BOWMAN-VILLE, TH'UMDAY MAY 18,, 1816. CANADIAN STATES!IAN, . . - ·~sc--~- gg;aw -~___',... __ M!£±± - "' _ __ ' ;_~ THE KING OF PUMPS! W. Ll!CA.S, LI,CE'NSED AUCTIONEEli for the Co TOWNSHIP OF DA.RLINGT_DN~ NOTICE OIVEK, OF MOTION. I dft81;11;ig Over 400 Stoad the T'est of Winter with Perfect Success ! 11 P . CJ " ~Xlv.tES' the Court ot R evlel'9"n for -the Town- 1 !ship_ o(<i DQ-I'lington will be held a t the Town Rall, Hampton. on Saturday, 27th inst., -o'clock, p,m., f9r hear.h~ oga.inBt AFl!'!es!i· ment, and finally rev1s1ng the Assessmfi nL Roll. R. WlNDA.1'T, Ma.y 2nd, 1876. Townsbip Clerk. tlBLIC P "t NOTICE IS'.-HEREBY RUBBER :BUCKET PUMP. McCluiig. Bros· ar~ ~et~0g the~r stock .~ moti.on . . by, their goods 8;l Irresi stible P 'tices. Step in, and ye u will find alnibsi.every shelf td contain a bargain, and every corner an attraction. j ' t ·,, Btructed, no screw joints tQ become lffiffiOY&ble by rust. Jt will raise water from a deep· wen with perfect ease ; will not freeze unless the well itself is frozen; never needsp1·h11ing: always raises th~ purest, coldest water. fi·.oia li:fanufactu1·ed at. Bowman ville, Ont. Price for putting in , reddy for u se, $8 for 1irst iOfeet, aml forty cenLH fo:r each additional foot . , The following gentlemen bea.r testitnOnY to the lI.n~rinalled excellence of this pump, viy.. : Joseph J'\fcCleUan, Ei::iq .. 1\.iann.ger Do;minibn Bank. Oshawa; F. '\V. Gh·n,,i \V. HeJtins tall, Tho.s .. Conant, Chlls. Hon ey, L. Dre""· _A, S. WhLt1ng &: Co. , C. \V. Lent, W. Scott. Agents wanted in e\·. c ry co unty. .. Address, P . C. ffiMES 1 , , Bo~manvillo, Ont. There are no valves about it to become ob- T HIS PUMP IS THE CHEAPEST New Tweeds IF , 0 · ~ 1d·d1 u J, R . Issu~r of :i'v1ar:nage LlccnE!es. ICEIJ- Cart \'l<·riii;:ht P. ~ 0 "1fJish ip of Cartwr1;:rht" Townshi p Clerk o. ' and most desirable pump in the market. on you r garrbe~ts, I ;ill ;lean them~ arQ_ faded , I v..-111 bring t httm to their ' r g co Ol' a nd iouke them so that no one wirl k no'v them f rom n ew. · . D'!\' E .!IN'G DO~.ll~ . !>IR'~ rAt t11t G E N '1' l, E lll E 1'I THERE IS GREASE PUNT OR ' -· -AND-· the bottom of thi!l' well, and will raise a of water per niinute. barr~ , Sa.tis!autiun guaranteed o:r no charge,' . . THOltf AS PEATE . , 1t41" Opposite 'I'. lioSr's lllack~mith-sbop, ~ Bowuinuvil~e, Ii'ebnl~ ry HI, lS'itl. "· ~anadian Pacific. RaiJ"·ay. &:c. EXCITEMENT EVERY DAY r want a Wep of Cotfol'i.. At a cheaper rat_e than ever Do .You yorr bought a Web of detton before ? Tenders for Gr(ufo1{/; TrMlrlayiny, -,-~-'-~--""'---'-....:._.._:_~-G_ . _o_~ · ~n~QL . 11.f.--'-c(LUNG #ROS wal).t to select Prints; cheap in price· and new in style, from the largest stock ever brought into B6'W- ' r , i ~EW have plea~~re in informing the ' public that I have reopened i;· my old · stand, (two doOl'll · · West o(th"PostOffice,) with an entire new ) stock,'of fresh ·' · h' You 'want a Hat, :M:cC!ung Bos. will" Hat". you. , , ·. Ir Yott .;ant Gloves, McClung Bros. will "Gfove" you. IF You want a Tie, McClung 13r6ll~ win "Tie " y ou. clsely. · , By order of the Board. P·D. ~ II ER. · The Chair to be ta.J;.en at 12 o'clock noon, pre ' Genera l M~1a.gcr. Tweed The .;. 39-4w. Seed.f:l at McClung BrosJ Groceries at'McClu.n g Bros. G1or~e Swan, D:i.v1d Swan, Andrew Willi~m· Rose, John Fletcher, 0 ' ' ' . __ To - Swan, Mory -Ann :r1r.:tclicr, '. (ind Janet Swan, an Infant u i'~der ·1Jie O:ge of Twenty-one years, Defendants. Teas l Teas I G:he~p Teas at .McClung Bros. Salt & Plaster at M-0Clung Bros. Highest Prices Paid for Butter, .&c,, AT. McCLUNG BROS. This is to be a 'Season of -WARRANTE -' the above named defendants, a nd to oil unkn~wn -persons ha.ving. or claim ing, any interest fh' th-e I .and' and Premises hereinaf:ter ,i eacI,ib6.d,- · ..~ l'A.KE NOTICE, that a pctiition will be pre· 1. .ted to this Honorable Co urt and to t he Judge ihereof presiding in Chnmbers at. Osgoo de Jiall, in ~he City of Toronto, a nd Pro\·inoe of Ontario, en MONDAY the 12th DAY of Jt;NE, 1876, at to o'clock in the forenoon, or so soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard, praying t ha.t a. pa rtl· tioo. or !'!ale, ~·hich ever the Court mny 1 "' 'J.. deem most advantageous, mav be made ot a.II, a.nd siiigula.r, the following,Jn tld s and pre1nlses, that Is to sa.y :--Town Lot NnmbeJ'\ 1:16, in Block 1, fronting on Ch;urcli St.· in tlle Town of Dow· ma.nv ille, in the Conht}' of Durham, and Province or Ontario, containing one quarter of an · .. aue o:t land, 1 ogether with the building-s tbeJe'. .;d ',: /! ~ Oli ;1 R.J!d tl;ie al!P~tenanceo t h ereto be1oug ing . ...., :.:...; -.:· ·.~';. lA\nd T&l(1!'·Notice,,t hat &ll)ier:,ions havin ~, or Ul.s.lming, an~ iuterest 'ill t h e sa id lands. are to' appear at said time and place, and what ' 41k\1tns, ifn.ny, they have tot.he said lands, a.nd Uiat in defa1dt of theil" so a ppenring-, the said ...,tter will be proceodc(l with in t heir n.bsence. - ~- · YoU1·s. et c .· " McDOUGALLS & GORDON, /or Plaintiff. Dated 5th :\prll, ll'S7~. · · t (3i-3in.) J/ un'erais· furnished in ever~ rcsj1ect ·iii the very 'b est styles and at prices lower . than any other fim\ in t he · country. One of the finest .Hearsil'S in t~e rrovtf1ce. . SENT FR]j]]j: t? .any funeral furnished by the subscn1Jer, w1th1'i! ten miles of BowmanVJlle. · · " : ' Also, agent for Ray mond's . celebrated Metallic· Ooffina, New York. ' ' · '·.1 _N~W ·.PRINTS, FAST COLORS; AT 7·crs ..PER ·vARD:1 ' t . ·' " PERFETUA..L JY.[QTION AT McGLUNG BR_OS. BowmnnTille, May 11, 1876. RE F~ F. McARTH> UR·, ' Bowmanv ille, April 26, l8';:'6. . ' j . . B ·I:J . ' '· ·, " .. ... ' ·~ Ef'ei'. j-' buy~r should see our 's tock ·of.. . " L OW; Every Store I only. ·= a:. ·e = ..:= .,...,, = - hu;yer should see our' stock of BL.ACK Every: buyet; sh_ould see' ou·r stock of · I l !Messrs. Yellowlees &Quic~ 'JN !RETURNING THANKS TO THE0 F. Y. OOWLE. Ev~ry buyer should _ see our stock of ' pubJic for their liberal patronagiA, this oppdrtuinity of informing the 1n that t hey haye now: on hand the · l tfl.D. OM PAPER &. WINDOW SHADES ' ' , ever ~troi-cd ·in BowmanvUJe; also, a flno o.ssortmCn.t of · Laraiest1 Best, and CltenP,est · StockoC MILLINl!JRY ,<CHILDREN'S ,. " CARRIAGES . ;t:. ~pl.~(:A_iiiei-i-e3.n ;ai1d: Can adia n manufaottlre, which will be sOld VERY CHEAP FOit CA~H. We keep on hand. a full supply~ of i:~ll the Books ' n41ulred. in both .High and Common Schools, '1KKS, P~NS. ...,,,, ,.. : Pl!;NPILS, aqho very I.QWEST P RICES. ~o, a. lal-ge"a ssortmcnt or Lo.dies' Companions, er-Yas~. Lallies' & Gentlemen's Pocket-Hooks, ~tnba of a.11 kinds, Hair, 'f. o oth and Shaving Brushes, a very fine lot of Inkstands, Gq1d-plil..tfd &l\d ltnbber Drooche~ & Ear-drops, Electro· plated -T~ble, D~ssert, and 'J.1ea Spo·o ns, Ivoryltandled Knives and Forks, of t he best quality : ~lrrore, a.11 stylei and sizes ; also a Tery large Work-Boxes, Writing~D esks, ,s r.:TEs: I.E~D AND SLA.w ' Card-Cases, Flo w.- ---:--.The ' termined to .·:Murdoch Bra's ·· ·' ... is· the place to· buy your &e19rtment of Pictures and ,eicture Frame3, ~ntlemcD.·S Collars and Cuffs, ot the best style& ..-nd makes ~ Baae and Rubber Bans ot all kinds · Sell Off His Whole Stock AT GRKATLY REDUCED PRICES, in order that. he may reopen at his old stand with a stock entirely new. · The stock_now held needs no exaggerated puffing to commend it to .public approval, but is known as one of t~e largest and best selections rJ Staple 11.!ld Fancy Dry Ggoods ever placed before the inhabitants of this town and neighborhood: . OIWQ&'ET SETS, VERY CHEAP . · · . ··ete Paper From !J° to 25 Cents per Quire . . J'. .~wap from 15 to 30 c ent1 (per · Qujre, ~...Telope1 front 5 te ae Cents tper Puekage. ... t We have also a One as'sort.llloJtt of . a~ili <1nd .Pocket Bil>!.,;,, .Hymn ' and ·· _ Ps&lm'&oks, Moody & San key's Hymns, and a 'large assort· ment of Books adapted for S.S. Library, &c. "· ~niemJ:>er is the place .to buy your Sugars. .. Also & vel'T cheap ~ot of Blank B ooks, and e. ;Ja.tge et.ockofJ~azarus Morrie-lind Go's perfected Stiecta.cleH and Kre Olae-scs, Newspapers, Peri. .odicals. 11,{agnz-mes, &c. ; :Aiusic, Musical Instru~ents, and a variety of Fan e r Goods, ·Murdoch Bro;s FOR CANADA is the place to buy .your ,· · PrcTuRE FRA!"ING,' DoNE r o ORDER. An early 'call is respe~tfully solicited. ):r'N o\v open for sale BRAD:QVRY : PIA :No~ Re.member .. ·< Murdoch Bra's , is th~ place to buy the and P REPARED ONL\ 131· CHEAPEST .{~«oods kept in town: THE WINGATE CHErfl!CAL I ·, - on· of King 11.nd Division' streetS. THOMAS PATERSON. . BE5T ItU,lWINGS, vil le; September :n;·1a75.',,. . ', .; ,.,' . (LIMITED,) co;. l\l[ O~T HE A L~ .. ' ...i , / ... ..... ~
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