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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1876, p. 1

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at the < H' IF ICE-ro st Office l!llod1., K lNQ S'l'RE.l!:l DO\.l.rMANVTLLE ONT MAY AGAIN T1s sweet to wa~ch a.long the bowers. ';l'he sorcery of the May day shower,. Adorning all th" head of fl.owets \ Vlth ghstoning beadfo! of ligh t . Or see the r ose bud s coy)}: gllntiug From canopies of gorgeous tinting An d fiinglnv: out croma.t1c hu~t1ng ot the sumn1e~s olll dehgh t HAVING BO UGHT and Shoes -OP- A LARGE QU ANTITY OF . STOC ARR1VE is now opened out !or cial e and Iniliwemcnt· Offered f o1 , Paper MR W S ·~ e~t: month or ~fay! it seems to me I h on hast a kn1t11tcr s) mpathy \Vith poor heatL Hore humanity Than e ~n t h e JOyouH TUne For with the buth of bud and be , . Along the Oowe1s and tlnough the dell. Our spil'lts know tho sweetest spell That n1onLh hath for a boon AGENT F'OR J AS BINGHAM,¥ D, LR C.P.S ,K, Dr M EMBER nf College nf Phvs1CIAOS ·nd Surge ()OR Ontnrfo Office and old stnnd Ennlsklllen Hilll~r ,q resuh~nce (26) - - - . , . E. illcMiUan, J·ror. ,J. Rur.e, )rga.n Cultivation of .,Joice S rnglai:r Thorough Bass Itnrmony o.ud Comnos1t10.l:i Re!< l<lencc tln.mptGn 1>1 ly* ::a:: E ..A.. P Stylish Millinery! 0 -.AND- Then fhng by the beaut Les ffl1' a.nd v; Jde, Throw blossom.son t he passing tide I hat th'3y may eu1blem as thev glide Our peu1 eful hves 1n l\fay Our srnnts O\\ n thy sweet control A C(t 111 And ~~1f tly n1av nnd bcautv tlll tbc ciou the seasons r oll "\X.'hen thou art passed .o.wav 1 .Ji'" SI rY OF MT SIC ' Teacher of Piano and ri R~J)UAT~' OF DAXTEH UNIVER1 all krnds of \rat nished Cat. ' rtrtges Just arin cq at th e Fasb.1on A Splendid Stock o Xev. Millinery Fane Goods 'Vool s tnd Underclothtng l'HIS PLACE. GUELDEN'.S LAST DRINK A~ ENGINEER'S CONfl'ESSION Jus t l ec eived tho late~t l,.n~lish and .New "l: or.I>. sh ies 1n DRESSMAKING. I have tuvel!.J tins rood every of tl1e " San Francrnco," the prettiest best engine on the hue ]t was a sonth western ro-ad, as we WJll s~y, froru A to Z JOHN McLEOD & Co. R '.-EAS1rON, j Bow1rnmn llc and R T AMPING i I Books, Work-Boxes, Writing-Desks and other Fancy Goods at a A1·tiificinl 'J'eetb Great Sacrifice at R. Easton's. INSERTED '°lT A J\WDERATE FEE. SPLENDID STATIONERY! Teeth Extract eJ Without Pam J M BRIMACOJ\rnE, L D S Bibles, Services: Hymn Books, School Books, Blank Books, Jewellery, Wall-Paper, &c.,&c. F. T. HOSKIN -~_J') ----- I pt11m1t December "Yon ought to belong to the Ra.1hvar Sb1en t 1tic Club, Guelden." Ow1ng to the ret1retnent rrom business o d ETT, ~' Imp?rtations of JC>BB:X:N:Gr STOTT, AND DEALER IN . "~e11er 11ea-rd of it,' said I "We meet once a fortnight," 11e ,replied, Hand lune I\ Jolly good time We want has comtnenced work ng-a non his own account pract1csT, th1nlnng tnen of your sort, a nd I'll propose you if yon like ' and hns opene.d a I wa..; fond of such th·ngs, and I ideas th·t I fancied nngh! he worth some in the bu1Ja 1nR' two doors west of :a-Iessrs thmg But the eagmeeic doesn'~ ha ve '1 hom pson & Burns office, where --;v1ll many n1ghts or d:..ys to h1mself, and th e al\\ avs be found a full nsso1 trncnt of e~eryth ng ln the TIN club would have one evenrng a fortntght and Sh eet lion hne frvm Joe I said " f will ask her.., If she likes it, yes " "Ask whom? ' he said "Joe," saad I "If everv man had asked his wifi , every man's wife wonJrl have said, 'Can't spare you my dear,'" said Granby But I made no answer At home I told Joe She said "I shall rn1ss yon, Ned B nt you do NEW TIN SHOP DRUGGIST TOWN 'HAL'J'_, B u lLDLNGS, BOW,lI.ANVILLE. EASY TIMES H ow to get a "h1te slune was the question , and b )fh boyd thought it o\er, still Theie is one s1n1p le rnlc will a! ga~~ng <tt the face11 In t he .... ater .,.;aye cun\ert ha 1d hmeH into easy t imeil: Soaking doe~n t sea1 n tu ma.k0 any Never bu y whl-"Jt v oh }ia.i: e no mon ey to <llffe1enco, sn,ul S1unbo ti lally He was p ay for 1,Jus does not nece~sarily lnJ be"'1nn1ng t get a lit tle morhti ed at )us pl y tha t you bny fJr cash It 18 of appeU'ance, which h e had neve r studied t en tnore con\c111en..t to keep uu open ate so ~a.refully hefu:e \ C)Ull t But it dues meant.hat vour sa.-.' How would f1ost1ng do? ' suggested / ings-bank account must alwn.;8 keep tS\Vilhe For one instatl.t they though.t it j 11ttle ah cad of your baker 's, and gro cerr's, ov~ r , and theu they 00t1 :r ]U m ped up in and butchers I\ici>t of us keep 1t a httJl!I 1 delight beh111 d, ma11y of tis a great wtt.y belund " First rattt," said Sa.tuba. Any in.dust11o na, sober .mP.;il, with rtig u l l.r "But-they had looked so long at th e1r l-Ocal1on and a home,can eaallJ get ct edit heads in the water they ha.d forgotten The te1nptat1un .s atrong to use 1t H e their heads in thea.1r, and as. t hey Jnrnped "ill ht\\e n1oncy ne.x.t mo11 th he can p a.y they also bumped, aud , for a whiJe, one then So \\f:l goon trachng ononrexp~ct spot on both black a nd whit"' was red ntzons of the fntu1 e, and speuding our They weto too full of the1 -rf plans to rnoney before we can ea.rn it 'fluamake3 mind tile colhs1on nnieh, and they ran easyt1rnes hard when the wh oJo conimu ui ty back tO the houstt, Sarnbo hu rrying \Vllhe d oes it the times are hard fo 1 us nil _ And that 1s t he trou blo now ~·ve ha.vs been d1sconnting on the rutur~ Now on r paper lb co unng back on us faster th an we hkc to tal\e it u p '1 he1e are two W:.\ys of adJUStlnJ ou r ptuc hase&, one 1s to b u'V 'vhat we need, t he other 18 not to hn~ 'vh:it we ha\0 11ot the 1neant! to pay for l1here ate no llm1ts to need, there ~re ve1 \' uarrow hnuts to pay,nent He who buys "hat he needs JS m preP<'tll·l d·bt, he v. ho buys what he can pay)ltveR in sunshine It 1s better to wear your own shabby coat than yo n1 tailors glossy one, tu walk on ----- · --- and a. I I Druggs, M.eq i,c ines and Chemicals, THE DOMINION BOWMANYILLE y;e111 o wu Jegs thi:tn to i1de in a beggar 3 C!PITAL, PAID UP, - $1 OOll,000. iffiEi\D OFFieE, P Wl!JCUl>T~' PRESORIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS GORREC ILY ANSW ERED. - TORONT(ll catna.Jc "" to e\t a 1u1np steak tlL.1.t yo n ha\ e pa 1 fo r than to eat a tender loin antl ) owe fur i.... 1 hr ut. JS' only anothet j for self dot'Hd \Vhatever your 1ncon1c 1:1, you can al\-1.aya havo plenty of inoney if yon '\Vlll resolutely refltse to spend m n ""y till after yon 1ece1vo it A Wu.RD 10 1'1oTHEhti - Oultiv-a.te trnth fuluess HJ clultlren Cifultlren a'"e natut 1 alty trutldu l l'iia.ture does not l ie Let nothing bo done to alter this h&ppJ d1spos1faon C ultivate tn t hem the lo te of t:ruth, cn.ndo1, and confession of error Tt liS 1a.rnen table to think wh ~t fearful false hoods are uttered to defer ch1]dren , t<Y keep them quiet or to 1nake t11am obe<l1en t Th reats of being taken by old n1en , andLlack men, n.nd <. ther hke terrors, .tre r e so r tecl t l by ignorant an l fooltsh ser va nts to fi 1ghten the m, and make the m h e shi 111 bed It I~ ascerta.1ned that death, fits, 1 l Jcy, 01 insn.n n.J , hav1 been tho con sequence of snch 1nhnn1an1tv Bu t st:: thna t~1de the proba.ble chance ~CJf such' calam1~ !Ht .A.NCH.ES Stoel. OJ Medic""" com. his face N <> CI ET y, - OF- nie whats hap 0 NT _._4._ R I 0. $1,000,000 00 750,000 00 300,000 00 to go the sh )rt distance an d by tht hme they reach ed the pond they he u ~ tl10 wn ner hell ring S <1. n1 h1 re1ne 1nbered with a " You hollov1 : stgh rhat hu h Ld J st Ina dinner, fro in the club and, when ha h ~<l told \.Y 1L1., a bout i t i.s You we1e n ot 60,000 00 \¥h1ch m eans that I do," said I A.nd look hke one," sa1d Joe, as she Jocked herself aod baby m the spare beJ 11 ' 1 room (

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