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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1876, p. 1

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'9"9!!!1!.""""!m.'!"!'l- ~ii~diiu--J tatt~nuna j ... ' " lS Anecdote of Lord Dulforin Not rually }Jeuple l.:r.uw tl at lht. popular and gou1al Govc:no1 Ueneral (Lo1d riuffer1u) had 1. he nusfortune t o lome · Il(' of his eye!'!, a111ce by ~ea11ng a glass subsE.tute a.nd an t-ys gL\ss the useless eye ap pcan1 as JOod :.IB tie\\' This ;njsfoltune printed and puofished Every 'l'ltursday 1U01'Ring by the Proprietor, WM. R. OLIMIE at the oFFlllF.-Post omce Blo<::k, NG srRl>:JJ:1, IJUWMANVILLE, ONT &IGN and Prov 1nc1al New Local Inr.ell ge ·CC, Cou.nty Business, Corr1mc1cial l\fa.ttP.TS 1ill4 an. LnstructlVC l'.Dsccllany ( n:R.M:i -$1 00 per annum in: advanee-$1 50 if wltb1n six rnonths-2 00 if.not paid till the endot the yea.r. No pu.per d1sconf.lnued untJl n.ll arre~ira.ges are paul, exce11L at the option of the Jl'ltlhsb cr, 1\nd 19artles reful'ling papers without l)a.r!ng up \~ill be held re~pon~nblc for the aubso lt>tlon 1u1t1l thev comply >\1th the rule All totters a.<lUressca to the ll:ditor must lie pcut-pnid, otberw1se tOOy ma}'; not be taken from I T coNrAINS TP-E I,'..l'EST F'JR ilhl) Poat Oflice. RATES OF ADVERTISING· FAMil.Y GROCERIES Ontario Offi< e-oppos1te the , Market. :and third doo1 north of & Arthurs Photogr_aph Gallery i?.eHtdenc<'- Onte.r10 street Nlg-ht messages inay be left either at office or M EMBER of the Medical Council of but also to the to SELLER U p in hts sttong aims ht> takeit l1ttle Fred Willie- and Lucy go dancing u.heiul Into the house all four of them come, Ma1n.:ma stands smiting her b1lgL.t welcome Tesidence PARCEI.S DELIVERED ALL PARTS of the town with promptness. RADUATE OF MICHIGAN UNIG someth111g to "VP.ntagc sending h1s addresH to BOX VERSI I"\ by \\ill l~aro ~i his ad 28 Muskegon Ji.H eb BLAN 'K ETS THE ' Highest price paid for all kinds ol proauce JOHN McMURTRY WANT -SUPPLIED. - ---o:-E. Me1'lilhn1, SOLICITOR A TTORNEY-AT-J,AW, in Chancery, Conveyance1,&c ... 7 NJ;\VCASTLE, ONT, W. K. 4Jlimic, I -vron G SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES By a.utnoutv of His Excellency the Govern 1 Office a tbe ~tatrsmonofflce Prof'. J. lllm1c, G R \DUA'l'B OF B!l.XTER UNIVER- llllam'pt-0u 0,ass Ha.rmon) and Coinpos1tion. ltesldence51 ly* Sil'Y Ol!' J.fUSIC Teacher of Pinno and Jrga.n Cultiva.t1011 of Voice, Sing1n,t: J'ho1ough I For Cash only. dersigned have filled the wa.nt by the estal' hshment 'lt a Depot for the tratl'tc in COAL, WOOD, LUMEER, SHINGLES, LA,TH, POSTS, and SQUARE TIMBER and are prepared promTJth to fill orders in th abo\ e 1111~. and to deliver articles in all parts the Town. The highest pr1ee patd for Lumber,"-rood, et trdf' \V c buy for CASH. and sell for C.lSJI. Ottlce a.nd Yard -Corner King and Ge"t"C' Streets ha.v-1ng hitherto been in not bclnr.c able at times to procure ft..el eto · tb.e uri· T HE PEOPLE OF BOWMANV!LLE inconvenienced Slte ;vas a sempstress, and had been sewing ever since 111orn1ng the day before home. a~ a ball-dress that was wanted for a great Pulhng and tugging the1 rnake lilm sit down, lady who would not wait On the stroke And when tlus Tumor ca1ne to be proved One bilngs his sltppe1s another his gown. I of six she had finished her last wearv a fact 1 theie were 1nany .JeVi s u1 Ly11n.s Round him tl1ey ho\ er and chatt er with glee .. I ... While thevare wo.ltlng the summons to tea: stitch, and she ha.d .been dehberattng: 1who slept poorly, but outi slept 1nore poor~ and tuke 1ly than the rest, and hLS name waa Reuben Llttle they k no"W how their sweet, loving- ways, [ whether she would r.ot he down i , Comfo1t hfma.fter their wear1S0m" da)s, ] a little rest before commencing a new da.y s l\iaua..sses -Vat'"it11 Fa1r, Arms!ulland1apsful1ofdcarllttlepets, labor, when an impulS;e-wbat impulse, .... - - - ~.All of hu1 worries and co.res he fo1 gets and how to account for it'l-had attracted THE VATICAN - Conc/1 cgat1ona1 her to the window to see what k1nd of weather it wae At thes1ghtofthehearse 1 The word "Vatican" is often used, but loonung hke an apparit1on 1 so black and n1any persona do not understand its nn~ so melancholy 1n its sohtartness_, the semp .. port It inay not btt anllss to enlighten bef11re rrux1ng stress gave a slight stait, and the coach· such of our readers who tnay be at fault The Funeral of Isaao Mosacker. Tlus 1s a cert ~lll -antidote. n man\ fanc ied he heard mingle with the in this particular The term refe1 s to a All tho Je"s m Lyons were invited to soughing of the wind an e:x.clamat1on hke collection of bu1ld1ngs on one of the even the faneral of Isaac Mosacker. "Poor soul! 11 'Ihen the window closed, h11ls of Raine, -wb1ch co\eJs a space of 1,If.EK Majesty's "Cho.lleng~t" bas Just What number of tliese Jews the city ands u1oment after the youug girl issued 200 feet 1n length, and 1,000 feet JU bread c0n1pleted her VO} age of ac1ent1fic dfocovery contained could never have been guessed from the houae hke a shadow, and took th It lB built 011 the spot once occnp1ed 1ouud the worltl , ou whwh she has b6eu I =============="""=== Jlobcrt ---- ---' Ar1nour, EGISfRAR WEST DURHAM Issuer of 1\{ai 11v ~('; l..iceen io.eH 1 Ba.1 r1stcr rney at Ln.w u nd Sollmtor 10 Charecrv J![oney lo aned on Real Estnte O!Oee on King tiset, Bow1~nville _ ___ - - - - - - ~ F. Y. COWLE. !'It, John H. Hutch1.. n. I Clearing Sale J NE PLUS ULTRA C. 110TLE"J', AND ORGAN TUNER, P Bowmn.n\ ille On'" 0l'clel's by n1a1l pl'QJD.P tended Good [~NO Jl e: e renees if reqnlrea. 'J.'he subscriber, in consequence of the late fire has termmed to 1 -J-:-Ficl41il1g, lll. ». I l\/f"E\ IBEll. ~l'..L S OF ROYAL COLLEGE OF trgeon&, F:n.;_land, Ltcc ntlnte Ro\ al Colei?e or Physicu\ns, tJ;d1nburg:h, Coroner &c Ili-,,.sfdenc0-Corne1 of Church and Scugogsts , owmanville Sell Whole Stock AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, I in 'order that he may at his old stand with a stock entir,ely new. The stock now held needs no exaggern.ted puffing to commend it to public approval, but is known as one of the largest and best selections of 8taple and Fancy Dry Ggoods ever placed before the inhabitants of this town and neighborhood. ORGAN, FIRS'l' CLASS, A PAltLOR five stops, manufactured by theDon1tn1on O rgfln Co A dec1deil lrnrga1n will be given t ile 1nstrumcnt be1ng an excellent oue to T YELLOWT~F l!lS A:pply at t he SrATEB'.\[.AN office g;g-Now open for sale on 'corner of King and Division streets. Guaranteed. '1 HOMAS PATERSON. 1 THE Investment t!@RILLI:A. 1 C o BO URG, BOWi\[AN VILLE.. r C_4PJTiL $1,000,000 00. SUBSCRIBED .. t.... . . . . . 750,000 00. PAID UP ·· : ........ . . . .. .. 300,000 00. RESERVE .AND CONTINGENT FUND . .. ............... . 60,000 oo. Money loaned upon real estate on the most favorable terms. Mortgages purchased_ Interest allowed on D MACFIE, President. depo~its. F. B (8) Boarders W~nted. A PPLY TO MRs COLBERT, Wellington Street Bowmanv1lil! 'S1a,y 29 l87ti. H. tw* Marie Grove D1v1s1on, "' reward ot Ten Dollars ,vii be paid foi the apprehension and conviction ot the gmltv pa;i ty F 1' AXFORD, Recording Scribe. Darlington, June '5tb~ 1816 (45-t!. into Ma.pie Giove school honse on the 27th Rf )'[a.y and cl~s t1oycd property bP.long-1ng to SOl\{E'pe1son or persons h:tv1ng broken stand behind the hearse, to follow to his by the ga1den of the crnel Nero IL owes euga'{ed smce December, 1872 Nearly or h~r grave tlus unkno\\n human being its or1gn to thQ B1shop of Ron1c, who, in 1,000 IJ.r;.\'e cases of botanical specunens who had no friend the early part of the sixth centnaty erect hao;e been secured. One r1:.sult of the She 'Was of fta1 l build and had no shawl, etl s buml-le tes1dence on its site ...\.bout soundings hu.J bee11 to establish the factthaL but the snow as it descend ed in light pure the year 1160 Pope Eugenius r~b 1ult 1t on 1n1neral cha1 a.cte1 of the sea bu titon1s is of flakes seemed to wrap her with infinite ten a n1agn1ficc.a':i scale Innocent II, a fe\Y 1two d1fh~reHt k nds ~Tyna.ds of shell de19eas 1n a cloak tnore dazzling than a ) ears aftcrwa1ds 1 lt up as a lodging wete found at the depth of 2,000 fathonis, wedding garment And perhaps the wlute to P~te1 II., King of Arragon In 1305, and beyond that shells d1ssappeared, anc.i. which heaven had du\\11 was Clemtnt V , at the ine.hgation of theK-ug the bottom y1eldeJ only choc 1late colored -0,ot too cold under her kmdly feet, ~nd of France, removed the Papal See from mud Humb"ldt Bry, New Gurnea, was perhaps the winter wind made itself warm R ome to Avignon, while the V ati can re- one of the most 1nterestiug places visited to play about her sweet young face, wlnd1 rnau1ed in a cond1LI011 of nbscnn ty and The natives we are told, live 111 a state of two tear.a of pity had bedtn\e<l Anyhow neglect for 111ore than 70 .}eats. pnm 1tave savagery: and i.:o abo ut com she walked without appearing to h sed But soon after tli..e return of the l"'on t1 pletely naked About a hundred canoe1:1o "For the l ove of God you are requestsnow or blast, but mtent only on the deed fical Court to Rome-an cvont "hich had full of them surrounded the ship, but I ed to follow the body of Isaac Mosac~ f ch ar1ty s1 1e was perIor1nu1g towa.rd s one 1 1een so ea1 nasti y praye d f or ] >y poor I' etr could not be induced to 20 on board ker to its last, on TLurs .... rrAvR ~PEnn A TOBACCO sroRE 11< day, the 21st January, at 6 o'clock, \\hotn she felt to be 1n k1n&h1p '\'iith her, arch A.nd Vih1ch finalJy took 111 "\Yhen the screw began to re\olve they counect1on with mv Bnrbcr Shop, ~here 1 will keep Tobacco of every grade, and P ipes of a 1~ A.nd he ahal11~nder unto you since lus pauper's hearse proved h1n1 to v.ere sc1zLd \~Ith terro1, anddes1st1ngthc1r e\ ery lnnd Also fourfold" have belonged "hen ahve to t11e great luud 1uusLi:;al monotone, coinn1e uced dt.s CIGAJ:?S, I The winter h appen ed to be excAptlonnlly j brotl1erhood of the poor and nuserable forward conside~d as t.!;..e tegular place eha1 ging a.rro~ s il.t the ship_u 1 the hope uf =-- ClQ~\_R I-IQLDERS Isevete, nnd at t he time whCn the l)Os l inafl~ ~ Sti:.l slowly the ht\ir~proceedeU00!:' ail'd""Yes1denCe M"11ie..Po}_)es, wl10, one 1hlhng it An atttim pt to land"""'p W \ied. 111 ..:: - .____ ~ ' delivered the cards 1t \\as freezi ng hard lowed by its one :young rnollrner, until at the other, all cled fresl1 bn1Jd1ngs to i t, one I ttilt:ictual owing to hos tile demouHtrations TOBACCO POU CHES and tJie streets "ere ·wept by " cold a ne\\ turnmg, "here lhe re was a baker's gradually mcircled it .nth an t1q111ties, It was 1 ery diflerent at M·re's Harbor at & & north east wind cntttng n.s a razor It;vas shop, a young JOUrneymau, wl10 was twi st statntf's, pictures and books, nnt1] it be the Aduur,ility Island, \\her tho natives C., C., &<?4 not hkely many Je~s were going to tnrn 1ng a comforter round his throat, hfted his ca.u1e the uchest depository 111 the. ¥iOrid were f 1endly and can:te on boa1d fre ely I htn c prcpru.<>d a out 111 such 't\ eatber, and at six o'clock 111 cap, at fir5t unconcernedly, t o the hearse, The library of the Vat1cans was cornrnenc Thmr only article of d1 ess was as1ua1l shell w but as ha <'1d so the light of a fl as 1amp ed 1,400 yeors ago It contains 40,COO The photographic camera was to them \ho Mo·n1nu In trq~ ~e beluud!th· coffin of 1 au liU1ubl~ 1111,. l Ln ..:c veu<le t, ud !':lane streamu1g on the sempstress enabled him manuscripts, among liy Phny, St source of n111ch dread, and the apparatus cut, whtch one trrnl t\111 ftro~e the excellen\ , to recognise her Surprised, he darted 'IhoruaR, St Clrn.iles, Doromco, and many could not he use<l till the captuLn squirted quahty 'l'ry 1t I I don i intend to be excelled l\1o!'lacker s 1nv1tattons consequently exc1t in qnalit> of' {l:ooil ... or hn' 1ie.,s of vrices The d t Th h J at 011ce into the rendway,. bare hen.ded, Hebrew, S}r1an, A1ab1n.n and Ameucan amongst them On th.,o I:1land of Juau smoking public ate coidrn.lly ini; lted to test ua l some amnsemen . e r1c er ews bibles The whole of the immeme build Fernandez a tablet to the memory of CHAS KELLY, tossoil it aRJde as a bad Joke Sume of and held out 111· hand "What, Marie, i8 that you~ Thm 18 no lll6 composing the Vatican are filled "1th A..l~xauder Selk1rk was seeu The insm:1p3 doors of Post Office, the poorer ones who l1ad had cleahnp;s statutr:s found beneath the ruins of ancient tion stateU that Selkirk lived there 1n sol. l{ing St,, Bownrn.nvilJ~ with Isaa.g, and knew hun to be a cross- relative of yours, I hope'l 11 ' -- - -"No, I don t know his name," said ROu1e, with iuuntlngs by the masters, and itude from 1704 to 1709 grau1ed churl ha.rel to tack1e, thought that with an artless smile," but 1t seem ? 1th carious medals and ant1qu1t1es of al Marie, if it. had beeu su1n1ner-t1n1e, and if the THE WHIMS OF ABDUL .AZIZ -Tbre" -THA1'buual had been nppomted for the cool of ed so wretched to see hun going to the most every descnpton When it is known that there hnvo be('ln exhumed 1not e than days after the failute of the Go\eniment the evening, they nnght have gone to 1~ cemetery in this cold, alone I u "And so you follv wed h1m ' Ah, that's 80,000 st,ituteH f1om the ruined temples to pay the interest on its obllgattons, ho for brotherhood's S;}l,e, but six o'clock 1n prepa1 ed nov;, and dunng the sumtn6J' th,,. inorn1ng 1Jf a wi nter, with the ther- JUSt hke your goodness' Dut you will be j and pla.,:es of Ron1e, tho rea.de1 c~n form inade Ins chief eunuch a p-tesent of twv <:ea.son, hundred tho11sJ.nd francs Out ordered tuon1eter seven degrees below freezu1g catchlng cold your~elf, n1ore hkely, than I some idea< f the r1l hu'l of the Va.bean. I ' ~U~ ~~Hl@lfil~, potnt-uu t hank yuu' Only one Jew in tue dead man llere, take tins wra::;iper - . . . ___._..... I the s11tn to be p1ndfrom tl\P. public treasury 1 - '10IIA y I\iIAKI..NG At one time he .1i1uosed hunseH 111 lu 15 the whole city of Lyons decided that ho ancl my Jacket 1 " "No, I don't feel cohi," Marie, harem for Jays at .t. tl'11e, th~n "e11t to unrnt attend Isaac's funeral, and that wa's 1 Is .Tulle work, and I snppose tlns will be buikhng places, then passeLl agteeable bouts - 1 F REQl IREDRueben Manasses, who owed hun tnoney "but are you coming tDo 1" "How can yoa a"k 1" · 1131,,ered the 11e a.d in that rnonth \Vhere you can cnt in counting ove1 lns gul d .At one bmu Jt4J" PICTIJRE FRAlll;;,~ Sl'ECI lLITY I "M and cun]d not pay. Rueben had au idea workman " Of course I wiJl go where- tv.o at d two a.nd a half tons to the a.ere, he took tt into In~ h~ad tu l1 ave some wild that if he did not render Ins creditor the us every f R-1me1 ought to do, who tas a ever yon go' " beasts, au<l "antticl some tigers. Agents supreme hom·ge of mournmg, Beelzebub well tilled, clay or 1uamy soil, your sys-sT-uOK oFunght possibly look into the matter " Hnsh I" salll Maru~, ge1 1tly , and they tenl 15 vefJ" difiereut f 1oui ours,\\ heie a ton were sent off at once Fearing to cause;: On the morn111g of the 21st, howevt:1r, 1t walked on t ogether side by side, Isaac Th'Io- aod a hnJf to a ton and thrtif' quartets 1 ~ a his l\1a.Jesty some discontent, they sent off Snov-. ed su ha.rd thn.t Rueben Manassea was sacker having now two mourn.ere instead good yJeld Still onrhay nia.kmguivol,es em1sRanes tn every d1rect11>n, with orders -A1'D THEresolved to let tho de,.! do his \vorst of one. b ut. l1 ttl e 1J.b or Tf we r:an, \~e mow 'v1t h to pmchase without delay, and tho result GREATEST VARJETY I~ TOWN 1 'l'here waa no going out in such Note that all tins h<td Leen done ancl n1ach ine 1n th e. a fternoon an d evenn:ig, an d was tho arr1v~ll of fifty snpo1b t1cre13 at r.o Kept on hand at their Sturho, Bovo manv111e weather ln the darkness, lean, sh1v~l'- aiud, without the cognizance or p1n1ty of t h e n,ex t cay But no 8ooue1 1· 1 ne\·er touch t t un t 1l Bay e1ev- aLont the sanlt:l tune (44 31n 1ng lfann.sses, peerinp; undressed through the n1aster of the ceremonies, who was t oo eno ,c1ock ,tlien,1 1 th e sun h as b een or is h ot , ha.d th0y arr1ved than the Snltau couclud Ins w1ndJw panes, satv the fleecy flttkes fal much occt1p1ed \\1th lhe stA.te of the roads rake it np into wide, loose winnows, cd that lions were better suited to htMFirst Class hn.!! ·- in scft ceaseltss succession and wlute- 111 front of the hearse to pay any attttnt1on wht/)h it n1ay be \\ell to shake up, or at places the tigers were exiled into A~tn, ~ME ning everything so that the roofs uf hous- to what was going on belund He was least to turn over, aud look for wet lock s and the agents '?fere once mflltj sent out to es and their eavesJ the doorsteps, the road-1 therefore astonished, almost mystified, .:i.nd green bunches, before three or half purchase hons Fifty of these buasts at way, all seem covered with a hoary frost wheu, on rea.::'!:nn~ the ceu1et ery, he sat\ past three v'clock Then either get it in ltved, hut after loolnn/.! at them two 01 always on hand at It has ne1er been writt('n that a debtor two young people step out from belund or cock it up, while still hot, to have 11 three times, lus l\1a.Jesty bad a fancy for shall catch cold in honor of htE cre<l1to1 '1:1 the velucle, and watch with heads bent good time to cure evenly bcfote it 18 placed par1ots As soon as this was known all d1sease1 aud lean Raeben ]'lanasses Wa'3 while the coffin was being h fted out and tn the mow or th e s t ac k, as i t sh on ld b e the merchants 111 Constantinople orderml sadly hab1e to 1n:fluenza Let it be con plnced beside 1he open grave brfore noon the next day. I would not pariots, and 11 tha end the city was fillPd BEST CUTS .A. rabbi was 111 attendance-a Llack· I heheved it possible to cure hay with with them Th e crugdes arrived too bearded man with a long goi"in, who ~as ~o httle Libor, hi1d not a hired nia;t pie- latewe1e sold in the ahcps~over 100, not in the best of terr>pers at h~v1ng been sisted In doing so whenever he could, until 000 of them l t wa.s th,e l\'.ltn1sthr of F1 roused out of bo:.d so ear1y-and he hegan I he pro\ed to iny satisfo.clllon that bay nance who had to pay the billsfo.i:;~ese to gabble praven At thlS Jtmcture Marie cure d 1n th is way was JHS1 n"' green,swee t · I fancies, and this will show why Tut key is .. I pnll~d the sleeve of lrnr compalllon and evenly cured as that with \\hich Itcol< bankrupt. All this hme tho Sult~n "'"" " But they don't take t.1m to the chapel, he most He had learned the pilmg up his pnvate hoards -::: Letter ro the Jacques 1 and I see no priest ¥11 pract1c on tho b aht lands of centeral New Ne-w York T·ime& Up to the Ist of October next, Lw1ll furnish lona.c Mosacker's door, unattended and "I tlnnk yond er man lB a priest," wh1s 1 Jersey, but I that my neighbors fol· - - - - unmourned, pered Jacques, tht: dead man must ha\e low quite a. similar plan, except that they do not often niow the evening before {to be dehvered ln Tiowmanvi\Je next Spring), It was a one horse vehii;le, without trap been a Jew" "Oh, dear!" exda1med Mirte, i n a Th1s Hi a great advantage, 1 Jecause t ]1e d ew A. T $17 00 11e1· HUNDRED, I pings, plumes, or pall, and the sort of tone of distress, 'but they don't hai:e all upon the surfaceo.ftl 1 eniowngras)l, 8PECI \L HEUI CTION -OU :LAJtGER ORDERS l hen.rse that lS used lh sixth-class funerals, any hoIJ \H1.te1, or make the sign of the fnlly exposed to the sunJ and 1t 1a ahnost ALL other nursery atock at coITespondlng 1 0 ...,. I for Ji""'reuchmen can get themselves 1nter ratmi. .All slock guaranteed true to name I i::ed in 51-x. st)' 1ea 1 not count1na a IH' lienth cress over hun 1 " Jned off by nine o clock The only pre .Address ,JOBY CH.APLIN b "I think it come~ to the sarne thing," caubon tu be observed, IS to cnt after the p o. Box 55, Bowmanvililila sty le for inf LU ts A spindle legged n1as dew begins to fall-or at least after tho (44 GI: ter of the ceremonies shuffled before 1n obi:served Jacques, philosophically But J\1 Lrle \1i,tB not of the same _op1 n1on F:.un coast!i: to exert a.ny d.rying infi.11ence.cocked hat and c1onk, and high percht:1d on the box. sat an age c l coachman , "ho c:it a She knelt down in the snow, ana recited lt IS bettelif the grass does not even'" wilt 1 wretched figure enough with h!S tall boots O\ er the Jew s coffin a Pater, an Ave a.ncl befoie thtii:noi ni ng, for then 1t dries much O ALL who are soffermg from the the Cred o of the Chnshan faith ) then drier anl{-§'~;~ener errors and indisoret1ont'I of vouth, nervous and benumbed fingers These two, and a weakness early decay, loss of nianhood &c I pair of mutes who come to help ca1ry when all was over, and when the rabbi, In dWl weather or wh:tt 1s y,orse alter will send a recipe that \\ 111 lmre you, FREE OF CHAHGE This gi:eat remedy "°' a.s discov.ercd out the coffin but not to follow it to the glad to finished, was s~utthng off 1 natc sn~shu.c nncl show ers, my net~hbors by a m1s~ionary in South Amertoa Send a. sel!The addressed en· elope tn the R E\ J OSEPll T, cemetery, cursed .the presumptuous folly slnver1ng, with his gn\\ll drawn close I let the h1.y lay Just as 1t was cut. INMAN, Station, n, B'tbleHouse,_'llftw York City rounrl h1n1 the young sernpstrt:ss glanced I top bleaches, but the grea.t bulk of it rc1 of the Jew who had wished to be buried , (~6m n.t an earher hour than the rest of the round to see that she was unobserved, and 1na1ns oc a fair color, and cures very fast pulling off a httle s1her cross that hung afterwards If the hay 18 in n.ny way fit -~-----' '5Jl. ·A . around htr neck, ]et 1t full into the grB\ e to rake up, I piefer to get it into windrows, .A yonmJ tnan who gatB6red a eoHee'tlon Dawn was breakn1g as the sextons b egan or even Into cocks, to sta.nd out the rain a(ter the ser' ice, in a Jlf1eh11{an church,b~ to shovel earth on Isaac l\1osacker's body, There 19 danger of heating during long fore atarhng, put his hand in h1a pocket, and as J\.Iar1e and Jacques walk ed out of storms but 1t rnust be watched and put, as he supposed, a slnlbng n1 the the cemetery arm in arn1 Ent at lite gate ' plate, a1.d then P"""ed it round aruong the a n1an met them-s1nooth and of polished SINGUT \R. -In connection with Bari's cougregation, wh1oh included many young manners career, lately hung tn Glasgow, it has girls The girls as they looked at the "You h:\ve bean attending the funeral been pointed out as a. somewhat cur1oni:: plate, all &:ecmed astonished and amueed of l\f I saac l\fosacker? " he inqu1rsd, co1nCJde11ce that the 111:u1 wa;s born ou a and t.he man, taki ng a. gla.nce at the plate,· Vv erlue~da.y, wa.s ruarr1Qd on a. \Vednesday, bowing. committed ths double cr1me on a \Vednes found that 1 $tt'ad of a sh1il1Df', he had drty, 9.rts tried on a \Vedt es lay , i:ie.nt e nced {J\lt a conversa'ion Jozen..;e1 OIL the pl1;1.t 8, on· Wednesda.y, and jiung en a Wedues- with the wor<'· "WiJI you marry mel ·lit day .r·d lettero ·!&rmJ> er,ryLody tn the fa"" by the lawyer who sent the mvitat1ons, had not the deceased left ~ hst of them He must have taken years in composing th18 bst, for t11e1e was figured on it the nan1es of Jews long dead, and of ethers Just born 1he lawyer sent no Inv1tac.1ous 10 the dead, but every ltv1ng Jew, rnau or ~cluld, was bid<len !from the richest banl"er 1n lus gilded mansion do" n to the pulAMERICAN GREFND.Al'KS and CHANGE rng bahies of the pedlars who ha\\ked the ii DOUGH'r Jomr McCtF.TT AN l 7'i[cC' "LLAN <II; Cf' wares among the pooi: "cavers of the VYIL!. IAM CANN ; ~(" "Croix. Rousse, u a11 the Jews 1n Lyon'! Bo-wn1n.n v tlle.Jan 30,18i5 27 ly. received a black-bordered ca1d bearmg these words - I SHO'NNY SCHMOKER ! I I I TOBACCO, REMEMBER TAIT & ARTHUR THHffti, vr±!lfil ENLARCE PHOTOS UP TO LIFE SIZE, .., ..,, ·Y THE VERY BEST I FRAJY-r:ES I AT s I FRUIT ·TREES ! First Class Apple Trees find ' T I

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