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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1876, p. 1

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OFFICE-Post omce Dl@ck, X:lNQ STREET, -- g ' Where IS Eunly-, Char h e I W h0 ra11g the bell, a id why is the doo r open Oh Plnlip I "I "ill go and find Emily, I saiu 'I 1nll leave ) ou with Mr R·yburn He has a confession to make to you I .JOUls <!, and after that you will furb1d !nm tho honse f ' Ennly was not to be found, I huntell for her above and below, but she 'vas. g®'ue The h1'il d0or still st1 od open had fled away mth lier guilty consc1e11ce under the kf'en ey~d i!tar3' So I went ba.-ek to tho parlor ·without he1 1 Lou :-s~ and Philip were at the dour "1 will come early to .. u101row, h e said l!mthng bughtly, and Loui"e smiled bngh . . ly, too " '1'\ flat have you not forbid den lnra the honse I ' I exclaimed "Noi Charlie 1 Thta.t I canri..oi; do " :\nd \\ ith an astornsh1ng lack of fl.fHnt .sl o let hNn fold her in his arms I have decided to havo nothn1g 1nor e t o do with my sister's love affa!1'3 or t he fam i'y dtgntt) :My htt1e part is pfayed, and C:S::E..AP Just arnved at the £-Io11se J A. Splendid Stock o New Millinery Fane Goods Y\ ools and Underclothing school opened She was ;\tall wo1n1u1 1 forty years old, "1th a Jaw showxng great deterunnatiozr.- and Lin da. v,;as, and ra.ther shy, and rather abont an honr after, fo1 :t young lady 1n I go0Ll look1ng The mother said l'lhe hadn't; silk and velvet came to call on l\'I1ss G1ey been in the city 1011g and that it v;as h er As the servant hesitated, not having re dnty to iZCt Linda into school &nd Bee tha.t ce1ved, l called out from the she was proper1y educated \Vhen the drawing room "Emily is at home, she teacher cr1ne the mother boldly 1nqu1red 1s up in her room I 11 call her" " "'Yon know eno ugh to teach d o you, So the young lady awopt in and took a ma.'ain? seat In high glee I went np to Ennly · "I tlunk I d;,' renlted the t e·cher, room and rapped on tho door bluslunµ; aeeply "Emily, theres Flora 1"1< Fhmse~ down " A..nd you feel competent to go;;.e--ra thli<! in the drawing room to see you ! " scholars db yon 1" "Tell her I m not at home, Charhe " "Yes '1n "Oh, hut I can't, Erntly I have al "Do yon pound 'em with a f8!'rule orready told her you were up sta1ra, and I hck 'em "\Vtth 1 wlup 1" wculd call you ' "VV 0 selcl.01n resort to purnshrnent, · ~AS. BINGHAM, M D,L RC P S,K., Just received tho Ia.test English and New Yo1 k styles in DRESSMAKING. STAMPING For Braid anG E1nhro1dcry done asusua.l Cheap for CA.BEL " Then I suppose I must go down 1 " she said, ln a tone of vexation, and came out, carefully closing: and locktng lier door after her So much the better' I knew another way tJ reach. her room- by gomg th1ough my mother's, and my mother had gone hers(O!lf f~r her violet Bilk, so there wa.s no da.nKer of being waylaid Thie he1e, ' replied t he err1barras~ed teac her " I h tt's better 3 et " continued tne mother HI 1now if Linda shl".l nld c on1 l:' homo all pounded up, J <l feel ltke killmg some one I auppOHe .) ou are a r espect a bllil character ain t yon '! "'Vhy-- al1t>1u---why- - , " atam.. u1ered t1 c teai.;her, g10Vi iug "hite au_?. then 6 continued tho wo man Now then do you arc associating with allow tho boys and gals to s1t together "No, ma. a.n1 " Furniture SOLE AGENT 1 FOR THI~ PLACE. · Linda H3 any better than I ai.u .Another thing Do you allow a11y ~inking t "Any what l excla1111ed 1he puzzled ... tuna.te that Flora came Just at that hme, teaehcr -for it might be that Emil)I' was about 'un H Do you allo\\ a boy to wink a t El.< Jocl,mg that desk to dcstwy tho papers grrl 'l' My heart beat fast with excitement as l " \\i h;) no left the room again, by the same way that " I was a.fratd you. :ilii:<l Ltnda is as shy I entered, and haste ned to my own little as a bud and if sh should c nne home den, a flight above, holtmg my door after and tell me she had been wmked at I don t know what I d do .Now another thing-do yon have a beau l' " \Yhy- -why--,' was the stammer ing reply 0 Bowmannlle &nd Lmdoay Ov; lng to the rctn-emcnt from bus11-1e8s of 'I BASSETT F. T. HOSKIN C. IUO'l'f,EV, intt?r~ P Re:ere1u~es Bowmu:n\'" ille On'!i Orders by tfl:\ll p i;omp tended Good If' reqn __'r _e __ ,i _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ IANO ,A.ND ORGAN TlJNER, t en m1nntes to com11ose m_}self be£oreErnlly politely attenU.ed h er 'is1tor to th~ door Then "lhe flew up to her roo1n ag 11n My spmts ·an so high I could hardlJ keep from shoutm~ my secret 11Joud I Linda. Bibles, Services, Hymn Books, Scho,ol Books, Blank Books, Jewellery, Wall-Paper, &c.,&c. ., Importations of Stanaar~s GRAPB VINES, SMALL ~'RUl ROOM~PAPER. D CHEMIST the 9l;9:ps mnnufaotured by the])om1n1nn -Organ l!!o,. A decided ba.:rgaln will be given itke ln.strumc;nt be1ng a.n exceJlent onfl T Y$'40WLEES rs, ORNAMENTAL TREES, coiner ,\ 1d H erber t rn very patient, and sa~s that if i \.,Ill only ox t day, no matter how Ion..; he rua.J h t < > w ait 1 l1c will he happy :Now you ~ 1y l\Ir AND DF:ALER IN DRUGGIST 1 ' A. PARLOR ORGAN, FIRST CLASS, BOWMANWILLE TOJYN HALL BvILDTNGS, BOWJJ'I.ANVILLE. ,. at the S ATE AMAN nfilct1 Druggs, Medicines and Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Patent Jlfod1cmes, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, S,;apa, Pamts and Oils, P·mt Brushes, Coal Ull, and Coal Ou Lamps, &c , &c. PYYSICIANS PRESCRIPHONS CAREFUTLY CO)l:POUNDED AND ALL ORDERS CORRECTT,Y ANSWERED. THE fJAPITAL, PAID UP, - $1,000,000. HE~D FANCY GOODS, BERLIN WOOLS, &c, &c 1 ,t-;c where I will be glad to )OflP.t TTIY ol<lfnendsand oustomPrs I also 1nt1?.nd carr} ing on OJ<'FICE, BRAN0HE8 TORO~TO. OaHA. w A, 'VHIT.SY, D X:l,HtlJ!lffFl DRESSMAKING Stock of Medieine3 com. Qa..11 11 ..._, CoBOUJtG, 1 BowMANVILLE "Yot.R Honor," e xclatinetl l\Irs lrinl ... doony to the sqturA, "1t~i3 not the black At last 1 beca.tne c )Tisc1 ous by oome 1n eye, nor y:it the kitchen tha.t I am corn stinct finer than hear ing, t hat/ Emily was plaunu av, fot my PatncK alwa\s wal'!i commg down from her roon1 The clock playfuly Jiut when ho convarts t he las L clnm<'d eleven, and I beJan to feai n1y drop o' gin I ha' o Jn the tay pot t hett plot \'\ ould fail for why was there no word yer Honor, T ohJtiCt to the propunsl ty < )£ to me from I'h1hp I Ho" softly Ermly the yonng blackgn trd ' .A >:.":ITiRTIING ru tu'( r comes frrnn Pans; that long glu\ tis re-a.ch1ng n~ nrl j. to the elbo \\ and requiring twenty b ntt orn will be essential to the peace ~ f mind of e' ery well d r e··eu lady this voar 1 Al.a, that without court plaster patche:i no tru e toilet will be com ~)lct e Twenty bu+tonsand patches Srocn.INC~ for la hes are now eiab )l"ately· worked v..1th sprays of fl )W8 f 8 'l ho ~ e worn by 1ne n are worked bv careful houst· wnes at t he heel antl toe - --- ' ment of the Genero.l .1.\gcncy fer ortt' in .strnments HA wLll In th& futnrQ rece1ve all ,orderii and furnlsh auy information iequ1red SMITH AMERICA~ ORGAN CO and H AS RECEIVED THE APPOINT or- GEO STECK & CO Piano Ma.nltfacture])6 Newl'erk i .s to and I wnI carry

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