· SE .., ' Over B~twee~ ALEXANDE R R0SE, Plaintiff, IN THE l>f.!. 1' TE]I OF PA RTITION .I.NI> ------ITH E KI N G- 0 F p uM ps ! ' . . ~ ~ - '··· 4oo Stood the · T~st of W-iuter ' with Perfect Success I , "'1 . GRE~TJ , -~('. 1llO'l'LEY, .ffl.'.:. a ·· ,.b . ·;1r~ ers y · ma11 p r omp R cte.r e:ra_cea ,Jf: ~·.equired. - -- -- ---·-·~-~ -- _ P I ANO AND ORGAN TUNER, Bown1an \·llle, On\. te n ded, G00<1 :E'. C1. -:13: : r J.VJ: E 181' . "· ~ . ) " : '·" - ~eorl(e Swan, ·Da\>ht Sw~n, Andrew Swan , ,_ _. , ,William Roo·, John F letcher, M..ry \J . Ann Fl6tcbcr, .a nd Janet Swan, an THIS PUMP JS T'HE , CH E APEST , Infant uNd'er. the · age of T wenty- one . and tn oRt < les ira blc pump in the mark.e t.. year.~ ' · Defendan ts. Th ere are no v nlves a.bout it to become obst ru cted u o scre w joint s to bec om e immovTo ·the- ~bov e n amed d efe ndn.nt'8, and t,o all · able by 'rli.st. It l\ ill rais ~ wat er fr om a: dee-p ,.,.·ell w ith perfe ct e a se ; 'l>lll not f r eeze .un~ ess RUB - BE .R - -BU"1KET _ PUMP, Clearing: Sal el I . . . . ·. ' ,> . '· ! -Hesid en ce toa· Sa l e. 0 --- - ---- --- --- :--, The subscriber, in consequence of the late fire has - ~; ,. · ·;.':.: , .. !-tlwa.y s r a ises thep ur P- nl , 01 ,lde4 wntel', froJn T.A.ltl~ NOTl~E. th r.t· n. i;.:i cttt lnn \Yill h e rn·~- 1he b ottom of the well , a nd \Vlll raise a ba:rrel sented to this Honorabl e (.~1>11rt nn d I<) the .Turlgo , of1l~! \~\. ·~u "' rap ce t1u ·n 1 ·e l ~n'a 't'. " n · ·' ""111"n"1'lle, Ont . P;ice tb:Neo!prcsldin g in Chau1ber s nt 1J<: gooil1~ Ha.11, ~· < "' , 11 ·· ,~ · f'll th e City of Toront,o, un d Province of Ontario, for pu ttin g in, rearl y fOr use. SJ~ for fir st 10 feet, en ?ttONDAY t h e 15t h D J\,. Y of .l\.1A Y, 18';6, a t . an<l fortv ccnt 13 for eac h addit1onn1 toot. le o'clock in th e :(orc nobn ,' or so soon the reafter Th e fol lowin g tie11 Ucu1en b ear t estimony t1 · All Coun sel can b e b eard, pra.ying t h nt a parti- · the unequ a lle d exce llence of thi ~ pump, v l.z . n.le , w h ich ever t h e s n.i tl Co11r t niay Joseph 1\icClellan, F.:sq . l\fan Rger D o1nin101 t {o:u. o r E ·ftf31nntost adYa ntagoous.m11y be mad P. ot a.11, , Bunk OSh awa; F . ,V. Glf'n , ,V . H eplnstnJJ · . . and singular, t.h e following ht nd s a nd p re1niHeH, Thos.' Con a nt, Ch as . Honey . t~. D ro \V, A . S. tba.t is to s a y :- Town Lot. Num ber H G, in nlock 'Vhitin g & Co ·· C. , V, bent, \V. Scott. ~ J fronting on C hurch St .. in t he Town of BowAgen ts w a n te d in cYe ry co un ty . , ma.nville, ill the County of D\lrhn.1n, a.n d Prov· ~"-d<lreas. c. TTll\fES, lnce of Onta rio. !}ontai1hng, one qua.~tor 0(. a n B oWm anville, Ont. . aorc of lan d , t o:i'Eitllei- with t h e buUdi11g-~ I lier e· . .: · · · · oa, a.nd tho appurtenances t h ereto belonging. ·-=~~-"'-"-"-",,,-.-"-"-""' -"'~ =~~~~~-"'=-"~~~-"-""-"-"--"-"'-"-"-"-". "'=-"' -"""'""'==""=,;;,=,;,,,,,,,.,,,,,,;,,,...,.....,.And Take N'olk:e, t h n.t all perstln>!l1tj.vin:c, O?' c ta.hnlng , a.ny inte r est i n the said la nils, aro to appear at saiil. thne a n d p lace , aml state what . c lalrue, lfa.ny, t h e y hav e to t he sai~i lands, and iko.t ln default of their so A.ppearing, the said ' Matter will l;ie p:toccmled w ith in thcil· absen~e. Yours, et c., _ · JlfoDOUGA_LLS & GORDON. ,S olicitors f Q r Plaintiff. P,.ted ~th- A p ril, 1S7U. _ (37-3in .) d.eecribed ,- · iereot ln Uie I.a.nd a.nd P l'~m1scs hereinaftel" t h e ·well itf:elf is rrozcn ; never nt:n is pr imnin: l,lu)tn-e,w n pe r:.ons h a.vin g , or cl!t-i n1ing, A.nY in- ....J ,l\tA N, in th~ T own of B owman ville, CllR· sl"rlng of 13. OiC:tewo f l an d w ith good brick hou~ ki tc hen n.n d wooll-l'h ed , s m a ll bn.r n a nd s ta ble with s heds, ~"'C. :·got Kl or c hard, w ith e very ot.h er c onvenience. I f. M>!! i-old b y th-e Jst of May it wi ll bei t o let. li'or p.arti'Cnlal's appl y to S. JJ liH DEN. F eb runry 2, 1S7u. II' 4--TELYJlWN_ E D BY THOS. :BELL· Bowmnnville. Z7 STOCK-TAKING } determined to . Sell Qff:_ -His . Whole Stock . ,·r ovnier is r equcB k d to p rove prope r ty, pay e:x-· p ense13 a ud ta:k e 'her a way. -. _ _ AME into tho prPmiRPS of t he Rttb'J C three · yeat old DUR HA'lf G R ADE HEI R1'-::R . Theri · s c ribe~, on or R.bout lh P 2lfi:I, Instan t, a S A . L E · .- P. AT GREATLY REDUCED PlUCES ' . - . 1 < " Do wm~~illc, Ma rch SO, ~87~· -- --. -~ C. GIFFOHn . ~cb~ ntu1·es for ~ a le. FIRE.I FIRE I FIRE! - --:----T. BATTIN"G; in order that he may reopen at his old stan<l with a stock . · . e~tirely new. ' " F.F.McARTHUR ~·; oH'er fur s a le Five Deben ture~ at th e , , j). ht. ge of X e w cu.s tlc, value $635 ea<'h , b e n.1ing ln . t~r·at at seven pe1· cent. J"'or further pa1'li(~ ula11 ~~ppl7 LQ T H I!; NEWCASTL;E HAR RO L I't CO. G , r~ N 'I' I, E 1'1 E N ! DAILY LINE TO ~ Begs most .respectfully to int·o~m his custom ers and tl~e public . - generally that he haS' 'determined to _· -' ·_ _ -_ ' ~ '·, Oo.mmeneing on or.abou t. THURSDA. Y. t &e:a!:'.lll A.~"Jll.L, JST~. . OFF THE S'I10CK sav,!;lil fro m ,.will · 1· sell the r.··, The stoek now held ne 'Eids no exaggerated puffing to cqmrnen-d it to publie !lPpro,v&l, but is kJiow}; on~. the largest and be~t selections r i Staple and Fa.ney Dry Ggoods ever placed before the inhabitant. -of: this town and neigh borbood: .- - - II. NICHOLS ON, Sec. ~!rwc astl e H a.rbot" Co a s of , ' '. ! 1 ·. .. THE ST·E AMER the late fire, An early call is respectfully solicited. Reduced Prices. THOMAS PATERSON. Will Tnal< re: her r egu lar t riJ1s on t his r ou.tc; Ie11:v· ing C o bq urg e.very mor nin g at .7.30 n..m . o.nd ' Port Hope at 9 o'cl ock for Roc hqs.te r ; , connect · · ' tntJ thore ·w it h rh ei New Xorlr. Ccn t.l·a.t,:N or th .ern . C entral anrl , Jt.;rie '· R a il w ily a, 1 u1 d· Lake Ontario , Shore Dh"Hdon of the Ron·t>, \Y11.tertown ·&nd~ · Ogdensburgh H.ail way, for ..-ull .poiuts cast , wes t and·sour,h. · RE'l't1RNING:- '\\i"ill lea ve Cba;rlottc tPort of Doehester) dnihr a t g, p.1n. exce.pt . ~a.t1ird11.rs, when nhe 'will leave e.t 3 p. m. tor .-Port llope · ueale!!t11 in Stoc k, etc., will find. tliis the chea)J· e!lt a.nd m.od 4.i:Ype11iti o u~ · route to Boston , :Albany. Ne~ York , &c. l'.'or further intormation o.µp ly to .' ~~. .DIRT on yOu r..:.g tt.rm entR, I lY iU cl t'an them ; or 1! they a r e fad ed, I w ill bring them to t h eir ri>:h t color a ud ni ak e t h em so that n o one w ill know t h em from ne w . Dl'El.NG DO~E .... S &t lsf&etiun g uaranteed or n o cha rge, ' THOMAS N ;·A TE . d' Opposite ,T. Hmu·'s Bla.ck!:ml t h-ehop, " ,' B owm a.n villc,' F~bruary 16, 1876. :.9 I F THERE 18 GREASE, PA lNT OR REC)EENE D.I I. ha.ye . pleasure in informing. the public·thitt I have reopened in my okl stand, (two doors West «if t hePostOffice,) with'an entire new stock of fresh }'AMIT.Y . . ~ CO:RN'NALL NEXT T~REE WEEKS, A' f - -· GROCERIES '" {3(1 ' " ~ · 'i · . · PortJ:lo pe, or C ..F . GILDERSLEEV E / , R. 'CRAWFORD. -. Kl·roton . " , r.EN Po~t .Ofilce, April 3rd,, 1876, not pre· v10luily advertised . . 'T ftnn{lt, G . T: .' ~fllrtin, All[i:U S. Bat1~e-ren11, Isaac l\flddl eton, Ja.a. Ula:Ck, .Jno. O'Neil, Michael \, }ll10:e'k..1'h'.) ~ . '" Sullivan, Jtt.s ' Cnrrrlinghnm, '.lno. St'4.1tt, Nr,rrla . :F\ii't.,;q~ralcl. Mifl.8 E liza . 1'uy.Jol'· Erl w .i.rd Gotilion. Jno. T l'ot.ler, Ge o. - E'fHNING IN THE R f,i,..t 01· r.t-11 .. r"' , ENNISKIL- "MAN~ING'S OLD STAND. Commencing . Febr~ary. 24:ta. . ·' . . .. l · BLANKETS V,ERY LOW, llfy aim shall be to - KE EP th e BET AND E LL AT THE' '!Kno11e, IIenrr · .· lllc~lnner, \Vm . ' Veb b, ' C has. ..,---,----~.::___ D _._,_v_ ._ M _ oL _E_ O _D _._ ·_ P ._ M: _ _ ._ iI~T· ilon , .l!.frl!i. E. D. · '\Vil~on, G. \Vest,, Sllml. The Bowmanvillc Furnit ure Factory having commenced running again , and the, new Company hav_ing appointed ~lie undersigned Retail Agent for the · rown and sur.roundmg <:ountry, lie I & prepared t o pffer the very best , tylos of Furniture at prices below anything at which it can .be proou'red elsewhere in th e P rovince. Buy your Staple Goods ' "' LO::W-EST POi'"S:rBLE PR ICE. hr.we d etermined t o ad op t t he Ibelieving i t t o be adYant n.geo m NOT ON LY to 'rH~ HU YER but. al so -to t he S E L L E R ·. PAR C-E LS DELIVERE D· CASH SYSTE M, ,, . .-.: ... :, . . .. , .... , Store I UNDERTA< KING! for Spring and Summer. ' ~ ALL J>AR'l:S· -aµport u:« 1tr o f in!o.r n1i ug thcu1 that t hey ha ve uow ou. hand th~ ,: , I F unerals furnished in every 'respect in 01e very best styles and at prices lower than any other fit'll1 in the country. One of . the finest Hearses in the :Province SENT F REE to any funeral fµ rnished by the subscrH/er~ within ten miles of BownianVille. · N RETURNIN G THANKS TO THE jiuhlic lfor th 11ir li berr\1,patronn.gc , 1 n.kc t h is Also, agent for Raymond's celebrated Metallic Coffin R,_,N ew'.York. Messrs. Yellowlees &Quic~ · ef' the town with prornptn e~s . ·For ' Cash only. ,,_ .. HigJ'iest price paid for all k inds ot· produce. JOHN McMU HTRY -·-·. ·' ! .. 1,:lr1>cst-, HC-s!, ancl ( 'heapt·st !'"'.tock of" p : Q ·ew·anWe, Oo\ebk lJ. F.Y. COWLE. TH E GREA T RO{ll PAPEP & WINDDW SHADES -·<8TC'r otr~ rcd i n Dow m a n Yi11 c ; a.lao, a. fine a ssort ment or having bc0n circulated that t he tindersi"1led has been overcharging in his · Undertaking department, -he qegs 'to su bmit the following fi1:,rures, which · · he challenges any one t o contradict·:___:'· Reported amount char ged, $ 50 : . . 1'. ACtual am opnt charged, ~l 2. 30 ' ; ' · ", 9. , -~- ~5 ,', ; .3 . GO .. · :1 " 50 .. . ., 50. 72 ... . " .H II ;'". , H H ' -ft English Remedy I . CHILDREN'S C.A RRIA.G·ES both of .American n.n d· Can ndin.n 1nanufi1cture 1 whk.h will be !!!Pl d ~'\,.F.H.Y CHEAP FOH CASII. _.,;;--'.\\",e tit:ee p o n--ka n d 0 a full~ e u ppb' .;f ~ lll"tho H1Hlks- - .. II t -- - ~ ~ - . reqtilred'-in ho~~ ~Il gh and Co m1non Schools, INKS, . P E NS, ,.,l ,AT KS, LE AD AN D SLATE .' ~:KN CI LS , a t .th e \' c.rr J... O\\'"E ST PRibJ; :;S. A.lea. a la.rgea>isortmc nt .of .L ~dies' Con1panion s, V."ork-Ilo::ces, \ Vrlting-Dcaks, C!l.rd-Ca..8es, F ln wer-VaSes, J,l\d iea' & Ge ntlemen's Poc k ttl·Bo,oks, C ombs ot ;a ll k inds , H a:ir, Tooth a nd Shavi ng Brushes, n. very fi nf'l lot of lnkst!l.nds, G old~pln ted aa.d R libber Brooches & Ea..~-d rops, y.iCct ro~ pl&tt!d Table, DesScr t, , and 'l'en Spoo ns, I vor )'· handlfld I\:nives a nd Forke, or t he best qmLli ~y : :Mlrror3, all styles &nd f3 lzes : al so a. Yery large a1.l!ort1nent or Pict ures · and P icture Fra,me ~ . . .~aentletne n's C olli~rs and C uffs, of t h e. best s tvhi~ ~; t·nd makes: B ase a n<l ·l~ ubber Dalla of all kind:B, J.leJor~ taki11g. , ~RAJ'S_ _After .'.J.'aking. SPEC FIC IVJEli! C 'l l~ E j 4 oe:1 WJLLIAM ~ W.. P. ]?ROW ER. 35 - l3o~·n1 anv i !.le", l i ar ch 2!), .l Sl G. EYery btiycr should see our st(){;k of-· . - - - ' - ' I CAStNET & COMUtNATtON I. IMPROVED AND REMODELLED .· · DOMINfON ORGAN CO. 'S · '. . . . . ·,, _ STA p L'E -- - . -BROS. llow preparing for STOCK-TAKING, and will ms.ke ·a ' Cur es a ll X F.nvous DISE.\sEs, sucb 11s r nEMOP.l'S D EBI LITY, PnOSTRATIOK, et c. , w h ich , in mnn ;: ca ses are pr oduce d by o ver in dulgen ce in tho use o f tobRcev and a lcoholic bpil·i t s ; b tHi .the Specific Mc d i,.~ n e is.m or e cspeciaUy r ccom m e ud. ed as o.n u n fai ling c ure f rSEM JNAL \V &A K NESS ~PER.2'1.&TonnllEA, IMro TE NCY , and a ll rl i seasc~ t ba.t follow as a s eque nce of Se1f .A b u ::;e. a s Lo· OF ?\i P.:)C ORY. UNCVE RSAT , J~AS SJ T U DE , P AI)I' l !( THE DACK, D Dt: NESS OF V IS ION, Pr1IG.M ATUR E I OLD A OE, a n d many ot.h er d l sca~cs t.b at lc'n d to l N8 AN11'Y or Co'1'SUMP1'ION a n d & P REMA'JURD G tl.A \'t~. all of whic h, n.s n r ule , are flJ l't cn usf" d h r- dev iatin g from the path of n o. turo a nd over lntl ulgen c.c .. . . Th e Specific Medicine is the rec;;ult of a 1ife !ltu dy and mnny :rears of c~eriC'n cc In tn:-atlng th ese s p(:eill.l diseases. Fn !\ parHCnl nr.f! In our JH\rr.uh let. w hi ch wedesh'e to send fr ee by n1a.ll QR,G-AN""S l '. . ,.. -'\V · h &vealso' a fi !1o assort neat or · E_ very buyer 11hould see "pr stock ol. -- I ..:'." ', ~.. · ' ~-·.r. ' "· amily· and Pocket Bihl" "' Hymn &ml Paa.hu Bnok-B, Mnod.r ~t ~ankey' s Hynl[\ft ,, ·a.u.<l. a l a.rge J1.8eo rt... tnent of lJ.).,k s a< lnpt.ed _for 8. S.Lihrary, &c . -- ,..,..., = : -0 " F?~cy : D,ress THOROUGH CLEARAGEI Goods., if it ;JI possible for · - ' 'l'he S pecifi c 1-fedl <'in e Is sold b"r n il nr u g~ l ~t!! 1 lt $1 pc'r paoka. i;re. or six packa~e's for $5. or will b e ~e n t b y niail on r eceipt o f t he money, by nd- to ""°"T3 one. ·d ressinr · ::a:: ,...,...., :s:: ' ::z: - ,..,..., ~· ·., . LOW PRICES - · ' WJLLIA M GRA Y & CO .· \ Vi nd so r , Ont.. @ Sold In Bow manvllle by .1 . U ig-gin borh a.m and D . Stot.t, and a ll Druggist,s P-ve ry whe re. . NORTHROP & J,Y:\f Al'\, Tn1nn t.o. ' '\l' h111Pf"H lf· Agenl.!'!. ' .A110 · v~y chea p l ot <'I f Blank> Books, nnd e. large. stock o1 f_,it-7. a.ru~ Morris a nll Co's pcrfcctt>d ' . ~pe.ctl\cl~~ a:nd E .c GliLH r ms, N.J .~·"p u.per'l, Peri. odicala., :&!1t.ga.ztne. 'I, &c.: ?i.lu~ic, 1!·1r:.ieal Ini':tru~ · m~~h.1r, n.nd ,ri. .Y4.riety uf li"'ancy Onod s. .--{ CJ ~ -: ~I:CT~t K E F'E" A.M I NG D ONE TO . Bow:manvUle , .Apd 1 6t h, J8i6 . ORDER. => EYery bur.er should see -our stock of ' A. ND -0 SWEE-- PING ·BARG'AINS I :::0 c= to effect it._ ' C · oN· ·r -1:.rN 1No 1!!7 ·ACRE~ L AND, ll>O a.e re'J cle.11e'1 an (l in g oorl. state of c u l· : OF ! - rort ' P,~rry, U!lad ~s s te.bli n ~. G o'lrl frR. m fl ho n:-J~. ThiR f W'·lll 1&Y8' i <Jl tt\ ~d iato ly o ittsirl e 11 1' th o ' cor l)'>ra tiou of t1vation; 85 a.cr 6s ph11 ~!J ed 1·~;L 1ly !or s prinir crop. Fra.ru~ b a r n .f/1-:i:::80. ft r.'l t >1tm·y of K! otn.e~ ,..,..., = T - -t --,:: - -.I c:::::i Every buyer should see our stock ol - - - l i F.a ncy W _ o olen Goods. ' .Evt!ry buyer should 11ee our stock of/ R··v: E'· 0-·BsE J.!A · . Until. further notice, Wint-er Goods AT WINCAT E'S Standard Eng!i~h Remedies. ·irici is one ur 1 ,k e .nu-;t 11le't.1>LnthH IS COMPANY HAS RECENTLY BEEN RE ORGANIZED BY ':THE sltuated prop e r; ,Y-'.s i n t!i e C1 >1 1ut t· y on the :al1 or O ad di t ion of t hree of· the 1n ost practical rnen f1·0111 the Factory of Cl< ·ugh & \Yarren o! Sc11:.cal{ T..i!lke-th e !Ptl C>t. t1·1ot be s nrpassc-0 . Port Perryis tL ra!'lt·!f;'f (lwi'ng to wn, ·1n d fS 'lll~ of Or gan C.o . , D~troit, t\Iich.,' each t a.kin g an act.ive pa.rt i n hi~ o wn pa.rtiCnhu· '<le partt.he bm1\. " rtj,i n m c1.t k :'t;j ia ti.Hi c Ytu u ty. Thi ~ ~8 a n 1nent , a11 d &re n11w m n.nnfaCturi ng an Or~a n ~Q UA.I. , and 'i u ln a.uy .pOiu.t11 SUPE B.Iu R, t o ftpporh u1ity t hs.t' se ldom offers for n bt fl.h,i.ug so de::airable a pr·>pe rty on e iu y tel' Ull:t of D >t~mol) t . AH:)' 1 na.1 '1uft1.C r.11red int.he O n it~J. Sta.tea or Ca.nada. · 3WOO req11i red i\o ,·n. nn'<I t li'J b >\l1 Ln ce dh· id ed \V~ · t:.t.k e pl eA..Stu·e in n.n~o 11ncin11C to o ur ~nst<)~ers and the t rade genenill'y t hat ov-e r a. ter m of'te n 've tLI' ~ . ,,. It h i nter e st a.t six per: · cont. 'J'itle indj11p utabl e . , we hi~Te B E"<Cured thl::l right. to man nf:4ctnre aud use, in t he D o1uinion e f Ca!Ja.~a., t he · P '~~Sion g l ve n ! ·nrn"d l ~;.elr. p'!"!lv f;:19d a::tal e -ea lehr&tad -l. s completed on or be fore t h e :?Oth A prll : m~t. · ,, MI~LIN~RY Goods. McCLUNG., BROS.'· OF PROFIT --~ ' ·:,· . These v01 \uabl c R eme'd ies \\· hi ch h ave stood the tc.st ol tri;i.l, u c llu: ln.:i.;t t hat ,C,xpcricno.: am.I carefu l rt J;c:in:h am produ ce for t he cure of the variou!i ciise-.?.Ses fo r which ~h ey a rt. e:.pecia lly designed. T h<:-y :i.rc prep:ued fro m the rece ipts of the celeb rated Dr. lVingntc, of Lc nclori ~ngl a.nd , and n.n!1e but the p nre:;t d r ~gs are em pl o r~l !n t he~r. c.pmpos111 0?? 1hey a re pure·m quality , pro mpt IA action, e fiectual m u se,,;md e ~ p} o yr.rl wit h i;r e::i t sueecu ,by 1he most cm nent P hys1c1:<ns and l' m·ge on ~ in Hospital and P.i:i,·ate p a i:: tice, in all paru of the wo rld, tru:Ofit ~ft'ec tua l· re.med y k nmn1 . Jor tlie cure of Scrofula Erysjpcla ~, Salt Rhe u m, !)kin lliseaseli, .uad all impuri: " ' h1gnle 1< Blood Purlfic r .-Tho 0 . Port P erry, nh Ap ril, t~7G . i JOSEP H HIGELO W. . 'F:n·1ll. ti;;· ,, 3-d'..:f.w. to Scribner Patent ~Qualifying Tubes, t ie!! of the blohd, Ch r-O n: c Comi)Jai nt~, ;uid U i ~nrd e r. af t l)c Live ~- .A perfe ct· Renovator and lnvi~01a 1 or or rbc ·t.r stcm. Put up·Jn !atge bottles. !'f;lCL!.. $1 J X> l 'J::..R 1Jo1 Tt. r.:. !i01' I;-:---- - -- ._ aecnrM bv ·L ~AtreN P atj~ rJt i.n the U u it e d Stat.e s, .E n gland and Caua< la.. · By 1nc a.ns of c.1,i· l n ye1; ' ivt1 a n o°"gan OOnte.i ni~g t wo ?r th f ee ~ts of 1.eed.S b~co1ues .eq.u u.l iu vo lume ,' ~ -O u r ;., ~n o~di11Hry reed orga.n of Bix or eight, sets ;~f i:,cedrt. cttlehr,,ted ' ·Vox Cel ~.~te. " "V1 1 x ll11mR.nn1 " Wilcox Pa.t,ent ' ' Octa.ve Co u ple r," , "Celfo n 11r " Clarin et " S tnpf5, . " Flu~lo H ur n , 11 " J!UlCet , ' 1 11.£ulilie 1 · 1 t. a1>d·J>'. ';; ~R R~~PERrot iri'Q UALlTY AKI>'BR fLI3 AicY. oi<- TONE, ',9ra1nnna," ·a11.d Gtan<l Org A n Stop, aud l" re"" '"~- a · ~ .i)'~~ ·-.Th.e. "3fosf:~an d 1;e5t r cm ~dy for U d<l ~e .. l~ ~piin~ ) d. } 1 a ~ rhwa, :D ys ente r y, \\ md \..'.ulic, ;ind n\ J Whigntc'1< Jnfnut'1< wd in othen . Lh'.~ var10.Us A 1lmc1Jts'of· Infa~c}' , r:\:e r ·t·r< ><lL1 ce d . It qi1 }t:t s f'am, sootht...,. t h e· _!;u JTerm~ c~1 l d, a na i:: roCucc.c 1 r efreshmg s.e~p . · · 1n use a ll o H:I Eurc!pl! fo r i:c :u ir::. . :)'..ears, }ltH<:;i<:, 25 CU· TS l'l.rn l.fo 1 1 1. J,. the ,place to buy your Rememb~r · -COST. REGARDLESS OF · CALL and · -\H1igule'!< C-~1rn1·Hc P ill!;.- f:-·... "'11 compt~.mt;; of 1i1 e St·>~1..i.ch, J.1vr: r and Jfowcb. :M1:(., yet c:ert.:l!n ,<'-.uJ. ~p tcciY . m o p::rnt i(m ;, tho;y t ho ruugh l} dea n ~ 1 h~ a h mentfl.ry tim~l , n:gu latc llic sccretililn J, iUt.6 C\rt short thC' ·p rvi; r~ss. cf-µ i:.Q2.~e. Qll'. D _ l VID,O:W, ate·lln,1 Prl :>:A 1 na.n of t he Uni v~r"itv of Toron t-o and R0y a.l Cllll 0~ o~ P ~voti eit\n s n.n<l S11r't'Cl"JU'6: Xlngi.tnrF ife m her ot t he Coll e~ e ot P 1 rn;;ici an8 ,<"' , &tLd Sur~c iln": 'of Oritn.t:lo: Cnrnner, &c: R~~i ..d~nce n.nd,oftlce-){ ;i rkct Squar e, Howri1n.n viUe. -~- -~ P r.:1 cP:. " 5 <::E NTS !'l! R Bu>:. l , i~ l s ...... . e1r.y of V ml~ r·a College, Col'Jou rir: Und e r Gr&.1l u· G R.\D UATE of i.he R o,·~! C"llctre ,,f . :X Pb'.'s i ci ~'l S , Ent?ln.nd , n.nd V icl ori a U nh ·e r- CAN me OBTAI N ED ONLY JN T HESE OIWAN S, Twenty-Five Different Styles I _ FOR THE PARLOR AND '.fHK CTIURCH, THE ·BEST MATERI'AL AND WORKMANSHIP; .:·M urdocb\ .B ro's is the place to buy your Remember , 1 SEE·! and SEEING, you ·w ill BELIEVE! I . Wing:ite' "' N c~.r,·o- ·a · o ni c Used with rcmarl: i<.bk su \:cc::;s in Cholera ) femory, · M cnlnl Deranw:mcnl~, lm po1cm\·, r.'nd t.li Ncnous Atl·c ct ior:s. .. . Pi::. 1c.1t, $ 1. r..o rc:R· iiv r11.~. Par~lrsi::;, S v(> cniug vf th e Hr3.m h eu rr.J~l1, L;~i!cp:.r , J a·J··.::: o( . ·-;------ - - ----- - JAS. BIN\lHAM, M. D., L. R.C. P. S., K., S ur-gcons. On tJ1rio. Offi r.e and resid<>:n ce· Dr. llillic r 's old St11:,h dy E rin isk ille n. (%6 t ' M ,..~ E~:fRER of Q,.JlegA ..f Ph vsiuia-n " :uui Quality , and -Volume ,of Tone Co nsider ·, the Following . Mu:rdoch -Bro's " ' ~~c cure -of l>y"'~Pla, Ir C1ye: t 1 on , 1, la :l,;!:::no:::;, o f qu: S: omr.r.h, J.oss ot App\:!;, c, ~tid Ile· bi!ny of the D,gesl!vc Org:ins A ri01H~.r~1 : l niJ \o Di· " i c.-.tion , :md fa r m u n· palatable a1 .rl c ff~tivi: than the orOfn.i,r:,: rcmcc,ii.;s. , .f_R lCt>, .:;.o Ctt !'T~ t t:n I:ox. -·J'.o r : 1\- lt1ga1 e'ii. ~p·1·e1·~ l u 'J n blc!ll. J~r.1t:i.b1.lay ~" . . , ' ' · l'tlngale's Puhuouic T r o d 1cs. :) ' - An e~c.e\!crtt R cmC<ly·for COL.&h ·, Cold:;, J [ our~C!m:.'l ~, B ronchitis, Asthm:i , ;:ind all I 1 r it .1 ~ ; ... u vf 1h c Tl. roa t :rn:i Luiii;io-. !'ub\ic Spr.ak er,; ::in d ~ ,ingi.:a \~ :.J f: r.d thcnn · U J effectual iu g iving f>9Wt:r .anJ ck:unes.s to the voi1;e. . P RICH" UNEQUALLED. ,PRICES $50 TO $1'.looo_ Factory and Warerooms, Cor. Tempera,nce & Wellingtop Sts., Bow,miuiville. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. , ~ }tinl[ATE _ nr.. R. r.:. rA. 11 ··nF.·r.1·· OF _ -' js'the -t pla~e to buy your Sugars. ' - . ,~1 ;. - DrN& Oooda . . : . ... : . . . . worth' -. , 50c.. !or 35c. z.s C1::N1 s l'Ut Cox. . -Tantage by sending b is address to , ROX 6.~. 28 11,'(nsl\:egon , 1\.Iieh. - ' ·'X v.v.nsrrv. w il1 learn s omet h ing t o his ad· ~fICHIGAN urn.- French Merinos... . . .... worth -- - so· for 50 . ~SEN [} FOR PRICE -Llf:T . Hemember -Bli.nkete . .· ..... . . . . . . . . worl.h $5.50; for $i.00 - , ~1ly a um1 1w;ter]d.-w1l\ ll .t ltlJ \ m :: the i1:0 .t . tl<.::c: i. quld- ·uid ~u ffi c1 e.n tly la :xa t,\· ~ to n:m oH.: :.11 tmhcalthy ~creti u 1.5, an d rc g ~1 la.:.e th.c t1. ction u f th e-- llu.w i.: L. A safe, 1 p l~~an t. a ni.l ~f!C cm~ l . R c meC:j· fvr \ \"ora;,r;, Wlngate' l!' ;q11orm Loze nges .- - :---------- ----- -~ $2~- a "'et'k Gmu·nntt't'd. ~ Ad~ress DOMINION ORGAN CO,, ~OWMANVILH, ONT. ' . ' Murdoch Bro's is the place to buy yonr Shi.wls ... , ...... . . . ... . worth 3.60 for 2.00 Railroad Wrappers .: . . .. worth · 5,00 for 3.75 Stn11ton·~ 1·aih1 J' 1nci:;, 2~ ~,ENTS J' Ht! lh .ox'. · AGENTS w,~NTED in every County ';·.·' ... ~ ' ., tbe D omtn1011. A dd ress G . .A.. OSLI N': Bo:x. 8M,Mont rea.t G~NEFlAL AGENTS FOR. CANADA CROCKERY. ' :Railros.d Wrappers . ...... woith 6..'lo for 5.00 Buffa.Jo arid L rnibs. lt c i,;.rcs bmld~n CUl~s, burc ' l h r :.-:i.· bruises, I,\ u1n:;;, Rh ~ um:i: t i>.m. N e1.ni<li.;1a , .,. l)(.j utl bU u~ · 11d .Achf'$.: J'11.1c ~. zs CEr- Ts J'l: l< BvT Tt.c . h cure ~ Cramps amJ l'iiili~ in th e :Jtvrna.ch , l:Ou. k, t.i i -1 ~, familr .Mi.:c;icine kIH, wn for internal an d c:xtr.rn.--1 1:"* neue1 ·...:n. ·~..i FOR THE " CELEBRATED" .--·...· "_;,. - :.: :'~ ;; , ' KIE WAT t Nr -----..:.· -----------._O R, DECLINEANDFALL .OF BR'ADBURY PIANO. Rememb'er Robes : .. . . . . . , . w orth .. ' 15.00 . . for 12.00 ~ '. · Shaped ·Horile Blanket.8 for .©ne Ii>olfar. · · t . - DO\"attor.-\Vc.ba.. C l hi.: ~le control for the Do-1ninio11 l.{ Ci ria d a., o f t hi::. well l.uown rcmc l.'.y wh1c.h 11:'1 a L i··er Corn~'1tor, an ~ specifi~ !or 'all l~i livui; Li.<oarderr. _ .a~ der:uis-ements .a rl!'Ul g from di:;~,c :<. of th!! Liver, iii! uncq~ ialled . 1, IHC~.· ,51.1.10 r ER Smith's· Green Mou11t a i n -Ii>c· Murdoch Bro's is the place to bny tbe BEST and OHEAPEST ·Goods kept in town. VlC'lXYitlA llU-ILDINGS;-_ s .,.,.,,,, ,.,,,110, September 21, ' 'Qvercoatc Cheaper tliaJt ever you have 'seen t hem. J;<J'f T t.l; . W "I'Jle n bq~e R e medies nre 8 Jd by n.! l D n,lggltHti A S ATIRE. . .. ' ~· ~The . great est .variety of Pip~s .~ - _ eve:r shown in town,-now in All this and 1i ·much.more at · · pe-0.IUl.t;ati sent. o n ·:rooe1pt of p :nce · rRE PARED ONLY m · tJon, aL.d tcti.PUVe Cir ulal'a fu 1'Dh hod on n ;.p 6inJl~ a uil. d . a...n1 a 111 ?.:. t:cl lCiLe~ . JJt·- :p 1·~paJ.d.. 1c;\a -. .· s tock at t he 11 N ick11.a ck:s," - -· - im .. A LCO ·. 'MCCLUNG-- BROS. THEWINGATE CHEMIC \ L !MJTP,:0,) M O " "'_l'J <EAL ·