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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1876, p. 3

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J, K. GA.LBRA.l'.l'H ' HAS re~urned to his old office, storc"Ring Street. . _ oTer l\fr, (42-lm. ! NOTICE OF. MOTIONf · g Bros · ·.by a:re setting their, stock in motion . Mcclun . off'enng their goods at. I rresi sT liOUl'l or Revision. -- Bowmaevill~. Patersbn's May 15th, 187G. ' ~w~L--UcA.s, r - -- . . TO'wnshlp of Carhyrtght. To'\.vilshlp Clerk qom,iIJ B.- R. Issuer. of Licenses. · Address-Cartwrtght P. O. L ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the HE Court of Revision for tho To ~n of Bow1nanYille·will rucctat the Coilnci1Roon1 ?D :VIonday, WLl~ !\.lay i..nst., at 10 a. rll., for hearing appeals a.ga1n1:>t assessment, and finully rcvisiug and cullfirn1ing the .As.sessn1ent Roll, By order, IL \.Vl);.UA'l'l\ 'J ~ Clerk . Bowmauvllle, May 16th, 1876. {'12-l·w. NO'J'ICI<~. sbiµ of Clarke will hold its next meeth:cg a;t Town Ha.11 in Orono, on l\IOKDA Y the Ztlth dav of l'ti!A.Y next, fo1· revhdng the Assessment Ho}! of the Township, uud utter ger:!eral bjtsineif~. 1 \1·. L. Bi{OAl1, I 'f'p, Clerk . O~ono, :Mayl2,I87'6. (1~-~ r~ .TOW"!iSHIP 01!~ , DAliLI.NcifON. tible Pi·ices. Step in, and you· will find almost every shelf to contain a bargain, and every corner an attraction. · · T HE A-Innicipal C(111nCil of the '.fuwn- .' ' tbat tb.e Court of R~vision fur the Township of l}.a.rlington \Vill be held at the Town llall, lla.mpton~ on Saturday, 27th inst .., at one o"c!ooJ4~m.., for hearing appeals a~ainst .A.Sse!S· ment,.,and :An.a.ll.y rn~-f.:siug the A~sess1ncnt Roll. . . R. WINDA.TT, P UBLIC .NOTICE.IS IIERl'lBY GIVEN,' 'REOPENEDf ' I have pleasure in informin" the· b ' public that I have i·eoperred- in my <>ld stand, (two doors ·, West of thePostOffice,) .' with llJ:l eptira riew stock of fre-gh · Ry order ·. F . BRAUN, De@rtmeut of PubUc \\."orks,} - - Otta~,ta., April, 1876. Secretary. 39, ·Ontario Bank. DIVIDEND No. 38. IF You want a Suit, McClung Bros. will " Suit " you. ) .Wool MANNING'S Suits l TO FIT_ ,, ,. LV CllANCJ,lR . { :v. IN:THE MATTER A~ll Salt & · PilaSter at McClung· .B ros. · I ozr' PAE1'I1'ION Highest Brices Paid for Butter, &c., .) I I !Betwoen .ALEXANj)ER ll,USE, Plaintiff, qeo~e , . . AT ll1cCL U1VG BR_ OS. S:wau, Da.,~1d g.wa:n, ATttlrew Swan, l .. ..Wiltuun Ro~u, .lf~n Fleodrer, Mary ~ ::h:n Fl.f;t-ch.er1 11.nd- ,Janet Swan, an iafant under J~ age of '1 1wenty-one · . · yo~r~, Defendants. This is to be 11 season of THE GREAT · ~ To the above .named defendant!'~ and to all 'ftnk.newn peroons ha·i'ing, or. claiming, ...,ny interest iu the .~and and Premises hereinafter PERPETU AT~ ~OTION English Remedy I DR. Before Talring. "'\!1$~,lje\l;':;", .:: 1 on MONDAY the 12th IJAY of JUXE, 1876." at "' l0-0'cloek lli the forenoon, or so soon thereafter as Co!];rtset 'can ho heard, praying tha.t a :partitiori.'.'!-o'l" i:ale, whichever the si:tld Uonrt n1ay deem most advantageou'O, mar be ma:fl~ ot all, and singular, t.he fol\owi11'g lands an·l premi)olc:., t.ha.t ls to say :-'l'O-\.\'n T.ot~'"11mher 146 1 in Rinck t, frontinfli_ on Chnr(:h Rt.. , in the 'rowl1 of Bowrua.nville, Ht the County nf Dnrha1\l, and Prov· ince of Ontario. contu.inmg one quarter of nn sci'e of land, togethel' wi1h the buildi11gs thc1c.. oa, and the appu~tenan9es .the.reto belonging. And Tn}re ·Notiee, that all persons or da.lming, any interest;..hi 'the' s~id lands, are th appear at tim:e anir}'.ilace·,- and state what. olAlms, if any, they have to the sai<l lands, and ~p.t in rlefanlt of t.heir i',O appea1·ih_r;1;, the Haid ~tter will he proceeded ""·ith in thelr absence. IS·\~.W~ftlim°X<Htornblc Cb'nrta11dW thP Juct-ge'.tfil.rling in Chn.n1bcrs nt Osgoode Hall , in the1 C1tY of Toronto, u.nd.'P~'ovinci.311f 'l'A.K~, "~j:OJE, that a ~}lctition ~·ill be pre- BR.O'S CureB all N_1n~vou £ D1SEASES, suoh a:J f REM~~ D~HILIT\', PH.Oi,:!TRAT ION, etc , which , in iua n y cases are produced bv ov er indu1.¢cuce iu -tlftt ' use of tobacco and alcoholic opints ; hut t:lltr Specific l\lle11jdne i::; more especinllyrCcon1n1end~ B<l as an unfailing cure f r SEMIN_-\.L \VEAKNESS, 8PJ<!RMATOR R Hh:A, I~l.POTENC Y, and all discusc$ that follow as a i\eqnence of ~elf .A.buse, as Loss OF' lHKMORY, lTKtVl<~R8.\ 1, Iul.1'18l'l'UDE, PAI)( IN THE BACK, DTM"Sf.S8 Oli' \...-lbfUN, PREMA'l'URE n1a.n~ othel" di ~ eases that lead to lKSA::-.fI 'l'Y 01· CoNSUMP'l'JON ~ind a PRH?ttATD'RE GnAVE, nll of wl1foh, aH a r ule, a 1-e firiit t~aus0d ORA Y'S .After 'l'altlug. SPECIFIC l\1ElllCINE ,.~ - · YoMciD~~itoAL~~~f& G-ORDON, OLD .AQn:, uml · Solieitot~- for Pla i7iliff. (37·3in.) GOODS. Doted 61'1 April, 1876. D;\.IJ;,Y LINE TO ROCHESTEH. F1IDcy· press Goods~ ~ ~, 1} v- F·-.1-·J Y - ·~ (R.. CRAWFORD, hy deviating fron1 the path of nature and over indulgence, The ~pecific :n.rcdicinc ls th e rPs uH of a , -hfe study and mn:ny y~al'S of cxycrieuee in t H~ating these special discasBs . Ful partieularH in {1u r pamphlet. which we desire to send frp1~ Uy mafl t.o ever]' one. 'l'he Rpeciflc Medicine is sold O:r l\ll Druggistit at $-1 per package, or six pacf{agm for $&, Qll' will he ~~mt by on receipt of the m®ff .. b y ad· dressing , , 'WILLIAM GI<A Y & CO., \Vindsor, Ont. ~Sold in BowmanYille br .J, Hi g-g-jn hot ham and D. Stott, and ull Druggh-its e'r'erywhBre. NORTHROP &. L YMA N , Tlironto, 28 i.Vho!csalc .,-tgents .. "1\-"ill make her regnlfu?i'rii}S on this ronte: leav in.g Cobourg every rnorning at 'i.30 and -Port Hope a.t 9 o'clock. for. Rochester; connect.~ng there with tho Ncnv ,York Central. Northern -Central and Eric Railways, and Lal'e Ontario Shore Division of the llome, \\-~atertown tu1d -Ogdensburgh Itailway, fo'r all points ea::it, wcet And south. ' . n.ETUHNING:- Vlillleave Cha.rlotte (Port of ·nochester) da.i.Iy a.t 9 p ni. except Sat.ur clays, when e.he vtill.- leave at 3 p. m. for Port Hope .direct. · , , De:f,let's in Stock. et~·· wtll flnc1, this the cheap.tilt e.n'd 1nost expe1lilint1-F :ronltt t,n Boston., Al!9aH.y, New Yo1'k, &e. ' For further infor uuitl.on apply t It. CRAWFORD, Port. T-lope or C / F. GrLllER~Ll<BVE, 1f3G .Kh1Q"Ston. · L "' "' W ' \.~ / our stock gf . ' ' BL.4GK LUSTRES. For Cash only. ' ' Fancy Woolen Goods., Standard ·English Remedies. Bowmanvi!le, Octohe" 13. --~ -----"L - ! WINCATE'S Store! l)ubl1c fol- thf>,(l' libel'a.1 }'"onagC!, take t.hts fi)pportunity of informing them tha.t they nave now QJl hand the . " I N Th)H'!{R].'ll~Qc T'.a:4NkS ·TO THE · Largest,: des( and t jJt'ea1te!ilt . ., ~tock ..-C ,· .. ·· " ftOOM"PAPER & WfNDOW SMADES eve.r otre~df.;u BowJ;Q:~nvill.c; ~iso; a {\ne · ':!.. .ClE~aring ---;.-The subscriber, in consequence of termined to ~ "·! aS8o'l'f.mant of ' ·both ot American and Canadian manufacture, ·wb.lcb will be sold VERY, CHEAP FOR CASH. We t.eep on hand a t'uU 2uppl y o.f all th.¢ Books il'.··a.lred in both. High and Co~ Sahools, 'nrKS, PENS, iiiLATES, r,JBD .HID SLATE . Pll:NCILS, at lh· ¥ery LOWEST P!WJES . Ala:o, a la.rgea.ssort~eij.t <tf Ladies' Companions, Work-Boxes, Writing-Desks, Card.-C«ses, l!'low,er-Vases, La.dies' & (fentl11114en·s l!otj:::et-ij;ooks, ., ~Oombs of ail kinds,, 'foiJth .JJ.~d Shaving BrttBhes, a very ftne lG'f. or In'k>1ta.nds, G o1d-plat\ed and'!Ms & Ear-cl:Feps, µ;iect.rn pla.ted T8.'ble, D~S$.rt, and '!'ea SpooI,ts, Ivory1ll.a.n.dled Kntv~s ~n~ Forl$:s~ of the quality ; i!f\rror!, ._n st~es anll ,.~er:i; ; ~~o a very large ~l!IJ9rtment !"JI Pici.ij.res Picture Frames, CoJ~rs anq Cuffs, of the be"t Ktyles ~d w~s: Ba.~ a.nd ll.abber R1tlhi oi all kinds. CHI};;lJltEN'S CARRIAGES .. , . is the place to buy your Co:ffees. Sell O:ff ·His . AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, in order that he· may reopen at his old stand. with a stoak entirely new. The stocllt how held n!leds no exaggerated puffi.12,g- .to commend it to public approval, but is kuown as one of the largest and best.selections rJ Staple and Fancy Dry Ogoods ever placed before the inhabitants of -.t his Remem,ber , OJ!,OQU'~TBETS, VERY CHEAP. ¥(doe Papir F:ro· 5 1e t5 Uents ttr.r Qttire~ P9ohea.p rrem IS to 39 fl~nt!t pllr Q.utrc, Ba-Yelopet~~P!'- G to 3.1 flents pr,r ·,Pa~kage~ W8 have a.lSO a fin~ tLSSortmeat Of l.1:il., :r;doch Bro's '"' is(the place to buy your CROCKERY. 11111,ily and Pocket. l;li.l/les, . Hymn and Psalm Books, i'\loody & Sankey'· fl~p.s, and a large assor.~' ri:timt of ·Books adapfed for S. S.Library, &c. A1Ro n. very cbea:p lot of B1ank :Books,: and a BtockofLazarus l!rlorris and Co's perfected ,.Spectacles and,Eye Glaf'!8eJ'I, NewRpapers, P:!3rip,d.i.e&ls, '.:\raga.1i:1nes, &c.'; Music; Musical lnf!truments, and a variety of Fancy Goods . ~l"gc towv, and neigh borhoo<l., ' An eariy ca.11 is respectfully .solicited. ,¢K"Now open for !!Ille on ... ~ .~ 1 " Co~ner of King n.nd :Division streets.: .. ~Wi!a~Jl· .·~pril _, R~<;?URE F;.AMINd DpNE oth. is1 o :· ·: , . ~Q '. &.~.pj,;R. . . ever shown in town, now in· THOMAS PATERSON. I stock at the "Nicknacks." vIOTo B<>w ~The greatest variety of Pipes is the plaC4:) to buy the BE5T and CHEAPEST G.oods kept in town. B"'1LDINGs, "11le, September ff, 1Jl'7l'i. l'l{F.PAI~_ED O:NL): :B'f tHE WINGATE (LIMITED,) CHEMICAL CO. :i'YION'l'I>EAL.

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