Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1876, p. 4

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· 1816. Gt.ORf.1 II. 'l'H4tJI \!Ii On the tram the other day &Fter lea\ mg thf station the con 1 wtor ·as fuakmg his first roi1nd \V hen he observed a small wlute dog wi1 h a bushy hi! ao d bnght black eyes sittmg c >Stly on a Boat beside a ~ oung lady ·o handsome tlrnt it made his heart 'Toll o~er hke a lop so led pu npkm Dut duty was d 1ty and he remarked 111 )1 a deprecatory 1nannerI m very sor1y madam b 1t its against the rule· to have doge m the passenger has a. 18.t"ge n m ber of _,__ 1 Insure your Homes In the Isolated I-tbk I1 enrance Com_.Pap y M·nt Awarded the E!ghestMedai atVion.aa ____ _ _ _W R CLlMIE OF THE bom1n1011 ot: Canada its Pronnce.s, Westa 11 lnsu1 a ne INCOl\I OHATED 1851 OapLlal $800 000 Fire a1 d Mar1nti Hea.d Office-- 'Ioronto The Best Patromzed, Most Thorough and P1act1cal Busmess School m Canada An Institution for Busmess Tiammg where Boys Young and Middle Aged l\len can procure an Education smted to the wants of every day hfe rhe subiects taught are JUSt such as every Merchant Farner l\1echamc and Profea \Vorthy of notu:f'I and much more 8 othan e1onal 1\Ian require in transact dg every day bns1n as a.nd Editors of Newspapers I embrace the tollowmg cthem other fellows you know and the brakes and water el ery B HALD \N Esq Hon JOHN M MURRicn Managing l> rector R & H 0 HARA Agents The Isolated Ri:,k and Farmers FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY DF CANADA Head Offico K ng St Corner Ch rch Book Keepmg by Srnglc and Double Entr) Rpencerian Penman"lnp Our Stock is one of the best lll ICommercial Paper Banking Steamboatrng Cones1 ondence Arithmetic lines or li.f ech amca j Brokerage Spel.llng Comme1c1al Law Piact1cal f_,rammar "' WATCHES, l jDrawmg Actual Busmess Course relegraphrn!! Phonog1 aphy e· I anterns, Be 1 J: Manu acturers of the MICRO "CJENTIFIC T ANTERN STEREO PAN OPTICON UNIVERSITY STEUEOPTICO .AD> ERTI 0 YR < STER~OPT ICON AR~OPTTCON PLATED '\VARE NEW CUTLERY, Our 001 rse of Tram no: is under the supervmon of rnvEN COMPFTENT AND EXPERIENCED TEACK:1RS COMPANY BiC:ORPORATED 1810 SCHOO! LANTEUN FA MIL y LAN TJ:RN PEOPLES LANIERN Each tillJle bejng the best ut its c1al!l&bt the Time, Money and labor Saved FRE~O::Er Cata og ee f Lanterns u d SUdes whh dlrNl ions for uit: ng sent on apnlicaho:n HARTFOIW CUN ap1tal $1 000 000 Assets o"Ver $2 500 000 - R & ll 0 HA.HA \gents OIL POLISH Th · French Oil Polt·h i· ! ~I 1~1 l )>I I "I [_j_ Hand in prepnred for }land Mtdual Curringe5 "'Bngg es Harnes& B to aDd Sh< es AND ALL KINDS OF LEArHER I CD f I )> I I ~mz 1 1 ~I C·p tal and Inv o"!"d unds over$· ooo ooo ESTA BL!SllED 1817 rhls ts an old and reHnble Compn.ny and ti ~ IC I _j_j_ OILS I Rates much l wex J an Amer ca» or Engl sl Compa.n es and the profite o. gc HeNi Office llan :flto:n G UAMSA 1 Esq R& l\lana· g l PATN18 COLOHS :ti" At the very lowest pr ces VARNISHES and \\ HITELl.:A TIARTEORD CONN Assets fORSE AND C tTTLE MEDICI:NES Storepeekers over$:? 000 000 I & IS ! [nsures ag-alnst and .Accident R &H OHARA T 1eBradburyP1anr A. Ill. D \ IU,EY, Oenera.l Agent THE BEST MADE It & H 0 llAllA · purchased rhey Wet-e ·O kept Until a fe\\ weeks ·mce (all together). when fifty one cho1(;0 steers wete selected a d sold rw(l thoroui:h bred shorthorn· were rncluded STOTT, AND DRUGGIS1 Druggs, Medicines and Chem1ca is, SA1ISFACTOUIL"'i ORGANS r you waut a tlrst elAss Organ purchase manu!ac ured by THB DOMINION ORGA.N CO Dye Stuffs Patent Medicines Oils Pa;nt Brushes Coal U1 l and Coal P1 SICIAN~ A ~ 81JPERI01 GENERAL R ELIABLE for the AGENTS When vo 1 "ant anythin! m the arriage !me give JAMES MORRIS a all ·- l he "ill smt you Prevcn s the Ha. r from Falling Stuck of Afedicines com B 0 S l O Ii Burnett's Cocoame Promotes its llea.lthy Growth h notG ea ynorSticky a1 .-60 000 Organs mnde of the common steers winch at least woul\l ba 30 I er cent Now 30 p·>< oont m value and 28 per cent m ···e wo ·Id make 58 ver .cent m favor of the sho<thorns This ALSO l"Olt d sold - - Burnett's Cocoame Burnett's Cocoame Leaves J DU1abreeal>Io Odor GEO RTE CK & CO 8 Machine - 18 J I - fw 01, n JUE P \I, Pl~l'WO Burnett's Cocoame Subdues Refrnctory Hair For Tern s al d Catalog e Companies addre!!ll3 the ab Te 11 tf Burnett's Cocoame Soothes the Irritated Scalt>-Skm Burnett's Cocoalne A1l'orda tho It chest Lustre Burnett's Cocoalne Is l ot nn Alcohol c W sh I 11 s Dandruff'. Burnett's Cocoame Burnett's Cocoatne C ves New Life to the Ili. r Burnett's Cocoame Remains Longest in Effect. SO and iJ cent. per Bottlo PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWREr.CE. MONTREAL P Q Age·ts for Domin Ort of Canada. JOSEPH BURNITT & CO. BOSTON, THf WE fKl YGlO~Hor 1876, SUBSCRIB- NOW' Of late ~ears th~re has been a great re volut10n. m the management of hogs Tl e large mammoth breeds have been d1scar<leo for those of medium and even small s ze The Yorksh res and large Berksltres are v J: c K ·S FLOWER ANO VECEHIBLE CARDEN T"v FtR~l 01 ASS I AN I :itAKERS llc LUNG BRO!! y

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