~---y..,- ~ ..i\N,1 ILLE, THU B.~ DA 1, J _-\. .N U Alt Y 1 a, i 3 ; H. DOMJ ! I T~.LE Savings and f;d·"-~~ L 0 ND 0 Notic~ is hereby given - -- - - - -G ·OO:OS Bow1nanville and Liudsq. 1 8 0 CI ET, ~r'. --~~-'--._._ N,· 0 N ~/f' .·." ~l DIV I DE N D , N·o. 7. that a DrvibEND OF , FrVEfr~ER CENT. ur.o? the paid lif' Stock o~· this Society has bee1;1 c~ccla,re<J f_~nJhe current half-year, and · the same will be payable at the Society s Oflk , · Books, - -- .RICii'MOND STRE:ET, LOND )N, ONT. ON AND AFTER ) Gre· a t .Bargainsl' ""·· , , - .I Monday,, January wiJ2 1 3 ~·d, 187~. The 'l\amil!Elr Books be closed from the 16 ~h to the 31st December, both .Jays incl mled. "'...._, ' . By order of the Board, · F. B. LEYS, Manager. London, Decetr1ber, lith, 1815. S ----. . - - - - --·- - ~-~!..'.;_:f::sz::_L _ _ ,____ 'y 21. UJ. CD CD F. F. McARTHUR Has Just received from New YOl'k, Boston, and other markets a large quantity of · ORGAN CO.'S .,__, .. . ~ GOODS, Bgug~t ~- Bibles, Ser~rices, Hymn Books, School Books, Bla11k Book:,s, Jewellery, Wall-Paper, . &c.;&c. .) !n 1·vcry item in his -H~O 1l'he scrat.d:i he's h;~ n n d tO toe -it; · ~one but the choicesf,'freshest good.s Are a old out by the Poet~ -°"' = -~ E: 2 = = = = --t ~ = Linds·y at a ··GRE.AT Reduction and Bo"'.m _ anville, . . . :-, :;!;. ......: R. ELASTOl~. in· · pric£~s. .. 1 ti ,,,_ '·-.;,'· \· r-r-i -0 = = . --c:: --l -c I-' Sold at a TREM;~~bus Sacrifice! IE ,fliSY . I , AND ,\VILT... BE SUC.EI AS - -1 .I ' \ . . . . ,.~- ~~~cCI.. UN·G '\_ . -~ - - : ~- - al 1 . ---- ·:-· - -- B!l~OS. · . AU wool lJ nion ·Carpets, ·from ..... .· :.':,... 50 ·cents. . . -.... . ~ -........- . - · ...~ / ~. (!Jo.ri'I: cele hra~ed . .. ·a<hl itio n of three of the rnos t t1r;i.cttcul meu fro1u t.he l1i ctory of Clc m g h & Warren i().rg11:n .Cu., D et roi t., Mirh ., ea~ h ta ki11!! an nctivf: p<trt i~ lri~ o wn }~articnla1· depart111~ut,:®Md a re n11w mRnnf;iCtn nn~ < tn Or~ra. n EQUA_T,, and Ht µ1<\.ny points 8U.P£Ri uR, lo ia.11y .1-nMwJ. taCt ured iu the (j 11ited S tate:; .. r Ca.na.da. Otl_ e ste, 'rnx: Hu man~, Wilcox Pah~nt " Octa\·e ifJ~uplet.;"' "'.Cello" . or "Cl::i.rl11 e t" Stops, "Flug le Ilurn," " Dnl~et /' ~'JEoline, ·' ·"" Cre.u. . ~a ," and G~and Org11n Stop, and "Y11x T HIS COM PA NY R AS RECENTLY Bi': Jl]N J,tKO R<1A NJZED BY l'aT~ ·wooHen Winceys, '\~are no~v Shirts and Drawers ...... . .. ; .. 50 Plai~ and Striptid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 · · ·· · ··· .. " preparing for STOCK-TAKING, 2_l'.a}~c r;:- w.tl! ... " - " A~:ti 'J!U\IEl !!A~D\ lt!iE:P~~VJ!l!lJjl(F.JNQJI~v C,11.N .BE OB'l'AIXED ONLY JN THESE ORG.A.:\S-.' "(/). Twenty-Five Diffe,rent Styles T FOR Tflg P ARLOR AND THE CllURCH, . THE BJ~Sl' MATERIAL AND WORKMANS HIP. CD ~ ~ Fancy Dress Goods .......... 1 ··· 12-b THOROUGH CLEARA&E! if it 1s possible for All wool Fanry Flannels .......... ' .. . . . . 25 CD -Quality ·a.nd Volume of 'I' one UNEQUALLED. I PRICES $50 TO '$ 1::>000_ I Factory aud Warerooms, Cor. Temper; n;e &vvellington·Sts., Bowmanvma .AGEi'<'fSWANTED IN EVERY c'ouNTY. ~-SEND F0]1 PRICE LIST. . i Blankets, Tweeds,·c1oths, Merinoes, ., Fur Caps, Shawls, Cottons, and , LOW PRICEl ·S AND . !SWEEPING BAR GA I NS I 1-I arper's-:rw agazine . :. I · I I j '· l-1 :quf'~H ,,11nl1 ')' Ute· . he!>t !>l n !ii fa fn e~l \1':ork of the J{J1ul in 1Jte ,~.. urld... . _~ all other Dry iGoods will be . . I ta. .e.ffeqt it. l L L F s TR A TED . }lotfces of Ow P'l"f,&s. sold at like prices. Call and see them. " -~--Aadress DOMINION ..... ·-~. - ORGAN-CO,, ........._ ,-~ BUW~~ANVlll[, ONT, ' . .-· ' Until further notice, Winter AT .1 BowmaR"Vil1c, December 1, 1S75. ' F. F ..McARTHUR'S . McCLUNG BROS.' will,in some cases,_be sold tJ .R--.D 0 C -H -- » ---R ._ o' S . ___....,___ " .. Pvstag~ l'r~_e ~o U.11 s·1;..bsr.:Z'il;ers iI;-·c,u;sda. H~---I_'liK8 ·~\.I ,\.QA~'. JN m . on e: ,v'car ·.- :,-~ · ~ · - ~-~ t - 0<.f, ~! _uv n1<.'. l uJ.c·:;; p .epay iHeut o<' postu.gc hy tL~ lJ "i UJltil tlT<i, TERMS: . REGARDLESS OF PRO F' IT, 'artd in others. LY Every.buyer. should see our stbck of . J -3 B I.J \TERY LOW, CD t:T STAPLE GOODS. Every buyer should see our· stock of REGARDLESS OF COST I CALL a!ld SE'E! i n one 1·e11.uttu tWI' ; or Six <..:1 ~1ries ,/'or · w. 1ho ·ut ext·1-a ch=.tr.1e; posta(,1 c)n:e. ' I S·!tbscripUons to HARPEn s :Vf AL:AZlNE, \VsnK.:. an.(/. Hl.Z.\·~ . to one a-cldrr,!1~ fur ,o ne '·/ca-r· $10.90: o ,, hcu of ff(llJ.Jill"s Pt1·io1{.:'cals.,tO o~ aca~. ess;or On!:- veai-, ~ ·· 00; P_ o::iooeJ ·, t:t:. . · ;Jn £xlra l'v7;y cf ci1/1.1 ·r the l\f.MJ-AZlNI!, \\ n:.c.1.;.1, ~ or B >Z,\I{ tvi(l (1e S tf ]JJJb°(', t f m·at:8 fo r ~v~r.11 U tub o .t }rn:; t: uusc~ I BE t-:a· at S J. Oil t',O,ch-_ $20._00~ 0 ~ ~ Q and SEEING, you will BELIEVE! F~llo\ving 50c. for 80 c 1., tc.1-1 .· i·.. , $::.:b . JJl'l ' volume! SinylP Velum.cs, ;ir ·'l> UI, p cis1vu1(l, f,3 LlU, cJnth ca;,;ms, fer bii. d~ lilg', !)\.; (_'t_ \l th,, ifw.:k ~\ unibt»r s can be "' up i)l i ctl at a.ny tim e. A Mrn 1;..ilet0 Set !If HA.,l'Ji,lS iW AOAZ I.X.F~. 110-w ~ .. 111 1· n "il'M 51 v o: un1 <'1'i, ill 1u;a1, c1 u t.h 1,i11dinv, . ·\· 1_! i t;~~ "_ e 11I by ~X JJl' t:!~. t)·, ig.llt a1 t.' X JIH>S! l Of pnr . t;y I JiLJ..i 'P"·~·t p id ci . A C11nq _1 l f',t<\ A .. !l : ~l.1 · 111.:1d . J;.d~~ x ~() 1he 01'}\t. Fifty Yu~u:np;, uf Iia.·1 ·p 1:,r's ,h dt1.a:oi71,e l.1u;:i Hbl t1~en · pnb i,,; !it~d . renc\(CnJq:.;· 11v:du.Ll ·tf> ~-~;r H;i't:.r('l·Ct>.l hii · Fanc)y Dress Goods. Every buyer should see our stock of . Consider the .. 0;1111-t.it.ulL',; t hi" /)eriod)c;;J_ a 1Jl:!J' ec t illu~IP<tle<l l l r·i·a.1·,Y e.\'(·loper \1~ S\'0, c ~ oth, ~;3. CO; Hali' GaJf, va,s1, awl nt icQ._ we a.11 h nf inCJl:n. ntiun wJ11ch Sj.20. Si>111:ro.s1agP. pn:pu id. ~ -.-\ s · ri e .~ · r lft!Jet':.; :1 o1lm· t hu tit le of "'Th u ~lrS' _ Ce1 · . r o ~Im H.l:'puhlic," ·con 111.bu1 ed b y t 11 ~ nios· t>· ., · · ;iei:t Ar'h,er i c an n11h liei o; ls , 1;,; now bf·I!·:; vubh ~ lH· d 111 HYt:PI::n's J11 J-.\o..1.z.ixE. _ 'fhil-1'· sen· · ~ ut: (> \·e1 : tw 1°1.tr p:'lt,i n ; gi' l 8 a e·v1 uprf'he.c , -<n e 1C\ 1cw 11f l 'rog-1Ct>::-u 11'ing the ceu tu1·v nnw c}'.'~i11g· . iu e\'e1·y (icpurt cnt of 01.a· naiional · Dress Goods . . ·. .. ... .... worth French Merinos..... · .. .. wm;t]l . 35c. 50 S·~.00 t ll:. · BLACK Ll]STRES. For on1y. E\;ery buyer should see our stock of for .~; c w:;p11 pr ·rs arP. not. In ~op..:._t his a.d vc-r' ise_· nrnn_t w1:.1J < rnt I .he ex;·ro . .,s orGct~ . '~ 1 .,\RllI::n 41\:. T~nO'iii AddrC.<i"-' .' l-L:\H.PE H. & llHOTIII .Neov. Yot'k ,, ~' Blankets .. .. . .... . ..... wm·th $5.50 for Railroad Wrappers . ... .. worth 5.00 0 Shawls ....... ..... .... . worth 3.00 for 2. 00 for 3.75 · Railroad Wrappers .. .... wo1th 6.50 for 5:oo Buffal.o Robes . ... ...... worth 15.00 foi· 12.00 'Shaped Horse Blankets for One Dollar. Overcoa,ts Cheaper than ever you h1we seen t hem . .l ltel)n,.,Ho1·J1 of f"a i-' l:~ lo 11 . Jl llSH'IH~fiiJU." ------ - -·---- · ---" '----1·1~nsure and'! _\ · ' \\-:3· . ' IIarp er's B a,~ a1·~ lLLt'STRATE D., The Ba::u:r l :$ erlitccl w11 h n ~nn1bina ti41n & l a ct ,uJt l. alt~n~ tlJ ,lt \\'(_1 :::el 1~o !T· tln d i.11 a.11.~- .~ O:Ur· l1;d ; a1~d 1..h·~ ,](i,\lJ·u:tl Ll. ~l.:'11 1~ : h e- o r . <ea n 0 1 tliP. '-(l~';"t \~ t1 r .. l <1 1 l·l::lb t;,n.-_R~n·ton Trat'Cllcr. I .l l~e 1io za.1 · cun 1 111t~nQ..::= H:-wl!' t o evcr y ·-JJ1 <' Ul'bi<!~ Fancy Woolen Goods. F. Y. COWLE. '.'\oT:c:-:s '~i<' ·1·.~ u~ . z.o_ll;:,~ss_ <. · E HE ELEPHANT I-IOUSE. - -:- -- ·~ -~ --.... . Q ~-- Ev-ery buyei· should see our stock of All this and much more at Bown.an ville, J' anuary 12, 1876. ~~ic ly1·1 ~e: .ul rl --· IO illt-c ldl r11·en b:r·4ru1l1p1ci l, (Jl : Tel I.' p ltt !l ITb.~ f n; h f· rvlHtf! ladi.(~S 1"n-_i.1;s,fM hi\ ·n1 j p a.te,; \q 1.~nd : ~t>" v ari 1 · t~· ·., :c)t.he ;:ir:rv i:lent 1nut1't).U. , 1.:~· 1r ~,J.'. ,u (-1 t! .,; f .. 1· r lit~ ehJ l(h:e! n '::-; «o.tn ihe8!, tn pater· J-'l_rn; 1 ,1 .· 1..~ h .1 · lfP· t1 ;:J·1·f'I] d1: :>1Jo."l!B lor e1·;L1·01tlert:d MILLINERY Goods. Remember ;;". 11ipt::L"l:> ;uul_ l11xu · ic111s dte:;s ln\.!' .·:owu£ . · Hut th o n~adi11_0!·BJa l ter of llL e L'a.zar itt. un i f n'nrn ii ] y ot .J.;rLa' exc 1·Jlen c,~. l_' lt e pap:·r ha:~ i~t-qu i r1 ·~l- l:l" "':idt~ McCLUNG BROS. M urdocl1 Bra's, " is thif'place to buy your -T Ji' ! ' ~ '· .ANDERS 0 N & beg to inform the public genernlly that tbey have c · ~:<. ..,.j.J... I ' 1 f" ilJil]l:l ri 1 y f 1' u .e Jfrc·:oilie ·eujovine,nt -it uifot·ds ' ,\r.Y. E'l} (~ri-in!,l 1·n.'$ l. · · .: · · I I. t i its w:tr Uawe i,~ .n~thing_llk(".lt.;- !"rr~h n.~ ~. 1u~t.\\11J l uy ::is a l u~l11 on g m dc, Jt':l Ei\.1·:·ie3 nnd ~:s:::-w;-s. i t.~ " ""ti ·· ,·1u.d ~·q 11ib.'>. u.rr'.11H iu\·iee:i.!'a.Ung 111 the u1iliC!.- ·Chicua? ('.:t:ewi11y Jan}~.a.t:..._ ,, 0. ]..... ....il r·~·-1'"+'"it ' I 1 T. E R "IS l ' ostag1~ -- . · ri·cc to all Subs:,:n:bers ih Oatiada, ' '· " ,, '-. ' receiv~d <1 lar.;~ H;\Hl'.l:-a~; .~nAZA.l'~,1·nf'ye~~ 1., - ,_; · .· ,.'.,f'.H.oo :tii,(1ij, 1 :1.l' I Uil.l'S jltt'].· «Yl'l <:::it or· po r.: H:i.kC hy tbP . µ 11!-Jl':ll!t' I". .. :· E- fa 4 :L Li OUI· & . "'VV x ~~:;r STOCH: port.i911 ·, ·f th ,,·ii; JA.. · .j~- The Pa:tent A.luminous :md Ornamental Building Paper. Paper Oil-cloth and Carpeting. 0 li' Remember SOL Ji-; AGE NT :FOR THIS PLACE. A large sti>ck just received, of plain and ornamental, both for walls .and floors. . . , The ·Paper Oil-cloth and Carpeting i.s a cheap and dnrabln substitute for oil-cloth. The chemicals with which the paper is saturated render it _p_~f against mts, moths and mice. ·· Murdoch Bro's·' _ if! t_he_place to bny your "offees. Remember BOOTS AND SHOES! And as · 8 11 '.~ '.~ l:ti p1j· >115 I::; 7-f< i.riu;r. 's . .~.fa,(lr1.._·:dnc, U ' eei~:'il";\_ « !Hl I-:N.2<,_1·, 1 o ot ·f', n:l!,Jr~·otl' _rr·~ r· 6!1. P ~'i'f'tH". $10 00. \ . H', I. I\' u · .f !fa 1pm· s ,J.'n·-1orlr{:rd,'1 · Lu one n.dd1· e a, . \ fo1·n11P ).(·111,' , ~)-7 U(I; 11 r.stl'lt!e frCl' .' c -. A ·i o:.'x_!.c.,. f'-i '/·F· of. e'I hei: the ·1!af!f!'zlnA:., Yf'Uk!-f' · :i:- Ra::ar_~' i 1 I: ~ s.uppli<.>il grnt i<> f~n · _1· · " IT 1.~1 11 ' or t·~t y;~ Suu i:::c1;r B 1. l~ 8 11t: (iJ . (J[l,f':~"l - fn -":"rH· nl! mi' tr(u_ c e; 1,1 1-, s:x C-o"iiici; fo r ~20. ~. ~ i hou c:ci,1 -., C.!'l ' ~-; ~ Q~lflJ,:l' f 1i '.O· ~- stock . ) ·8 _ .- _ induce the rieople to Luv .ll so we ..1. kl'}', )';'}} .Vl 1 't · .require.~ 110 · J · · - J'e\na ·, ·( l, c [() t - ,7 ' I II ' H (' k Ni.mbt·1'-' can he i=:upp ' kd at r.r11 t.m o Tt.c .1\ 1 11":-tl , Vohn t'f: or .l:!aryit;:1· .,. Ba ....ar ' ti. >·O . I c\., ,h) ,;., JHn< "-TJ bO SPTi t h<·x p·6'> (,..,e of CX l ·Cl1"('. f 1 I $7.CO fl ~ch. A 1'.:CJ mplf"'t· 8o>f .com 1J"l><., ng Fig n ' ~~·~ ~lhlf:"i. :-wnt mi ) ('CPip 1 of c.i..:h it tb 0 r tlc nt <;)iJ ~"' t)Cl vol. frei,~l1r at r..xp~in;e nt 1i11 chlt:-Pl, - 1U . l.i VARNISH POLISH ANOTHER 1:HING MU.CH WANT.ED. ' ,.;[l1is Poli~h gives a most elegant ltrntre, and dries instantaneously.. '.N othing ever discovered beforn to equal this Polish. For ,PIANOFORTES, For BUG<1TES, .CLOCKS, CUT'l'E]{S, PICTURE FRAMES, SLEIGHS, and all irinda· of and nll kinds of · V -.-arnished Furniture. \ "'ar nishe_ d. Qarr.ia~e s NJ[urdoch Bro' s 1s ·, ,lurements . -' -: an '(Cheap_ .. er . goo sand 1 l · ·_ . · ~O-U' ._ ,R - IND.(TCEi\'[EX1'S . .;.i ~ ~ .1... . ' . the place to buy your Sugars .ir=-c ~ ·a11 ----~------------·----- · - -·--- bc·.tter q1rnl1ty f< ,1· . 888 n1oneyt1an can b \..~go t eItiCW 1 ieri ·. - ' rl. Al>J.<'} l .. . . 1· LU ',; r t·comn .J~ ,tJl 0 .1;, ,.· 0 ntlon " " ' hefe . ·,_·_ "." ;.n F!._,, ..1,cr'·........, 1 :~J'>n"lne."l·.tt .a.;,f'u J q ~n h 1..111:·dra1im s of'the f~1· ntf·n 11 1 -.J In- '·· -· '"":""""_ "'"i'"'·"'""'"'· ·_ . I 'N ·· f" P. l f'P· ·i-1 :1"'1·. n"t tf'I c np,y I 11\f'lll . tPJ'IJ:·';o n~1 } ' HJ· P l"""· F:xpnKi fi ,1n n.s nl8VbP-pect; ij til"y ·1. w\: li n1 1i, 1.he expr.<?ss Ul'(:l'J' t.h h a .-J ~-,.r : l c e . of. H rv·pcr & . ·_ . ·._. _' ..P · an'. d .. · 11e 'v1 'I' ·' an d see 1' ior yoursel ves, ' y9u1· tnenr J li H I·,; ~v . ~~ j .___ "·"t_i__" _ ,_,_·~~"-1 ·\ H. r:F_ &_ _ n· H.OTI_i_E _ ie"-·YorJ~-· _ _ _~ _·_. . h__ . _·_R_s~ ._ _ · . ~'<>Oli ,t, :.:·(· ~~("' TEliMS STlUCTLY CASH. AN r) l .. TI '-' 0'-.' & (' ' B ()\.Ymanville, October, 1875. H EE lJ'R O LD .S TA :--. Il ' :iml ~~O~Hl~n f~"\meu . Remember Murdoch Bro's -~~· GO GROGKERY~ : T :EI:.· O S. TO 'WAXT -·- - -·- I J3~DA_ l)ESI~-*;N'S.,. T<.rh') Ol' · Art' "rJOTNIKG :rY:Oi\"RY" wft.h the fa.mons . SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE,. :S::A:RD-W-A:REJ As tl8,v,al, a large stock on han of Hardware, P aints and Qils, Stoves .!J.nd Tinw~i;e, all of which will be su rl at low figurns. ~· ' is the place to buy your " T.hn Vn:nc-h E<ll,f.i~r~.-nf ~v h i·,c~h Sf"ll_s f ol- $ 1'1.4.00, ·1,n~. :hf~ L.~ ·1 ·.J ~in f~d; 1 1· : ll. tm· ~;:l1 0 _ 011r P c. pit ar-t.:.. [·fl!. i'nn H'l '" ' ): o\· er ·'. ) i: ~ B1m :red 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I BSSTT ·J src:,r. . j ;!'. ~ :r ~:~.';,. -~~·~, r i:~: ,.:,J ! ,~_:,':):,. 11 ~ 1·~ '.~ 1°~;:~·~/~~; :i;1;d nth~ p1:: 11· i i "( :i.,.a~1 d -.,__,~. -~ I Remember m YOU is' the place to buy the BEST and CHEAPEST Goods kept in town. wHh c,icli 01b e r iu ')"V ff Fro ·-" ·1. l ·('·1.l 1 e :J t, in ::;qq ! h pnrt. C·1PT1, : " 1!1 our yfll ,t·:p nf ('1'tht.y hPlH!Pfi l have t nkl'n f.iXt.Yf!v r>, n1·rie r·:o~J 1 ,1vc· c >1'n \'1tf'l" Prl . i n al l nh<111l t.w,...JV& :t· r.h·· '·'·Jl : i)~ :· 1 nl 'l·S:'iR1i I ' I {!~;·~( i n \' iJlfl. !.!P l'i.JH] (' !' llll l Ir). ll!"l d order:~ f 'l \" ] Ja;V8 on o h·inrlr"d and cci\: eopic,;." taken .'r, FuLL n. FOR!)-:-.,:: .-;0 .· P i1f.i'is! 1e rs~ A ·l .- l1·~·.c:., F'An1'Ic u1. A L~ rR :~ r: p:t. . GOOD and CIIEAP DRY GO ODS. / '.i":'l~\~\. g i !:,r' neri ~ i:r<·nt H -1 n il ~ on, 0;1t. , VICTORIA BUILDINGS, · Bo'>'manvill,., Sepwml:ier :!2, 1S71'i. )IANCHESTER HOUSE, BOW:hlA.NVJLLE. .. . ( ; . ::~ _- ....