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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1875, p. 4

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S'l,A.TESMAN, ha..<i l;! large nt mber of - - - - o- -o,J!...__.Q- - - - Sew ing Machines 1 1\/.1: J: N" G G-C>OD that a marringe htLS been eon111mm·!·dnot so1emn1zed-1n Jackson by simp1B C( n troct bet" een the parties and pronounced legal It may be legal but we doubt it very much If 1t 111 we wu1h th e parties much JOY ·mtil either or both of them con find more enioymcnt apart but 1f 1t 1s not the Justtc0 has con1m1tted the error of al T HOMES TO BE MADE HAPPY WITH GOODS FROM J: 1\1.1: E S ------0--0 C 0 ! I I ]j-,ORMERLY CARRIED ON BY R & I 11 0 lIA RA 11 be cont ntted 1 y HENRY v; BUSINESS R. EASTON'S CHEAP STORE I 0 HAl A under tlie nano of the old firm En on T emperance Htreet and through Ibo Jld Ccutrc hop 1\lat:ke t Buildings King 21t1'eet. Bo 'loma-nvillc for hi~ mnmtei:. t:OVLDN T STOP ICANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMP Y Cap tut nod I ES r l.BLISHED 1817 rh s 1s a.n old a.ntl reliable Compan) and the Rat.cs a c ch 1 J\\erthanAmer cat or English Co po.1 ies ml the proflt s ai;e arge Hood Office-Ha ni1ton RAMSAY Esq noses. Did you hear abont the young nla.n stealing fron1 lus masters drawer I Ho come from the country a prom1s11 ~ hoy B lt *he rest of the clerk< went to the the atre and smoked &nd he thought he must do so too He began thm krng he would try it once or t\v1ce He got n. g 1ng and conldn t stop He co lldn t res>st the temptation when there was non~y in t11e drawer. He got e. gorn 0 - he wil.!atop m pnson Some young men were so1ne y'6U"s ag() i.n the habit of meeting together in -a. ro m at the pubhchou·e to enio~ themselve· -to drmlc e.nd smoke One of them as be was gon1g there one evon1ng began tQ thmk that there might be dnnger m the way He stopped and considered R mo went and then 1aid to himself Right about face He dropped h11 cigar went back to his room and was never seen at the pu bhc houlf~ a.gain Stx of the yo 1ng men followed his example Tho rest got "gomg and couldn t stop till they landed most of thew ma drtmkard s grave Be ware boys of the hrst cigar or chew of tobacco Be sure before you start that you are m the right "BY for when you &re gomg down hill it is hard to stop .,.. R & OHARA rRAVELLERS' INSURANCE COMP Y. IIAHHOUD CO~N Assets £nsurcs aga. nst De~th over $2 000 000 and \cc dent of a. R & H 0 HARA. A.gents B perior k nd alao on hf nd BUGGIES AND WAGONS E&HT ANTHONY &CO ' ' ' The Brad buryPiano 'I THE BEST i\HDE R. & II OHA.R~ 591 Brood\Va.y New York (Opp 1\{etropol tan Hotel ) ~iANUF A, J lf. D l Rf,EY, Get crt\l \gent 1.CTURERS IMPORTERS ANll DEALERS IN 0 R G A 1--T S. STEREOSCOPES AND PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS We are H"a lquartera for everyth ng in the vrny of (36 A HIGH SENSE OF HONOR Tho Duke of Wellmgton had a !ugh l!!&nse of honor in nll ruon"'y den.lings and would allow none of hta al">ents to doa. n1ean thing in hu1 name ;H 11 steward 01 co bought somo land ndJ<>tmng his country estate end WBl!I boal!ltn g O{ g a. very fine bargam., from l he ·ell er bemg m 1tra1ghtened et~un1&tances ARTOPTICON \\hat did y<Ml pay for it! ·£ked the SCHOOL LAN TERN F I.MIL Y LANTERN D11k0 PEOPLES LANTERN Eight h~ndred pounds was the ·1 · style being the bc,,,t of its class m the market Sm th Amer:can OrganCom~any, BOSTON Stereopt1cons &Magic Lantens, Burnett's Extracts For oook1ne purposes Burnett's Extracts ne· Prt:-cm 111..,tpenor -1'· k· Dolin Dot.tea.. J!>1!f'" Farmers and P ys cm · j om the Co <1'11 y will j of the best qualit / do 1 St cl oj !led cmcs co1,. pu-65 000 Organs n ade and sold ALSO FO.K ~ Burnett's Extracts LltllOH ALMOND OlllANQ[ NOSE NICTAIUN[ Ci.LEftY PiACH NUTMl.CI G INGl.W. CINNAMON CLOVES· VANILLA Dominion Organ Co.' I THE GEO STECK & COS Sev11ng Machine' COMPANY. :-UELP f-I -1183)- G 0 (, n MJ,DAL PIANO NEW '\'. OltK For Terms nnd CatalogueE addre&s the ttbovo Compiinlea 11 tt: ' Burnett's Extracts TM be't wo 1 n Its -Fifth AT Hotel N T Burnett's Extracts U1ed4!z lau foryea N vd THE OSBORN. RealEstate for Sale KING OF A.ME!tIC \N · E WING MACHINES -continental Hokl Pbli. Burnett's Extracts TJ,e ·t1.penoniy qf tl eso Extract· en thdr per;fece punty Gn.4 grtaC Mnn!Jth 'l'hey a1'8 war. ranted free from tbe polaonona of sand a.cids wbl~ enter tnto the compoolt on of mp.ny of the fa.cbl o... fruit flavors now in' tho mo.rkei They Are not only t1ue to their names but are rtom fruit. ot tho best qun.llty and are 80 highly concentrated that a comparatively ~ma.11 quanUty only need be uao<I PERRY DAVIS le SOii If LAIREM!ll, MONTREAL P Q Pur1ficnho11 of' thti h1v1i;oratrnu Sy!!item, .u1d I ( l

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