N()~ 19. T HE SUBSCRIBER Boots and Shoes THE STOCK OF HAVING :BOUGHT - OF--r CHANGE OF BUSINES SI s A LARGE NEW is now opened Ot;Lt fQr ea.le and MORE TO mess ~nger with shces of helund which hi .. honest sunbr)wned face look~ hke a par t1al ecbpso of the n1ou1 lt is not d1.tlit..:ult to 111ag1na tha .!WllS&.tlons that would possess the s ntl of the. rural young lady of tn day sh ld oho "' cet\ e 8Uch an 1nv1tat1on frotn such a son roe If ow can the present yonng wotna.n bo ex pectod to get her 'tie back llnder a shock of corn or how could she sit down on one toothsome mince pm The Best Furnitl.1re in the Province at moaernte 1atts by calling upon me T uitend to ,"dl frw ( aRh, ~naking but Small Profits. OF AI,L I«NDS DO.NE and CHARGES MODERATE ---o--- Having Bought a NEW HEARSE -one of the £nest m the count1}- from the celelnatcd manufacturers Messrs Aim·trong of Guelph I am p1cpa1ed to furmsh Funeral~ with an outfit unsurpassed m any city m the Provmce I keep on hand a C:S::E_A_P -A~D- Stylish Millinery! Just anwed at the besides it runs to cott )Il pad~, false hsl.r_. and n.n early gra re with "eak poetry ov ..i:' it \'\ ealth) phys1c1ans and undertakers ca.rue in with aJ\:ancetl c1v1hzatton and artJ 1ts brreat advocates An::!ehna l{owena n1ay not be ab1e to se&1t b 1t if she l\ould take her corsf:'ts for l SPLENDID LOT OF COFFINS, SHROUDS, &c, W. P. PROWER. dried anplo he lder and \\ rest1e for k1ssi.. 1 ove1 the red ear and romp with pnmr kins for footballs lettrng g otl societ0 '"Y It· peflcctlJ h(_ w~ir l if 1" wanted to, she w Htld s )Oli find herse1 f able to draw-a lr ng brea. h without n al 111£ tlnee offers at itt and stand up " ithout a nail keg arouu i her for su 1 p 1 t she cJaculated, under her R S MANNlNG 5 ti As a v;eneral thing we d) not 1rnplorw young rnen to d1ess 1::1nshtngly, but if they will wear a l1anc1ercl11ef in the re~r I ocket HOUSE Staple & Fancy Dry Goods. ALL OF \'VHICH been purchased for Cash -under the present depies:sed state of the markets- \Vill be found under current rates So Ho? Gentlen1en oC ll'a~h1011, uot so f'ast. IN ORE SS GOODS UNE~UAllEO I LJ1\E1'H, DfAPBRS, AOVAllTAGES Will BE OFhRED TO I o -ALVT A Ys ON HA.ND GASH BUYERS. I I .kc Owing to the retirement from business of Mr T DASSI£TT .A. Large and Varied Assortment of l TABLE 1'.Al:'KJN:> and DAMASKI!, I BIJIRTIN (,8 and SHEE1Il'. G:>, &c THOMAS PATERSON. Jll Al BH Ill! Bowm.o.nv1lle, M11y 19 1874 wealthiest fanuhes of Kentucky came to Brazil with a matter of half a iml hon 111 his own right and has pro!:'pered fatuously emce, so that to da.y he cannot be worth less than $6 000 000 But a FRUIT A~lD ONAMHJTAL TREES, F. T. HOSKIN has commenced '\Vork again on his own account and ha!>. opened a Seeds .Bulbs, Flowers etc , etc All Trees f 1rnrnhcd b~ 1\-IB: C arc gual'anteed first class and t1 ti,c t6 ua.1nc .A.ddre<::1i 126) THE ~ \ l The Best Patromzccl, Most Thornugh and Practical School m Canada fost1tut10n for Busmess 'Irnu:;mg ""hem Bo:y.s, Young and Mlddle~Aged l\Ien can procure an Educat10n smted to the wants <>f e\ e1" <lay bfe lhe subjects tau 0 ht aie Jll!=lf 8nch as m;ecy Merchant, Farmer, 1\'Ieohan1c and P <ofes s1ona,!l. l\lan require in Uansactidg eve1y day bnsincss, and etnbrace the tollow1ng It ' Standards and Dwarf fruit T reeSi GRAPE VI'.\ES SMALI FRUT1"S ORNAMENTAL The residence of the great diamond king, at which the weddrng took place is Entuaied a. httle over half a m1le from I D1arnanhna, \\ luch is vou kno?. the cluef town of the d1arr1ond district The house Desirable Property Sale.