Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1876, p. 1

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Jan~~~~~an;!o~,~~~~uuau I Et'ery 'rh1.u-sday !Uornini; by t.lie Proprietor WM. R. CLIMIE a t the oFFICJE-Post omce Block, ING BTRl£BL, BOWM>loNVILLE ONT _.;:..;... ... __.. .... Jo T HE SUBSCRIBER 'I!IE STOOK OJi J II OF ~USINES S! IO THE PUBLJ C ~ N JUORE TO Havmg bought out tbe Cabmet 'Rusmess of Mr R S MAN NING nnJ "Jn h I pm pose canymg on at the old s'-11nd Kmg street, Bo" manull e I l e,;r to say that I will endeavor to keep, everythmg on hand that 1s ne< ded m the Furmtme lme ' ' at modeiate 1ates, by callrng upon me I intend to Sell for Caflh, making but Small P1·ofits. ..,.,,.._,,... ..... ..-.. ,,..,_ ...._ ,.,.~~~ I\EPAIRING OF ALL KIND's DONE and CHARGES MODERATE ---,o--- I Havi11g ::B61'lght a NEW HEARSE -one of the li11est m the country-fiom the celebrnted manufacturers l'Yle;;g1s Armstrong, of Guelph I am prepared to fmmsh Funeials with an outfit u!)? passed m any city m the P10vmce l J,eep on hand a WHAT LEONARD WATS ON FOUND IN THE POST OFFICE Q::S::E.A...P A.:!'iD- -' Stylish Millinery! Just am ved at the ,, itch c8n be sent out upon one hour's notice at any time, thus meetmg Ia want that emergencies sometm1cs cause to arise m thP country W. P. PROWER. Fashion A 8p)c11d1d Stock of New M1lhnery Fancy Goods ' ' ools and Undel'cloth111g Just l ecen eel the l.1.test English and New York st} les in DR ES SMAK.JNG. STANIPING Fo1 B1a1d anc; }! marked prefoJrenco, yet th9 gay heart wa1 untouched, the t[avelled: taste uns~t1sfied 1 aud he wa." a fr ee man 1n w:Jrd or thonght, l\3 he sauntered up the fa1r at Cla1rev11la with Amy's letter lying upon hu1 bre'Lst It was n1ght, ~nd he wa.~ alone in the library of }u;1 sp<i.c1oua honsa be~ore he re collected the m1ss1vtt then with an 1ndo HOT BATHS FOR ANIMALS. It I! reported that at s recent 1ntere~l 1nl{ me~trn1r mbroiderydoneasusual C)1eap for CASEr uf the Roy;;1.l Agr1cu1t11rl\l Socie ty of lnt };1.nd so1na 11t itements wertt · -~---·, s. Chestf>rfield, 13 - - -- littr~et FOR BOWMAN A UCTIONEER VILLl< and Da1liugt.on Res1den ce Queen Orrlers punctualJy attended to Cl argcs The3ubscriber invites tl'le spec1a l attention of the public to his unusua l ly large, and well assorted stock of --- lrodcrarc . Staple & Fancy Dry Goods. ALL OF WHICH 'l'ltomas Ch1·istie, been purchased for -under the present depiessed state of the markets- Will be found under current rates IN DRESS GOODS So Ho! Gentlemen of Fash· ion, not so nast. LINENS, DIAPERS, UNEQUALLED ADVAHTAllESWlll BE OFFERED 0 CASH BUYERS. ALV'TAYs ON HAND ---o--- A1·HJicial 'I'eeth INSERTED AT A MODERATE FEE Teeth Extracted Without Pam four girls eagerly opened and read the mu 11ves upon the table "\Ve \e sold over:y ttck et," cued Leo A Large and Varied Assortment of ITABLE NAPKlliS and DAMASKS, I SHEETING.~, &; c , 1:1,HlRTIJ\GS and ~c nore Darcy, the brunette, whos(} charmg: had set half Clatrevtlle rn a ferment J. CHAPLIN, DEALER IN In the Field Again! THOMAS PATERSON. Bowmnmille, May 19, 1874. ' Owing to the retll'cment from business of Mr T BASSETT FRUIT AND ONAMENTAL TREES, Seeds, Bulbs, Flowers, etc , etc . .__ ~ n1at c la!'t8 and .All Trees furnished by ?t'IR C Bre guaranteed true to name Addrees P 0 Box55 {"q Bowmanvllle Winding OCTOBER 10th, 1875. It is my intent1011 on the above date to wmd up the longIt reqmres F. T. HOSKIN ha.." commenced work again on h1sown account and has opened a NEWTINSHOP 1n the bu11<hng ho,;o doors west of Messrs Thompson & Burns offiee wh ere will all'I' ays be found a full assortment THE DOMINION BANK, BOWM~E of e:verl' thJng in the I IN and Sheet Iron line CAPITAL, PAID UP, - $1,000,000 BRANCHES OSHAWA, "'r.HIT.8Y 1 UXBRIBOE We th.nk then that all parties will concur m the msdom of tht0 change on our part ' ' Our goods will he1 eafter be bought for CASH only, we and shall thereby reap tlie advantogc of large ,trade dtscounts, wh te h advantage Parties pnrohosrng frona uo SPRING OF 1874 complete stock ot W E INVITE THE ATTENTION Otl.I' of Pla.ntera and dealet'S to and Standards and Dwarf Fruit T reeSt GRAPE VINES SMALL FRUITS ORNAMENT.AL Shrubs Rm:;es New and Rare Frtut and Orna. mental frees E \ ergreell.f! and Rnlbous Roots Small Parcels Furwartled b} Matl when desired Yrom pt atte11tk m J...'1 Ven lo all enqnirtes J P IOVE KTN & CO Prope1·ty 101· j 11 lloWMANVIl>Ll', October 1, 18711 I J . .___\ --_ rI

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