- by the Proprietoi W ~1: . R. CL IM I J<, a.t the OFFICE-PONt Ol!ice Block The Best Furniture in the at moderntc iates b:v callm g upon me RI:PAIRI!\G ---o--- Having Bought a NElVl THE RECLAIMED liY R 1' E.NVLE thus meetmg Just arrived at the Fosh1on House J W. P. PROWER, I A l"lp]e1 di l Stock o (;<" :NP" 'NT11l nery F'ancy ucl:1 "\Ve ols a d Undetcloth1ng PEAT BEDS -A Company ha1 boon or gf\n1z1td here to wo1k: the extensive peat heds ly1ng m the vtctmty of thu village The present capital of the Company is $10 J ' taple & Fancy Dry Goods. ALL OF WHICH Having been purchased for -under the present depressed state of the marl,cts- ---0--- DRESS GOODS UNEQUALLED ADVANTAGES WILL BE OFFERED 0-- .A.LVV.A.-Ys ON HA.ND Teeth Extracted V\ ithont 'Pam Lll'.ENS DIAPERS, TABLE lil J I'KINS anJ DA \lA~K,, I SREETJN(,S, &c SHI1'l1J1\(,~ and &c J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Dec~m ber 1874 21 THOMAS PATERSON. In the Field Again 1 Owing to t1 e rr.t1rernen fr m business o T B..i88ETT J. CHAPLIN, DEALER I~ FRUIT AND O~AME~TAL TREES, I I Se·ds Bulbs Flowers, etc , etc Upl It require· buyer and seller to trade for ready piy, the buyer th<reby gettrng goods nt LOWER We thrnk haH com1nnced work again on his ol\ n acco int and has I Bne 1 a we a rf:l (l te1 mined to !!IVO to our oustomeri'i. from us m·y therefore depend uprn £etting goods at least tea per oeRt cheaper t ·i rn und er t' e o1d plan Our stock" ill this Fall be more replete than ever, and a still We therefore guarantee the greatest GRAPE VINES S'\fAI r FRl I'fR ORNAMENTAL TREES,