Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1875, p. 1

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hut wo nH re th u1 LS pr inted and pn lisl cd gnes:-1-'I\~ '!: ~ er !I ~' h aU'!Hil:n :tli or au ;lg bv t 1 e P1oprrntor I{ . CJ_,IM IE o,t tl e OFi'ICE-ll'o·t Office :Rlofli, JNQ STREJJ:t VOL. XXI~ BOVo/l\fAN""'\TILLE, ONT.., TIIlJRSDA Y, DECEl\fBER 23, 1875.. TIMES Hard hme p1 lees ha\ e br en ad or ted at the eBtabhslnnent of Jte is oftcr1ng hrn new and handson1e assortment of A GHA~~ GE OF BUSir~ESS. HAVING BOUGHT Ht: S'l OC O.F FALL AND WINTER G·OODS T HE SUBSCRIBE R AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES sots are re Boots and -OF- J H HANNS, OF BUSINESS! TO THE PUBLIC Havmg bought out the Cabmet Busmess of Mr R S MANNING and "I< Inch I pm pose canpng on at the old stand Kmg tieet Bowmanv1lle I beg to say that I will endeavor to ],eep cverythmg on lhand that is needed m the 1' urmtme line 0 A LARGE NRvV is no\'\ 01 rnotl out f ~rue a. 1< JU:OHE TO I Ha'Hno- 1 ad ten 1eaJS expenence m the Tiov;mannlle Fmmture Factory a1;d bemg oppomtcd A~'1mt to sell fo1 the Company m Bo" man ville the public can depend upon gctt ng Opecud The Best Furniture in the Province at .nodeiate iatcs by callmg upon me I NT" "\V I -intenil to Sell fm· Cash, 111al.1nq b11t Hmall Profits UEPAIRING OF ALL KI:'.'{DS DONE and CHARGES '10DERA'IE ----0---- I J 1 111ILLINERY 0 ::::E-I E -~ Having Bougl1t a NEJ"'l"V\7" HEARSE -one of the finest m t 1 1e counti}-from the celebrnted manufact1 iers 1\les"n; Aunstiona- of (,u elph I am 11eparecl to furmsh Funerals with an outfit unsurµassecl m any city m the P1ovrnce I k'eep on hand a P ha\e so ne~ool ne rs -AND- I cu.n.. SGe it in ) ( nr Stylish 1'1.[illineryl Ju st an" eel ~t P06TA1 HiI'ORllfATTOil As cons1clf':rahle nu sapprehens1on seems ex st in the p ubhc nun<l r.n reference to the sections < f the ne\\ Postal Act which SPLENDID LOT OF COIIINS, SHROUDS, &c, tl e Fash1or1 1.:..rouse 1 Resp octful ly you rs It S BowmnD\ 1lle nsrd Aug JS-5 __ 'fA~'TlNG GLAS GOv~v~:H o us--E 5 tf ( fl ALL OF WHICH Having been purchased -under the pte~ent "' IOT Casb ' \\ e "re happy to 1ueet you, mn1ed Clara mnr 1 hfl girls counten LnCR fell at tin::> sud den snrren<lcr on the part of the i cha m p r said ti e !a wyer, p1clnng up the mortgage again, ~of an oc currencA that fell lU der my c bserv~hon 1n Tennessee Not that t110 t'\\ o cases a re was a Don t What to cry s1ctes s 11 depressed state of the rnarl,etsYt'"IT BOU'£ TEETH be found under current rates ---o~ ~N Ot tawa Jnnrnal sn es sonic 1nter es t t he BEAUTIFUL GOT_,D FILLINGS. I happeued to hear - no nett er hu ,_ tha JOU are in tronble, and ' 'I hank~ on easy and ~o iil!o' GenOe:men ot" I'a!!h1101lll, 1not so t11st. IN DRESS GOODS UNEQUALLED ADVANTAGES Will BE OFFERED TO CASH BUYERS. IN"'ERTrD lc'l' A UODERATE FEE Teeth E xtractec ' ' 1thout Pain ---o--.A:::..VV.AYs ON :S:A-ND A Large and Varied Assortment of LJ!>IENS J 11! BRIM lcCOMDE, L D S Dccen1ber 13..4 1 DIAPERS, I TABLE NAPKINS and DAMASKS, I SHEE11,J Gl:J, u:c SHIRTI2VG'3 and Le In the .E'1eld ~.\gain' Ow 1 thorough ins pection of the contents of each packet by the Post Office authonhes \\1th out tearing t11e Co\e1 or cuttmg anv string or b1e:-i u1.;- an\ seal by \Vlnch tl e packet n1a) be secured A bool packet mn sit not C( ntn.1n nn) letter op nor "'ealr:::d )r ar J wr1t1n..z; intended to serve the purpose of a letter, or a 1v sealed endosuro \\hate\ er and no bool pac1 ot 1n11st exceed font }10 ln ls 111 'e .,.ht n or inust the s ze ex ceed two feet In lengt h or one foot in width or de1 th ing pa1 t it: tlnrs of the snccJss pl nrr ha""o n11ne at Bncl 1u_h:un J. CHAPLIN, DEALER IN THOMAS PATERSON. Bowmanv1lle, May 19 18i4 g lo tJ e etu en1ent I Mr ftcn1bu s11~ ss DASSETT ot Chu a _Th.fer win "ho was the elder of FRUIT AND ONAMENT~.L TREES, Ontario ('"5) p 0 nox5> Bowma.n\1l1e NEWTINSHOP in THE DOMINION BANK, BO" MANv ILLE ti e bu lu T TIC! two doors w est ot Messrs CAPITAL, PAID UP, HE!\D OFFICE ()1 IL L IA BRANCHES $1 000,000 TORONTO Osrr AWA Co1lounG BO\VMANVILTE I \\ Hil.BY U XRRIPGF. The Best Patromzed, Most Thorough and P:raet1cal School m Canada Busm~ss 1 NEVJGASJlE An Institut10n fat Bu,mess Trnmmg where Bo) s Young and Middle CAged Men can procure an Education suited to t he \\an ts of every day hfe The snb3ects taught are Just such as ever} Merc'h:tnt Farmer Mechanic and Profes s1ouai l\>Ian req111rc in tran sact1dg Very dav hus1n ss and ernLt ace tbe 10Uow1nb bot tradesnlen were beconnng impat-1ent a.rnl son1e had re fused to supply them I sat1sfM.ct m11 g\ a1anteed nn y further without pa~ Ac all f1 on1 olcl and nc ' fncr.d s .. ohmte 1 I Ti n.t s u, bad said M1 Pu:irce ! Bowman ville August 3 18 5 1 'Y 1 n eed 1no11ey-that 1s t'1e first thi ng to be attepded t o I'< u niu st Jet me act iis yol1r banker nnt1l I ge t Jou out of th u:1 scrape i..ud that \\on t be long, I hope Bow mnuh do yon owe1 TREES,SHRUBS PLANTS More than one hundred dollars, SPR'NG OJJ 1874 swered Clara lhe old gentleman connte l out t'vo E INVITE THE ATTENTJ<h~ of Planter L d dealcts to our large and hunched dollars fron1 a well tilled pocket complete stock of book and h a11ded it to her and see lt) All orc'l e1s flllcrl P-t 'erv "est figu rc r:i. and (pa.t ent sean1cd solo ng l L for the county ca ~ ~J~n'~n~~ ~o'w EAVHROllCH!NG How the r ascal got lnto t he Reg:Lsto1 s Office I don t k1 ow but th e record tho1c had been alteri;d iu the sarne inanner He 1 an a.~ ay and it was not considered worth " lu le to f ollow hun Sti. a.n~o mrcum sta.1 cc wasn 1 it i\fr Ca mpbell? l\1r Can1 p bell '\as fidJetinJ uneasil y in I NURSERfES. W f Book Keep mg hy Smgle and Double Ent1 y Spencenan Pcnrnan~lnp (un111ercial Paper Ban] mg Steamboatmg Couespondence Anthmet1c Brokernge SpeUing Comme1cial Law Prnctieal. Ornmma1 llfochamcal Drn"mg Adual Busn rss Cour'e lelegraphmg Phonogrnphy e·· Ou1 Course of Tr:nn ng is und er the supet '\HHOn of h1' chair ar d made no reply ' Here is the gla"S continued taking it from his see for your~elf how Nov;, as I 1001 at this 'forty, tl1e san1e a gns are v1s1 ble t hat rl F or .)Ollr mothers sake I aaw in the lennessee 1nortgage I tlunk fwolr1ceends1htet Ir,o e f,,11]s1eedr 1o receive in su h a wa.v that she Jou w1l1 be c bligo d to drop thrn J\.:lr GRAPE "l'IN~S RMALT FRUTTS could not help tak mg 1t He then ac C[l.mpbell l\fy 1 eun e s~ee rua.n s name OTINAJ\/[Ji:JS TA L TREE~ cepted tl1e) 0 JI gl ad.) s l11\lt \t10n t) make ·wa~ ~lexa.nder D ell :tnd he has ndd ed a I b1e1r house h s home <lu r ing his s . . ay <ind Shrubs noses }; e" R n 1 Rare Fruit a nd Orna went into chnncr w1th them ] h 11 cntnl I i: ces E\ ergree1 ,,, and Bulbous I oots GATHER UPTHEFRAGMENTS How n1an.,: lives are so to speak n1ero relics of n.n cn.ded fenst, f1a.gmeuts that j may be either left to waste 01 be tnken up a.n d ,made the most of1 For we cannot die JUSt when we \\tsh it, and beca11se\\e \\ish it The fact mav be very tm ..omantic bnt 1t is a fact t hat n too larfe a1nner or a false step on the stairs kills n1ore easily than a. g eat sorro v N aturr::. co mpels us to live on e ven \\1th hr k en hearts as with l Pl eel off m mbors Stan d d 0 f [ 't T a r sanu war r ru1 re es, I Small Pa:rcels l or~\arded bv when de Promot attention gnen to n.11 enq_u1r1es J P LOVJ£KIN & I I ls t her e anJ P a cti \\ ere I can smoke? he asked when the~ had 1eturned to th"' CO Newcmitle l! eb 0 18 4 ... omcway - ~u i fn e of charge Tv yon 11 ne a doubt, try Jt '-A g.:.rl never looks so k1 lhn'° as w~hen y o 1 trel:! -t on her are s ·

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