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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1876, p. 1

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.. ~anndian .Jt1dt.snuu1 I u printed a.nd pU(1hshed ~'Cl") l'but·,;d:t) ll~Ol' Uilh by tht! Proprietor, .v \[. :iG R CI, l 1\f T 1 at the OFFICE-Pod Office Tilock, STHJCJJ;l now M ..H·Vll I,E ONT ==-- BO"TMANVILLE, ONT., HARD TIMES !\,-!'.[ ..... ~"Y"E R.. j IREOPEJ\TED I -W"t of the Post Office,) "\\'1th an entue new stock of fresh EAMH1 Hard time pnces h .. ve been adopted a~ the estabh~hmont of I have pleasure m mfmmmg the 1 pubhc that I have rnopened in I my old stand, (two <loots ' ew and handsome a..qsortme:nt of He l! utfer1ug hi" n I FALL AND WINTER GOODS @'His Buffalo Robes are ·pltndid rnlue m::irkahl"" ~. . His ~t AT GREATLY llEDUCED PRICES ~His ~H1R :Mink sets are re111o ~t the n1011ey (}1ehe and :\.laskn. 011rt:11stance all co111petit1on _ 1111de 11p Cap", Collttreh1, Muffs Mitts &c. are in thtt neiVf"st nn<l n.rtia he Rtyle P-"'H18 Children's FnrR are rare :.ind var1P.d 1 Rnrl ar('I Jng-t what fond nrnm inns f'-~<pnre for their pet.a ~The11 tha G .. nt"'- F'nr1111lhn1!!s en1hr.ace everytlu11g in rhtr hue Shut!ll Dral\ers Sock~, Collars, CuffM, Neckth:~~, Bu1.ce~ &c ' Ev<>rvthing 7nod and chPep 9;pect No trouhlt' to Fhow uooil~ Cn·h 1·ustomern "'111 buv dose RAW FURS NEWI NEWI 010U!3 all kin <ls o' Onr thne "ill be sho1 tenough brief n.t the lrnst Toll on nnd remf!mbcr our wotk Ht before tls. W huu 1t. is completed then we ihn.JI find rest Prr.P.R on to the goal lt1ere -o--- n.rcl ~11~3lbc11de us I I s. HaVJttg openec1 hu new store with fl; 'Ve sbtl.U not sucoeed it one duty \\eshtrk Dut the prize 181\t\n.ttfngyou, firm noble toiler, So bia.vely unceas1n"ly, fa.1thtull) work! £ rrHE PEOPLE OF BOWM,1.2'/VILLF being able at bmes to p1ocurc etc t he ui.: ders1gned June till ed the v. ant, bv the e!; tat lii:;hme11t <'Jf a Depot tor the t1utiw in I hi:tv1nr- hiLh erto been incotn en1encctl in not 'tHJ!l CLUB FOOT A DJ: TECTlf K 8 STORY C 0Iv1PLETE ASSORTMENT --OF~ COAL WOOD I LATt-1, LUl\fBEll, SHINGLES, and SQUA1{E TIMBER One cold Ja1111arJ night, I wa.s coz1Jj hy lllY fireside, enJO\ Ju~ a cnp of 1 :3taple & Fancy Dry Goods, ~ det1 POS'l'S, rea which 111y wife knowK ~o well how t· the garder 1 ' "llfr Milford nsn~lly rehred ~t ten rn,nu' n> t I·> le sur,:assed fot clienpr.eo;· by ·n;i l:lou·e m the County o'clock, Ie1t.v1ng Mu~s MLlford and my$e}f u After a. httle mote couvar1a.tto11 w1t:h ---o--CHE:~ AP GOODS -.Pl!'tt - - the pruoner , I withdrew IlQl vet y w~ll S'ltlsfied with thP. result of rny v1s1t lt ts trnt.'I 1t served to c 1nfir n tne in the up11111>11 I ha.d f Jr1ned of W'\ring 1 s innocenc~, but I '"'A.I! no nearer d1scover1ni; t11e truth 1h11n Ile fore My 11ox\ proccedm~ "A· to maKe a strict exarn1nat1on of the prem1S"'S lately occ11 T J, IT & ·,L\ RTHUR Clee~rir1.g Sale Doi\ m111n I e (ii 3D I i· ~ -. Oft l J i·-! VJ11ole 3 ~) J , ~ ' 1 , } I·' I I .,,, tr l'Jl A' ml. I~ o .l...,..1· ..l...'..! always on hand at I l '1 - l! le &Mart1n's, 10 CENTS. 13 c, , .1. ~ ilrl iiil and with a stock ('Iltil ely 'Jf'\V fhe 'tm !, 110\\ hel<l needs no exaggernt< d puffing to comrnu1<l 1t to r n.] l n l" 1.nown as om of the lai g@st and be,t selections d Y<'t nlac d brf 1a th t rn11ahitants of tb1' TREES! (; p to the Is of 0< toheT next T "ill furnish l0 :ER ON. E ~-· O~INI01""1 I" C (' nd ban 1~ werq co' ~reo with b1nor1 1 an ii my f"ther h n I myRterinn·ly Ev e1 ' qe»rcl1 was ina<l.F. flit htn1, bt\t with out a.nv avail n.nrl Henery waR n.rr~sted. oo SP['.{:l\L J:EDICTJO~ on :Ltl?Gl-H OJtDIRS the clnrg~ of 11;\\IP,g rnnrdere11 lnm &nd ALI other nn1 ser· stock at corre~ponding lo'" 1 con ceiiled the bodv somewhere rRleH \_l s11 kguarantccd tJ letonan1c I "'That'\ 1~ a. very atra.111?e conclnston A1 1drt>8R JOIIN CI-I.APLIN ! to ~ome to sn.1d I interrnpt1ng her P 0 J ox .,5 Bo" manv1lle "Yes, hut you ha.r-e not hc~rd all," shP (U tf repherl "l\fy father· watch .,.,,i puroe were foun<l tn HPnery s pocket at the tlmP he \~as RtTe!'l.f.ed ·· Fi 1 Et 3 s;:) An J...) '- ~ r knocktd down to the f4 r 11e1, :tO<i It '~ after the ·ale th·t the auault was m1tted 11 )8 Savi gs and Investment J }-;-; r( Y · -OF- NORSEMAN ON -T ~4... lt I 0. $1,000,000 oo I show rng cost of adve1 l1smg- ~ New York. tft n1nJC lists o OEND 25c ro G P ROWELL""&; co-;- fnrP1mnhlct of lOOpages con 3 000 Jlt' \\ >i.pap 0 l" anc cstnnutee 750, 0GO 00 SOO,OOV VO 1,0, 000 00 NEWCASTLE NURSERIES. TREES,~HRUBS , PLANTS ·cal Pstate on the most favorable tcrm>i. F B LEY , :Mapager '\In. ~Pr 0 t t.rl Ba.11k, no" fllAUvtlltRsq ~\f D , B n' n11'.11V1lle curnpl~te llPRlNG OF 1874 1:-XTE !NVTTE l'HE Al'fENTJ01' l'l of Pltlhters a ntl dealers to our a t ge anrl stdck o Stanoa~s ano Dwaf fuit Trees, GRAPE V"INES; SlVIALL F ll.UtES, ORN AMENTA T~ 'tREE8 OTT t-\ ND f>1 ILJ>I MAS lll he f0wn of B >Wm ;1H'\ le c " .atStlng oil 13 a.ere:,; oli,:land \\ lt 1 g· od 1111c k O\l!'>e DHUGGlS ~l Al\ J J J, J, J;. \f,,-,. HUii "Tl1ere ca.n he no <1011 h~ that it ·a· SJgned by my bther, ' she r·phed "But who 1a thui 1111cle of yours 'l 1 nevi r heard yC'>tt n1entton hnn before " "I had almost forgot ten Ins ex11ten« For the fact is, nly father nnil he were t1ot on gond ternl5 together nnd lus nR.n1e .-a1 scrtrcely evPr mPnt1.oned " " Are ynu I~ft noth1ng in th11 will 7,, "Nothing,, ~'Is 1t nnt very Atrange Miss Milford, th~t your father should hMe left your uncle ·ll hi~ prop·rty i I "lt- is- tnde.ed, very strange," replu~fl the yonng h1.dy ·1They ha\e TIHYer spoken to each nther for yea.r11 My fa the~ could Tiever bear to the namq of lus brother Ohver mPnt1oned, and whene' er p111nt on a. hl1&t or raft' antl n~d bttl'!ll ho <lid speak of him, which I have before conveyed tn tht'l nthet ~1de at the prnut AAtd waJ1 seldon1, he a.lwR)'S spoke of him from ,.Jnoh I had sh rtcd a,_ a. ba.<l hearted man ,, " I rnl\d~ my b >at f$t8t n.nd look~d about notlung?' me. I foond that the 1"1a.nd ~as sm:i.11, "Oh, yPs, ~ terr1hle stl"llr!Jll e ha.d rv1Rnd 10 thickly ·tnddecl w1t1' green tree· fle11tlv taken plit.oo there The flowers ftnd that I could··· hut very httle ln ad·ance 1o ,ts ln:v1 · hAPn torn up, the shrnhberv of me Ta.king, h"lwever, the horses hrokPn the -irronn<l Jn P.CVPr"l places w:u; honfa for my gulde I came up,,n an old NverPd w1th hlonrl, :i l,rnfe w~found Jzlap1da1ed stone btuldtng whtch had ev1 ' "li1cl1 was proved to helon!! to Henery dently heen butlt long cc.nter1or to the 111sn Hta nt>rl w1 th thH i:1ta,l fhnd" Reliolu,tion. It 1eamed to be entirely "Do I 1lnd~r"t::inrl th"-t votrt fa.ther tm un ccuptedi for the abutters ~ere clos~d, nn~eiJ nn obst:iclf! tu your marriage with and thick grass a.nd weeds grew in profn him ?" J walked all round the houoe. but not find a. hv1ng 1oul v11Hble bnt I was with a sight that made my hlood tuigla in my t'etns, for it served to 1n1bttant1:(.te n1y theory with respect to clearing up the mystery, and th18 sight PRINf !i:R'SRU.LES THE fo 110w111g ,hae1 ved bv p rs ns ha.vrng ocqa.slon \: 1s1r a p1 Lnt1og offio.,.. rules should be 1tr1etly tu 1 3' 'LMl L'< Pr. GU,RER'I", OM<EOPA1 H TST BnWMA"VILLE L ATELY OWNFW BY THO~ B' LI L)ruggs. ME::d1cines and Chemica )R, R Pve Stufio, Patent Med1c111:eJ1, Perfumery, Bttishes, Combs, Soaps, Pamts and Oils, Pamt Brus)l,es, C;,;al Oil, and Coal 011 LaDOlps, &c , &o. Office ever the Post Office kitchen a.nd wonli shed stn:;1cll harn urn.I s able with sheds &c good orchnrd with e\'-ery flther oon\cn1enc~ I f not sold bv tlie l~t t f J\:lay will he to let Fftr- pa.rLlculars Bowmanv1lle Tehrna1t8~ 27 sapElOifnEN Enter softly S1tdowu quickly R11bscr1liefj r the paper. Pay for 11 111 aclvance D >n't tonch thetvp1. Ke·p ·ix feet from tJ1e devil Don't talk to thrt cornpoa1to1s Hands off manuscript. Gentle1n~n nhsertinr; theAe rule~ wh.;,1' entering an office 1 w11J greatly ohhu 0 th~ editor and not fear ti~ devil. ' La.dies w:h< bless u~ w1th their pre!'Jerico ~re 11nt expected to keep those rul ~s strict· ly Boys nnaocnmp&on1e:J hy their pa.rentllli requested to ~ee~> their 16outh# and pockete shnt Girls are e¥empt fro1n th1t rule A was cansed the other dst.y l!3lS the Kin gston Ne-ws bv a. large rat rnn~ rnng out of the PoAt Office, an d on it.It being pnr"ued 1r; took refnge under the clothes of a young girl It critwled up neitrly to her neck, :-ind she wa.s very 1:nnoh fr1trht@l'led A gentJema.n with sorne dtf ficuHy re1novud th~ brute, which w.ts instantly killerl lt raised 1nme excitement for a. little wh11e 1 2 3 "5 6 7 8 p' SIClANS PRESCRIPTIONS CJ.REFULLY CO~POUNDED ANI') ALL ORDEJW CORRECTJ,Y ANSWERED.

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