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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1876, p. 1

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. ·' .. ;LL IL ~-- _ ..,. 5!!1t$!!2__..:2 _ _ gg__ _ A B01' ANZA BANQUET. A. FE.A.IT -OF l\IILLION~IR.RS~SOLID ISILVE~· BIL LS' Oll" FA.RE. . A . _,_ · -- -· -~-----,---~ ·- --- - than hl_\lf the number were milli~nairea, ~ tt in to Lammie Citv an'- got a keg o' good NEW PARLR GAME. and th_ e others could count'their weahh in, ~ ~- · old budge, an' we all got purty full. · Ar- · hundreds of thous&nda of trade dolla.ra. ., ~~ ter, the dancin' war over 1 pulled o\lt fur · 1;'eaterday u.fternuon a iim,all boy inform- In richness of viands, exquisite beauty of · A LITTLE ELB'OW-ROOJI. . Bow lea's ranc11, whar I'm hangin' out, an' ed a policem:m tha.t there wa.s row in -a the floral and ·other . dec·irations, tabllf as I war staggcrin' down, 'round- Mountain certain h(luae on Beaubien str.iet, and thti adornments, glitter of sil,·erware and H Good friend: don't sqi:eeze so -.er1.t11rht ! Cat Hill I runs right onto the blonohe that : officer went np there. Heariniz a racket.n1t sentials of a lavish display or' opulenc~, ·it There's room enou i:h tor two. ' war picketed ont ·in the grass. an' I war ! he stood .before the door he opened it i1 safe to say that tl'Jie, din;~er .last n_ight to Keep. in your mind that I've a right Jist drnnk enough to mount him a.n' lit. e · without ,hesitation. A man and his wift\ Sena_ m r Sharon has never ~een anrpa.saed. To live as well as ' you! You're rich and_ strong; I, j100r and wealt; out. I kuow.I'm goiu' t<1 awiug fnr it, 11on· and a big girl were having a thre.e-hande<l With such an accompl1shecl an:d vettt~r. But. think you I presume, I'll die game too. I't woth a cuss any fight, hnt Uiey let up a& he looked i~. caterer llll Warren LE>lann, the Hotel Ring When only thigpoor·boon I ask.. way, an' ef it warn't for my good old. "What'11 the row?" asked the offiCer.· M of America, it could. not. -ha·~ been ot~rA little elbow-room t · mother back iu the States (here the tear· he noted their. bloody n usea and acratche1 l wiae. -_ . · T 'TIJ S'\lCh as you- the rich apd 11trong, · When tlle baoqnet wa'S' fo progre11.the' ' bega.n to roll , down his br1..1nz·.~d cheeks,) facra. If you but-had the will-" who ne:ver _clos~4 her e)'e8 '.thout prayin' "Ro~ 1" they a II shouted in chorus. . scene prcsentad was one of rare aplen~or. Could give the weak a lift along, .And help them up Ih e hill. fur G<i·l to .sen<l 'me hack tu hel', I'd laugh "Well, it looks like a row," a11swered The hand ,;f the :floriat had t:l'llmf;)rl_llt!d :But no! youjostle, crowd anJi drive! at d.iath, an' help yer to fiX the rope, b1it ·he officer. · the arartment info a bewitching·i-'o~ You storm, and triit ant.I- fnrn.,1 when I thirk o' that darling nld soul .I get "Yl·U go long!:' continued the woman, f1tiry land. Up011 the snOIYY clolfu. 'lretit You-arc thl\ only mane.liveIn want of elbow-roomt weaker'n a wo.1n1ded ~nt_tl~e, .. I teJJ.Jl ..,tgji_g,:l:lard . t iumule _,!i!r-his,. iS. a\>;-;ht ..5iw e1·s-- reckl~sS1Pto!11~ ) ,· . . .. Tilers, Yv~ been cu;.;~er 'since' I · p:tt.·fol' ga1thi; and ine '11]' Ji~ue are play-in!! aion. lt;hll~~ 1Il~~li1'i- with fruit;: itowera·' -,~ ·~1.t;.:IJl~.aJtjsJn:,Lir11:a ~und P!ltlt:'-- ·-- ,. , ·. "~e..~t" seems .the god of allct · · · · f!tl'uck ont for these mo1Jnt'ins, 1111' Ta' r·ose I agin John_. We harl h'm in_. ii. corneM~heu ' ·and wonderful d~she~, t]1e'bdg:ht 1.1ih·er-.yare' ' The strong will .c1·usb the wen.IL to·dea.t b- · the world'\l be bet,ter 'thont it. My )·you <:'ame in. :~nd thtee more gnod'lift~ glittere<l in the· llght_,,f n1i11ieroos gali jetll' · The hlg devour the small ! · · old mother'll suffer, I know tliat, fur I'm wrmld h_ nvp counted him ·nut :!'.' . &nd the soft rays of fifty-four ll'llX eM'ldlce; Fat better be a .rich man's hound.A.·valet;serf, or groomher ,only kic, o.n' hev sent he,. .. v.,ry ounce ~he offi.c er wtmt away, and left thew to rising .frnm r adiant canclelabra. The)·e-· 'l'hajl·55ruggle_'inld the m ass a.round, ·>' duMt tlu~t I could spare, an' it's ii>ll lihe's firns·h the game &ud John together. ces1es ·formed by, the bow windows were · \Vhen we've no clbow·rnom ! ha.d. to live on. She's bin a guo.d un to . ·--- - - - - -- - - -- · --~-·I tm:'.1ed into beai1tiful conservatorie~, a.nd<$ ,:. }· 1Jp heart, my boy!, Don't mind the shock l ~e,: Gv~l ble~s her, an' I'm sorry I hevn't HELP ONE ANOTHER. dehghtf1~l effect ,":us j>r~1:>_ce.d bJ p!.h'cing Up h ear,t, an.d-push along! . · ·· sos . I can camp with her np lhar, Th' J'ttl h . ln.rge m!l'rors aga.mst the - wmdows a.s & Your skin,:wlll . s oon grow .rough wilh knocks hved 1 ., . . . is i e sentence e 1onld e written on b 'd f: · · ' ·h , ac.. grmm ur the plants, The re!lect1on1 Your lin;,hs with labor strong! , ' ( ra1smg his too.rful eyes toward H eaven ) , · every eart nnr1 stamped on every memory f h f 1· · · " And there's a hand 1m1K'en to aid' and, b oys, wont some u' ye write to her- lt h ld. b ti . . · o t e o 1ageca11sed the wmuow_ e toappear -d . .: . . . . . s 011 e ie go1 eu rule pra.ct1seti not t h .. 4 star to light the gloom l Torn l):J;rk thar knows .wbar s_he lives-an' h · h I"' .. .n t e eye a_s so many entrances to green.. 1 · l:p heart., my b oy! 'nor he afrald. ll '- ". ,. · , . on Y 111 E>very ouse o u ,. bu·ft thro11ghout h . f " d h . , - . te i:er I got let out_... by a11 In311P, or pegth e . \Htr . l ·J· B y . h e1 . , the Strikc out tot e lbOw·room 1· · pmg on·e another we b nuses od. great, h ept · ' , th11s ' ·11npart1ng ·", '" ' gcd .. out nat'ra.lly'I For God's ilake doh't t · · h f · nrrowe· enc ant:nent of distance to tbtl .And when you see amid the throng, 1 . uo ou v TPmove t Qrns rorn the path wav · I · d .. · · . The newH <l ·· · f · - . · view. n on·1 wrn ow was a little gJ·ove c·f A fellow·toiler· slip, Iet her k1iow I war st rangl ed. an anx1e,,y rom t1 1e rumd b>1f.t we feel a . .· . . . ··· 1 .lust give him, a s you pass along, ud .kill her. But then 111 cheese this i;:;ib f · ' .orimge trees and hanau1' plants; another .: , . , . . semie o p 1 eas11re 111 onr own hearts know' · · · ·· · · · · A brave and kimlly grip! or you ll thmk Im weakenrng, an' the man . ti. t a_.. · WltS a mi ma.tu re forest o_f tropical pa.lmi·_ · _Let noble deed though poor you be, , .. . . . mg 1a we are omu a duty to a fello w b ·d' . · f 1· · donthve11scauskeerT1gerJ111i. Elevate er t . A 'h l ' "h. ii . en . m~g~c1:11lytoth'ecnrpet,anda ,~, Your path in life illume; ... . . ' . ea ure. . e p1na an or an -cnconr. h'. i·· · · · · · ·· And. "'-ith true Cl1ristian· cltarltv me, b .. ys, JLst as q111ck as ye please. l'm I . . d ' "' ·. . . t. tn 1Yas u. recess filled with rems of every agmg wor l'I no 1 oss, yet it 1s a oonetit to d . . . . -. · · . . ·. · .. 1 Give others'.clbow-room ! ·' ready when you; , · , . th Wh h . .. . · e$cr1phon, eoraptunn~ to the v1s10n. -7· 0 During this recital Jim's eye~ were filled ~ r~· ll!I not felt the power of this Tho \Valls Wt re' frung with paintings of fig~' t ~==========~ with tears, ancl a close observer would have _ 1 it t e sentence 1 Who. 11118 not needer! the nrea a11 . d landscapes while eigh't e.en cage_·· · ·· ' ' ,. . · enc(,uragemunt an<! aid of 11 k' d f · d 1 dtitected silent weeping on all sides. '!'hat H . . · m n en filled with gi)lden-'i! inged feathered 11onc1. ' · · . · · ·,··.,· · .,·,.·······' "··"···"·· "·· ···"··'···"·· u ·"" '"'"' 81 we ·magic · w0rd " . h .. h d ow soothmg when nerplexed with · · "' 1 . mot er a awakened t,011- t k ti t . ' .. · · ', sters, were euepended from the ceiliugs at-' TIGER 1l!t~ESCAPE~. der ' recollections in l he breast of every a.sf 1a is rnysterions &lid bnrthensome, appropri'.'te intervals. l\:fammoth .'orna.1 A . MOUNTAIN COURT SCENE, IN THE FA.JI. one of thr:> se har'd y mounta.incer.s. · Men .1 to hee a ge~tle h~nd en the shonlder, and mental ·bronzes of costly make and yase1, WEST-:--THJii LA. w ?F NATUllE WINS. Id fa.ce death .m . any sh'ape · without . to a kmd . palms b'Neted ·the eye · at every· . . w1 10 cnu f l ear ills -. _ vc1ce whispering · " Do not filleJ with Jl'r<mi the ·DetrOit Frµ.J>r~.u. ' a particle of feeling did nllt try to hide ee com aged-I see yunr t urn. · . ." · me help yon " What 9 t · tl1 · · · d · ' · 01<1 Job Daw·.son had ,been duly elected their tears at the mention .-of that sacn·d h h · reng is mspire · · Each gentleman seated aro1 ind thef~stive' · · · tl I H · , d w at ope created what sweet gratitua·e ' 1.t o fill t he reipons1bla pnRit _ i.o n of a J nstice name, mo · 1er · ow· sweet 1t sounoe in . f lt d ·h ..' -. . . . board fonnd, near his napkin a bill of far!!_· · r · h · . .· · is E' an t e <>reat difficulty 18 d l d · . . , ' · j o· I· e Peace, a11d tins waa the first cnse their .enrs. It cn.rried them ·hack to the d ' b th"' h. . ~..,so ve en!(raved upon a heavy DI ate of s9lid silver . " 1 t · 1 .h . · 1d h d . h as ew enea t e s1mshmc y cs let ns d . . . .. · · WtllC I . ac emu.ndcd his attention. Job appy ays lll t e _ when they were l I . ' . ug from the Comlt'1ck lode and highly. bl d . h· ie P one another by endeM·orin<> to a · T . . .~ f 1. h · w_ a s a.nold _ veterap mo:untarneer, and had csse wit the . 1ove o parents, before · t 'h d . "' po is c . lM!se were gotten np imarti8tio in· Jhe 11hadow GLtbe lofty -peaks the insatiable thirst for gold had le:! ·them 1.frt~ng. henband encourage the weak, and style ·at a cost of over $(.O each rneas\ired live<l _ . . _ . . · i rng t e ur en of care from the · · ' Not a 'word d _ cl h , · . weary about 6lx4,i m .; of a quarter of a dollp..r'r:, · h u11tj11g,_'frappmg, and. fighting Indian!, into those wilds. to 116~.'-his own words, "selillle Adam were wa11 spo~en for 11 few seconds, and then o_ ld an opd!prhesse 't at h~e may ghde smoothly thickness . . An elegant b.order ~as engraved ;,; · · "·a ·,, . I n tha! rough regto_ · " · J bd on au t e fount of bitterness yield sweet . . . · · . . · & "1 . · n an awcusa' . o rew 1 iis l1nrny hai-d across his watery · te. . d h h . . . ·. , on each side of the plat _ e inclysing the·" . f . . .. · · · · d d wa rs, an c w ose willmg hand is e a· ' · ~.. to 'd . · . ver rea mg matter. On the front of the pla.te t ion <! a great crtme against ii.ny one is eyes i.n :sai , in a husky \·oice: · . . , " T' d' b ,. reauy . ai ~ will reward our humble th f ll · d . . · · ure1nnnervfa ' 'ha.11glngbee"and ige,yewu n't reakan oath, w'iid -. · d · . · · e o ow1_ngwor s were maer1bed in orb u t .&'1 .. . · en eavors an every " d d d ·n b · 11,trm~ even is seldom tho1wht of. Ent in ye?" , ;, b · d ' ., ,..oo ee wi e as · nament.a.l text and script: ih<' pl'\l!!ent inst.a.nca:,a wild "cuss," who ···No, -Job. ~awson, .not for _frie?d _ or f rea_ . cast. up~~ the., waters to return ····.·.. . ...... . ... . . , . ... ·. . · . . hAd· be~'~ frequenting·tl>e settlements, had foe. Th~t amt a ooy ~n the lulls aa ca.n ~ :.:: many da1s, if us, to those ~e · DINNER,·ro 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 0, f. t t l~i6. NO. 31 a. Fr&m th~ Satt. Fra.rn;iso Call, Fel>. 9. A highly picturesque banquehns iivell' in one of the corner im(tes 011.the first floor of the l'alace Hotel la~t evening. · 'r t waa a feast in m.any respects which ohalleug~ description.. The dinner, 1111 it WM modeatly designated ml' the bills of far~, w~1 given to William Sharon, a United,StatesSenator from the State of Nevada. Of the ~lt:ct company which aat down at the table mor& I I in -;·t;ff iit I I ., . . ·, . I I I I ,, ---:-) t'l t t ti an.G. _ :e:ow I 1 I "h)ouche, >' (hipian pony) thet Jim ner went back ou even ]us By i bcfonging tn· a ne4rhhoring r:.ncihmim; and ._gl~'ell w~rd. I'm. a rOUjlh 'un, an' do sum · PA.LA.CR HO_ T:j:L, :'. . had heel\__pur·ut·d~ captured, and brougllt m~tey wicked thmg-s, but whtm I say a MA.KE ·THE BEsT o.r Ynu1tSELF.-Are _:Feb. 8, 1876. , San Fra.nci&CO. :: · .,bl1(k. ~-Old Job wa11 summQned t(I try the thmg ye can gamble every dollar you've ) 0~ making tl!e best ofyourself1 Are you · · · · · · . ·. · · · · · · ·..... . ... . . · ·· usrng to the advantaae the natural On reverse side wa& biji culprit., ' a·nd a spot in o. rncky gulch· near got on it bei.n' . 'Sqnir!"s cubiu was selected the site "Wu.ti, Tige, we 'had to swing powers of the mind and given you by While the in progrees a atring f·'·r: the ,ill~e~tigatiou. _ A ·mot,Je,y-_crowd of _ u.n' ye __d~serv~- s~i~~!~~' b~t- I can'~ git your .Crea.tor1 Or are you throt'.gh hand'. u~_de~- direct10n ~f Prof. ~c~lo~t, t l11m\"""· tr1'ppe~;- iuiner:~. _ and ranch~rs mr_?" that, ' motller' Climiun' ye giveua'. .:..:- -llle-'."Hk-h.Jf~eff-or~ 11teadily 'driftni}f .Pl8:-y~ll.~,dfil1ghtf1.d aele,rt1or o~--ruus1c in 11.11-; h nd a~,~t!mbled. Some were lyinar upon ~. ~pect tl~e ota l~dy'· s_et her heart on behmd men of ~ess ab1ht~ than your own adJommg aparti:nent and wlthm e"rshot. ~1f:, ~ the gr<.iltlld, and Hthers sitling upnn the seem ye agm, au' 1s wearing her old eyes -men who, fewer tahnts than you . ,the o~ule~t epio~re11~ The comp1my did : r<;ckii · 11.ll lmxiously awaiting the 'Sq" . · , <>ttt a lookiu' fur ye. I've ·got an .oll.l posse~, are makm_ g the best oftheaiselves? not disperse 1mtil lit late h"ur;- l'&cn one·' co11ii1:g. Job a:mn from mother myself, an ' tho' .{ hl!v'qt sot Think of_this.. .Put. the question to, your-- taki,ng horn? with him bis silver bino i fareo' 8 . t d ·hi · on her:. eence '49 her picter's right hyar self a.s we:put 1t to yon, arid d<j it honestly. as a souvemr of the dazzling e~·ent. _, ca hit· and with a· dignifi . 1 . i I > ·~ · · ei_,~ree~ e ru- · ·h ' ' · · L 0 ck th 1 tt ·ht· h f · .. · · -- · · -1 - , .-elf up()~ i h!Juldcr, took off his be·a r-skiu m U:Y ~art, : an .1ts ~ plead in' fnr your . ~ · ma er ng .- m t ~- ace. Ate . . ftld 00Jman,_~T1ge. . It ll rough, Til(e, ruff, you_ma~i~~ the b~st ..?f youraelf1 If i..ot, A HILL OF P..UtTICUL4R.'1.-A gentleman c.ap and sai&: . . the court 'ar· ready to git du ?egiji at once . .. . your beet aent a French clock to A j e weile1· uf Wordown tu bi'z; an' I wautye all to chesAeyer cut ar 11tnngs SQ she can git m e_ve , y0ur and in ,ce.s te. r .. Mass., to be repaired, sayinit' tha.&. · racket an' let up on that chi . . his han s loose. your _ domg, Rise out _ of mdolence o.nd ·he wished-each item of rt!pairing Bpl'citied. · ', · · n music acT · Ii · ·d· 1 ' Following is a copy of the bill 11.11 re·n · dered . ....'. ·' cording,to Jaw. Throw yllr ha'r in sij;ht " har,.that's it. Now, Tige, hold up s~ -m u ,gence, and . not _ only will the and pay· Y"r right.hand, o.p' ef ever ye swore world r y,o nr having lived To.rtmioviii!:alluvia.ldeposit:rnd olea: · 'tention to the court." · · strong · · bbe the better·fo_ jllllOllS conglomerate from clock a Ji\ o dit no~. Dbol you s war by the great ;~ 1td, ~ uthyou willld , be the better for ha-,,ing . French ·.... . ......... . ..... . , .. $.. , Ey ery hat'. ~ame off at his command,11-ud dG is Honor," glancing around the circle, . ~ ' a.~1 y~r _ eased o1d !:10~~er, . that ef i_ vt> -rn t_ e wor . T~ ~eplacing in ~pprop1_iate jnxt.upo- . . ' . this COllrt discharges ye ye 11 hte right out Tmi: Po·rA.TOE Bu F . .. Tl 0 1nt10n the const1tu1mt r:oil'lpuuentH of . ' .. . . ' 'f th s . ' I . · 'GS OOLED.r ie Cfsaid clock.. . ... . . . . ........... . ... 50.-. ' · ~ · Wlrnr is the "t1·s· · .,., ur. e . tates,, an go ium to the old lady 1 · den1burg Journal of Saturd·y-'s·. · y~· . · " ;T. l' . "1A. T . . ." · h f h ~ Iu b rwatmg with oleaginoni sohi~ , 1 1 1 _. t ameers, . , k.a b'.e wm · ter t wn the apex_ of {imwus · · .. · Ti · 1ree moun armed with Henry an uv er . , an com ort er as ong as she weatlier of the presen t remar of 1sid rifles and 'si;-sh0<)ter1, · stepped forward s~ys ont 0 heav~n? Do ye swar to this~ has, it is believed, kill ed off' the potato clock· · · · · · · · · · · : · · · · . . . . . . . . . . . DO· . ,. T;ge, before Ahmghty God, au' this oourt1' buas ~hi h I t h I . Toadj11stinghorolog1callyt.heisochru·w1th the thief, a yo1i11g 'man . wearing a "I d J b ' h ' . . "' ' e as summer ecamc a armmg- nal mech_ aQism of said clock.. .. . . . DO· . ~old, devil-may· care expression. His · , 0 ' 0 ' an t ar. 8 m~ fist Oil· it-- ly numerou! t.lirou;:hout thi~ p11.rt .of the To- equalizing th~ nconstic resnlt:1 ut .. hands were s~curely .fastened behind his ~~~ ~~;),har. I iwar it an 11 pull stakes State. At the time the frost came c.ut of . · of" heel iierci1~siou upon ~h· with b11ckskin thongs. Clad in hue~the _ ground about th e lat of Jan.,_the in- · verge pallets of said clock .. ; . . .. ':-. · DO , "Then ye're released on thein . tcrn:1s,an' Tn adJ'i1·t1 the d1' t · b t ·e):in from head to foot, he pres(mted. n aects came up to the surface, evidently un· · ~ ·' ng · 11 .ance e Wef'n· the boys'll help · ye git yer trapa down to d h . the c~ntre<_,f gravity of t_ he_pendu.l nu11 pie . tnresq · ue appearance as he faced t. h .e er t e 1mprPssion that sprini? had come, 1 f .re. ~he station, but mind, I tell ye, Tige, ef and have buen fr< >Z"ll to d"ath.One f"rmanc -11.s po rnt o so shall.· that v ~ n the vibratiMiR ftf Rnopensior1. the !'tend'nlnm Sqll) yer ever caught iu 1he hills agi11 ye'll go · I h · " W'at do they call you when yer at . er m onns 1~s that tho11s:\nds of potato- cans~ t e mdex lia u.d t,o judicatt' apup 11 tre_ e. Fellt!!·s, the c1_ntrt'11 over, a.11' b ug-s wh i~_h came to the surface :L · home~ " nsked thP eulll·t. . .lld began Pl'llXnnat e lY t Iie d . a tIY nrr1val <·f thet.he priaoner rlischarged. " sun 1<t its m"ridii~n h·1 igl1t . .. : . . . . . 5()· . "Ain~t g~t enny hnll!e, leastways in . . . , t9 crawl ab1 1ut have been ki:Jled by hard ,, Aud b1~ Comanche Bill, "'ho 11tood hack f·roo· . h h 1 d d h h. · " · ~ 1 s. w IC succee . e t e t aw · ·Total o9 00.. · these. parts, s11 llenly replied the pri,.oner.- in the cro·vd. drew his pistol a11d said:· . · · · · · ·' · · · · ; , · · · · · · : . · · · ·'9<' . "Ain't hey? Well, wat's tlle you A . t · · -· ·· --" Amen! a.nd ;my s11oozer that say& J o b's \ N m i; sep~ration cas~ is. "bout · ,. . tuk w'en. yo·1 left the States then1" law a.iu'.t le.vel has got to light rue right ' to be dbc1d_ Pd m P 1 ir1s, the parhes m . the A qpmc wh1 it .' c:<se h'.·1!\ j1111t q The boys hyer .on the . hills call me hyar.,, . case beii)g M. Ferrand, snb-lea':l& r of lhe be~n deCided i11 En!.!l~irl by Chief .Tu11tice· Tiger Jim." . .otch.,~tr;1 of·. the Op"ira Comiqu.;, and his Colerid~e n11rl two of hli.,1.ilsocl1tt'es. A m 'all apptc'ip~i~ted a s~y 0 i h~i~· :i;"~~~f~e ~!!~?!ioo~J J '~the a~ str~igh~." !.e' int~nded b~st b91~ ~he banq~et w~s ti;~ ~f_.f~~.. I cam~ to;a;~r~i: ~yes I "F~llo'\\ff, ~n'-Icmrne se~-yeM, d~rned ~£I d~q't it-~ Jae~ tl~em ~ .ne.."' Ii~ ry.thmg-1~ D~ thi~kmg " !f ro- "' A · 0 - . 0 '. -,· · Q :r.,11u~rk~ble " Wall, Tige, yer spotted as 11 hoss thief, AN ,~meric:m paper tells 11 g< x1d story wife, who was n. rich widow. The lady, ho11~ht a fl ht- d al'ts t iCket from London to. 11.n' J rPckon that"s sumthin' in it or ·the about a cleri;(ym:u1 who lost his horse one findiug.fault with the way in· which the Sca.rboron_ g h, and on back ot ,jt these· . boys wudn't a brought y~ in. ·You can't Saturday evenin¥. Aft... r hunting, in com- mllsicili.n loeked up her monev -one dav words were printed: "' lsi!ued acct,irdin~ to. expect a t<iney trial like you'd vi~ down t.ti pany with a boy, until midnight, he t.:(!IVe br0ke open her 'in~l)and's stron:,' box ,w;-.i the com pan, ·A rt:g11lati1) i_ 1 s, anrl 1111hject to.Laramie or in eny 1/ them towns nlonr.c the up in despair. The next da), somewhat shut herself up in her ronru with he; ser- t.he col'_<l!tious in the, t,irnti tahle~ 'of the" road. We hevn't eny pa.per. pens itr ink, i ejected at his lnss, be went into the put . Vat>t. M. F~rmml, OJI returuiug hom·; i r~specl:rve co111p1.111i(·8 "" "r wht1~ll_ !jµes, t,hi1 " · ) . or eny o' that sort 0 · foolislm ess np hyel' pit, a1.d tuok for his text thti following and finding he had been robhed, demand· t wke f is :waila l:ile." ~lit the trai1.i did not. · "; in the hills. au' thar aiut oH.e o' ns ~sconl<l. passage from Job: - ." Oh, that 1 knew ed an e.xplaualion, bnt his ivifo refu~<\rl t,o start '·t t he tirne > LTH1 onncerl, 1111,l faitetl tt> engineer 'em ef we had, we'll jist grind where to find him!" The boy, who had answer, and r cma.ined harric:uleci. in be~ rrn\ke its B·~ ver~ised conhections.; . 'l'he pas80 her through, an' do the best we kin Jor l j11st co~e iu, su_Pposing the h~rse was s~~ll room. Th" husbaud, ·n.fter in vain senger ~ofit t~~ t:ai11 he Wil>nted't ··i,.meet ~t you. In the name of the Jaw, I now ax the burden of his thought, cried ·mt, I 1 summoned the gnnisou to· in Laecls, a111l. h11dmg he wnnld ht\ve to wait you uid you collar that.lmsl-but stop 'er kt1ow where he·is-he's in Deacon Smith's \'ested the place in the Ulost etfectu:i.l i:,· th r'.;e hn11rs for another, procured a special rWdhar; do!fgone it, I forgot to swar you .. barn! " nel', and had th<'~ d_ oorway biiilt up. The tr>un to take him to his destination, which Cuin mitey neal' forgittin' it. Hold up . .A PA.'rR.ON. of ii. ·certain newepa~r once next day a: sortie was-attempted but wit h· h.e r eac_ h cd a n hnnr and a .q1111rter after tbt!>· yer right han'!" to the publisher: "1\fr. Printer, ho'w out-success. After passing se;i~al'nonrs tune _h.e_ \\'.«B~_lLLpa_id_fu.r_~he tl1\.in_ _ . "!fold up nuthin'.. How kin I when is it you neveT called on me for pay for in great _ anguish, Mme. F errand at aq~ th«:.n sued _the compa.ny for the extra :.. ; they'r tied titer'n blazest" thepaperl"" O !"' said the man nftypes, ·'we determined : to make known her position, e~>ense. The County Con rt declde1i that..i "That's eo. , Yer k'rect, Tiger, but. gess never ask ·a gentlema n for money." "In- and e_ n veloped some sous in pieces of pa- t,he company must pay for the apecial, eny member o' the body 'll be 'cordin' to d~ed," replied the patron; "how d o you per u pon which she ho.d written a state- and now on appe:il the Hi~h Court of · law in 'xtrerrie cases. Stedy ' him a liU!e, mana\5e to.get along when they dori't pay1" ment of the·case. Unfortunately this to~k ~nstice ha~ re-o.ftlrmeci thia decision. Thil'I;; 1 fellows, so'.s he kin hold np his right foot ." "Why," said the editor, "after a. certain place on the lat of April, and it \Y~s s()me Court d ecideil that ~ ~·ail way company iii _ "Tige" raise-d hi11 moccasin covered time we c<~ncl·1de that he is not a gentle· time before any one ventured to crive no· b.ounrl to car ry passengers accordinr.( to itR, foot while a. guard on each side held him man and ;.,e ask him." "0!-ah!--yes ; - tice to the authorities, considerlng the tune-tables'. and is responsible to them for· in·p<·sition._ I see! ~Ir'. Editor, please i.i~e me a re- whole affair a hoax. At last, however, re- I,Jos~es rn~~Lrned by n.11 unnccossary delays. 1 "Now, then, I ain't ny on thc.rn "ar ceipt," a~d hands him thecash. "Make lief u.rr~ved,and now the besieged demands This dec~srnn, ·endei·ed. by the 1i1oat emilaw.yers' nffydavys, but I'll make her stout my name all. right on yonrbook." ·a separation . · nent Jua_ge on th~ E~gltsh bench'. will have· enuff to hold a · M"xican run.l e. '.l;iger · . . . . . . great weight, as 1t will form a.n)ruportu.nt., ·m lo yoii · b th , h I ,.,,. . ·. ·1 .· . A BUFFALO man dreamed he W:tl! gomg A.'f.Ind1MJ.apohs cat got to playing w1th p recedent here 118 well as in Eiwlaud l Jl , l . . . 1- · o v ,., · . · wife · by the a small turtle the other day, and w as liav· "' · . ' t th swar yf "' . · T oses . · ac· ..· ()Ver the Falls and hatl his - - -- ·- -- - · h en he · wo ke up. corm e 1llWSO h. nyommg err1tot· ..y:'It . · · 1roat, · time .· tumbling · . . arouDd · I T l1as heen reserve d fo1· PrusHh~ to proth d t . o . . w The next mg a mce it when 1 · ~ll ~\ ~ry 1'11 hne ye c. ip lhnto. IDY_ rac\_ et. ~night ehe h'l.d a dream, and broke his nose suddenly the turtla's jaws closed 'on the duce a General who h:u1 re11 tly pl\lllleci. 1 d ye 'tl?JVe . h e sqnar · she, struck .at RJl ·Ind111.n. · · not cats , tail. · · It. · active and retired· military · d · 118 1 ti t trut · An' . . ef ·you· · j' 111 He will There was some very lively eig ecu d es m d on ' o you ope 111 ve may g1t chawed· b · · · F' 11 M ars ha1 Count Wrarigel. h ... a· . . · · . pro ably have any more bad dreams till tumbling then o.n the pa.rt of the cat to an service. l? c · 1 0-:> ,. · 1 b up Y IL grizz y, c oppe . to pleel'll hy a .. , · ' . . . ' 11 · · 1' ~ ,.95, and is conse-t .. t . . . Ins nose recovers, accompamment of her own selection Two "'as a J!l·l ~r m 1, . S wnx; . s ·rnn~ · · youug ;· she's not here" houri!' after she .was ieen exan1ining · that . ' q1ieutiya aurvivoro · f t he tirst French revo. "~oii., ti .· .·up , .o ka pi-1e ', f . with . a rnpe , · "Go ont, 10 ..... n ·yer · ne" ' · tei.derly, · · · Iu t' ::". H . · ·m nee · .an ai1 to connect said a P ennsylvania preacher last Sunday hd evidently ·wonderinv if the nary ~ar, wh en "" l·apoltton I.· had yet: 0 .on eaven w et1 yer 11te goes out to the . .· · . · ' . · . t0 k h 'Tl best · yer_nnderstandin' as pro.oided by m the midst _of lm. 1 strmo.11_, .tl_ · a . y outh piece wo11ld grow out agam. ma e -is .. ay. 1e N estnrian will com1)lete his eii,chtieth year General i n tha, 0 t a t.mgI Y m t h e . THE ex cess of expendit ure over receipi t and rng l 1 h h . . ..,. w om e saw s ea1 law?," . d P russian military service in· A,ngust next-·. "·Thai'~ jist \'v'at 'i does pardy .,, · oorway. . · m connection with the postal service of 1 the Dominion is above $300,000. · During e. "' N . ow T' er th · , , I~Q UIRY is made for Hannah ·D11fton. a 1 W BAT sine . e the W D"rL 1, 1 .~re1 v· man. . . d ' , 1g , y 0 r uu er- oa , an e" ry , . . . . . w ".,. "' · tirui> yer speak yer wnut tcr hit the bun·;' gushn~g ,crea~ure who r an away frorµ Can- 1 th11 fisc~J ~ear 1874 75 42,000,000 lstter11 w~s chainl-ld np a nd Tom White quit ._ _D . id .yoi~ nip the't hossr ,, a<la. with ~ tm pe<ldler. tw~nty years .11~0. and 31,300,000 p~pers pa.ssed t.h ro11gh the mng for pHrliameut life has been me a bur" \Vall; Uncle Job, tliAre's no use o' A fortnu!} of.$400,000 is said tft b i,1 waitmg -po~~· . . d en and we pine upon our sten·· ~Sun- th-~ 0 i saia I I I h I ii 0 lyjn' 1 wAt\ ...L, >t11_ "· . ~· :Jd1l~J ~doh'~~ nig~t, . nfo orce . oTer t o JR.. ahc.1~t it, a~'1'Jt tell you jist how it · for her. · , · l}N'DE!t the Iowa. civil damage law the skitter. Y"r know, tbn· war IT is, stated in _ Lond_~n that th,ire is no 1 wfyes of drnnkit.rds in Sioux Cit:i- have) STA.TISTICIA.NS say that ther . Al w·1k· ' r;i.noh iri . " foundat~on w'ha.~ever. . . . d ea1·fl.\~ ·f.or 11ums. l!o~ou ntini iu 2,Q()0,000 "," in the II are ov. er . 1 ma for the teporteP. err" '. su~d hqnor. United l.="ar 1hsr. Al had hffo of · aU t-0 $00,000. .. counting little htns .. a.! i~~ll'i Prince·-:~&~~' j lS~, ~i,~h,out ~. ii

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