Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1876, p. 4

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CANADIAN J'.rom the London Free Pre111 XORN KOBB ON LEAP YEAR Post co.rd to the States costs but one cent A ress G STIN Sf'JN & CO l'ortlnnd Ma ne U a.t work for us in their spare moments or all th time tho.n o.t anything else Particulars free PIER DA.T A.,.ents Wnnte<I ! $5 To $20 ..l.11 classes of' people o! either sex young or old make more one ~orkmg .EORGE H. THOMAS has a. large number or A GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF THG Do1n1n1on of' Canada its Pro1111ces, Opp 1fetropol Lan IIotel ) JII.ANUFAC1L!Ul<S !Ml OUTERS AND DEALERS IN Western Insurance INCORPORA1 ED 1851 CH ROMOS A N:I:> F:E'l..A.l.\.!lEl!!I, Capital $800 000 Head Office Toronto 0 The Best Patromzed, Most Tho10ugh and Practical Busmess ~ ~1~~:NM~:uH.H.ICH School m Canada I' &H OHll.IlA CROSBY S IMPROVED RUBBER BUCKET PUMP ST1 -REOSCOPES AND ,:VIEWS, A~ bums IJ·,.pboscopes ana Suitable PHOTD~GRAPH ~ C MATERIALS We are IIoodqUArters ror eveTJ thing in the vayof lnstitutron for Bus ness Tiammg "heie Bo} s Young and Middle ~ged llfen can procure an Educat10n smted to the \\ants of e\eiy day hfe NEW GOODSl 'Vorthy of not co nnd nl.uch more 80 than Ed tms of Newspapers [ The Isolated Risk and Farmers FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANAOA Efea.d Office King St Corner Church Ihc subJccts taught are J ist such as every 111erchant Far 1 er llfecl amc and Profes s1onal Man require i transact1dg every day b is1n~ss an l embrace tie tollow ng Stereopticons and Ma ,c Lanterns, Be ng MunufBct r{lrs ot tho MICRO SCIENTIFIC L 11.N TEil N UN!VERSIT1' STERECPTIC<JN Book Keepmg by Smgle and Double Entry Spencenan Penmanslnp Our Stock rn one of the best m Commercial Paper Bankmg Stcamboatmg Conespondence Arithmetic 1 nos 01 Bro rerage Spelling Commercial Law Pract cal Grammar Mechamcal WATCHES / Diawmg Actual Busmess Course Telegraphmg Phonograph) et Our Co 1rse of 'Ir i n ng is under the superv1s1on of ,EVEN COMI'ETEN r AND EXPERIENCED TEACli~RS Old Hartf01d /ire COMP \N! INUORPOlt\.TED 1810 8. BURDEN " 11! buy any q i~r tity Gf g od sl J[ 1 g m J 01tle1 Apples also pay h 1 est Ir cc m for Apples Pl in· Orab ~pples 0 ILUlTEOI D CON a.p tat $1 O QO 000 issets over $2 oOO 000 R & II 0 HARA \gents GOOD TUB BUTTER ~Offico at Messr. In > rsoN & BURNS I-land Mutual forsee1ng it a word with you The clock proolaimmg the Scribner's &c Tlavellers HAilU ORD COi' N i R & II 0 H \.P..A \gents \, Morr1 D \RI F.¥, General Agent The Brad buryPiano THE BEST MADE R & H 0 HARA Agents I 0 R GA l'l S. TOTVft HA.LL Bt!ILDTNGS, BOW1,IANVILLE. Dli:ALER IN -- -- ' I DRUGGIST f you want u :first class Ori;an manufactured 15y TUB DOllfINION ORG \N CO R & II 0 HA \ gonts Druggs, Med1c1nes and Chemicals, llye St Lifo Patent llfedrnmes Perfun ery B1ushes Combs Soaps Pamts and Oils Pa nt Brushes Coal Oil and Coal Oil Lamps &c l:c PYY&ICIANR PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND AIL ORDERS <ORRllOTLY ANSWEI\ ED lVa11tctl GENERAL R ELIABLE for the All ENT S 136 Smit~ Am e1crn ganCompan~, BOSTO~ Burnett's Preven a tlio Ha r from Fa. ng P omotes ita Healthy Growth Burnett's Cocoamo ~ trywllj do Stock of Medici es com fl?l"6o 000 Or 0 ai tl.LBO FOlt a na le a1 d sold Burnett's Cocoame l s n ot G ~1' nor St cky GEO STECK & COS (18 3 - Burnett's Oocoame S bdues Uefracto y Ila Machine C01".1P ANY Go1,n MED\f, N YORK Burnett's Cocoame Boo hes the Irritated Scalp Sk n Burnett's Cocoame \.trorda tho Richest Lust c Burnett's Is ot an A coho Burnett's IC J1 Dnnd utf. Burnett's Cocoame G vesNe vL otothellu r Burnett's Cocoalne Ilomo.ins Longest iu Effect SO t.nd 7 conts per BoUlo PERRY DAVIS & SO'l & LAWRENGE. MONTREAL P Q Agents for Dom n on of Ca111!da JOSEPH BOSTON THE Wt EKLY GLO ~Hor 1876. SUBSCRIBE IRA L UJIIBER SEIIXGLES ·

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