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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1875, p. 3

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BO WM~-\.N-V ILLE, THURSDAY, .NOVEMBE!t ~5, 1315. F i'.lRJI FOR S.ill.E, 1 · fl 'li-cl. joillfug 1lhe·T0Wti ffi ~V!litQy,- IHO acreR~ Bri-:tk. i:.:01,t.ngi: and good batns Ml pre ml;;es. 2000 Of )1,1)~ I: B.-1.n.t.l!:Y wer~ ~wn on t he farm thh1 year. Terms ca.-iy, fm-g-e port.ion of I purcFi_ase tt\ottey :11"'0JY ren1ain1 vn jFr~erest for o. np1n~.rafyea·rs~-- - ~tppl~· to Jol:f>~ A. thJNALDSON · ~::;q., J1m1grant.Ag-ent1,. Torou10, or to lhe t1ndcrs1g,ucd. TROS.~ l\'100:DY, . ~~ ., ~ '~. (· ; r \, ... .. " ' 1875. FA.LL .. · OCTOBER 10th, 1875. IN THE 'L'OWNSHlP OF WHITBY ; ': . . '. l l·:.; . ,,,-, .... -. ' ~ ' ·.~ · "Cheapsi'de" C1Jrncr, - -:- - East of Town Hall. .. ' ,. ···. ,.,, For American and Canada White and Gray Cottons-th, .· cll,eapest in town,,e,,,, ' ' '" go to ··,:: r November 3, 187~ . V1'h:H.tiy · __________ __ _____,_ ~~ It is my intention on the above date to wind up the longwipdcd eredit ~ystem, and sell only for ' CASH! or its equivalent. Ii requires H 'ARDWARE. . \, ' F. F. McARTHU:R'S. _no argament to 'est ablish that it is to the ad,.utago of both puy~r and . . seller to trade for ready pay; the buyer thereby getting g~ods at J,OWER ' NEW .GOODSl Worthy of no tlt:A, :11.n (l inltch ~1Hfre-· 30 · t h a11"J<]ditors of N ew,papers. . The unrlersigned would desire to call the attention Qfthe public to the fact that they have a large and well assorted stock of Nickel and Plated Goods, Block Tin Tea and Coffee Pots, Triple Plated Cr°uets, Butter Knives, Pickle Forks, &c.; and as for prices they.wont be beat by .any!hing in Bowman ville. Our stock of Shelf ,and Heavy Hardware will be . found complete and well assorted, consisting in part of Rodgers' and Wingfiel<l's celebrated Pocket 'and Table C,utlery, Wade & Butcher's Razors. PRICES, and tho seller being saved from loRs by bad deLts. Wc think then that all p~rties will concur in the wisdom ~f this change on our part. Our Stock i8 one of the best ·in Our goods will hereafter be bought for CASH only, and we I'\VATCHES,lincs of PLATED '\VARE, FINE CUTLERY, u.onc can be disappoin ted, as a ll u1ust bf!·s'cdd> For cheap Flannels and Winceys,·go to shall thereby reap the· advantoge of hrge trade disoounta, which advantage we ·are determined to give to our custom~rs. Parties purchasing from us F. F: McARTHUR'S; . .. . . ' may therefore depend upon getting goods at least ten per cent. elicaper 'han under the old plan. nnd PRICES will be to suit evP.ry per son . ns-> AARON BUUKLER. Septerilber, 3Qth 1875. ~tr .. -. Our stock will this Fall .be more replete than ever, and a still · higher olass ot' goods will be k.~pt .. We therefore guarantee the greatest >, Dcsiral1Je P1·01,erfy lor Sa . l e·. , '.- · [- . wi_ t,b d_wcltin g b011 1u:~.orchllrd. stabl~.& iY t y st1·eet, - i n · t.11~ · Town of .BO'I\,., 1 on L1bcr_ mauvule. A n1os t pl1>:asanLl)' -situru.0d Hon1caooa~ . ]'or t.cr_ m s ... and ot.her parP\Oulars enquire of the supsc1·iber, 911 the premises. ' "" -· ·." - · · .. . ; " "':kE! IiUEWRY " r BowmaUvill~ ·Aug.'23rd, - ~875. , · "" 4-tf. · s1tna~ rl MECHANICS' TQ,QLS. ··tisfaction t~ .nll who may favor tis wHh their patrOn·ge. lo .ACRES OF EXCELLEN'.F LANEY; .... · Wallace's. BeQch Pl~nes; Tennon, Hand, Ripping, Cross·clit arid Butting Sih:v-s; Broad and Chopping Axes. · ' The following lines wiUbe found foll : A spleµ, did .stoek--Of . Fall and Winter ·Dress Goods, a~ ·,,,, ,. · Readj,'made · Clothing; Cloths,' Tw~edi,. Dkiss '(Jooas, Sill>;, Shc;w/.s, Sk'ir/s, Cottons, l-Vinceys, . · r ~ PAINTS .& OILS, Comprising bes.t English Paints, Oils,Var<11ish and Japans; Fire-proof Paints, Chocolate, . Slate and Stone, and .kinds of D~y Colors. · · , .F1. F. McARTHUR'S. all ,' . SPLEN_DID , STOCK." GRAIN , FAlllll for ~Al~E! Blankets., Bitffalo Robes, &c.,&c. CENTS' SUITSAN-0. SHIRTS BowMANVILLEi" October l, 1875. . ,.. . made to order-in city stylesr ons)io_ i ie,s t notice. -= ~ · ·. · . S_ F_ HIT.Ti .. . ·· , 7th - -m01.·eo-r;lcss, well ·watered. Lo.rgc young or cbo.rd. Good builtl hlgs an_ <l .fences:.· .. · , , . . ·'·.··' FOr purtieu1ars; a . ·.. · lV.i.ii: '. TU.EU , ~la.ydon, ~nd SOUTH lfALF ;,,. 'J\0T"15 L._.OTH in con. Duslington, co;n1 Bining'250 acrea @ n First extra prize Provincial Exhibition;Ottawa, I875, and the great Central Fair, Ha11t£lton; STONE'S Tubular LANTERN. Recommended by the Canad1'an Commiss£on far exhibition qt tlie Centenn ial 1:."'.,-i:position at Philadelphia. = .~ CD ANDERSON- & c 0. $5 To $2u Cotton Yarn . and: Cotton· Bags just beg to inform the public generaJly,that tliey have received a ]arl"e eith~r portion o.f their· at received, at F. F. MdAR'1.1HUR'S. F A L L c:fo ~ :J: N"·T E R., " n July 8th, 1Si5. . · . . · 0 . . · Pt:ll IH~-.~Agtmt.· 1fBTi l<tl ! All cla~e» of, wo ·~ki.n g r1001lJ e: sex, .0 ' ol<l, .wake in ore -money 0:,t work for us"-""'"' 111 their spare mmu ents, or a.11 tho Lune, than anythi ng else.- PaL·ticUlarei free. ·-Post card to U'!e ·Statl*J ·costs bur, one .c ent... .Add ress G. S'l'I.NSO.N ~CO., Porilar1d, l\1ai~\: (13 01 This Lantern asserts its own merits·so forcibly that it is not necessary to print 'a list of naµles to recommend it. The public are best judges of what supplies their wants, and if you wa1it a good Lantern, that will not give you any trouble, go to "CHEAPSIDE.... A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF LAMPS. BOOTS AND SHO:EJiS! And· as ·our stock is so well known it requires n9 nrn·ards to induce the p~ople to, buy. · sTocn: oJJ: THE WANT SUPPLIED . OF BOWJ\fANVILLF. T HE PEOPLE at to lish1nent 0f a,. Depot f or the trufffc in . · ba. ' :ing hitherto been inconve~leneed in n ot being a..~e times p,rocure fi..,el, e.t. c ... the und ersi~rned fill ed · the wa.nt, . br· t h e esta'9- ' TAILORING ,DEPARTMENT. --+-,,~- - :~:· -------~ Locks and House Furnishings, SPECIALTY...2f/ Tildisley's Rim Norwich Lock Co's goods. A ai;d F. F. McARTHUR has succeeded in securing the services of Mr. BATTING, one of the best Cutters in the co~ntry. You can ;:ely upon getting a perfect fit made .i n ilny style. A trem~mdous stock of .Cloths, Tweeds and Overcoatings always 0!1 hand. , Flannel Shirts made to· order. '· Induce men . ts { - ·. . OUR INDUCEME~TS AREi c .· heaper go6ds and better quality for less money than can be got elsewhere. J cInducements · .· . · COAL, -' WOOD, ,, , .LUlltEER, LATH, POSTS, SITil'S'GLES, . ~Call and see for yourselves, and 'your friends will follow._m; TERMS STRlCTLY CASH. ANDJ;::;RSON & . 00. Bewm.BnYille, O<:tobcr, 1875. .REED'S OLD STAND. u.nd nro prepnrcd pro111pt1y to fill or.cte· ~~ in t.hf'I abo"'\·e· Hn-3, and to dell ver arUcles in all pafts of t he '.rO'\'D, · . and SQUARE 'l'I:M;BER; Mortice Loch ,. ·~ REAVY HARDWARE. Bar, Barrel and Hoop Iron. The higb,eS~ Pr~'cc paid ..(o~ ·LuinbCr,\Vootl , etc U \.Vo buy for tA.Sll," a.ild S ell f0i.- t.:A!Jll·. , Omce and Ya.rd-Corner ·l(fn,.,. ·' and George · Streets. · "" ' .TAHN. ~IcCJ.ELL\", l ]'« ' C ' , lV.H,1.1.A~r CAN~. J · iJ.C _,L EL LAN & 0 B o'Vmn.nvllle,Jan. 30,'1875. ' - ~7-ly. c .:~· · . FRUIT Hall, Heating and Cook Stoves. Agenfs for Haggert Bro's Agricultural Implements. Bowmanville, November 17, 1875. -,-~- - ~ --~--- WEBSTER & GALBRAITH. -. and Caps, very A large stock o.f Shirts, Drawers, Hats 9heap~ "f ·: .,'. Confectionery DEPOT. ' ' a_t ., · . · """ ~ - -- Do"'m&nvllle, Sept.ember 22. 1875~ . F. F .. "McARTHUR'S: -·""- - loCLUNG ·BROS.' ~ WHOLESALE and RETAIL JUST · ARRIVED, and for sa..le at 'the nb6ve D'cpc.t, ~EW FRU11 <>nd_,Q. O;\'E,ii;G'.~.. .·,~ ..;,__ _ to arr1y~; :Soft·shell Alruond,s, Filberts R .·ri ziJ and ' ·Vn,h1nts; K.~i11er's Dundee l\far1;1fll:ule · \ Vest India. prescr\.·ed GingCr·; .PCa1's Plu m!" · . Ton1atoes, reaches: Green Peas, Green Corn aud Limn. Deans. Ou1· Domlnlon excelsior Jlo,spbei·rv Vinegar; 8111.mon, Lob11;ter~s'. Su.rdine·s· ; ' 'J'o~ 11'o · Sance and P1ckles, · 'l'J1_ e v .co1n e, and arr com ing at the F'rui t DOpot. SHELL ~4.N J SHELLED OYSTERS. · '· . . ' -· - _:_ -, -"'""<,..- :"-.~ · ,_,~-,-.,, · - - _.,. -· - . BR.O'S CORNWALL . ' CASH · CIRCULAR On and after the First day of October; 1875, our business will be conducted on .a .CASH basis. ·we have, after duly considering the matter, concluded to abandon the CREDIT SYS.TEM, !iml to sell our goods for ready money, or its: [eqlii".'alent It is unnecessary to r~sort ,to ~rg\tµlC1:1t Ot explanation to show that, in these clays, the . Credit System is hijurious alike to seller and«purchascr; and it is linivetsally adn~itt!,ld. tq, be an injUstice to those who buy for . · c~sh. So there is no apology necessary, mi our p4rt, for making the proposed change. This ~ew method will enable us to take ev-ery advantag~ ()fthe n1arkets, and place within our reach large trade discounts on cash purchases. The benefits which will ' result to -our cu~to- ' iners under this system are .manifest': not only shall we be able to buyom goods considerably 'cheaper under the advantages referred to, but .nmch smaller .profits than were necessary under the ~ld system wilt suffice. ' We ·are determined, .this. season, to push our · businer:;s with renewed energy, ancl shall endeavor to excel in every (:lepartment, Ourai·rangements are such that no establishment can undersell us. · Remernber, then, that the right place for cheap goo~s, is CHOICE' Ci~ro n I~eel ; LEll10N, «ORANGE . AND Dates, Figs, Lemons,· .0 .r:H\g"el-' Every buyer should see our stock of STAPLE GOODS; Every buyer should see out stock of -.Quality is the test of Chea~ness, . THOS, DARLIXGTOX, BO\\'lllanville, Dae. 1-0,·1'873. 20. Scri~ner's .MontMy,, for ·J87B, Fanby Dress ·Q-oods. ,';- 'l'ho publisherH invito .atterrtio:rl t~ tho follo\Ylng: list.of so;i1e o_ f tho .a ttractive articli:!s scc nrPct for ~cr1bner s l\'Iupthly , for the comjng y e~ r. Tu the tiold of ficti on, besii).es numerous novelc ltes and shoi-tcr-l:>Lories, ttfere ""ill be · Two Remarka_ bly Serial 'Stories By A:l-IERICAN AUTHOR~. The first.of these, now c~m~'ietc ii~·;·:~~ur hands, VERY LOW, Every buyel'. should see our. -sto~k ,()f "GABRIEL C01VROY" _ . ' Ily ·BRET. HARTE, Begins in·· um KoveIDber nim1be1·, ancl'·wi ll run . for twehTe 1110111.hs,· This hi nfr. HC\,rtc's fln11·. extended work. The scenes and ch~LrnclCre,w lik h t_!lo a.uth.or h1:1.8 · c_tlo15en. fron1 ,his fu.vo. rit.e Hehl. v-ahtorn1a, ar~ painted w-lth charad.erisl ic vividn ess and .power: nnd tbo '·wo1·k b; wl r.h'out don Qt the most graphic ·record of curly Culiforn ia life that haH yet app~ai-cd , . -" , '\'e shall Ri so bcgiri in the J anun.r'Y nu1nbcr. BLACK . LUSTRES. Every buyer should see our: stock of ·Fancy Woolen Goo.d s. F.Y. COWLE. . - ' . ·.. ' ' ' "PHILIP NOLAN'S FRIENDS, 0,, SHOW YOUR P"(SSPORT;,_,; . By EDWAHD EYEJtE'l'l' ,HAI,E. The scene of this siory is la~id. in .the Souih wes~ern te.1Tit6ry , n<Hv _for1ning tJlc S tate 8 of J..ouusanaflp:d Texas, u~ t:h!-' ·t!n~e· of ,A~l~on B~r·,,_ treason. lhc characterH li..-crl ~n n secl rnn whicl 1 ~vn.s no'v .A~crican: now E'i:cn ch, a1id,u.o w Spt1on1sb, and this rcc~wll of t]J.eir q_d·n :ntu1·ous hveH makes a story of 1nten!Se and u.ufllt<r<~fng · interost throughout. . - , ;.-. _. :_~. ,..,... .,· ' · '·~· .·· Every buyer should see our storkof ' :~"--'. ',- MILLINERY Goods. A Second "fi'armer's Vaiation" By Col, GEO. E . w:~1t'!Nl5; Jr. Col. 'Va.ri_ng. is ' no·w .in Eu1·{~pk, \:t1&ung, i n a row.ho. a t . r ide of two. hund r~i;i. - :i;nP, ·; filty, milr.s. o~e of _th~ most _ fert1le n.ntl 1n te<BeSting of the vu1~·gi·ow1ng valleYB . or .}:urope. ;: ~his second series of paper:.:; promises to be even .fu.ore inter· est.I ng t?an .tJi~.t 'vhh \Yb.icli o-i1_ r _.tbadc1·s are already· fa-11nlmr.. ·' . .. . -:; " fd ,:· ,,.. ,' · '-3 ' ·~ · : - ~· ' ~HE ELEP1IANT .HOUSE. Remember ,, , ----:-- · SOMET~HING NEW:. A SUBSTITUTE FOR -· LATH AND PLASTER. --:-- ~· Murdoch ' Ero·s .- . )s the place to buy your T E A 8. ' . McCLUNG B ROS. Bowmanville, Sept.1st, 1875. . . Centcn11ial Letters, . " Edited by_. JQHN . .Vll.;\gJ:;,;C)'fENEY. 10:a1nly from stores Hl. the }1nn-ds_ or· .lhc ilescen~ antsofCol..Joseph~rnl'd . . 'l'heJ~b,r:cJ"1 1ll of inter est, ~np_ will be rend. wit.ha r.i rci relish in eoH11 ect1on · w ith the .Cenl'Cn nial cel6li'ration of the A, collectior~ of' nc~v9lnti~;;a~y Lette rs . ·:o .r.n· . ,. t · · Remember The Patent Alumindus aiid Orna~fontal Building Paper. · Paper Oil-cloth and Carpeting. yeo.r. Murdoch Btb's is the place to buy your Il!ULLIANTLY ILLUSTn4T':iin ';a,tlcles oh A meri'can ;cottefes. SOL'E;: AGENT :B'OR THIS PLACE. A large stock just received, of plain and ornamental, both for walls and floors . The Paper Oil-cloth and Carpeting is a cheap and dnrable substitute Remember for oil-cloth. The chemicals with which the paper is .s atumted render it proof against rats, moths and mice, Coffees, ·~ . \\Tr~U ~n rcs~ecth'f~Y by q~_i_r fi·.iyn4.~·. will nppcttr ,~ ur1n g the J Mr. 1he1·cv1ved HHOI;cstin collego ·J1f.e·.n1ukes thes e pnpors e:o;pecinUY ti1nclr, and I will secure for ,them u~usu:ul ut.tcntion . · I P.i . ' Murdoch Bro's is _ the place to buy your .V AR,NISH POLISH ANOT H ER THING MUCH WANTED. This Polish gives a most elegant lustre, and dries in,stantaneously,N othing ever discovered before to equal this Polish. · . For PIANOFORTES, For BUGGIES, CLOCKS, Cl:TTERS, PIUTURE FRAMES, .· SLEIGHS, a.nd all kinds uf and all klnds of .Y ll.rnished Furnitnre. ;, · Varnished Carriagea. Sugars. Remember · Murdoch Bro's :is,the place to buy_ your - ·> . . -Q .0-0 IF _.} (. ' TO by Ju.HN F . _iYlIN1i:s, will a ppelli- at ·Oucc and wni attr act the ~~tte'.!ltion of ·nil, in - cit:r 01.' country. 'v~~o. ". m.rk -..v1 t.11 .1ntc rc1:1t U1e ., '.l.eYel.op111en.t of the g1mtt : n.1e trnpol1s,. 0;n.d a1fc,ct,1onately i·cmeiuber Lhe Q.LHll nt pecu.lia.r1t1cs·of I.t·S ol<len time J-i;vu_ry Humbei; is profrn:i&ly - illll'stratCa. thus ·\ ciu~hhng 1.1s to g1 v~ · to our descript_ i vc a nd ·nnr( rat.~\· (l a r!·~ ?lcs, ~n 1n tcrc~ t, a nrl pe.i·h1a nent. va.luo. ne\ e r a~t.a1ned in a:· n on i llu s Lntted· )) Cl'io<li cal.~ l!nde L ·. 1~ nccusto1ncd 1nana.gement the rriago.!"lllc .w1ll u1 ·tho fnturc -b9' de\'ofed·, as i t h a e: been 111 the pa.~t., to sound lttr,ra.tute _nnd Christia..11 progress. - , THE ED!TOIUAL D~~PAU'fMENTS occupy over twenty pa.goes of _ e ach number a.nd co~ta.111 Dr. H ollan d's Yigorous and timely edl!,0~1nls , n~ well as · l levie1vs .or J hc latest worku in .Art, Literature and Science. I I ! OLD 1VEPV. KQRK. E il!nstra.tcd nrti~_les on:Old New York }~J , .J. ' . ·· rr. t> I ! · B A.T T:J:N'G-' S YOU \VANT , . , '.l 'EJnts: . SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. Remember :S:A.B.,D-W-AE.,EJ . As usual, a large stock on hand of Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoves a;nd Tinware, all of which will be sold at low figures. · · · Murdoch Bro's I ~ ' " · ·." ·.. " ·, . W.~l ~f.'Jt.Qn Buildags,,A.tii'U~ _9.~·~ist : JOHN. McLEOD & Co. is the place to buy the BEST/ ::(?\.!! : ,,CHEAPEST Goods kept in t~wh. VICTORIA BUILDINGS, ·\ille, !;1,pptembor 22, lS:O· ' ,_:; . _';' GOOD and . CE.:EAP. DRY GOODS. · I· :)!.ANCBES'l'lU\ ; HOUSE,. BOWMANV'!~E. 'j-'{- do 1nJ1aJtrn,o.r p,cuo_ .. _ ...:.- ..... ..... 30.00 Vols. ~egin in NoVember :and ~fay. Anv of the · . earher volumes (! to VITI} ·w:ill be aupp°Jic .· to par!Jes ~vho 'viKh them to complct:~ sets·Rt tlus rate, -i.e., c loth,-$'2; half morocco, $3 . Bu~sellers !llld ·~~.s.fntnster'" will be supplied a.t r~te.s that vnJl enaOI ~ them t.o fill any. of t h!.! above offers. ~ ,". '°" Sub§~hCfl'S will pl e~o remit in P. o. Mone , Qr.¢1.ers; or 111 Bnnk Ch'¢'Ckso r .n.rafts or br regi~~ ~red lett?rs:. Money fl'i. lctter-::i not' regi'sterc · $·1 n. 1.'enr, In .ld vnnee.; 35 ceU:(.s a l\'umbc.r. The 10 vols:. C?mplete~ Nov.1870; tO Oct. 1875 bonnd !n 1naroon clotl1 1 ······· · · · ·· ·· '. 820.00 ~ at sender 3 l"1i$k~ :.: ·:-s ') '··', ·-· .. · L- · c.~ ·l-SC.Rl,B N ER & C0 .. , 7.~3':Sroa diyay, New y Cli. k r. -"· W-

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