srrATES~IAN, BO\VMANV ILLE, '11If URSDA 1-~, DECEJ\11BElt 9, 187,;J. T O Y S ... H EASTON has a large and beautiful assortment of Splendul CHRISTMAS GOODS! ' TYestern Insurance INCORPORATED 1851 GOODS IN XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S , Ne\\ nnc B"auhful Album· for both Sn all and Cabn etJ:li;~1ure· m the same Album , ALBUl\ffia>f}R 06 PJCTURES FOI~ $1 00 Cheap Wm ng D"·ks W1 rk Boxes Compamons Card ua'S~Penctl Cases Gold Pen· Puree· ~atchel '\m_ , . - l leanhfnl Vases-sple~<f·J ·alue _-.splendid Ta> let Sots and Motto Cups and Saucera Children· I arge Tea Sets for 50c Wax Dolls for 25c ,-other Dc>lla in vanety Skates, Sl·>glis llw1mg Hor·"' Croquet Hau Bru·h·· etc :fHE BEST PUMP IN THE WORLD CROSBY~ IMPROVED RUBBER BUCKET PUMP GIFT AND TOY counta.nte: lessen the lit..b1hty of niust ~ke11 1 and Ml.VO tl e tro hle of retracu g 'vork which lu:is been s 1speuded ow1ng to 1nter rnptton 'I he penc1l 1s a. u u1111tnre 'alcu lat1ng machine and by i 1ess1ng the po11t BOOKS. CHEA.P FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, CHURCH SERVICES HYMN BOOKS POErS :r.nsCELL!..NEnDs BOOKS on a figure until an index reaches the SPLEN"DI:O VA.LUE J:N DIARIES FOR 1876. ~Wall Paper .;:3.r-Wmdow Blmd· P-Viohos p- Concertina· p STAT:CONER:Y. GIFT BOOKS same d1g1t on a scale a cylinder w1tl11n the handle is turned round so its to render VISlblethroughal~ngitudmal slot theef I feet of tins figure on the snn1 total Pres smgthepomtaccurntelyto the figure,. all that is required to ensure the correct ness of the Tes.ult and a. speed in doing this can be Sioon 'cqu1red that will render thl8 process quicker than the ordinary one Should the accam taut be interrupted or deure to stop \\ork m the course of addmg up "long column be has only to toke up 111s work agam" here he Jett off The pen c1l 1s not tQo large for handy use, and 1nay be found of great advantage to tho·· de:i.l mg "\\"1th large q nantLhes of figures S.AID a lady to a gentleman who ha:l been too curt t0 please her Do you know w} lnnd of a puzzle vou represent1 "A diamond perhaps he answered look lDll: at the large oue m !us shut she rephed, The ooy spoke in th&t drawl which probetter fags1onal beggars assume I behe· ed too th at I had ·een !us face on the street· t1mo I hardened my heart and ' Boy· l know you and 1£ I catch you a.11k1ng anyone for money again 111 have 1 arre·ted ' He moved away quickly I argned th 1t this prornd his gmlt forgettmg that a. homeles.!f friendless waif might evince f"ar "he1 entirely in \Ocent Fn e hours la.ter whAn night had come a nd the wmd had grown to a fierce gale, the boy then halted me agam os I plunged through the snow drift. I did not soe lnm until he called out and I 11 Harmomca· Jfilil" and Iota more thrngs too numerous to mention Call at once and inspect---don't wait till the b1g < ,am--- remember d l t t 1 t }} crow as year-canno se ec so we in a crow d Thanks Co1· a Brilliant Christ1na8 Sale last y~al" I -let us bave a Dette1· t]u!!I ycal". - COMPA!>Y tNconrott4.TED 1s10 =-=========="°-~==================~===~~==~====.,,..,===...;.,=~~==~~==="'."":"""=~====.,,.,=~ HARTFORD CON F :El. E :N' C :13: "'ap1 a.l $1 000 000 :Assets over $1J' 500 000 R &H OHARA Agcn s · '1-Iand m OI L POLISHT p R & 0 H ~RA Agents 71 ave!lers .lnsniance Compan) E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway Ne" York (Opp l\f Lropohtan llotel ) HARTFORD CONN Assets OV"Cl $2 000 OOQ [nsures aga nst Deat» nnd :\ccident R & II 0 IIAil.A :\.gcnt3 ll!ANUFACTU HI RS IMPOHTERS AN Tl DE ILERS IN Cl~ROMOS STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, Albums, G·~phoscopes VIEWS 1871 1812 1813 IBU IN RESPECTFULLY Rh"IURNING THE BEST :M ~DE thankRto the Jl blic for 1 beralpa.tronaget would a no nee tha.t 1 e is no'v prepq-red to tU a.JJ orde1s 111 ht~ I ne in R. manner Heco:p<l lo no eii1 t.abhshmcnt 11 the col nt1ea. R &; H 0 HAIU Agents C.ARRIAGES WAGOONS ana Suitable CUTTERS SLEIGHS STO~T, \ AND DRUGGIST! TOIV.1" HAJJI Bv1LVIJ.,U/'i, BVW_,11A1'{VJLLL. DEALER IN ·--------) 0 R GA :t--J S &nd he hurrted a.way, whlle I "alked on, :tlattenng myself that I had played a ah&rp g&rne And done tho Be e ~I t n tfactur e "';&of tJ e gene1 oua pubhc a good turn MlCRO SCJE !'OTTFIO LAl\"l'ERN STEREO PAN OPTivON An hour later when the n ght had grown UNl VERSITY STEREOPTICON stdl wilder and colder so1ne one knocked at my door It was a timid knock and I wondered who could ha.e ae it a child nbroad on such a mght When I opened the door that some boy Wa.'l on the step his face blue "'th cold his whole form sluvermg and a look of despernt10n in hia eyes ' Ple...e M!Bler - - - - '" Druggs, Med1c1nes and Chemicals, D) e Stuffs Pa.tent Medicmes Pcrfume1y Brushes Co nbs Soapo Pamts and Oils Pamt Brushes Coal Oil and Coal Ou .Lam1 s &c &c tl Wanted R ELHDLE tor c GENER~L A.GENTS 136 PYYSICIANR PRESCI\IPTIONS CARl'l<'CLIY COMPO! NlH D \~D ALL ORDERS COitRECTI ~ .ANSWFHED Burnett's Extracts For cook.ii g purposes Burnett's Extracts /'re-f!n n nty1Jt1p.e o l u k Siu l of Medici e. corn Hotm: Dolton faiiJ 60 000 Organs made and sold .ALSO l' OR ~ Burnett's Extracts LEMON VAN LLA ROSE Jl.LMONO Nt!CTARJNE CELERY ORANGE NUTMlQ fC.ACH CINN AMON Ct.OVE.S, GINGER. qUELPI-I GEO STECK & COS 1 (1873)- Sewing Machine RE::MO~.A..L COMPANY. --- Go 1' 0 JUEDAJ, IRA STEVE!'rs I I I I THE ?SBORN. ~ RealEstateforSale NEW YORK For 1 e rms and Ca.taloguef adc.rcllls the nbn e Cut J 1. 1eil 11 tf K I-OGOF ~l\fERIC \cl'> ~E,HNGMACl!I~ES T1k! superiorUy of the~e Extract$ consut1 '" tMW perfect punty a td f17'eal stre l!}th Thoy arc w:Lr ... ra.utcd free from the po sonoue olls and ac ds wh db. enter into the composition of man) of tl e f actltlov· fruit :llavors now in tho market I 'Ibey not only true to their na ncs but aro pre( arcd from f ruit:a of the beet quality nnd so highly eoncontrated. that. a comparatively small quantity only need b9' uoed PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWREN~ MONTREAL, P Q Ageats for Dom n on of C···da.. JOIEPH BOSTON, 'l I PROSPECTUS FOR 1876 "New Dominwrn lrfonthly ' Bowmonv1lle .April 21~t 1875 38-t~ Card ot· 'I lannl&s. I I