Ve buy~forCA.SU,. and seJI for CASH . PEil D.-l."I' .-AKents 11'aaCetl·t Office and Yard- Corner ICinll' and George _ . . · ;·All classes of working people, .Streets.. e1tber·scx, y_oung .or old, .-rna.ke more pipney, JAHN 'Mcr.~~LLAN. l "I.I' C ·~ C vork ~or us in tb~Lr· spare moments, Ol' nll the ~VILLl£MY CAN?'.' J J!LC ·LE· ,LLAN. ' c.j 0 · ~.than at anything el15e, Particulars free, · · · . _. st card to the States costs btJ.t one cent. AdBowma·Hi<ll.o1.~l!-n. a9, 18.~. 27-ly. Jlrees G. STINSON&: co.. Portland, {13 and SQUARE TIMBER; " .M.;u .·. r ·'.·d · och ' ·B · ro's'. ~ · ' WANT ' ' .· - f . SOLE AGENT FOR '.l'HIS . PLACE.' .. ::S:AR,DWA:&E'J . . As 11sual, largo s~o<;k ~n hnd of Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stove:, and Tinware, all of which will be sold at low figures. . We! ington Bulldil!Ks, August 9, ·~!St §5 TO $2 .0 ti:· VICTOitiA Maine. BPI!;DINGS, . llowmanville, September :12, 1875. ~ . is the place to buy the BEST and CHEA.PE.ST Goo,d s kept.in town. ·GOOD and CHEAP 'DR"'Y' .GO ODS. I a . MANCHESTER HOUSE, BOWMANVILLE, .I : JOHN McLEOD & Co~ '