Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1876, p. 3

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'r ff u.RSDA" Y SEP'rE~IBER, /:, 13 78. l!!!!!!!!!'~llllllllllllllllll!""!lll"!!"""""""!"""""""""""!"..."!"""""""""""!"'""'!'"!""!""!"!'!!!'!!"!"""'!'"!""!"!"'..........!"~""!llllllii!!!!!!!"!!!!'!lll!!!!~~!!'!l""",!l!""'!'!!!!!!lil!!iiil!!!!'i!'!'!!'!'!!!!!"!ll'":"~""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""~'!lll""!!lllll"!!~!""...,!'!!'!"""!!lil!!!"""""""""""""!!!!!)'"'!!!!"!""""""""""""'""',,;,,""'!'"'!!!!!!"'!11""!!!!!!!!'!'!!'!!!'.'!!~!!"!!"!'"""'""""""'!!"'~!!!!!!""!"!!!!'""!!"!"'""'~!!!'""""""'i!"!!!!!'!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!l""'!!.!!!.!!.!!.!.!.!""!!'""!'!""_~'!"'!~!!"~~!'"""""!"'!·!'!"~£±AZ"""-""!"'!"'!!"~-""'"""'!"""""" I " I f · I' \!J 012 tt du,,v nt hu1:ne. Ag1:::ut~ ,, i11 ((1 U1 t · ·lt HJld ti.;1111:$ f.rt:e, Th.CE & CO., A 1, £ U 3l ~t . l\lUlUC. - -- -~--- ---- --------·1 Deb1mh~ 1·t·s f'or l<iak. DAILY .AND WEEKLY DAILY EDl'l'IONS mailed Free or Postage, to .all parts of the Do1nunon. $6 per annum. -co lumns of closelyprii1ted n1atter. $2 per a.nuuill, Postage. free. ' THE ON!, Y FIR 0 T Cl,ASS J()' RN AL PlJB· LloHED AT H IE C}. PlTAL. EA.RLTEST POLI'fIC U, IN'TELJ;IGJC NCE. LATE ;lT 'fR!,EGRAPfHC KEWS SPI CY READABLE ARTICLES. Pal't1es dcsirmg a news pa~er from 1heCaf.1lal. and a Ln elvi ~parklini;t 8:110.sehold Journa, "' ill take the DA LY FREE PRESS. A BeM\'tif:Ul OJI C.hromo, ma.1led to every subscrltrel"Of t'.lie ' 'VEE.KL Y l'K~:B PRESS. '1V. 81ITC'll·~t,r. 1 Otta.wa, September, 18i6. Pl'Opri..::.:.;. WEEKL\' .h~DifJO "\-Eight p ag1s, Sixty four CASH .PRICE, 9 cts. CRED IT PRICE, 11 cts. 12~ " " 10 " " " " 17 " $1.UU. 20 ,, $1.13. c : , 'l'o hard.nnd soft \\at er, Hal' a.cro u fliintl. Appl~' to; and only six months j R A P1o~ar street, cnntH.m1ug 7 roon1s) with Dwtl;Lt:ING HOUSE ON PROS to THE K ING ot:- PUMP S ! hn·;~111n1thm fiii~,.teu a, 1· <Hiid w. cr,rnrn. I I on a "!\l0rage acco11n+ uS. . Bible Over 400 ,fltoo~tb,;" ll)~st' of Winter with Pe~fa~t :3nccess ~ ~ GenemlRescomtion tu Smrnd Jl ealt, 1 Bui I Jet' s, u p to tJ,c-th S i> o enil~er . t't· r t he c tccuon 'Of a brick rl wdhng huuoo. Plan s. &c., n1u) be :seen at the tf'::ildence of t ne undeis1i;ueJ.. \VM. OLI Vl£l1. 5. Bow1na.1prille, \.'ltg. ,)I) ~· 18i!J. / T ENDio:a» wrr.r. BE n.EcE l \T ED Accou nts I d u e be paid. PI CT URE RUBBER-BUCKET PUMP. Y. 'TO"NH TO R:.... iu E1u~t \ Vhit by. ... FARllf OF ONE llTJ:<DllE D ACRE~ I 1' and ... S'l'RA. Yl<~D. - --------- D. HINKSON, O sha.\lo"i\r. B 0 0 Ts 8nbscri b~r. Kh1g i>t Oowmanvill e, 011 S1 ri dnv la.<Jt, a YOUNh 1Uj:H JO \\r !otiYi 11 ioHk F ROllf THE August 16. 1876. PREMISES. OF THE --- ---·-· -----. \\"ILJi druop1n:; horr.~. Any One g1vlnfi:' lnf~t' n Lt1on t hat will lead to h·Jrnicuvery v. illbe ~air:tibl re«arded. ROBER1' DObDS. 6. FORS.ALI · . - AT - ONE TOP BUGGY, (Leather new) (4.) tr.p) O'l!E Cutter, (all Open Buggy. Ohe P ortland h u qu~ O LD STAND. '!'he ,owman; ille Furniture Factory having commenced runnine again, and the t>ew Uornpa.r1y having appointed the undersigned Retai A:;ent fur the Towu and >lmounding country, he is prepa1ed to offer th very best "tyles of E'u1n ,tm ,, · at pri ce~ b··low anything at which it ca' be procu1ed eloe\\ l1ere in the l'rov; nc<.> co" ll01'JtNIOX ORGA:-1 C'O. Il(H\ lf.llJ ll\ I }(~. - - ------.---- ------- - -- - .- - D. M·ORRIS C.) N, and 3. ,. circulated that the undernigned has been overcharging in hi· J Un dertaking depai tment, he be;rs to submit the following figures, whicl I I he challen<res any one to contradict .- MOHTGAGE SALE - Ol l - I lrn.ving be~n L T;J .t!ingl· 1811. ·~ THE GitEA.T ' an_ n ..b.16Il19'11 l.T ! 1 "'D .,_ ~ ' VALUABLEREAL ESTATE! I i I - · Reported amount chargecl, $.50 .... Actual amount charged, $12. H H " 30 . . " (~ " 9 I " " 4.j . . 60 :-.. : 50 ... . ~·~ "' ~(l 2.i ·10. ~JO I:., .. " " " 50 Bv\.\ marnille, l\f:n ch 29, ..i.8/ o H a ir-(res~·l nrr anf: Sh~:1ir~ P a·!or I E · 1 one door \\rt·st uf }fn i ·oc i B ( 's ,tor1:'. ,. he· r. busuH! S~ he hopes by strwt at-enlio. tu to ha~ c a sho.1e of the public r:a ronage, ~ Special attent.on paid to C hildren's hair. To the Ladies. 'I ·l ;):. ; ,;:: li:.i,.,u 1 Se~ ds , Bulbs, J'.lowers, etc., etc TOBACCOS, Pl?~S A 'rn CIGARS. er:;, C1,:;'ars, &c. , w hich will be s ei d I CHEAP AS T H E CHE.1>PEST Reniember i h e )£ tho la.rg A-11 Trees fuenishcd b ~ MR. C. a re guarantcC'd Centennia l Excur·n~t.1ckots a.t grca.ll y re· i Brst e!a~8 and true to duced rates-from $ 15.40 to $ 18 40-accurdiug 1 Address .. to c hoice of route, a lso for sale by L he under- 1 P . O. Box ro, . tng-nell . (!6 1 Bown1anv1lle. I D P.O,E, T. y ELLUWI.E~~f'. · [ r\,..{Pnl , .Newcc.stlc., Do"W man ville. J u 1 ~. 2un, 1876. b2· tf. 1 For cuoldll&' p11ri-c-. C A RD. Burnett's Extracts Burnett's Extracts ··~J1r._,,.,t1..,.."' -l'arlur JlnM, :a..toa. ItED, 'VH1T..£ &; IlLUE PO LE, (i) I PlEA~IJ1'.~~ T1'1 11' FOHMI NG the J_.a,d1es of Bo w1nanv1lleano vw11H t ) th.ll I have rE"rUI ned and opened t hit T AKE GRE.\'l' Burnett's Extracts LSMH 1 Al.MONO, VANtLLA. ROll: 0 NECTAIUNl: 0 CE.LE.RY· t .,- D. \V 1 1.1a.u1s' butcher shop, with a new stoek of on King Street., ont' d oor we st ot Mr. M I n t h e Field Again! Owing to the retu enient from bui:.1ness at T. BAS8E1T, MILLINERY, , FANCY GOODS, BE RLIN WOOLS, &c., &o., &c. '\\rhe1 e I witl be glad to meet ml' old f1iends a nd customf"rs. I also intaud cti.rrying on OaANel, CINNAMON, PiACK, , NUTMl.. CLOVl.S, ···L Groceries at T\llcClt1ng Bros. Teas Tone $1:1000_ l ~L Burnett's Extracts .. ,......,.,,· · _ i d .. -TifthAY. IUW,1". T . F . T. HOSKIN ha.s commenced work ngnin on hie own o.ccourn and has opened a D H J<J (La.te ~dth ~ t"! lU A K I N G Milliner~ Burnett's Extracts NU'H.lcsdiM·!~~t:.i" B·t. nu..... Cheap Teas at ])/.fcCl ung Bros. McClung . Bros. AT /l1cCLUNG BROS . T 0 I, I. 'D' ! 1 , \ ], , l ' ( · FO R PHICR LIS'I .a.c onnectio n vdth the a.nd MrLnCu A. S. '.,\N DERSON, :Messts. J . & \n~ J. McMurtry & Co. 3t. l Burnett's Extracts rr.fe<' pvritv a"4 great ,,,...,... n.r are w. · ··V" n L ll'Lile Salt & Plaster NEWTINSHOP dn the bullding two dours west of l\IcsS;re Thompson & Burns' office, where ~ill a l~ aYl:l be fnun d a. full 1LHSortmt1ut of P.11m) I hing In the TIN and Sheet I ro n hne . of ton: about 'iO acrescleal'ed, an'.1 ·he bblance wel wooded with pine a ncl oak . I f not sold by tht 1st of April ne:rt , the c leared portion wi ll b· n. ....-UV 'II ll<u· E·l-1· - '°' - ACRES, BEING COMPOSED I 9OQ .J \-, of part Lot No. l, 9th con. DarhnJ? c,( r.ant.eil free from tbe potHnau olla aa4 atidt ·hltlli enter Into tbe ccnnpasition ~f aan1 or tM faeUdoq Hi g hest Prices Paid h:r Bu eter, &c., JC>BBJ:N"G eased. For particulars enq uire S B. BP A.DSHA W C \ltD, .... fruit AaTora DOW In tb~ market. 'l'b.ey ·re Dal trn· to thdr aamet, but are prepared. from fndf9 ot. tho best quality. and are .o bJ.:bly coeoenW.... · .-pontlTely mall q111111lltJ . .11 ... DY DAVIS Ii SON Ii lAWlllMl. MONTllEAI., P. Q· ...... for Oo11tlaio· .D11'!1 IU~llID ......,..... II co. ..,_ .r c..-.

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