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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1876, p. 3

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CANADIAN STATESMAN AND MERCIIANT, BO\V.MA~VILLE, .TlIURSDAY, OCTOBER i2, lS76, R EMAINING in the E nniskillen Post Ofilce , n ot. p re,,iously a d ve L"tised :, I 1\fa.rtin P ick erton,_:lno. . 1\.."!.T iiUd , \Vrn . R ric han , '\V. B esset t e, Salim c , Cl u m 1iI1pr, Jno . Ch1 1rch ill, ·:Jos. ,J... an e, Jas . Ml~Dc:rmid, Ar~:hy. \V~ . J ~ --- -o---- -OF- S. M:ASON -has received~ Del eh a y , .J a s. R ing~ Itol iert. J... aug ntion, Mr. . ~n ui :: kill c1~0 ct. ?., I' Vhite, Isabell a,, Miss. D . W. McLE OD, P . M. 1876 _. _ _ __ _____ n .a.ebur n, 1 "\ olson . Sanderson, W m. NEW STORE I NEW I TRELEVENSI LONDON, ONT ...4-RI 0. CAPITAL . ..... . . : . .. .. ......... . . ... . ..... .. .. ..... .$ 1,000,000.00. . ... ' .. .. SUB$CRIBED . . .. .. : . .. .. . , . .·.. . .· , . .·... . ., ,.. · . .. . .. . .. . . 750, 000.00. .PAID UP .. , ........... ..,, .. .. .... .. ........ '. .. .... .. .. .. .. 300,000.00 . . RESERVE AND CONTINGEN T PUN D ..·...... , . . . ·. . ,. .. 60,000.. 00 GOODS J I N SOLVENT ACT OF 1875. JEREMIAH FOGART Y, <l'nd HIS FALL - of- s T 0 c K 1 I,. . '1 i 1 1 -CORNISI-I TIMO TH Y FR A NCIS FOG A RTY, P laint iffs, in··e1nises where h o h t.Ls opened out a l arge :-itock of J,lie b est goods to be found in the country, c on sist ing of HAS HEMOVED INTO IDS NEW NlCllU L.A S J EJ!'PE llY, D cf~ndaut . G-OODS, I Money loaned upon real estate on the most favorable terms. Mortgages purchased.· Interest allowed on deposit11. . D. MACFIE, President. F . B. LEY, u =anag<o And he is determined to continue to sell . at the ruinously low prices REFERENCES BY PERMISSION: ch eaper than the cheapest. · Why he can do itGEO. McGILL, E sq., Manager Ontario Bank, Bowmanvill e First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy. WILLIAM ALLISON, Esq., M. D., Bowman ville. Second, what h.e :C!tp 't buy cheap enough, he manufactures. Lo~don, March 1876, Third, he is satisfieu"w,.i th sinall profits. F our-th , he sells for casl'i"T'·. "~' Fifth, h e sells at bottom prices. / ..."t· ,, t· C.A.J:.a:X:.. ~ND ' 'i· ' I WATCH ES, A 'vrit of attnchn1ent. has boon is8uell in thi >i caur-ie, a nd th e creditoi·s are notifi ed to 1ncct at t.he late place of businet:io of the ])efr:nclnn t, in Llte Low-i i or Bo w1na11'vil1e, on .Z'1![01ula y, the T'wcntu-t hird Day of Oct o1 Je1· n exl, at eleven o'clock :iJi th e for enoon , to recei ve stnte 1ncnts of his a fhLirs, a nd to a ppoint o.a1 A ssig nee, i f t h ov sec :flt . · Dn,t'Cd at P ort ! l ope. t h is I. \Yentr-nlnth Uny of Scptmnbcr, A . D.1876. SE'fH S . S:VII'l'l-1 , Offida1 A s fligncc. . Town. Cheaper than any House in ---o-- - -which he will sell- CLOCKS, CHAIN S, JEWELLERY, . FORKS, SP OONS, ELECTRO.P LATED WARE, &o. , &c., (._ ~ c: CASH AND CHEAP GOODS ARE 1-IAVING - '!'Jlc c1_ ·eflii.01·,;_ hol11 iu;r; direct claims a nUi n d ir·cct claims for one lrnn cln~U doll ar s e ach o.nd npwarcls are as follows : ·- $512 36 D 11ni cl :vtcL ea n , Tor on t o, ·178 l l lliu.Uru:ky & Co., lVIoul rcal , THEIR EFF'Jj-;CT A.ll of ,v}lich a re ne·w , u1 ean. and· ·vill be sold at low·cst :price s. II-lore goods t o arriv_ e. · Call and sec our s tock , and l en rn p ricr.s Uefoi· J)ureh a siug el sewhe r e. r.: - ir No t r ouble t o sho'\Y goods. e pt. 27, 1876. Bow1n anv ille, S_ S E E FOR. 'YC>UR.SE:C..IV'ES - A N U· · . ; Y 0 U· J,;~;'. · J.3' RTE N .D S 'W' I T H YOU. --o-- F og:u.rty & l3rothcr, :l; ~-{ oJln nd O' Bria :n &.. Co., " & ::\1.tir tyn, B o·wn1a nville, K ing & Brown , Tor onto, - " 110 85 107 30 117 20 26!:1 uo Highest Priee paid for Butter~and Eggs ONE uooit 'VE!ii'l' OF Ex1>R:Ess OFFICE. Ex11minc t h o stoc!~, "\\'hich 'co~p1~Se~:-· ay-erytbiilg in the trlidc, of tho vf!ry latest a.n<l. 1nosL e legant. stylc s.fl.nd patterns, of English , Canadian, and A m <ilricnn manufacture. H_ e ~till confanu es to nuinu ractur c to order , fron1 th e bost of 1nat.e dal, and none but first -class "' O I"km e n k ept. CHEAP FURNITURE I CHEAP FURNITURE I CHEAP FURNITURE I AT- $1030 D2 .And the: a ggrcgute· of cluimo wule L· 9100 iR a5G 94 . s g 111II s. SMt 'rFI, Ottic~ a1 .:\ ~~i guee. I~e h a s ir1 stoc.k an endl ess v a riety of LndieS' 'and '6-cnts' Saratoga ']_1runka, which h e 1s se lhng cheap for c ash. .. '_ :' · · 0 1·ders Pronip tZy Execiltea, and. Goodi Pits Guaranteed. V~lises ' eto. a.11 of ' MANNING'S OLD STAND. 'l'he Bowmanville Furniture Factory havin()' commenced runnin" again, and the new Company having appointed the undersigned Retail. Agent for the Town and surrounding country, he is prepared to offer the very be~t styles of Furniture at prices below anything at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Province. P ol'I " HoJ1 e, f1 1h October, 1876 . S. MASON. Bowmanville, October, 1876. Remember the Stand· "BIG BOOT." di;:awn by two Horses, NE vV KING STREE"f', BOW M~:il)J VILLE. ~+ .. ATTR A C T IV E Fall Good sI ~ s A uction Sale l '"'{5 OfSIRABl~ VlllAGt LOTS! SUl'EIU_ O R J<'ARM, F ARM STOCK AN D' -IMPLEMENTS, - AN J> ·- -:_'*·~~;'ff· ...,,·-,..;; Bo\Ytnan villc; Ociol:ier2nd , 1876. ee : ~~:? J?~i~· -~-. M. "f'RELEVEN. ' . ' W. lV! c il-~ URT RY ALL ARE INVITED -to call at the · invites the attention of the public to his pres-e~!t stock or ( UNDERTAKING! NEW GOODS! u~e I j uat rec eived for the fall trade, which 1 McDERMID'S SAW MILL VJll~GE ofJ.\iifTvili.E, MANVERS : I ha \'e r eceiv ed instru ction s from t he AN D SH l NG LE MILL. Elephant Ho !3 0 W M A NV I L L E, i I 1 he o~ers at siieh price,: as must corn111and pnlJlic attention. ~ · , I ; Great· ,B argains'-' . Funerals furnish ed m every respect in the very bes t styles and at prices lower than a_ n y other firm in the country. One of tlie finest Hearses in the Province SENT FREE to any funeral furnished by the subscriber, within ten miles of Bowmttnville. Also, agent for Raymond's celebrated Metallic Coffins, New York. O"\Yner, Mr. 'l'fI OS. McDER!.1:ID , to above and oth e1· property o:a the g rounds with- out reser ve, I soll th e ON WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25. I acres ; an d 9 a r c one a.ere lots. The J<' .A_ l UH if:! t h e South \Vest p a rt of S outh I H a lf of L ot No. 5, in t]lc 13th Con. of IVla.n\·ers, i m 1n ediatalv adjoining.Ja n etville; it cont 11ins 02 acres, !lea-riy all clt· a.11tl u nder cultiYa ti \'111. I '!'·here H l a. g oud F rame n~i.-r n, 35 x 50 fee t on th e 'l'li e PR.OPF.R'_ p y c on sIBts of 25 Lob,; in the V il lage nf J tvill e, being- the N orth F. as tpart of th e .~ 01.nh H alf of L ot No. 5, in tho l::ith Con. of felanver s. 10 are -quarter acres; 6 a r o thir d an.d learn how cheap tt1ey can gutter their buildings. 1 NEWEST .. STYLES -,,, .p C> s :uaTY. .f> An and prices _,., .,, ~ ., ·- IN- - having be:n circulated that th e undersig ned has been overcharging in his Undertakmg department, he begs to submit the following fiO'ures which he challenges any one to contradict :. "' ' . Rep~~;ted am~unt cha-rged, $50 .. .. Actual amount charged, $12. 30 , · · · (( " (( 9 45.. .. " 25: ' H " (C " · purchasing elsewhe1 ·e. -- - The SA \.V TutIL-L AND SIIING Llt Tu1ILJ~ a re un dAr one roof, a n d were built i n 1878, a rn1 a ro I i n ii1·st-cl a ss "\\'Orking . 'l'he s aw n1il1 j g dri ven by 17 fccL hea d of ·water ; an d contains on e 60--it:ch circul ar Ra w, .e clµ,' e l', butting a.nd lath s a w s. '.l'he Rhingl p, i\f iJJ is driv en b y H LP-aln ,and averages 15,{H;O p er day. S1'0 CK A N D IMPLJI;!¥IE NTS .- Thoro ·will also b . c s old Horses, Co\\'S, ~heep. }'longhs, HlLr· j :ro ws. W aggons , Sleighs, H ru.-ness, Fanning 1\1ill a nd ot lir-r I 1nplemcnt.3. Th e ·y n\a ge fa dif! ta,nt 11 n1iles fron1 L indsny, 8 rn Uos from F rnnklin , '3. S!.atio u on the M idiand l L H . 'l 'h ere is a 1laiJy n~a il , 2 St orcH. 3 BlackGD Jith's ~ho p s, <:. \ Vag gon tlhop, ~ Ub 11 1 ·eh es a nd a School H o use co nv eni ent. A Gr ist J\1i11 on th e N orth Half of Lot. I' Far m. I EAVETROUCH AT 6 C'TS PER FOOT. No Old Goods in Stock. WEST E:ND H OUSE. Bowman.ville, Sept. 21, 1876. " " 1 60 . . . . 50.. .. " " 40. 30. llO. GONUUTOR PIPE AT 6 C'TS PER FOOT. Will any one let the opportunity slip? I _, Bow1mihvilfo, March 29, 1876. 71! .. . . " W. P. PROWER. 35 In corporatedpurauantto Cap. 53Con.S.tat. ot u.c. CLOTHING TO lNFORM THE INHABITANTS oflfowmanville and sur- 1 -;o_~dini~~ulli~y r1~it h' o~~ea llis'i Executo1·s' Notice to Cl'ed· it ors. LL p ersor; s htliving clainrs against th e A . . estat e of JOHN McLEOD & Co. B o\VlllaJ1viJ1e, June, 1876. . THE HAMILTON PROVIDENT - A..J.~D- 8 AL E TQ COMME NCE A.Tl20'(JJ,QCJ:C LUNGH A'l' 11 A . M , 'l'ETIJ.'.{S OF S--1\. L E F OR ST QC K.-~". 11 muus n\"1;;1· t.lrITLu.1110uiiLt\YCh·e ies f urnlal1i ng a pproved m{mt,h)i c1e clit Uy i:·cLrL .en don·.ea not.e:--:. I n t.erosL at 8 p er 1~enli i[ n ut pa.i d when dllt5. 'l'Jl-:ItlHS OF F.r\Rlif A N D MJ I ,L ,-One-lia lf c..i.-sh; balanc e in four in1n lt..<il pa yments ' " jth in itcr c s_ t at. seven p fl:r cent. 'l'E HJtlS J!'OR ).T.lLLl.1..GJC LO'l'S .--O ne q un.r ter do wn ; balance j n ttvo y ears ·wit h i nterest a,t 7 :Pel' cent.. 1'HOS. :Mc I>E llMID, '!'HOS. SiVII'l'H, P ro11rieLor , .Ttu1tc tv ilfo . Auc tioneer . 'iITtdt:r ·~.o. C ~:;h ~ ~nrv1 ::0. I s· HAPPY -AND-- - -.----=---: I . F al]_ and w · - - · · ·· · - · · · lilte r 'I · 1 IHair-~rnssingand S~avingParlor GENERAL one d oor W est ;ornur·loch Bra's storo. where be hopes by s trict a t tention to bll:sinoss toJrnvc · i a share of the public patr onage. , y:-,FJ· Special attention paid Ch ildren 's h a ir. .1 .8 7 Q · I to dressing I To the Ladies. SOMET H I NG NE\V McCLUNG BROS I I r arn prepared t o make up Combings into S witcbes nt short u otce, and 'youlc1 say t·hat no GOODS --AT-- Un d er the Sun! A Bowman . ville, Ont. - - -:o:- - - - fear n eed b e eu t ertai11 e1l by thein 'to con1c_ ~ t o my the late JOH N SUltfPTKR, i n l1is hte L1me of t h.e T own of Bo·w n1anvi ll e, Bank qi erk, urc n otified and re quire d tu s end in part.1culars of tho same to H ober t R. Loscombe of the ~O \\'n of Bowmanv ille, S olicitor for the 'undcr~19".'.ed E x ecutors, ? n or,b, ef oro.thc six~b day O. .\PITAL, . .. . . . . $1,000, 00Q .. of~ o\em b e.1!-nex1<...{18Ut,-) A:!h-e-sahl-p n.1·t1 ouhm>"t-::::::::::::=:=:".:~=""'"6,,,:..==:::;;'"::;--· to 1n ~ln9'.e :i ocoosary dat es ar lCrrt.ei w-:i;-and to 6 P:iv e t he Chr1eha n n_ a n1m.. a.nd surnatnes of t h e c laim~1nt~ a nd their Post Ofilce a dd ress. Auel notice JB given t ha.t from auil after said da te t he E x· b ' ~eut ors of said e st atr- will proceed to cliatribuio the . asset s of tb e testator amongst t ho parties IIAllHL'l'ON, ONT. cnt!tl cd t h erel,<i, having rega.1·d t o the claims of wlu?h t-he y_s hall t hen h ave n otice , a ntl ·w i Jl not be h a hle fo r t.he assets so distri but.i:\cl· o:r a11 y PnESIDIJN 'l '. ···.· ·. , ... · ....· · . ·· . ADA 1\-1 J{OPE. part tJ 1ereof to any person of ·w ho se claim ~uch "IUE-PRESIDE X'r, ... . .. . .. ; · ..1-v_:. E . SANFORD. Executo ~ shall not have luul not.i ce at tho t in1e of su ch distr ibut ion, t·his notice being giYeJ:1 un , TO THE OWNER~ OF REAL ES'l'A'l'E.der section 2'7, ch npt~r 28 of :w th Victoria . .And all p arsons iluleb te<l to t.he said esta t e nrc .\1 p.o " ·an t t? porrow money,t h e above in stitution req u ested t o sett.lo their ind ebt edness forthwith. offers fn.oih ties a n d a.d vu.n ta.ges which can b e (lbt a_tnc~ f1·0II1 no other Conlpanr or Pi-ivate GEORGE 111cGlLL } , Lende r rn t111:i l 'rovince. R . H. 'l'U R NEH, ' E x ecutors. FARUF.RS \-~ho ·..vish . to _ i mprovc tb cirpr oper ty B owinun ville, 1th O ctober, 1876. (10-4w. by the erection ~f houses, barns or fences, by t h_o cons truction of drains, ci sterns . or t he 11 lantm g of nn orcha rd , or w ho ·w i sh to ! JJL! 1n orf1 l1i nrl for l.hom5elves ort.h e ir sons >\'Ill cons1~lt their best interest£< by availing them~ N REAL ESTATJ<i, t o be repaid by selves of Lh e 1nean s v.·hich 'l' lll!': 1-IAM iltf'ON Hl ~ta.l ment· or othe rw ise. T erm s of pay PftOVT D EN ~' a ffor ds for a ccom pli8hi ng th ese and tucnt ··.--ill b e extended t'r on1 one to t wenty vcars k1nd1·eU ob,Jeet~. t o suit Llrn conve nience of t11 c bon ·ower. · l\f E RCH ,\ N T S, M.E CltANI CR, P:n.OFl'~ SS IONAL 1i'I EN, A pply to . or 0 L'HE I~S, ' vho dc~i"l.·e L o b ecom e ownet"S of W. M. HOR SE Y. t h.eir business p remi ses or private dwellings, at tbe Office of the Bowm a n ville Machine Co >">'Ill :f:ind a~ easy met.h url of so doi ng by a p plying t o tlus S ocLCty . For further pa rticulars upply to LOAN SOCIETY. Mc.Innes' Block , Kin a· Street 8 lllONEY .TO IA)fi.f\' O pi::tr lor, 'tLS e ve rything is orderly a nd r esp0ot n.blo . CARD. Sept. 21, 1876. WJ\iA;~~?B ~J'~?n~le. XEW ~1 AN I have TOB ACCOS, PIPES A N DC IGARS. a.lso a nice stock of Tobaccos, ll'I ee r[c~~ I I · Dry Goods, Groceries, · f!1HE UNDEilSIGNED HAVJNG Clothing, Crockery, CHEAP AS T HE CHEAPEST. J.. pnrchnsecl fro:n1 Tailoring, Glassware, R.emembcr the place- Sign of tho large M r. John Borland Millinery, China, . mm, Carpets, &c. Lamps, &c.1(4 ) BOOT & SHOE BUSI NESS, In each of these Departments we endeavor to EXCEL. ' D. M 0 RR IS Q N ; sclia u nwnd other Pipcs ,Ciga r c a ses, Cigar hold~ e l'S, Cig <\1·s, &c., ·which ·v-ill be s~ld Ji\JTH EOLDHOUSE! ~ - DE P ..A. B TJY-I:ENT S F. ~ l\~cA.RTI.:rUR'S, " ~- Gl~EAT P LEASURE IN INFORMING t he Ladies .of Bo wman v ille a n O vici n it~' thaL I P,ave r eturne d and opened t he st.or e. on ;King 8trcet, lately oc cupied by Mr. L. Corntsh, Jew cllc1-, with a new :-;tot: k o f · 'l'AKE The PHYSl~IAN'S RfMf DY I DR, BI RN BA UM'S ! . FANCY GOODS, BERLIN W00LS c., c. 1 (.1;'.; C, Where I ·Vill be gl a d to rne et my old friends and MILLINERY, '& & "T phyinman. If th e opinion of HI T,EA DI NG PHY SIC:JANt; of J'vl~n treo.l is c011 s1dered wortbv of confidence, y ou w1ll try ~ WHEN you are ill ancldon't know how . .t o g et ove1· it, you ge nerally s entl for yo ur customers. hl so carry on BEAVER · Bowrna1 'tville, October, 1876. BLOCK, DRE!SSMAKING in conneC tion with. the. 1\irillinerJ a ·n d Mnn t l es J . . A. S. ANDERSON, - - -- - WITT1'E & DLUE P OLE, - H I S- (Late with :l-Iessrs. J. & \'l. J. 1.{cl\furLry &. Co. K ing St. Bow 1nan v ille . King s treet Bow aumville . I 1 I Rneurnatism & Gout Remeay, IN 1'0 the 'e fficacy of ··wh.ich t li oss 16 physic ia n s b a\' e ucr t.ifie d f or tlie cure of I Notic.e. WE WILL PAY AK EXTRA PnICE··OROHOICE flUTTRR. One 'l'hoi.isa.nd .po,c kages w anted a t oncu, "\Ve also ¥.'ant any n umber ui ch oice 'Vill contlnnc th e t r ade in th e same p] ace, and GREATER BA R GAINS thn.u a ny bouse in the county. JL AR GEl A DDI T ION S H AVE B EJ:;: N MADE T O T HE STOCK, which h avi.'1 g been pur chused at UNUSUAL ATTRACTIONS IN B Rpecial acconunodati on for Ladies Tweeds, Millinery, Cuttings and Combin gs made Cloths, Mantles, H ats and Caps, Shawls. JTi'l' The old eobblishcd Barber shop, Gents' Furnishings, Fancy Goods, - - :o : -t-wo d oors east of Post Ofiloo; E GS TO AN NOUNCE TO THE P UB- L I C ths.t he has sec ured t he se rvices of a. ft r st cl ass B n.rber, Hair-c lress er , &c .. and is pr epa r ed t o guu:r a-11tee satisfaction to h is c ust om ers .1'JM,°1"' a nd Childr en. $W'~ into Switches on short n otice a n d a.t rc as o~abl e ' r ates. YOU N G F AT at cincc, HOG S RHEU1HATISJW, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, GOUT ' STIFFNESS JOINTS OR LIMBS, , · SPRAIKS, ' FROST BITE R CHlLBLAH (S, BRUISE S, OUTS, BURNS WANDERING PAINS,' &c. i~6ti~~: rciliubl e l'Onledy :tor all Rheutn n.tic ~onsa n ds of oll! eJil 1~1 Cari afla, nnd is now con.:: ~,rl . on--th1s con t.lnent a s ~-enns in Eu1 ·opC I ) l I t has cur ed seve t;i.l uf L tiese physicians an d THE KING OF PUMPS! Over 400 Stood the Test of Winter wit h Pel'feot Success ! JE" . C .. :13:Jl'.nll:ES' _ . _ _ _ .... ~ ' . . B l'(Ir'.l'.AIN BllOS . Bowml:lJlVillc Oct. 2, 187tl. lQ:.ti --~-.....::___···· ;____ ___ ._-_ ar: B ottom Prices~/01· CASH will be I A L A RG E STOCK OF MOURNING GOOD'S. also au n ounce that he h t\is on haud a- fi rst cla:s~ S1to'ck of Cig1u·s, T ob accos, Pi pes and sm okers' sundries. CALL A N D SEE l:S. S MOKE[ls n . l·xT h e subscribe;: would RUBBER-BUCKET PUMP. and n1cst desirable pump in ' t h e mark e t. 'l'hcre a rc n o valves a bout it t o become obstructed, n o screw joints to b econ1e immovable b y rust. It· v;·ill raise 'vatcr fr on1 a d eep w ell wit.It perfec t ease ; w ill 11o t freeze unless tJ1e-..v ell i i.:· elf ls fro zen: never· necd·SJJ1'hni ng; alwa~' s ·nd ses t he, c oldest wa t er , fron1 tho bottom o! tl1e well, a.ntl ·vill r a ise a oarrcl of ·w at er per ·m inute. .lf anufa.c tnred a.t Bo,vn1anville, Ont.. Price for p ut ting in , ri::: a d y f or u se, $8 for fir s L H) feet., a nd fort\' cents for ouch a dditiono.l foot . , Th e fo lo w ing g ent.lcm e n b ear t estimony to tl1e n11 eq1rn.1led cx celk.nce of t h is pun1p , viz.: .Tmrnrih :r,fc_ :-Cle llan, E s q .· ~Iauag_s.:r Do !11i ni on · Dank, O::sh a wa; F. \.V. G-len, \ V. Jfep11rntn.ll, '.l'h os. Connnt, Ch e,s. llon ey. L. Dr e ,v, A. . S. Whi t ing&. Co., C. W. Lent , "\V. Scott . Agents ""an ted in OYCl'Y count y. A ddress, P. C. HI11ES, ·· Bown1a nvillc, Ont.. B ' "' s .old fo r CAS.f-I atJii;.n·cs tl1atrn v 8'eom maml public favor.' " 'l'ho vroof c:if t11c piu lt1 int::- i:-i Uw en.ting of it,"call n.ntl s:1tiafy ~' ou rsel ves lh ;d, ou r price ;; MANY NOVE .L TIESIN · . Curtains, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Quilts,&c. EXCE LLENT ASSO RTMENT OF HOUSEFURNISHIHCS! D. 1'10R RISON. Bow1nanville Aug. l G, 1876. - - - - · --- -- - - - PROPJ1~RTY . 3. T HIS P UMP IS THE CHE APEST - M o ne:l t o Loan ! ON F ARM A T MO il ERA'r E lb\.'l ' ES OF JNTE H EST. ---Tilne an fl plan of l'n1 1 a.rnJent can b e o.n·a.ngecl to suit th e bo1T o\ver. A ppl,v Lo (11 ) I I 'fhe fac s/m-ilc signatures of 16 le111lin~ phYsicians of ;l\funt1·eal a re on ea ch b ott.le ,a,s gul,ra.ntec of 1t:..; e:tncB,cy . F or f!alcbyalldrup;gists a L50 cen t s an d $1 · -:!.. . -" p c,r bottle. Certific.cteH of phy,lcians arc 011 EGS TO I NF ORM THE P UBLIC ea ch bottle, a nd c an bQ h a d a lso by a p p lying to generally.t h a t he h a s removed hls busines~ C H .A_ RLES l\fA RTIN, to he shop op}l OSitc t he _ E xpre:::is office. :Vlontrea.l, H aving had scvcni.l y ear s experience in the Sole A gent for Canad a a nd U.S. rnde, he hope::; to sa.tisfv a ll who in a y fav or 0 - th "I' · h:1n with a call. ~ . ne oJ e e::i6i1nu nia1s. NEW TAII.OR SHOP. .JOHN HEAI a GOOD FITS GUARANTEED. (10-tf) Bo·wnuinvillc, Oct. 2, 1870, I ! Sf.r:t ye(] . . S t rar e 1l fr om tl1p, Qren nses of thq. :-; nb scriber , I n-lio ut 21 nonths :;tgo, .:::is.heep-~e"\ves ancl 3 lambs, . . DRUE.RED W t1RK '. A SPECIAI.'1'Y . ! AH - .A"N D- - - D on1inion D a fi k , B o wman vile. J. 1\ . CODD, -----'-- -~-------------- h~nctsom oly rcwml~~M . GOR!llLL, Orono. Orono, Oc t.., 1th 1876. ea eh 1uarke d ~1th a nick ou t of the u nd er part e ear . A n y pc1s on g1d ng in fornn1ti on th a t w ill lead to the 1 ·eco very of the sa,mc will be 10-:Hn F i:orn Dr. Du~-~an McCa llum , Montr.ea l. ~f the u n dm :ng-ned, have been snifen ng- very !Jll: Ch for the_ l~ s t. two yea,rs from Rheum ati sm l ~ t he at~ k lll J m nt, s~ n1uch t b:i.t I wa.s oft en prc" ent.e d !1·0111 at tendin g to m.v calling, but- th 1·ee J apphc:~ t,1 o ns_ of Dr. Bin1h's H hctnnat-is1n n n~l Go ut R einccly gave u1e . t hat relief frvn1 i;a.1n a.n d stiffness w h ich I d id net cxp cd cnce lo_r tl.te lns t t wo Yf'ars, and a eight. day's u s r~ ot tine ron ~ edy, I _find 1nysclf en tirely c ured. I 9-..v c 1,bJ~ s taten!c n t to t he p ubli c, t o tho pro fcsswn, a u il t o tho 1ncrits of the genuine t~rt h.J o. DUNCAN· i\fcC ALLUM, M . D. June 17tli, 187[). -- - -~ -----,--- . ORDERS PROM PTL Y li'JLL EJJ, GO 0 D FI T & GU AR A N T EE D. IIIANUFACTUR.ING DRPARTME N'l'. _R em e !llb~r S P ECIAL BARGAINS I B US II L AN D " FO R SAL E . OT lfi, Mb CON . TO\VNSHIP L Dress Goods, Tea, I Crockery, ~11r.vv. ~r:ENN IN<._-+S i Winceys, It Felt Skirts, &c., . Lamps,&c. OF TH E NI RA l!U '.: 11.~Jl'! AN CJ~ . A. lll. DAilf,EY ----- ---- - (8·1y. ren1 n.inH at> m1pe1·in tei.:a.1e n t of th e the okl stan d, J l"or; t , O ~H. cc ~E ~o ~B<i: , D~~ i:er1; § ~-. THECHE APEST TEA OFFERED IN TOWN FOR YEARS. SALT, PLASTER, FISH, ETC., AT LOWEST PRICES. H I GH EST PRICE PAID FC R BUTTEH, EGGS, ETC. of Som b1 a, County L a1n bt on , 200 -Aci:e:.; , Distan t f ro n1 t he Jl011riRhingincorporatcd v illage of \ Vu 1J a.ceburgh - 3rr n1ilcs. Fro n1 N ort hBra.nch, R i v er Sydenha m (navigahJ p, for la1·.l{e vessels)-:-- · 1 inilc. This is part of t,he es tiLLf' o f the late .Rieh nrd F inl r.y. is of v ery s uper iol' qunlitl·, and-will be s old in p a r cels t o su it, purchase1·s for the hi ~hef'.t, offer up to tho 21st bf October, Tenn s ea sy . .o.\d drcA ~, JOI-IN FI~ l.rA Y , HARD TIMES m e nt o~ the G eneral Agency f pr ou1· in 1 R b ·b K. · . 11 trumcnta. He will in th e fnt.1nC rece ive al d~y r:stS C~ 1 --fo·uN-Ggrlli:61°C"lfWnv1~le., 011 1 " 1 1? 1{r nnik orders and fur n ish ~.ny infor n1at.ion rt-iq_ u ire1l. ,.,~ith a . ;,p~ > TI · lio~s A . ~ ,,, ~ . . 10 g u . · n y One g1vm g tn orma S J\ITTH _ A .!l· f r,RICAl'\ ORGAN CO tion t11at will l ead to herrcc ove1·y Vt'ill be f11i1 nb · ·and rewar1led. GE O· .S 'l'EOK & CO., R OHER'!' DODDS P 1ano ].fa.n ufac t urers, Ne\v Yorl;: Augus t 16. 1876. a. · H AS l S'l'lltAYED RECEIVE D THE APPOINT )::ilROM 'l'HE P REMISES OF THE s!! - - -- - - - H ard time prices have been.adopted at the establishment of He is offering his ne1v nnd handsome assortmen t of The OU:u\"a Free Pt·e s s. DAILY AN D WEEKLY. FARJ U FOR SA.I,£, P ort Stanley, Ccunt.yF.lgin, I_ Oetohe r Jt.h , 1870. l ' .A. dministr ~tor. 11-310. Oc tober 9111, 1876. F. BORLAND. A BIG L OT OF BUFFALO ROBES !Wff" WILL BE SOLD CHEAP! F THERE IS m rnASE, P AI NT, o~~ · Dir t on y o11 1 · g"arm en t5=. I .,,vill th em .Or. if they arc f arletl, I will bring the1n to _ the n· n a tura l color , and make then1 so th nt no m an will k n ow t hem fr um n B"w. Sa,t,h1fnction guaranteed or no chu.rgc . I FALL A.N D WINTER GOODS ~Hi s AT GREATLY REDUCED PRJCES. _Nf ~:rt. i ce. Buffalo Robes are .~ plc ndid value. WHis Mink sets are rn- . a11rlj o in in g the TO"\\'n of"\.Yhi tby,- 190 a cres: B r 1clr 0ot tag e and goo d bu-rns on prentilijes. 2000 bushels of No. 1 B _ An LKY ·were grown on the D A TT.Y E DITION S n1ailcd Free ofPostog c,to ftu m th is year. Ternn~ ea Sl', laJ.'f:e ·po r t ion of all )la r l.!i of tl1 e Don1in ion. eG per U llllUJJl. p ur chase n1oney 1nay rem a in on 1nt.ere1:1 t fol' a. \VEE!CLY F,Dl'l'ION- Eight pa.gPs, Sic-.:ty-four llUlnber?.f:reare, Appl ~ ~OJOIIN A. DOKALDSON, coh1n1 ns of closelyrll'inte d 1natter , $2 per a nnn1u . F:sq., .Fiu11gran t.Agen t , loronto, or to tho wide r:·\l ~n ed . .Pos tage fr ee. '!'HOS. MOODV, N ovcn1 b cr H , 1875. Whitby THE ONLY FI RST-CLASS JOUHNAL P UB· I N 'l'HE TOWNSHIP OF. WHITBY B.aving disposed of my liusine£s to A'fr. :F. Bc,Ti<'l.nd} all parties indeb ted to me are 1 1erc hy not~fie d 'l 'lI0 :;.\1'AS _pJc;A '!' "It, 1 to ~e+. tle t he s;,..1 n e with Ilen oya.Lor and Cloth Clothes Gleaner. '1'. Hoar 's Bfo.cks m ith-sb.op , ~ Bow m un vi llc . Oct ob er 12, 1876. 11-t.f. r:.if Opposite him fu r Lh wi G h, and he is a nt.horized t.o ;p '<-1nt receipts th er efor. - - - - --- - - - ~ -- - - ----- iu a,rk a.blE) at the iuo ney . p.7r- His (i rebe an d Alaska ou1distance all co1 apetition, IllUlOR§ OF YOU'J'H. _aafJ.-. J-I is Oap1::1 1 Collar ets, 1\-fnffs, l\Titts, &c,, ar e n1 ad~ up in the n e west and must artis- E A.RI.TEST POLI'l'IOAL INTE J, LIGENCE. L ATF.S1' TELEGR AP HTC NE WS. - tic style, ~His Children 's Furs are rare and va.ried, and are just what fond 1na n1RP! CY R EAD.A. BLE ~4.R'l'I C LE S. ~1. GENTI,EMA N ' "'b o surfen , ·d for ycare f'r on1 uia s reqnire for their pets. .~Th en tllo Genta' Furnishings e m11race CYerything in P a.rties d esiring a. newspaper frou1 I.he Cavilal, N ervous Dchi1i l } ,P r e ma.ture Decay a nd n.11 tlH' an d a Lively,_ 8par~lin g H ou sehold JuurnaJ, will effec ts o f youth ful in d iscretion w ill' fo r the 8 ak~ the line: Shirt s, Dra\~ er s, Socks, Collars, Cuffs, Neckties, l3race!1 &c. LISHE D A 'l' T HE C:A Pl'f A L. ~-- ~------- I 1 Everything good and cheap. Bowmamille, September 27, 1876. Cash customers will buy close. Call and RAW F URS bought at higheot cash prices.l. ]<£ . ' l\:l. A Y E R , take the D.A.lLY ]'H EE PHE SS. ,TOffN BORLA ND. ll. M'CLUNG BROS. inspect. No tro uble t o show gooda, :Bowmanville, Octobei·, 1875. or sufferillg hum unity, s end free t o ~11 who n ec ll it, the rec ip e a nd di re ct.ions for rn aking t b o sin1plc r~1n idy by -.,;v J1ich be w a s c11r e d . S uffe rA Beant.iful Oll Chromo, mailetl to every sub· ers w is_ h 1ni:r to pr o:fit_ l1J' p d vertisr's e xperienc e scr ibe r of the 'VlrE E KLY FHJ ~ W. PRBSS. cn-ll do so b y a ddressu1g 1n perfect confidence .~. ' v . 1UJ·1·1;11Er:L , Ott a·wa, Septemb er, 1876. l'rourie tor. J OH N B, OG DEN, 12 Qedur st., N ew York

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