Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1876, p. 1

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FALL AND WINTER AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES · EJ§'His '.Mmk Ha> mg bought out tbe Cabmet Busmess of Mr R S and wh1ch I pm pose car1ymg on at the old stand, Kmg sheet, Bowmam11le I beg to say that I "111 endeavor to keep ever)thrng on , hand that is needed m the Furmture lme MANl'iING I 1 Havmg had ten )ems' cxpenence m the Bowmanv1lle Furmture Factory and bemg appomted Awnt tn sell for the Comp1my m Bowmanv1lle, the public crn depend upon gettmg The Best Furniture in the Province at moderate rates, b) callmg upon me ---o--- Having Bought a NEW HEARSE -one of the fine"t m the countiy-from the celebrated manufactmers Messrs Aimstrong of Guelph I am prepared to furmsh Funeials with an outfit unsurna·sed m an) city m the Provmce I keep on hand a OHE.A..P A:SD - Stylish Millinery! Just arrived at the Rcspectfnlly ;} ours, GLASGOW HOUSE I & Fancy Dry Goods. ALL OF WHICH f IAHLISHMENT 1n the stand 01u~ door '\Vest or Murdo~h Bros Grocer,. wl ere ehe "ill keep in stoc k nn assort mentor :i\~11J1 n~rv and T rlmmJngs of aU kindslatest st:vles imd ... t lowest prices UUTTING and Ii I J 'l ING a. i::pecui.lty RTAMPING done to orde r HAik Combings and Cuttings prepared for Switches W7ir'" ltlrs .J C! POI..I.AJl:D superintends the ~ sn11led.: sea.son,. 8el \Jce- llowmanv1lle September 22 18'";5 bus1ne8A a Having been purchased for -under the present clepiessecl state of the markets- i.! b1.1ttt!r than Will be fou11d under current rates ---o--- IN DRESS GOODS ion, not so fast. UHEQUAllED ADVANTAGES Will BE OFFERED 0 0--- CASH BUYERS. A rfiflci;t I 'J'ecc h INSERTED AT A MODERATE FEE 1eeth Extracted Without Pam .A.LVJ" .A. Y s ON HA.ND A Large and Varied Assortment of LINENS, DIAPER!:!, I TABLl l'IAPKil'i::J and D.A M 1/;Ks, I S11EETLN G;;, d: c , .tc Olling to tl1e retirement from T DASl:SETT huetne~l!I iiHIRTJJi(,S and THOMAS PATERSON. In the Field Again! Bowmannlle, May 19 1874 DE\\LEP I,,- o fRUIT AND O~AM~~TAl TRHS, Se·ds, Bulbs, Flowers, etc , etc All Trees t irn1i:ihed by r.In C a;rl) gua.l'nntced ft1 st cla~~ and tr ie t o name A<ld1 ess (26) Winding Upl It is my mtentwn on the above date to wrnd up the long"mJ d endll ·J·l·rn and ·ell onlyD r CASil F. T. J HOS~! and has opened a N b'ae commenced" ork again on his o..., n account P 0 Ro-x :-J.S TI \!D a n v lle TKE DOMINION BANK, BOWi\'HN\ ILLE Thompson & Burns otncc where w11I al'o\ays be fo11nd a. full aRsortmt11nt ot C'\ ervthfng in tho TIN and Sheet Iron line CAPHAL, PAID UP, - $1 QOO 000 HEAD OFFIC.E, _ ] HtANCHBS or ts eqmrnlent It rrq!llres TORO!'< TO OsH \ W'A 'YHl'tBY UxnRinGE no H gumcnt to e·tnblt'h thal ti ts to the ndrnntug· of both buyer and oiler to trade fur read} p 1y, the buyer thereby p:ettrni: goods at LOWER PRICES and the seller betn~ ·aved from lo·s by bad del,ts We tbmk O&ILLlA CoBOUR.f.> BowM.A.NVILT"Fl I then that all part cs will concur m the wtsilcm ef th18 change on our part Our goods will hereafter be bought for CASH only, wo and shall tbereby reap the advantoge of lnrge trnde dL·oounts, winch advantage we are determined to c1ve to our customers Parties purchasm!': from us r j NEWOASTLL NRSERIES. TREES,SHRUBS, PLANTS SPRING OF 1874. Tl:TE INVITE THE ATTENTIOl'I l' 't of Planters and deale rs to o ur large and complete stock of may therefore depend upon i;ettrng goods at least ten per cont oheaper than under the old plan Our stock WJl! this Fall be more replete than ever, and a still We therefore guarantee tho greatest I Standa cs and Uwaf Fruit Trees, GRAPE VINES, SMALL FRUITS sallsfoe1Jp11 to all who may favor u· with their patronage ORNAMENT.AL TREES, Shrnb!! Itoeee New nnd J"rutt and Orn& Enred Prompt attent1Pn gnen to all enquiries J P LQVEKIN & CO .... mental Trees Evergreens and Bulbous Roots Small Paree]" For wanied by Mail when de- Bomul'Vtr,LE October 1, 1875

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