Jtatt.GlllUl / 19 pri.nted and puolished ! Every 'rhursday lllorning by the Proprietor WM. R. CLIMIE at the OFFICE-Pod ING STIUU:I omce Block, ONT BUWM.A.NVILLE VOL. XXI .. NO. 25 TIME;S. Haid time pnces have been adopted at tbe estabhshment of r i MORE TO nlak1ng n fuH a.nil complete stock Intending purchasers please call and $pect before1}urcha,s1ng elsewhe1· Special In'1ucem ·nls Ojfer<d for " The Best Furniture in the Province at modernte rates, by cal!mg upon me J. intencl to Sell fot· Cash, maklt1g but S1nall Profits. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS DONE, and CHARGES MODERATE NEW Having Bought a NEW HEARSE !lit, MILLINERY OE:E..A..P -A.?OD- .IJohn II. Jintcht O~RRIS'l'RR, ATTOltNEY, SOLICI . J [QR a.nrl Notar.., Publtc JP FICK - Fnst door east of Post ce upstairs -one of the finest m the country-fl om the cAlebrated mnnufacturers Mess1s Armst1ong of Guelph, I am prepared to furrnsh Funernls with an outfit unsurpassed m any city m the P10vmce I keep on hand a SPI,ENDID LOT OJ<' COFFINS, SHROUDS, &c, which can be sent out upon one hours notice at 1rny tune, thus meeting a want that eme1genc1cs sometimes cause to anse m tllA countiy ' Stylish Millinery! IFashion Just armed at the HOllSe l !Ht I W. P. PROWER. YING SOLD OUT M'i CABINET AND UNDERTAKING BUSINESf' H Ato Mr 'V P PRO" ERJ I won Id respectfnl1y, recomman,d bun to the pubhc who A Splendid Stock: o 1'·" Mlllmery Fancy Goods 'Vools and Un,del'clothing Just receh ed tba Iii.tes t English o.nd New 'York st} les 111 ha.ve favored Ille '\tth their prttronnge for thCl last thirty venrs 1 RS c\ g~utlenlaU \\ell quahticd to meet their wants in the above trades and behave that hQ w1U g1v~ the utu1ost satisfaction to all who fa, or h1n1 with th e1r patronage RespGotfnlJy yours, DRESSMAKING. STAJ\!fPING For Bra.id an<l Embroide.cy done as usual Cheap for C.A.S~. MRS A FLETCHEli Bovnnan"l Ille Sept 'Wth. 187a tt R S MANNlNG 5 tf HOUSE The Subscriber invites the special attention of the public to his unusually large, and -well assorted stock of MISS - - - -- -- --- --~ S. Cheste1·fiehl, VIL{ E iind D::ulin~ton Residence Qneen ftr'.? 1t Order~ punctually attended to Cha.riCeB 'Modc r1ue 13 A UC'fIONEER FOR BOWMAN Staple & Fancy Dry Goods. ALL OF WHICH 'l'homas Chri!!ltie, A gout for t11c following Hut1i-il and Cana. 111.n In11;uranf e Com1)an1e!:! '\ tz Hoyal TI\ er ·1101 and l,ond 111 D11hsh Amcr1cn a nd Prov1n ef(ll .A~nt for Royal Mall l'1uO of SteamerH and K ING SfREEl', BO\VMANVILLE, DENTISTRY. Freight Lme nr h()n.ts h.nd C roncr for United «:i011nties Qf ~orthumberl t: 1.nd Durham been purchased for Casb -under the present depiessed state of the markets- Chas, Kelly, DA RffER A.ND HAIR DRESSER, RE USP.I! CTE ULLY a.nnounces to th!." public ll "1.t h ~ ha.s succeeded to th~ bu1nneAs f01 merly a.rrwd on by the late \\ H Edwoorls and 1s pre t\.r~ rl to atten<l to the ·w ints of the public in h ia n~ 111 a. manner llniJ~a.ssed 1n nn y in the Pro nee Parncn,n.r n.tt°'n.tinn gnen to the cutting J arht!~ an<l Ch1ld1en s hair A c;ill solic1teddoor ca.et of the Post Office 30 tf I Will be found under current rates ---- o - - .A.Lv<T .A. Y s ON" EC.A.ND So Do! Gentlcmeu oC Fash· ion, 11ot so r.tst. LINENS, DIAPERS, Artificial ·reeth INSERTED AT A MODERATE lfEE Teeth Extracted Without Pam A Large and Varied Assortment of I TABLE N4PKINS and DAMASK.~, I SHEETING/3, &c , ,tc SHIRTTNGS and J l\I. BRIMACOMBE, L D S December 1874 THOMAS PATERSON. In the Field Again! Bowmanville, lllay 19, 1874 J. CHAPLIN, DEALER l" Ow1ng to the retire1nent from busfnes! o .lhr I BASS.ll:T'l. FRUIT AND ONAMENTAL 'FREES, Seeds, Winding ·u p! OCTOBER 10th, 1875. It is my mtent10n on the above date to wmd up the longwmdcd ere~lt B)Slew, and ·ell only for I F. T. HOSKIN Bulbs, Flowers, etc , etc All 'l'reeg fnrn1she1l by Mn C are gnarantoed Arst cla"s and true t o name .A.ddre<i.s (26) THE BOW.llB.Nv ILLEl CASH, or .ts equivalent It requires ATTENDED TO PROMPTT,Y, CAPITAL, PAID UP, · $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, OntLLIA, OOBOURG, BowMANVILLE no arg11ment to establish that 1t ts to the ad·antage of both buyer and · TORONTO Os:HA WA, \VHil'B\' , UxBRIOOE DRANCHl.:~ I 'W.n ta.gcs ol a Sa' rn~:;;i InRtit11t1on llJ!tllty of o. lar~e paid up capital fa$AVINQ.8 DEP\RTMEN'J' This BAnk in a.dd1t1onto ransacftngthousuia. lta.nk1ng bnelneS'ls offer~ to tho pub he all U10 ad b~ with the sc the means j and 11p\\a1ds e.tthc rate of FIVE per cent annum tntctest nUowed on all deprn;1te or One D0lla.r THEES,SHRUBS, PLANTS SPRIJ'iiG OF 1874 of Planter& and complete 1:1tock of Depmntors ce.n withdro:w either t he whole ol' any part or their deposits t'l.t any time without )>lCVi OUB notice Special rates ot interest allo" cd upon deposits W1th notlceof withdrawal Amer1ca.n Cnl'tenr y and Silver taken on de posit W E INVITE ~ 'I HE ATTEN'IION dcaJCt'S to ow: 1argo a.nd Drafts granted TJ&ya.ble in G1eat Br1ta1n Uni ted 8tfl.tes and all ru1.trs of Canada «Deposits can be rem1tte l by mail a.ddresl'C ed to the Donnnlon Ba.nk (re"'1~te1 ed) when 1n a.li eR!'lAS a. Pass Bsok recelpt \\ill be sent by return poot. (8) 1 Standards and Owa fFruit Trnes1 GRAPE VINES SMAJ,1, FRUITS J A CODD Agent For Sale-A Bat·gain ? ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrnhs Roses, NC'\\: and l?are Fruit and Orna mental Trees Ei;ergrcens and Bulbous Hoots Small Parcels Forwarded by Mail when de sired Prompt altcnt1011 gn en to all enqu1rles J P I O:VEKIN & CO Newcastle Nurseries 30 -----~--------~ _,___ with dwelhng hoJJSA nr1 ha.rd stable & o situated on L1be"tY street 1n the To·vn ot B(lW 1nrt.n,ille i most plea sa ntly situate<l Home stead For terms and othet> oart1cularo en quire of the snbscnber on the premises J H DREWRT w lHLUlllle Aug ".:>rd l81;J 4 If lo ACRES OF EXCELLENT LAND made to order 10 city styles, on shortest notice Bm· MAN\ILJ E October I, 1S7i> S_ F_ HILL_ 1 strumcnts Ile ,.. ill to. the. futnre r:ece1v('I all orders and !urn1sh R.ny Lnforma.tion requiTP.d SMITH .AMERICA!i ORGAN UO l~ B AS RECEIVED THE .!l"POIN'l'rnent of the General Agency for our In GE O fi1'Jl:CK & GO ,Pianu ].fai urRctu:rere ?\ewYerk ann procurmg omtable attire from IO!l\9 of the 1 ·nth the other ho held tho -;;v~lutions-;;f women, and please to remember it 18 the w1ndlaas Jn check Ho dared not look rough work, and not a holiday picnic, "" 1 at the foco of Bl·ncl1e, but he fervently are gomg 011 " I thanked he·ven that she knew notlung of He turned awa.y fro1n the honae to the I ti eir terrible danger-could not aee } 1111 mo.in shaft, and exaniined the w1ndla&s 1 own lf 1he muat d1e, she waA, t I a.at, the t ope, to se~ that it w:as not frayed, the 1 apared th1 premon1t1on---the tArrthlei, hn .. iron upon the bucket with great uut1ute genng an~tueh that wa.s worse than death ness-ma<le tho 1noat partJCllh'1" 1uqu1r1es 1tse)f concerning tho state of afbura b~lowHe turneod bJB eyes aloft There atood what wc.rk waa doing-whether or no the the insane man who h'\d heen the gia.ni of pumping engines wore steadily do1ng their the mines-whose strength was equ'\l to work-the wmd sails all drawing, and if half a dozen others-stood with his brawny there wero any blast. charged breast heavmg hke a blacksmiths bellows 11 Then you think there ta llot the s;.hght -the muscles of his arrns, that had been e·t pos11ble danged ' he said to the wan wont to make playthmgs of the heavlest that was next to hun 111 a.uthurity [ aledges, &\anding out front the srhunken "Not the sbghe·t, m The m1ne wa· j flesh bko knotterl whipcords A wild,fierce ne,er a.a aafe s111ce I ca1ne tn tt ' light was burning in his eyes, and froth "\Vhy I want narttculadv to know is was blown froxn his unshorn hps as he that our. youqg laly:is deterttil'lled~Tl&tt ..JUutteI'ed threatw A quiet, tender heart n, and I ha\ e f >o1rnh ly con8ented to take ed man-one afraid of h111 own unincnse h e1 I power wh en himself, Out now the slave of "She \Vlll he aa safe 88 in her own fath- the fiend of fe\ er a.n<l the derno11s of 111 the brtde was d1scons4i>l 1te with gntif, flnd c1'e house But I will go below a.lid see aa.ntly-a raging, mindless b1ute, v.hose 1 VO\Ved vengernce a.ga1nst her fl\1thl~i that a.II is right · 011ly instinct \\as to lnJl ! To1nn1y, should she ever get "1tlun r eacll B~ the marks upon the wa1l :Malcolm of him again lhe n1ore 11upulsn:e of the ' Do 10 By the wa.y 1 lto\V is Rob1 la kn e w tne progress of then descent The1e party passed son10 \tjry unconipluu e itary he any better? ' were fifty feet remaining and he began to re1nu.rks upon the youn, n1 a.n's eon<lU'ct "Nu, air and I mnch doubt if he will breathe more freely The 1n1l1stone was i..nd proposed tar and f:athers shonld h~ ever be Bnt ho lS as co1nfurtable as bag1nn1ng to be hfted from h1a heart In m8ke !us appearance 111 these parts aga.tn 1 could be expticted " & tew minutes wore he wuuld laugh a.t tho Tht;) older aud lnore sedate of the party "Poor fellow ! It l8 hard for so young power of the 1na.dman propo!ied to n1a.ke the best ont ( f a. ba.tl ar1d strong a. rna.n to be bereft of hts iea. "Forty feet,' he u1urmured to ]umself barg1tin eat the wedding chnner, and eu son ): on keep hun well watched!' as the) flo" p~·t the fiu1es cut lll the rock JOY themseh "' as best th ey cuul<l under " Constuntly:, sir There 1~ 11ot the Tlnrty ftiet, only, thank heaven'" the cncumstancAs, wluch they; did 'rh~ sh,;Iitest chance for h1n1 to e.scapf" But The mental words hOO hardly b~en groon1' thnt waa to be,' after tr.n.,elhnt"' he has been much mot.a: quiet for the 111.st fc rn1ed before thtiy were suddenly cha.n~ed a.ll rue.sday afternoon, found huuself U" twen ty four hvnrs The f eve1r haa left ._changed in a.11 instant to the utte11nga the v1cin1ty of Bratnpton 1 attil, arter tak h1ro, and ho is 'ery weak n of black d1spa1r H" saw the axe raisedihg a nights sleep, concluded that he had Wniw ) 'fhe mau stepped mto th1t l\ncket and saw it descend-felt the sluvermg of the made a foul of h1w&elf, and ro·olved t og<' _ _ began slowly lowering hups~lf, ]'Ialcolm rope, and then they were hurled down- back, ask the youn:l lady's pa.rdon, aua watchn1g to see that. the check upon thtt do'\\n u1to darkuess' With the tenacity beg to be restored t.o hie fornier standing iuot1on of the wi~ullass operated with per of <leath he clung to the httle cord that Ul her atfect1ona After gettLng a. Conplf" feet pow~ r -that its progress could b~ acrved the pnrpo1e of w. cl10ck, a.s if that of his friends to tntert::ede 10 hta bahaJ# stepptd with certainty at any 1nst~nt would sustain the double weight .Aa well she.frelo'ly forgave him, and the two startUpou-th1s1 more thau any other thing, might h~ have hoped to hold a levrathan ed immediately for Bolton, and were JOJD .. " \\on t ) ou take ine down with you to tlum o>tfety depen~d, and, ha"ng sat1s with the thread a chlld uses to dr"w mm ed together m the bonds of holy wodlucli: morrow, please I ' lied It wself that all 'tllB rl,{ht, he retra ed I no~ s from the ways1d·brook, aa well au So all is well that ends w·ll, hts steps chor a.torm tossed slups with a strand of "'lake )OU down?" A GENEROUS STRANGtUt. -In n. certain spiders .sp1nn1ng Bruce llfalcohn looked Troy chnrch yeste-1day a. young man who 'l'he bucket had occupied a 11eat near the pulpit '.'fas e\i dently g1eatly embairassed "hen the col lect1ou was taken up His pew waa e.bout the first mto which the basket W&S placed, and he plunged ln· hand mto Ins p0<>ket, kept the collt>ct9r Waiting a zytomcnt, and then q mckly thrust a b1ll~ev1dent ly th~ fh·t that he could get out of his wallet1n the baskut Arter the seri,:1ca w:as o~er lt wag as <lesperate a situation as a man the young nl :1.n ltng~rerl, and "'hen the could be placPd m, even 1f alone but with cou6regat1en had retired, approached th· ' ' it wa.s geutle1uan who had cha..ge of the lOlleGa far dearer hfe dependJng npou hun more than terrible Had the ~heck rope t1on, ond who wa.s counting 1t at the tune, been any size, lie might have shd down, n.nd re1narked that he. was a 1Jtr-d.nger in hut 1t was so small that it cut his hand- the city, that he was a poor yonnJ IUKD, he oould use but one, for he dared not re and l1a.d, tri the hnrry of the 1nou1ent, put mov e the pther from around the fo.rn1 of a $10 hill mto the collectrnn hasl et by tlie - g1rf ..::jiild"tll'.- '6lootl began to trICkle m1t<take ror " ~ &I - biH - He mqmrttd modestly if 1t would be unfair to ask for down upon his face ' Miss \'Vh1ting-Blanchel 11 he whisper the return of $9 tn huu ed, in a hoarse and strained voice, u can Jou austam yourself! lf you can, I thmk I can yet save yCiu ,, No answer carne from the r1g1d lips a.ncl there was no 1utelhgence in the ata11ng Take me cent eyes, her head dropped heavily upon Ins The sh&ft waa deep-hilly two hundred shou 1der, and her fonn was hmp and Tlus wa.!t feet fron1 the snrf\ce to the bottom-oar nervele!!h proof pos1t1vc to the heus nrer that th 6 BO many of the specunens that have been row nnd cut through the sohd rock and "1riy 6od 1 , ho cxcla1n1ed, shaken to stranger was really hont1st, autl he accordbrought np I am-0.etermined to examine now and then "" th~y louehed some pro the very centre of his being ,. " l'rly God! tngly ga'le hun $9, all there w:is 1 n tho for myself ' Ject1ng point, and were wlnrled around, she is already dead, and-and 1-I- h·ve basket with the exceptw11 of the btll, anti "I wnnlcl be happy t0 g~ahfy your the gu l clung <,.,'Onclusn e1y to him, a.nd he killed her' " th o strange1 departed with 1uany thank1'1 wteh, 1t'I1ss 'Vh1tn1g, but you do not realize saw that her hpa were trembling and face A hund1ed times inore qtnckly than the and apologies ,,. After 1he treunr~r reauh the danger and how could I meet your bloodless telling all thJB had pa.sed l'he slende1 ed hr,me he ~a· struck ..-1th the appearfather if aaytlung ohould happ·n tv Ins But slowly, very ·lowly, they contmued cord waa 1111tw1slu1g 1 and the strands wer.e ance of the $10 bill Htl' exarntne.;J it motherless oh11d1 their course All hght was shut ~ut ex partmg Bruce Malcolm Urnced himself closely, and was oahsf·<l that he had hoen eept that wlnch filtered m from abo·e- a for the last desperate effort With hn.nda v1ct11n1zed It wais counterfeit -Troy httle patch of blue aky and ·unshme and feet he waR dt t.zrnunerl to strike the Tunea s c:.rcely l irger than her hand, and Bl·nche sides of the shaft, .and b1 eak the force of -· - · - "Yest I have done so but who can tell Wh1tm 6 began to bitterly r"l'ent her the fa.JI as much as possible. A sn.,1ft 'litr to get tluu~s of rtial vn.lne for your when I may make my last trip? I beg of wish prayer pasoed his lips, then the fra1l rope money Only nch pe~ple "'" aifo r d t , you, M1sa lllanche, to postpone this nsit "There ts no real danger," Malcolm re- snapped , a.nd swifter than a rocket's flight buy bargains !-tel t:1l ouv a cheap or poor unhl vour fH-the1 's return With h18 con- plied "We are ulready half way to the ha sped do ~n There wa!i uo tune to cry rnaterial It cost:. as 1nuch, uurhaps uiore · 1ont, I ml! gratify you " for rnercy-'-none, scarce]y, for tl10J1ght _: to have a poo1 1uater1al tn \rl u p as 1t. .,:ood bottom, w11l .>0on be there" " But ho will not be back fonome uay1, His words fru.lecl to reassure her It He wound his arm st11l mo1e closely one, and it 1Hl1 ··nly last a third or f iurtli then he will be m a hurry to get home - has tried far stronger nerves than hers to arvnnd Ins dear burden-raised her as of the tune, 1u d no~er ltJok aa well A My summer vacat1ou 18 almost ended, and be thus &w1ng1ng in darkness, suipended high a& pos .. iblo, so as to receive tha full cheap Ulatena.l ternpb~ to exceAuve trtm I shall soon have to return to tho confine by a single 1ope) wl11ch, s!iould it part, force of the blo\li hunself Ho kne\V it 1n1nJ to cover its P'· 1nes!l;j, whtlt:1 a good was like throwi ng hln1self under a light s~uff will b4;:1 a contuu1a.l p l~ n.snre frou1 its would send them whirlmg below, to be :\ good dress 111atertl\l dashed into a shapeless mass upon the n1ng speedtng tra111 uf cars for the ~akt of I own exccllencf ragged rocks at the bottom She began another-knev. that he would be crushed inay be 1vj rn for y~ars It 1nay bl:'Hcourod ner R.ud at la11t to realize tl:.c horrors of her situation, and into a formless mass, hut Rhe would ha.ve tu1ned, ripp\ d n1a h~ a chance of escape, and ho shrunk noL ~1ven fl.Wav, whileaf11n1syon 1Hunti tevei1 begged to go back f.i:om it to give \l'.ay af ter a. little \\e<'tr 1\,triru ' Tt I!. too late " he replted sadly "Wo There was a dull, hea.\:y crash, and then 1n111 g~ the sa HP. vruic1ple '~ 111 appl y A must go to the bottom first Then I will all wag silence Two human beu1gs-a 1v >1ua.H. will often .!l>end 1n two or thre~ signal for Aome one to draw ns up " strong mitn and a <lelwate girl- had fa.Hen )ears ou fr111.,,es rtnrl fa.ncy trnnnunp~ an To gun.rd aga..1nst carelessness or acct tlnrty feet upon rocks as h a.rrl as iron, and I an10nrit wluch wunld pnrchnse 1 eal lac& dent, he bad permitted no one to 1nan the la.y there 111 the darknees, uuhepd1ng the s11fhc1ent for a. life tune The f11nge a v..ear 'v1ndlass, bad taken tho check in hts own anxious faces tha.t had gathered round out, fade and a1e good for nothing i n lesa hands, and now there was nothing but to the1n in the torche8' glare-ted slnrt ed, than a season, wh1 le the lace wo11)1l lfl.{l;l; hold on But there ivaa no thought of coal blackenell n1en, with tearful eyes and out heI tun e rLnd t heu g-) dov; n to her di" fear in ]us heart He knew that they were convuls1vely working lips, unheeding that scendi..nts l'.t1t fihe says she canuot af safe, and he thanked Heaven for it Yot 1 they \~ere tenderly earned to another shaft ford to buy ieal l1lcti In purci.asieyg dreu1" even a.s he w~s t h1nk1116 thus the little and transported to the surface of t ho earth goods, fancy stuffs sho11ld ho looked npo1· hght was sudden!:; shut out lfad a dark -unheeding the phys1c1an that was Jn with g1.,at .t1nsp1c1ont1 especially if they cloud swept athwart tho face of the sun· gta.ntly suu11noned-the ~e ntleness of present au nnnsually fine appeara!lce fu, He glanced upward, and in an 1nstar t his wuma.u's care, and even the savage howl the prtce It is eafer to 'keep to standard ruddy face beoame as colorless a" mar.bl1.1 of the lUH\Ue man who had been the ct1use rnateru\ls uf which yon have proved the There, leaning over the l'flndlR11s, was of all, as he wa.e secured, and deprived of durab1hty, though eveu. these will vary the maniac miner, "1th an axe raued in hts fearful weapon, 1u1d ta.ken back to the greatly in different VH trs If ladies would his hand tu cut the rope that sustained bed fro1n wlnch he ha.d escaped, never to inslBt on obta1n111g dnra.b1hty, ratl)er than them lea\e it again, save for the coffin and the cheapness, the 1i·an11tact11rers- would soon guarded against most of these th1ngsWith a mighty effort r.falcolm kept back shroud rise to the demand, and would u n prov0 had robbed them of their t errors-and he the ex.clamahon of horror th&t waR forced But ho had mado a desperate effort to the style of thmr gooXls ,.. fast as they are wavered, as he looked upon the b·auhful and p1endrng face upturned to Ins own to lua lips, and eased nway the check su take hfe (1f, indeed, he \new what he was deteriort&ting them a.r, present - - - ... - -- and still more so when the soft bani! was as to descend more rapidly In that was doing) and in oue ca.se, at lea.s t, he wae THE B1Jha1npton, N ir , .Revubl ~an. laid gently on hlB arm, and the sweet voice Ins only hope They were yet seventy foet nearl} .successful By the self 1:1ac1ifice of asked again, "Will you not take me,please, from the bottom, a. single blow of the Ma.lcohu, the girl had escaped with httle says, u \Vhen tho new church i\t \i ostal weapon held by the madman would sond lilJtrry His strong arms had. upheld her Cantre, N Y, wns l:irnafl.~d on the 011ts1de, Mr Malcolm?' th em crashing below, the bucket wou Id be to the very last-had hunself received the ieceutly, the contnctor, to fill the ot1pucrushed hke an egg shell, and they- he full force of the terTtble fall, and e<en latwn to put "gilded ball on the steeple, dared not thmk He tried to shout but when he could s1)sta1n het uo moJe Ins gilded n. nearly ron1ul ga.llo11 Jug, 1tnd, In vain , never was tongue 1nore paralyzed body had beeri her shield, and the rough, tnrn1ng it with the bottom up, 11lar:r! l it But 1t was not for hunself he feared lfa bnt warm hearted mmer. had funnd her upon the sp1re I he Jllg, thus place·! did had no thought of his own life Brain pillowed upon 111· manly brea1t They not impress the Ve·tal Centre Jl·ople "" " proper syn1bol to w ·rH h10 under so some and he~rt and mnsole were all workmg for had gathered to give her a Joyous welconrn, of them rob· llcrl A Wilham Tell steppe·l the beautiful Jtlrl, and with more than and pro11<1IV show the result of their la':> te tha front, and froni the tirst crack of hghtning r,apid1ty fancy p1ctnred her ors and had found t wo almost corpses ln~ rifl e the JUg spht 111to f1a 1nents antl bloody and m·ngled form 'i et still ho In ~ short tuue, Blanol e W lntmg had fell off ' :wa.a cool to act he would be ready to take reco vered froru her te111ble fright, and DR CROWLR- who hhs fnr J1. le11gth of H.clvs.ntage of the slightest turn ni their aave for he r sy1upa.th:y for and gratitude J tin1P condu( ted very auc< A!i~fully the ~ I to, 11er preserver, w11s \'ie ll a. a.in She Ma.rkha1n High School, has he~ll 11Pf)(lllltf a:T"9r ..l n J ii-' t t b C o IIe~1at e l D· eu v 1 R.Salr..a :ia-s t'r a t e 1 With as much rapidity as he dared, he 8at duly a11Ll n1~hth )y the bad where he stitute, Cobourg permitted the bucket to <leooencl Tou la.y wnh a broken arm and leg, and badly StxTY FOUR Rns11&n T1lttary t'ecnn4a much speed l'l'Oll)d hasten the very fate he bruised form and when her father talked la.at their hves and over fifty we' e tf'ound&loild tr) dread ol W 1th one orm he sns f'd n1 Bi railway a.cct<leht near Odea&& on Saturday t··nnd the l'fe·ght of the ·hru1k1n;: air!- I I e,,.-==,,_.,,,,,,,...,,,,..,,=._,...,,,,_,,,,,,,,,_ ,.,.,_.,_ ; ; ;_ ;;;o J" fl et tin ll .5. I 0 0 I