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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1876, p. 1

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JD ltU~.f:~~and:o:l!:~~WlltrU I l:l ei·) 'l'hursda) 1 Uo1·111ng by the Propdeto1 EE SOME HINTS FOR FARMERS l vV l\{. 1:1-. CL I 1-1 IE at t he OFFICE-Post Office Blo<l<, ING srRJ<J<l DO\\ ~{AN"\ I LLE ONT VOL. XXI .. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JA_NJJARY 13, 1876. TIME:s. - Hard time pnces ha'e been adopted at the cstabhslnnent of I j Jl:,E:MC 1'1.[.A.~~g~e~d han~:!::::-E~-1 A CHANGE ~His OF BUSINESS. nAYrnu llou aHT - OF- There nro shadows f .Llh ng 1nother Full or dusky glooln and night Evcrv glean1 ol'Jo:-,; fa fadu1g 'V1th each rose-1 ied Lint or light Thou hast gnu,.ded me so fondly From each shade of pan and co.reX-eptme with thy nrms so tenaer In tbe-s1 n"h1ne br1ght and tcur B 1t those cl ldhood days a,t6 over Vt 1th their' isions 1wl and rnre In t1 e busy world I a111 hying Womans heavy cross to bc&:r Iff!avy secn1s the bt11'1en 1nothor Now upon my Jo lng ltfe .And my heart grO\'¥S fiun t and w&arT FALL AND WINTER GOODS T1;! ~T~~~~;rnER J AT GREATLY REDvCED PRICES sets are re Boots and Shoes I Buffalo J H HANNS, Value CI-IA1\fGE OF BUSINESS! RS A L ~RGE QU \~TIT'I OF Watching l511ghtdreams s\owlv fade 'Take me motl er. to thy bos Qm~ Press n1y aclung bro\v ngaln 'Vlth your sv. eat a.nd lo' ing losses $ootlu1 g ~very ca1 e and prun NEW is 110\ STOCK I f9r optncd out sale and J MORE TO makrng a fuJl ann complete stock Intending pur<:'hn.sers plense cnll Bnd spcct before purchasing else\\ here Inducemenis O.f}ered for 1 MR JENNINGS I arr stnving Oh mv moll er Fo1 the sb1n1ng pearly crov. n Prnytug that. the sun 1nay brighten Every shade of dusky bro11 n S1tnny Side Farm, I 'tit tl 111l to Sell /01 Cash, maJ.1 ny but Small P1 ofit8. PLOUGHED BY MOMENTS NE'V REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS DONE and CHARGES MODERATE ----o---- I-laving Bought a NEW. HEARSE -one of the fine,t m the rnuntn-from the er lebrnted manufacturcrn M, " 18 Armstron<T of Guelph I am 1 repawd to fm msh Funernis with an uutfit un"1npassed m any city m the P1ovrnce I keep on hand a MILLINERY CHE...A_P -A:t<iD- Stylish Millinery! Ju st aun ed at the Fashion Gooas \Vooh1 a.11 ttOllS8 l l U 1 lmclotJung- A !'l;plendld Stoel of N <"'" !\-fill ncry Fune)' H lay m one of the fairest epot. m all the Midland counties nnd '\et such a ghostly <leaolate, haunter! place I co111rl not even have conceived before I saw it I had seen r\Hnt-id n1ans1ons befoi e, and I had walked in rank neglected and forO'ot ten parks but it seen1ed to 1ne that the 11~olat1on and the deaolation here were d1f ferent I told the vicar so as he took me round the empty house, pointing out the ren1nanta of past beauty which were e\en yeL d1stmgmahable th.rough the blight of 1low decay Ee~pactfully, R S MANN!NG 5 tf I For n RT AMPING ad a1u Erub101dc1) don easusual Cheap !ot 0...A....SH M RS ~ FLEICIIER GLASGOW HOUSE R(spectfu Uv rtnno ices to the: J.ad1f'~ nf ll 1 that sho has opot ed a If '\\>:~lit The Subscriber invites the special MILLIN ERV AND DRESS-MAKINO attention of the public to his un usu all v Jarae, and \vell assorted stock of ·a ho1nas Staple & Fanojr Dry Goods. Chri.!o!hC, ALL OF WHICH Having been purchased for Casb -under the present depiesserl state of the markets- Will bH found under current rates - - - o - -- IN DRESS GOODS UNEQUAUED ADVANTACESWtl BEDFFmo o CASH BUYERS. o-.A.LVV .A Y s ON Ft.A.ND A Large and Varied Assortment of LINENS, DIAPERS, ITABLE NAI'KlNS and DAMAllK~, ISHlBTIJi SHEEHNGS (, S and &c 1c J. CHAPLIN, DEALER I'I Bow1nanv1lle, May 19 1874 THOMAS PATERSON. In the Field Again' FRUIT AND ONAMENTAL TREES: Seeds, Bulbs, A.ddre<>s (26) Flo~ ers Winding Upl OCTOBER 10th, 1875. It is my mtent1on on the abo"e date to rnnd up the long winded ered1t system, and ·ell onlJ for CASH etc , etc AH Trc"'S furnlshed h) 1rfR C guaranteed first cla..l\S and tr ie to 1unn&. P 0 Box Oo Bowina.nvl lle THE DOMINION BANK, BOWM<lNVlLLE $1000 000 TORONIO BRANCHES or tB cqmvalcnt It requires no ar .;ument to estab\1sh tl1al 1t 1· to the adnntoge :of both buyer and seller to trade for ready p·) , the buyer thereby gettmg goods at LOWER Onn TTA Ct BOUR('; BowM.ANV ILLE I OsH,\.'i'IA VVnIIBY Uxnu.raGE PRICES and the seller berng eaved fro 1 lo·s by bad debts We thrnk then that all parties will concur ID the w!Sdom 9f t111s change ou our part Our goods will he1c,1fter be bought fo1 CASH only we and shall thereby reap the ndvantnge of large trade dt·counts, wh1 b advantage we are deternuned to give to our customers Parties purchast ng fro?Jt us may therefore depend upon iiettmg goods at least ten per cent cheaper than under the old plan Our stock will this Fall be more ieplete tlian e'er and a still !Hgher class ot goods will be kept We therefore guarantee the greatest ·allsfact1on to all who may favor us with their patron age The followmg Imes will be found full Ready made Clothing Cloths, Tweeds, Dress Goods Silks, Shawls )/arts Cottons, Winceys, Blanket' Buffalo Robes &c ,&c CENTS' SUITS AND SHIRTS made to order m city sty!es on shortest notrne :BowMA,.\ILLE, October 1, 1875 .Dan manv S_ F_ HILL_ e .A:ug "'31d JS 5 r6om are the choicest portraits Come 1 He had opened the door and as he BEAUTIFUL spoke he pnshed aside a heavy padded curGOLD I~"'ILLINGS. Min, under winch T passed into A room ss:actly the size and shape of the bedroom, Arlifi.cial 'I'eeth j but furnished as a sitting toon1, hbriu~, INSERTED AT A MODERATE FEE music-room all in one-furnished not only handsomely anrl luxnr10usly as I could Teeth Extracted ' ' 1thout Pain see through all the d1sfignrement and de J M IlRIMACOMBE, L D S cay of time, but furnished curiously, as if & hundred d1tfe1 ent tasteo had been at ne~en1be1 18'"4 21 work, or one taste it might be, '\: arying restlessly froru year to year u These Bald the ,,-1car, looking round 01idug to thP- 1 et rement t'rom business o upon the closely covOTed walls, "are all Mr T BASSETT the best of the family portraits, or I sup pose I should say tile most recent ones the squ1res and datnes of more than one has 'OGm mcnced wo1k aJ,,~ln on his o" 11 nccount hundred l ears ago-I mean of more th:in nndl aso1encdu. one hundred )ears before thc~ e r<oms were occupied-star& into vacancy from J the walls of the long mouldy gallery be low N ohce this one, will yon? it is the last squ1re ' u Did l1e die voung ' No Will you tell me how 1t waa1 I urged, as: I rested on a faded couch before the :ATTENDED TO PROMPrL"Y portrait "will you tell me the story of ~- r.~~'~;~:~t~t;ir this desolate place ' (pa tm1t seamed sole 1ight for the county-en. ' I will tell it to you as we walk home," an<l :see it ) A11 01deis fill ed at very west 1lgu1es and the vicar answered: But when he sa.w S&tmfact1 m gun1n11t c<l how tired I was, and duit we must rest Ai: all fron1 old and new f1 Jends so1ic1tcd there forsooth lie took another of the B0wmanv1l1c 3 18 u 1 clmra and brushmg off B httle of U1e thick dust and cobi\ebs sat dewn upon tt and beJan the story 1n a low uneasy vo::ee TREES,SHRUBS, PLANTS which inade me so nervous that presently I even feared to 1ook around me SPRING OF 1874 Lindley V{arw1ck 1\a1a very youngman E INVITE THE ATTE.NTJOJ<q when he mher1ted tlus estate >ery hand ot Planters and dealers to our large and s<lme, as you see, and proud t with a. pnde complete stock of that was ultra.-sensitl\:e n.nd refined That such a man, possessing a fine estate, of !ugh birth, and edncated anrl accomplish ed as few country gentlemen "ere m that GHAPE VINES S:MALL FRT.;ITS time should be a favorite 1n every London ORNAMENTAL TREES, drawing toom is surely no m:i.tter of sur prise that such a man sk11Jed in all man Shru'bs I oses Ne" nnd Rare Frwt and Orna. mental !recs E-.crgrccns and Bulbous Roots ly exfrc1ses and free aud lavtsh with Jus 5ma,Jl Parcels Forwarded b y Ma.ti when de.- wealth, should be a favorite i n every Sired.. I rompt attention g1vcn to o.11 cnqu:tr1es country mansion in the 1\'Iidlands is equal J P LOVEKil' & CO Jy no tnatter of surpnse Few who en Joyed hie bnlhant conservation noticed Newcastle the absence of generous sympathy or the A. Ill. DA.ltLEl! cold 1nd1fference to those who d1d not en AS RECEIVED THE APPOINT ter the 1nag1c circle o~ refined a1 d cnlt1 ment of the General Agency for 0ur In sh:uments H e will in the fut tra rer.e v-e ul vated soc1e ty 11 "'hich he moved and few o:rders and furn1 sl1 any inforn1atwn req llred SMITH AMEHICAN ORGAN CO ,.; ho gazed in admiration on the fine and and perfect face, noticed that tho haughtmeaa GEO STECK & CO 13 :l\fanufa t u·erf NewYo .. k which ea t no well upon 1t 1van but a cold WITH TEETil WITHOUl' TE:l':TH l F. T. H 0 S K I N NEW TIN SHOP I EAVETROUGHINC NEWCASTLE NU RS ERIES. W Stanaaras ana Dwarf fruit T ree&i qtnet smile '1ake l1cr n1on ey not1ung more is needed £01 such 1:s she ' She looked down vacautl} upon the of fered money then she stepper! back a few paces, and ra1s1ng her hands solemnly to henven called down its JUdgn1ent upon the master »f the hou~e pleadtng that the pun1sh1nent to which he had doonied her boy might v1s1t him Anrl the caressed and f eted mMter of tlua beautiful house, ]ook1ng frou1 the window, saw tl11a scene and smiled Five went on and still Lindley \'\a1'1iick lrved 1us bril iant and lax:nnous hie flattered admired anrl sought after eomn1itt1ng none of l11;i fathers sins only leadmg l! rn life of cold anrl p1t1less self 1ucluJgence But when these five years nad pa:ssed lte came once unexpectedly Mid qu1ta a.Ion e to h1s London house He went onb- on tlle morning after his arr1va.l, in a. lure l cab \\tth his f1co muflleJ 1n a white s1T1r comforter and when he h~d been closeted for a long t ime with a fa. mous pliysrc1an he returned n.nd ordered the houso to ba locked up ag:un, as he was going dbtt:a to the country He came here nt once and-even l:>e fore he toak off Ins greatcoat and m11ffi'er that v;as about his face-he sun1n\oeed into bis presence fon1 old servarta w-:&o had ]n cd lieie through all his hfe It WOB to this r oom they came, and lie stood there on the hearth his face half wnsaJar behind its curtain, attd \\hen thPy eute-rA d they saw at a glan cb the sol lb 1 of tlus ghnstly my stery The squne la..} diesscd np nn th~ bed lus loaded nistol still grnsped m the shtfe1 ed :fingers of his t1nu r1 ht hand and his left stretched towards tho curt~1n of the bHd ns if he hl\d been going t drav; lum \\hen t1H1: end had come He had not used the prs·ol H e&.\: en kno.,,. s if there oo nld 0 H He told them thA.t ever\ sen: ant 1n thti house W,\._q to be dismissed except: th em ·elves that either of them who objected to this or would not obev hun to the let ter 1n \Vhn.t ho WM going tf) require could l(O at once before he spoke forther but 1f they sta; ed t ~ oj mu at ·triotly and on ua conui aw:iy

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