N9EVV" · ,I , 0 CTOBER 10th·, 1875. 1 ··' andJm n1ng the 'Town d.i:..i""liithy ~-100 chr(·;.·.. i11~~ok ,c,0LtuRc and g-unrl "Sn.rns o u :µr~rnises. ~ . :;hels .of NQ. 1 l3Att:LB:'l' °\\'er e · ~rtn'i·n oii thO tar111 _ t llls Year. ·Terrp.s e~sx,Jarge po-rtion of \ pnrchnse rnoney mn,v remain 6:rl ihterest fof. u ~un1ber'ofyears. .c\_pply to JOHN~'\.. lJONA'Ll:lSON, , .. sq., Eun.grant Agent, 'l'oronto, .ior tu' tha un Q.011 ~dgne<l. . , . · ,, , · I-.· I I l , J'~A itJI ~'QR~SitE -- JN Tirn_ TOWNSHIP OF ~a{rny' No:,e~ ber 3, 1875. · '", It :is niy. il\tention oi:f'tlie abo:ve· date ·to wiild up the long- "Cheapside" .Corner, wi~ded ;;edit system, and '·e1Lon1y for 'cAsn, or its· equivalent. It rrquire,s H "A ·R D W ' > ',··.tii'i&~"'· ~."'~i:~:T :-.-.,__ _ "'" 1 .... . R ~ ' · J. -. ~A - " 1 .The JQicall tile .ofthe p1tblic to the fad tl)~at they have a large and well a~~orte.~1 . stoc.k of ·Nickei ~na· ·Platea;. Godas: Block .. Tin Tea and c;ofie_~ Pots, Triple P jated Cruets, ;autter; Kr1iv~s, " Pi? Itle F?f:IH::.' ~,c.; a_nd, ~~- for prices ·they wont 'be~ b~at ; ' · "'ll by anytlung m Bowman~1lle. . . . r. . . . . . under~ig1::d ~~~·Id~d~,sire . ,E . .,·i -1\._ \ ,' ··no n~gu;~ent io ~stnbl.iKTi ·that it is to th~· nd·nntage of bpth buye~.'und, "rorthy of noti<;A, :ind n1uch m·~t·e so than . · Editors o!_~wspaptirs. 1 trade for 're~dy pay; .th~· buyer tl\~reby getting good~ a:~tei1tio~ ut 'I~O.WER . NE'W: ' GOOBS ! li.nc::i 'PRICES, and the seller being snvcd from . Joss by had debts. We · think ., .. - ; :- Our~good~ wp.l hercafi~; be ,bought for C4'SH 'only, and we ' ' 1hen thnt ·nil l'"'lie. wHl eoneur in the wisdom of this change on our pnrt, · ' Our . Stock is one · of · li1'1e b~st , in ut · ~h~ll tbereby :re~p, th_e,. adva~tnge of lnrg~ trade discoun·1; , whi~b ndvnntege ~ '\ . ' ' ' ' . ' ~ we are determined to dve to our customers. Parties purchasing from us ~ ·J1. .1 ' ' W .ATCHES, , . ' ' ' " . . ~'. ·ou~ ~.cock . o~ · shelf ~ud B'~avy Ii~r<l:Wa~:- ~~111 J?«~-foimd complete. and well assorted; cons1stmg 111 part of .Hod.gers' and . Vi.i~1gficjd;s ~el~b~at~,d~ Ppdi:'~t' aud_ ~Table Cutlery, Wade & ,i;lt)~Qh~r's 'Razors. "~ 'J -~ · · ·' .· . _;. ~ getting goods :nt loast ten per cest. cheaper · " 'ib~n under the old plan . OU:r 'stock will this fall be ~ore . replete than ever; and a still' higher cl~ss of good s will' lie k~pt. · We yierefore guarantee the greateot 1 ; J ,· . ' i . ' oatis,facti.on . to all who miy favor us with their ·patronage. '. I.· '\ ' ' b 1 ". '1 ... _, ·.:, , ~ ); ~ · "'· .;· · · Wallitcels .Bench Pfa:nes; Tennon, Hand, Ripping, .· Qi;-oss Ccut and' Butting Saws; Broa4 and "fhoppj~g. Axe~· .l'." ' · , ; ' ,.. r ... , , ...., ,..,,. -._ _ · .,, !t "'t;;'°'· · , , , ,The following lines will be fonn_d full : ' ' · -}?eady~made -A.N.,H- f,;RAl~ ' .F 'for "iAtE? . ARlll . ~ . AND . WILL .BE ' B~wMA~1 v1l,LE, October 1, 1875. s_ .F _ ::S:ILL_ I in 7th con. Dal'lingt on. containing 250 a.ere-~ -more or leRs, "·ell watered, Large young o:r chaT:l. Good·b!.~ildings nud fences~ ,· ·, F o:P particulars, apply to · : · \Vm. TUER, ~ ; ' liay<lon,'. {!)h· July Bth, 1875. ' -~ ----- ·· -~--:;---"' L OTH ancl SOt:TH HALF of LO:r 15 SUCH AS AN D .E .RSON & ·C 0. beg ·to inform the public generally tl\at they liave rc.ceived . a lar<>'e 0 Carpets, frOll} .. ". , ....·.· pO Cf!nts. " j ·' · - · ~ po:itiou of their. ' " F A L L cfc.' ~J:N"TER.. S T O e n : · OF tnne, th:;i.n at anythi1:J.g el~e. : J?articnlars ·fN~u. _ Post cu.r4 to the Stutes costs but one cent. Ad· dl'CS~~: · tl'NN ~ O~ & CO., Porllan!'!. J'-'l1~~ne·. (13 8:t ,.,.oak for us in ilie1r spu.re moments; or all the ol 1~1th1:wsex, ~-.oung ..ot <1111, make more 1noney Pim DH'.-'.lgenu W:mted f. $5 _ . To $20 _-\.11 "\\-·orking , people ,· elaHse.;;; of auq' Dra\vcrs : ........' ... 50 t · BOO'rS AND SHOES! Aud as ,l ,, 1 ·1 I THE ·WANT SUPPLIED~ . bein~ able at ~im~s to 11focnre ft..:1. etc., the 1111· (~er,,ngned ha;\>·c m fUle<l the wa.n t, by tlic oa:tab. hs4ment ')f n. Depot for Lhe traffic i:a , " our stock is f\O well known it· requires no rewar~ls to · induce the people .to, buy. · ' ·THE PEOPLE OF BOWllfANVfLLE . ha,·ing hitherto bt>Em in not inconvenicnc1~<l .:.:.~-·· ·: ~'f . ;'r. ~ ; --· !:; :; :, :. '.: i :Flannels ....... , ........ 25 / A:.S199J?.· AS1?S?f~T~I'ENT OF '~AMPR ' . . Lock~" and Jiou~~ . }I'utnis~i11g~, A SPECIALTY.;.Ei,1' Tildisley's Him .a1.d! M.ortk:. e L~ck~ ·Norwich Lock Co's goods., ··~ : -~ ·' · .. ~;· .;. '. Blank~ts; Tweeds;Cloth,f?, Merinoes,,·f1. TE~~~~-i~;~~~;~~I~~-y,onrsel~es, aiid your · · . ; . '! · nuUCBffiBnts) Cheaper goods and JOUR INDUCE:MENTS ' ·ARJ<~l, ,l better. _ quality for ( · ~· less money than can be got elsewhere, J fiuUCBffiBfilS ' COAL, . WOOD, f.,A.TFI, POSTS, , ' ., J LllM"BEn · '&HINGLE$, . '~ ·· · --7--7-f.-ol-lo-w ..@I] " and SQUARE TI~IBi£R; · ~·- · .HEAVY HARDWARE. ~ . ' · ; .; .,!, ',' .:uo:::~ Dr:wG:od: =~: .I F c Sh' I c tt . . a ANDI~~USON d , & CO. ~nEHD~ OLD ST.AND and art1 prepared prOn1ptl v 1-n till orffcrs in tllt' ahove line, and to deliver 3rticles in all parts ot the 'l'own. ~ · · ~ The high0st. price p'.Lid f~r Lumber, \Vo0d, etc \ :r&r \Ve buy fprC.lSil, and ::ie.11 for CA.Sii. i Ofiicc and Yar<l.-Cornc~ t\.'."hl~ and Ur:org&' Streets. · · ' JHHN 1\IcCLF.!.I.AN. :t ..1', if & Wn,J,IA:'.1 C ..tNX. J :'-10 !.EJ.. J~AN "?'. ·O' n owrn.anvillC.,JI.\.~. 30, 1875. . 21·1 y . c ·, c ,,.,;, ,1 . ,.· .J3ar, Band .and Hoop Iron. I sold at ·like ~ - pric~ es.: .· , ' i Ha11;· Heating and Cook Stoves . ' Agents for Bro's Agricultaral Implements. . Ha:ggert ,. . ~ ) ! C0nr~6tior1~ry . , DEP,OT· . ' ' . .· ' ' WEBSTER & GALBRAITH. ( WI{OLESALE and.Rli:TAIL.JUST· ARR)'VED, and for suJe at Urn above Depot. NEW and CONF..i:JC'l'IONERY FR U I'l' A"D" and V{alnu ts; Kciller's Dundee !1ar~1.a.lacle ·· \Vest India prcscrn·tl Oinger; Pea.rs, iPluw 8 · , Tomatoes, PeaohcS; Grcl:'fl Pna.s, Green Corn' nnd.1 T.iima lleans. Our Dominion excelsior H.aspberrv-· Vinegar; Salmon, Lobster's, SH.rJiines; 'I'otnnto-0 8:4.ucH.and Pickles. -The.,.- l111ve comt> H.:od nrr< comiug at. the li'rnit· DCpot'. , ·sHF~J~L .ANT SlIETil,RD OYST:t:a-t <:: . ' HOICE C Ci.tro,u to arrn'u; l~ccl; · DatP.H, Figs, Lemons, OrangeH. ~oft-sh~ll :\lmonds, Filberts B~·azil LEMO N, oiiXN~E I ,., J · j Every buyer should see our stock ,of © ii · Oir and after the First day of Octobei·;1875, enir li'usiness will be coi1ducted . on a CASH ba.sis. '\Ve ,have, ~fter du]y co'nsidcring 'the matter, concluded to' abandi:in the CREDIT SYS· TEM, ·'.lncl fo sell'. our goods foi· readv money, or i'ts![equivaient. , It is unncc'e's sary ·to r1<sort to argument or explauatipu to show that, in these days, the . Credit System iujmious alike to seller and purqhaser; and it is tiniv.orsally adbe '. au irijustice to those who buy for riiitted cash. ' $0 there ' is no apology necessary, on our . ~t, for ma;l~iitg the proJilOsed change. .,·Qualit~ is th6 'te~t of ~heapness. '!'HOS. DAllI.INGTON, Bowm:i!-1vi11e, Dqr. 10, tS73. ~ 20. is . Th~ puhlishers invite nttCntion, to the folfow . tng htit. of som,n 11f the attractive a1·tkl.ei; secured : for Scribner'"' 1\{ontbly, for the cmning·yl·8r ' lU 1 the field of iietion, ,besides n:i..1me1'0us lloveiettes n.nd shortc1· ~Loriei!i, there vi'iU b o .,_ to Two Remarkably Serial . 8.tories By Al\I.EIUU.AN .A._ U_ TRORS. The first of Lhese, now ccmplcto in oi.11' hnnds,- " GA .BRf EL COiVROY" r , .i ' l j · BLACK LUSTRES. . ' r 'only. 1 Every buyer should see our stdek.' of I ·Fancy Woolen Goods. j mer~ w~dt;>r this syste~ \~r((~~nifesf: ·not buiy . shall we be able to buy our goods considerably cheaper under the advantages refer~ed to, bi1t much smaUer profits"than were uecessary" :uniler the old system will suffice. · 'rV e are 1~etermined, this season; to push our . businejs with renewed enorgy, and shall endeavor to excel in every department. Our arrangements _ are such that no ~stablishmeut can undersell us. Heme1p.b,er;,J~ien, that the fight place cheap goods, is ~. " · · The benefits· which will rosult to our custo- By BRE'r. I-IART:B:, Begins in the Novembe~ nllmbar anti.will ,run _ !or twelve 1nonths. Tl1i:i1iH1\fr. I!~rtc's tirilt ex· ten.ded w·orl;.. 'Ihc sccnes'aud cha.racters -wLich the author has chosen front his fnvorit'c field Jal1 fornla'. are painted >vi th chara ct erisf.ic vh id: neHs and pov·..·er: and the Yl'Ork h without douht the mof;t graphic record of curly CuJifurnia life that has )-'et: uppear;ed, , ~ , . ' '.Ye ~~~11 also begin in n~c Janua.ryn~ml1!":J", "PHILIP NOLAliS FRIENDS . ' . ' Or,' SfTOW YOUR P.'iS."/,['OltTH.'" Dy ED,\tA RD I~\'""EitET~ · ' H ~ LE. . The sCene of this ~t o'ry ii'.: lahl · in tlre . South· , wes!ern territory, fl.Ow forn1ing th.; ShHP::i of Louum.na and Texas, uL ll1P tinrnof .A1\rOn Burr'M treason, The charactcrs1iver1 tu a section vthicli \Yas now A~erkan, no'v Fr:P-ncb. tind now Span · ishi: and this rec~)I'd of, then· afh· e11tnrou~ hVeil' maKes a ~tory of n1tense u.ud Ullftagging Intctc&I: throughout. . ' ' ' I . l Every buyer should see our 'stoc~ofj I'. I 0 . t\9 ', " ' 't:j ·~··· ',. . ..... . : ~¥~:~_ELEPllANT HOUSE. ·~ ·. ~· · <.rd SOMET:SI~lG - !·~ - ~ ,-~,, ~. , .·;· ·-· ,~ ~i~~ :·-'-l-i"~ --,~, ; · · ·- Murdoch -· - - - - -·- ' (1) .r ~, ' ASUBSTITUTE FOR ,LAtH AND 'PLASTER. '."t:i ··', i'. ". ,; . is'. th.~; ~lace to buy your l ' ,1' Bra's J" . ,_ for McSLT:TNG ·BROS. Bowmanville, Sept: 1st,. 187 5. ·· Edited by JOit X ,.,..&Nee Gl!E~~l';Y. :.' \ ra'r e collt~c tion_ of I.{e \·ollitim{a:rf Le1tf'.rll,: mn1nly fron1 sto1·e,., u1 the. lwnds of, the. c.(escund· ants of Col: .Joseiilt Y\.-;111·~. Thci arc-full of intt)i. est, and."\YIH be i·ead wit.ha rare relish ht con· Jlection \vith the Ccutt'nrju.1 cclchratticm of t h4't year. · BRILLIANTLY ILL li9TRA'l':ED a:rt.icl<-.i oh f! l' Remember The :Patent 1.Ali'.uninons"hnd Ornari1ental Building Paper. · I .' ' ' ' " " ' P<tper Oil-cloth and Carpeting. Murdoch jSOLE .AGENT :FOR.>.THIS PLACE. · ,., ·A la1~e stock just 'received, of plain ·and .ornamental; both for ·wall& 1 and floors. : · '.: · · . .. ". " '. '. ' '. ," · _ '.~'h~ Pal;'cr Oil-<llotl~ and G_arpetii:g is !)., cheap a.Jld dnrable substitu0 · Remember for 011-cloth. " 'l'hc chei;rncalo with which the 'paper IS saturated render it proof aga1n8t rats; moths anrl. ~1ice. ·~ c.,, , " ..-;~· .. ·; ·, .:~ · ·~ Bro's 1 A merica11 Co!ieg:es, \Vr~Uf'. n -:-cspP-cl iYQly by.tJi_cir fr.il~nds·. wHle1Jpt!at" ~11r1ng:1.he f~ar. 1'he l"CVl "l"Cd l!Hnr('st, IU college h~ff m.1!!~{1"H · MtcH e paper~ e~pccially tir,ucly, aud wilJl se1:ure for thcrcy tmustml_r;t tention. OLD iVETV YORK. . VARNISI-I> EOLISH i' ' ' · Murdoc ,_ h B'.ro.'s ' < j " "'° AN"OTHER THING MUCH )WANTED. .· ). ' Tl{i~ Polish gi'ves a most el~g;nt lustre, and dries -insta~taneously,: Remember Nothing ever dis'covred before to equal this.,Polish. " ., For PJA!WFORTES, 1 · ' ' J<'or BUGGIES, , · and all kinds of 'Varnished C~rriages. CLOCKS', '" ,, · CUTTERS, . 1' ,. · , PICTURE FEAMES, SLEIGHS, ' ' :: ·' ·,.,, and all ' kinds of ,)T':;I~ ished ' Fnrnihire.' Eleg'antl,Y 11lu;,trnt.~~ ::ttt·id ea: o.n Old NewYOrk .. br JOHN :E. :\CrxE:->, \Y ill ap r-o'.lJ.' a t: onCe. a.nd vdJ { attract t lw· a;tte~tion of tdl~ \n 6it:,- Oi: enttntry, ;wh9 m~rk w1q1,ir1tere~ li. the de\:elopr:o.eJJt ot the gr.eat nwtropoli:.;, a.nO nifectio!iaLelv remember , the_ quaint pet:ulla.~·H ie~ ot its olde'n :i-inw. E_ vc.r? unrnbt:~· 1~,_ p,rofmiely ipnl-it"<i1od, tlius·" enabling u s to give 1·0 our descr1ptivt· aud IHtr·· rative a.rtieJes, an int~reH.t and pennu.rwnt v-a.Juf:f never'a.ltnb1ed in a no'u illui-;; rated "1)ei"iodical.. Under.Jt5-' _aqcus_ton:e.d n1&.Jt1~ ge1ne.p.t the rnaga· zine will in the ±ntul·e b~ de vol < i"d, iW it has been ln tb:o, past, to sound. htcratura and L'hri 8tian progross. . ~ THE F.DTTOTtJAL D~ P...\ R'rMENTS occupy over t.,vf:!11y111.g-e'! of, each nrtn:ibet· and co~tain ,Di'. Holland's ).'j gO!'"OllS nud timely editorials, as ·well as Rcne\.\'B of the la.te!!t workstn. Art, Litc·rnt'.lrt.1.. v.nd Scierice.. · · - ., T'ER;\r8: . PLACE. Remem.her , IF 'ROU ' $·in ~cur, .1n ·.:l(lvancc; . :t'i ce:µ f.fJ a , ~utub~J' ... The-10vols. complete,Nov.1870, to Oct.·1375 l ' bound in .T :: aroon cloth ..... ·'· . . . '; ,.:. '.$20.00 do in half, morocco ... , ...... ... . ... 30.00 Vols. !lef:.ri_n i_ n Novorob~r a.u~.1\-tay. ;Anr nf tho ParhP.r volnmt;R \I to\· ~II) Wtll ·he supplifrl J:\PparaLdf to par!,lf!S \.vho ·w1s1,l. them to conipJek, ~wls at Uus rule, 1. e., cloth! $2: half morocco, *::t. · Rook~ellerf' ~utd Pastm:asfrrs will he supplie d at rates that '!ill ent:.ble thmn to till any ot the· above offer-a. ,· Snh:-;cribi_::rs will p lease remit, in· P.. O. ::a,1onc "l Orrlr.rl", or in Bank ~.::hecks or Dr'.<tfts, or hyregi~ terPd lett~rs~ :!Honer in letters not -registerdr nt :-ionder !> r1i::k. , I . .. . . . , , GOOD and ,CHEAP DRY GOODS· Y'TCTORTA B:UJ IJDJNGS', .·. · · " 'Bowman~ilk, Sept.ember " n, 1875. .. - ,._i:,, Hros<l1.~ a .Y· ~:,s.~-o'I Yc;rk» ;%:mmrnR· & CO,, i i ) I