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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1876, p. 4

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CANADIAN ST A.TESMAN AND MERCHANT, BOvV-MA;\1VJLLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1876. . ' ~~JU·"'~A!!>=~~'il"~L!~ 7 ~- 1 ~.!1!!!11!1!1!"'-,.,...,""",..""-"""!"""""'"""""""""""'""'""'..'""""',;..""""'-"'-..__ ...._~~~!':-"'.... 2"-·-'"-i!.'"-~"'"'-"'--"""-·""",.."""""'""""""""'""""'"""'-...."""..................~..,.,,...,""""""'"""""""""~,R.~.~e"""~1.;"'e"'t~."'"""'!'-"'""""'!!l""""""""'"""...."""""""""""""""'""""~.......,,,.,...;;.~....;.,....,.""""""""'""""'--""'-"'2'!--"'-"'-'"'-"-"--"--"'--"'-"""~-·,.....,., ......,......,...............,...- -......,"!!'!"il.............._;oooo.,_ .... _,.±l'±l' 0 THE DAIRY IN ROTATION. Ther1niryisfollo1vingtheplow, Inthe future, gra~ing will he the pnnc1pal part in rota.Lon, iH:l i~ is the cheapPst. r.i u:l casi-.,_ est mode of enriching the land, le~~eniJ1g labor, as 1t does; avd now 'all the more since the factory sy·tem is established.As the iinprovc1ncnt in the products of the dairy !lo·· on, particularly m butte1-, a la1·ger dema,nd, proportioned to the pop_ ulatiun, wi11 spring np, thus requiring a larger al'P~ to be set apart f0r tlll!"J branch of delapi i :{?a;nJjJ_n:yi houJ?..e .last f1riday illori~ing for a" lunch." Ho said he wa.s travellmg from Boston to Buffalo, at which latter place he had great expectations. Jio sat down at the kitchen ·1 1 1 his long leg~ 001 cc up under table, wit1 it,' and his long arn1s spread out upon it, \\"liile his ponderous nose stood . out like a greaSe SIJOt Oil&, pall', i')f whit'~ pa~ts. ]a.rge ,wate~ry eyes, a.nd an attire tateJl ,r~spect(\lnlity,. ' calle< ' a HOW HE DIED. L d f . 11 l 1\nccerymanw1th pealie eaturea, Cl e ar'" ·1-,n~ e " g t". , S .·". .a 1e ' 0 / __ THE OLD BRICK STORE, lately OC· c1111iP1lbyl\f1.'rl10s.Hatti11g. .AJJply io RAYXES & CO. _Ro_"1 110.nv_·1Uc, s_o1> _ t. ~ - .. _ _ _ _ _ 11-_tf_ - _ ' · F a ]l . B. u s l n es s ' · r1 ' · FOR SA f.i F. ' T Q I R :BJ D. -OR,- ~T _T 20,,~1_8_76_ I Ali'ARl\IoFON.MHLINDREDACRES --in 'Vhitby. In the Field Again! ~ , -· · The subscriber, in consequence of · the late fire has ternlined to -:Owing to the retiremen t fron1 b""ill"'SS ot -----:o:-· - - --CASH PRICE, !l cts. ! I __ 121 " ' (5-tw.*) H1Nt~~a1:va. F T· H , · , r 1" DAssETT, ~ ' CREDIT PRICE, 11 cts. Q S K I· N ~ HO.F " " 10 " _, (Jf farming. The wornau of the hot\ se brought hiin a It is begjuning to be u11derstood plate of breri.d and meat an<l. bowl ' of cof- j the dairy need not be confined lo special 1 fee. While she was plaoing'the things he districts, bnt tha,t i~ can be made a useful [ noti~tld she \Vore a black dress anrl a look 1 auxiliary on lat1d devoted to grain, realiz- of pa.llor. AT GREAJ'tY REDUCED PRICES, ing profits, in proportion to it3 outlay, "Had a death, madam'/ 7 ' ho s'oftty insurpassing those of grain culture. Best quired, as he squared hin1sclf for the reof all, the t>YO harmonize together. The past. lil order that he may reopen at his old stand with a stock clovers, the grasses, corn and the grains, '"Yea, sir."' · l entirely new. as forage supplies, can be grown in large "Lately 1 . ." and profitable yieldaig, t,he sod supplying "Last Tuesday," s1'1e answered, faintly. fertihtyi and grea.t qna.ntitteR of manure "I 1vaf.. snrc Of it. Father 1 mother? in addition reaJizcd, rµak1n~ the lJ.nd 11ot sister? brother 1 ,. he> asked, taking up a The stock now held needs n.o exaggerated puffing ·to commend it to only sclf-sust1.. i11ing lint in1proving it '1.H<l piece of meat with one hand, and slnp11ing public approval, but is known al'! one of the largest and best selections of br1ng1n~ i~ to a 1JJgh degrcP ot fettility.- it appetizingly upun a piece of bread in Staple and Fancy Dry Ggoods ever placed before the inhabitants of this Not only rn the d:u1y n1ade a succeas, as the other. connected ,\ilh ;41'ain ~rowing, but it aids "1\i1y husband, ~ir," she, dr:.\wing town and' ncighborhood. this branch of hnsbandry. As a cheap and out a. handke1chief, while her lips quivered. general fertilizer ther0 fa notliing equal to She looked so white and sad and drooping early call is respectfully solicited. sod, growing first the forage crops, in as she sa,t there, that his heart \Vas tonchthemselves rr~rnnnerating, and then afford - ed. · ~ f l t y b es " Did ho Jic a natural death?" he asked mg an amount 0 '11nilllrO t la ma e ...,,.-Now open for- 's ale on Corner- of Kin'g and Division streets. t11nated at fifty to seventy tons or more per softly chewing on his food 1 and bent tho ):tat acre on well cnltiv,itecl land, h~Ying all the full glance of the large eyes upon her. ".. ~ " ' "Yes, su·." plant elemen t s necess::1.ry for a general "It's a. ba.d thing for one so young as Bowmanville, April 5, 1S76. farn1-grol\ th . And this rna.nure ueeds no handling, is wt-11 distributed through the you to Jose her protector. But ho died a soil. "\Ve see the effect of this forcibly in natural death and there is comfort in th1.H section- -the south side of the l\:iohawk that . ., He slapped another piece of meat -where t;10 d<.tiry fonns a l~ad111ic{ pa.rt in and bread together, and qniet1y vut his th~ impro\.ernent of the f,tr1n, and t11e ad- teeth through them. -----:o:---"You know,1 ' he presently added, revance111ent of the- fn,rn1cr's interests, and 1nore than auy oLher genera.i system can volving the n1or.isel in his tnonth, and asdo, so that the coin, the gl"ain, the hops sn1ning an appearance of delicate cheerfnJanll other r::rops that are growu are more uess, '·that he died cultnly with c'vory Begs most respectfully to inform his Customers and the Public n.bunda r1t iri their yield th.n1 ever before, iYaot a.ttended to, nnd loving hands to generally that he intends closing his business at the old st01·e, even when the countr·y \Vas new. Ko adn1inister to him-Could I trouble you such corn crops were ever raised before, for a little mustard1" She wearily arose near the Mill, on Thursday, the 24th inst., and will re-open at ticlo. "Thcre·a com- his old stand in Reed's block, on or before the 1st of Septemafford111g large au<l nutritious qu<tntities of a.nd got him tho ar" fort in tha:, is'nt there'/" he continued,, ber; about which time he hopes to have a good portion of his coarse fudder, sometimes altnost sustaining the cp.tire stock during the winter. VVheat rtiferriug tu the passing a\vay Of the d'e · . Fall Stock _ to hand, which will be found also, in the lD."dn is getti11g to be a eood ceased. "1'.-cs," she sai<l in a low tone, ~iping__ ~ ~ JP.:;_ crop again. The co;nso grain is thl:) inore · ::J ..,, highly rernunerativO! than 0\'er; their pro- her eyes. and CHEAP for "Now, you know, he said, looking indnction per aure IS g:re:tter, Dut the dairy tently at her with his eyes, w111le his is the principal itern of income and profit, its influence nu-ipiring and advancing the bane's spread the mu.stard, "it tnight have Ile rest. _<\nd ~ui su1l 1s one of variety- drift, been 1nuch different and far worse. Bowman.v1lle, Augu·t 22, 187G. n1ight h.ave been run over by a train of clay, and creek :.\nd rivet deposi~. All aer\·e to carry tho d,i.~ry, y.. hid1 in turn coal, ~nd cut iuto ppund lu1nps stuck benefits the1u. putting the land in good full of gravel 1" "I know,)) said she, wUh a shiver. heart nud balancr:, and 1111~uhanically as , 0 Then, again, he n1ight have boon blown lvell a8 improving it.-UtiCa· ffiro~ · up in a defecll\'·e saw n1il1,"' p,dd the strangcr1 taking another bite of the food, ---~---.- ·-..---·- and grntly clooi1;g his eyes os if the better Remedy for Girdlccl Fruit Trees. TOWN II.A.LL BtTILDINGS, BOJVilIANVILLE. ~o picture tho irredeen1able horror of this DEALER IN I uottccd, in a recent nuinber of tl e Re- propusition, "and only about two-thirds co rdei", 1hat one of your sub8er1her·s gLveB of hun . and i.hat badly da.ina.gcd, ever rehis n1anno1 of keeping np flow of s<ip, in mained t,, your sight." ' Uyc stuffs, Patent Meliicines, Perfu1nery, Brusheis, Oo1nbs, Soaps, Paints and tteees gitdled by rabb1ts. by grafting over? A low sob beh111d the handker;hief was Oil·, Paint Brushes, Coal Oil, and Coal Ou L"-mps, ,'l;c., &c. the wonnd, ,\-:c. I tlunk l haYe a. discov~ the only response, \\hite he opened his cry which inay prove quite a v1.1,lnable un,- eyes in time to detect a .tly iuaking extraPl' YSICI.A.N~' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS CORRECTLY AN~WFJRED. provf·mC'nt on the <1b()-re plan. \Talualilo, ordinary efforts to shake i t s hincl legs f1ee be0auRe f!in1piei r~nd th e rern~rly n.lways at fro1n the n111st11rcl. Coming n1echanically ~ Farmors and Physioian· from the Oo11mrp will find o tr Stook of Mcdidnes com h : nd, and. 1v1ll require no PXpert to per- to tht:i assistance of the insect, he said1· It is bad enough to lose hi1n, I'll adR Osed of ti" b<St quaut11. forn1 the su1g1c~l-hkc opera.tiou reeorn· - -----~~"H:ted~o.l:to~ -Jn....Uw-Bpring of t87<l, h0 ig'Mr-- No-oP.e-w euld be- so- callous as -. - fore sapst;1t-;U,-1 tihhit ~cd th: bark I to deny that, 11 he said, looking aronnd,inoff of une of 1ny dwarf B.trtlett peartrees, C]Uiring1y, as if to make quite sure that no standiug in n1y y31·d. Tho tree wn.s so ~ snch party was in sight. "Still, he could cornpletely denuded of haTk all around, have been prernatnrely perforated with that I thought it "ho!Jelessly done for."- the 1·1.un1ud uf t(cannon, and had to have I . spa.d :Jo n1onnd of fresh e:;i.rth around 1t chloruforu1 injected in hiu1 at an expense acreral 111c11es above tho wound, aud left of twenty-five dollars a day. This would it i11 tl1,.t conni'.ton to die - lJOt knowing have been dreadful. But if he'd fallen in- Every buyer should sea our stock of any r~n1edy tl1,t1:. \\uuld preserv'l it. But, to· a vat of hot 011 and had all his flesh i t c,:iu1c on e fresh ~n th8 spri.1g with the per,led o±r, you'd il~Ver g-et over it, would utl1er trees, and kt pt p1-1rfeL:tly green all you 1 n the sunuuer. I did r.vt re1nove the dirt "No, sir," said she, burying her face until the next fall, "hon, to n1y aston~sh- still deeper Hr her hnnd'korchicf. rnent, there wa a co1npletc connection of "O, there are a h"'._-:_ndred ways he might ba1k thev.onndt\asliealed, andit1snow haYe died, 11 hti went 011, takiug a S"\veep I as healthy as any ti·ee l have. In the -,,ith a knife at a fly, in the exuber,mco of' Every buyer should SfllO our stock of spring of 187G, the r.:.bbit8 girdled :t yuung his dclig11t that things were as they wero apple t ree 111 t1H:\ ~"i.n1e W'i:y, only 1uore so, instead of as they 1night have heen. He taJnug a. bark off fur six iIJches ui rr1ore all n1ight ha\ a_.-re1i:shed iu a. lirti and been 8L.JUUd. I threw a. wound of eart h arvund dug out of"the rtuns next day with a pick- l it n.nd left it as I di.J the r,ear, until nxe. Ile might have fallen off a two-story fall, when, 011 1 einuvin~ the dil't, it harl lnultling, and struck on his face, and had healed over and in new bark. The to ha Ye gone throngh the fnneral on 11is Every buyer shou.ld see our stock of bark, ~ hile f( ~rming, I noticed, rose up i u stomach, with weepiug f11e11ds pressing bnn1ps, lil...e f0ngh excr0eccnces, about the last fond kiss on the b:tck of his heat.l." places on the h;Lrd \~ood,an<l :finally united Here the narrator shuddered himself at and became confluent or 8olid perfect the awful prospect of such a ca.ta.strophe, bark. I a rn ~oing to cxperin1ent further, while the bereaved wornan agonized by and tEst it 111ole fl1llyJ though there is no protesting agninst this proceeding. doubt about these iust<1inces, and particn"Yuu'll adn1it it 1night have been la.rly t he la.sL, where they healed and fonn~ worse 1n 11e asked 1 \\iLh undisguised Every buyer should sea our stock of ed the new barl\. I \Vouid like for so1ne anxiety. one else to try it also, and give the nH:1ult "Oh, yes, sir," she rcpliod, wiping her of the expcrin1ent-Lut should it stand the eyea." test of experuncnt, a.ncl prove what I ain "1'111 glad of that," said he, exploring sure it ha.2 proven with rne, I hope no one his underja1v wi1h the.fork. "Affi~ctiona 1 will get a patent on it-if tliey do, I shall will come, but ifjwc try to think of tho~e use my own dirt rn tti·t -,,ay,witliout pay- wliicli are greater that have not come t Q Everv buyer should see our stock of ing any qnc for the r1ght t.o do so, when- us, then we better able t<) bear t.l}0!-10 J ever occasion may re1uire.-Co t. Fruit that. d~. It's b~en my object to teach you .1.-kr.ordsr. that a na,tural Oeath is not a thing to de~ · ... spise in these ti1nes of rush, crash, a.nd ! splutter, and as yon have learned the son, JDj' iiifssirm- is accomplished,_anrl I go \VheaL·grdwing has nearly ruined this my \Hi.y. I don'c,nt to intrude, of 1 1 -se-ction of V\ 1scot1 -sin." -rt has destroyed- course 011 the privacy Of a deep- grief ~ but I R -= . . ~i) the fertility of one of the best soils that I if the deceased was about 1ny build: &nd emen1, er, 4" "" -- - " \ ever tlie ,,m shone on. It hao introduced left behind a vest,c,ot too gaudy in pattern, ~-U:i'ffOCh a vast anuy of insect.!li wlllch no\Y st,u1d I should be pleased to take it along with ready to destroy other crops. Vlorse than u1e as a sou,·enir of departed worth." He is the place to buy your all, it has a.truck the farrner hhnself with.a 1 paused an instant, and then aclded with mental blight. L1ke interrl]Jtlrance, 1t touching solon1nity: " 'l1hese were his steals away his brc.i11s 1 n1'!king him tuktlly victuals, and it would seem appropriate, as oblivious to his own folly. The cu1tu1e of well as beautiful, to have them held in grass 11nd corn and the raising of beef, by his vestures." po1 k, butter :u1d ch0eso is the remedy of \\.,.hen he went away he ha.d a souvenir 1 is the place to buy your our i1npo\ erished fat'UJ\$ ~ind fn.rmers.- of departed worth, something he could pull Da.irynicn are getting rich, gra1n~raisers down if he required so to du. nre g1Jtting poorer every year. The profits ·--~-fron1 grass culture are not excessive, .EFFECTS OF LIGH'l'NING, ~.A singnlar but thev ar6l !Hn·c,·,tnd be:i1 dc~ the farruer occurrence lately transpired in the northi~ not s~lhng unt. hisfu.1w hy the bushel. ern part of Pntnn.111 and tho B')uihcrn per.. j eflerso1u Count~t 1}nin·n. tiou of Duc11ess Counties, New l.,.ork. After a. violent thunder storin, accornpauied .~ . is the place to bny your hy an unusual an1uunt of chain-lightning To Destr~y Household Pests. and tiJrrents of rain, dead \Vild geese wore ~"'ur t,\1e destructI_on of indoor pest>.r. 1 hot -picked up by the hundred. Nnn1bors of alnrn-wat-et' 13 sciiU to be unfailing a.s .:Ul the111 had previously bean ohserved alive Remeiiiber insechcide , It. will de:-:Lrny red and black in the sh1\llow ponds of the vicinity, and :n.nts, cockroaehef:', 's piders. bugs 1 anll all they were seen to act strangely dl1ring tho , the crawling pests wluch infel5t onrhonses. storm, as though they had been fired I 'l\\ 0 pvuuds of alnni dissolved 111 three or upon . The head8 of the dead fowl 11; the place to buy your four quarts of boilin~ ·water; let it stand badly torn and iu £ome cases their_ feath~rs on the fire till the alum disappears; apply 1 were b.nrned to a crisp a1 .. d thtnr bodies it with a hrush, \\h1lc nearly boiling hoti burs_ t erpen. Sell Off' h is Wh 0 1e Sta ck. b,ts commencP-d \\ ork ,1grtiJLu11 }us o\\naccounli t NEWaJJTtl 17 $1.00. Ap.p 1e s.1 Apples T RE T.;NDERSIGNED WILL P AY 'I rt apples and h tlw highest price for any rputntlty of good antahl ci 'l'ub J~ntter. lidI.s,oNpt:!nedsa - - - - - - -- 'fhm11p:-;on & llnrnH, s. 1n-nn1~s $1.l R. in the butldin~ two doors west of 1\-feHHrs Thompson & Blll'ns' office, where will ahvays b12 found a, full assortment of everything in the 'l'IN and Sheet Iron line. GOODS 1 J'C>BBIN'"G A'I"l'.1£NDED TO PROI\-JPTJ.Y, J>->ir' Parll<-ulat· atten~ !mu g-1\ ~n to a;rr 'IJ 11U I (pa1ent HPaHrnU, sole right for the county-ell and see 11,.) " All ordprs ll1>rl 1d 'cry \.\est figures, ll:rid to, a1nd only six -months I \°'lortby of no11t:P and ninch more so than l.:d1lors of .~h·wspapers . 1 EAVETROUnHl'I" Onr Stoek is one of the bcot m hues of 011 Hat.isfaf hem g11al'ant~ed. average acco·unts. 110W vVATCHES, PLATED \V AB.E, A call fron1 old and new friends solicited. Bow:tnanvillo, August3, 1S75. Accounts Y. due must be paid. NE\V CUTLEHY, nnd PB.ICES Ydll be to su it 01 cry per son, as aone can be disappointed, a.s all n1mst be sold Ari FAMILY EXCURSIONS - 'l'O~ AARON BLl<JKLl~lt. Ro_ches~_er, __ N. F. Y. COWLE. Uownuin,,ilJe, A"ugust 29, 1876. F"EJR. STE.A.J.v.l:E:FI. T,HOMAS PATERSON. THE "NORSEMAN" SPECIAL INDUCE:\IENTS. Fa1nilics to visit the bt·a.ut1fnl C11y of Rochester during the ·vnrm :.uuuue1· n1on\}u-1, tickets good for tv..'n da.~ H (indud111g dato of issue) will be i""m·d 11.v stea1ner'" Norseman' until 15th Septfim lier 1wxt,at the under-n1cnt1on cd rates from P o1t Hope, namely: For a Famrl.v ortw o inon1bcrs o Charlot te and lte turn, $3 00 !1'or each a110.itiunu1111cmbcr, · 1 00 Children nntlcr 15 yc nrs of nge, ~ 50 'l'ickets 111ust be procured fro1n the 11nderme11Lioned ....\gents of the Dteamer or full far0 will be cha.rgcd. NO,..rIOE! .J. HIGGINDOTlllllll :SATTIN""G- A S A SPE01AL INDUCEMF:NT TO NOUNCE that, ho has received n. ·well as sorted stock of Genuine Drugs und Pure E n glish I Chc1mcals. Also, a 1Splcndid stock of the n1ost - EGS B 1vhi<~h CHE~111ST A~D DlhJGGIRT, HESPECTFULLY TO AN I '1arcfully selected DYE STUFFST - cannot be surpassed fer Pxt f·llP-Ju y o Jlldlity An assortment of Ani\inB TJ)t.. i> kep LOl1'1f,1ntly on hand, together vdlh a choi ce se lection nf D. ROSE, .Agent, Newcastle. T. YF,J,J,OWJ,RES, .Agent;, Bowman"' illc. JJ!lc GS.! CHEllHCArn, N E T ·T R A:. 0 TI V El ticketl5 per G. T. lliul way to Port Hope will be issued at one fare. 1 N. H. In connection -.."1th the abovt', return PA 'l'F:~'I' M 1£DTC'TNFS,1 lJJ~UHlJ l!.S, l'O \fH8, SilUU~ .Jl)L! H-ll R ACF:S, !SUPPOH'lJ~;u~. &e.., &c 0 AS :a:_ CENTENNIAL EXGURSION TICKETS! Centminial Rxt uri:oion tickets nt grcath· reduced 1a1eH-ho111 $15.10 to $18.40- uccord1ng to {"hoH'e or route; also for sale by the underr:.igned, 'I. Y ELLOV\'T.EER, D. ROSE, _ i\g{·nt, Newcastle. Agent, no-..,manville. 52-tf. July, 21th, b76. I I OILS, PAIXTS. COLORS, VARNISHES and ,'\,.flI «Jr At lhe ver~ luwr:st-prices. EA llORSE AKD CAT'rLE IvIEDICINES. "i nntageous terms N. B.-Country Storepcckcrs supplied on:ad CH £' D. STOTT, AND THE GREAT LAR l~ I AG ES M IS T DRUGGIST \English Remedy! i DR. WILLl.\M CRAY'S 'Druggs, Medicines and Chemicals, thanks to the pulilk fol past liberal patronage vrould ann011nLe thct l ht> is JHH.,. lll'epa1·ed to aU order" in hrn li1H' i ·1 a rru111ner Hecond to no cstablisluncnt i11 the t uu nl,wH. James Morr i s, I N RESPEOTFUJ,LY RETURNING :tUi CARRIAGES. WAGGON, CUTTER , SPECIFIC !71EDICINE Cfiscs are produced by over indulgence in the use of tobflCCO and n.Icohollc ~p1ritB; bnt the ~ pEJ-' ;\Ll.:'r ORH.ltR~. l ARE UNEQUALLED FOR MA~'CFAC'l'URED T · 11'.'iDO~'I'lfll: ElGH. &c., Cures all NERVOUS DISEASES, such as l'REMOHS, DBHILI'l'Y, PHO:o'IHA'l'ION, etc , wJnch, in many Specific 1-iectl(·inc is n1ore espeeiailyrecom111endccl!\S un unfo.iling cure f r S.!,i;MINALWEAK!WSB, Ml 'O . l < '~(' ~'i' t and I j Purity of Tone and Beauty of Finish. IN ;\NY ElrYrF. DESIR ED , RHOH. IF.E\1' .NOlH1'. . ...,,====,,:=====""' =,.,..,,,,,=,,,,,=""'====""'======,,,.,,,.,===;;:., ==-l J u.1;' !\1KMOnY, UNn Ens.1.L J HR BACK, DI"._\[i·.,rrss that t'n l low l m1 a llelj_ U('jl (" e of Self Abuse, as·J~oss ~ alL tlist·a-i.;c;i t PAIN IN J,,.ssrruDE, MURDOCH BR ,O'S GOODS. OF ,,.ISION. PR.E~iA'l'UHE I Remember U1ai uonuug but tlH ~ lu>~1j HlUtf'l"ial is .,...,......,.....,..,..,.....,.....,.,.......,.....,..,,,..,...,.,......,..,,_,,.._,__.,.._ _ _...,,.,..,,,,.. uf't'<l, aJLd 1wst 1\ ork1nen 1'1n11lo> 1 d-ilurn c 11s1n·) ing d11u1b11it~ , t lPgi~nec snll emnro1L-thc most il:U.PO.I Lant i·cg tu:ii1,f'fLlll u uo.1LVC~'J~ n ct· . ~ - .~ ~ - Hepafi:ing in all branches of the trv..clc prompt' ly attended to. -- -- -----;'cliL --If-l'ID&.Cl.E....----c:. I l 0 STAPLE Or.n AGE, and 1nnny other diseases that lead to j lr.RAZ..:ll'Y or L'o~SUMP'l'ION and a P.1n, MA'l'URP. GnAYE, all of which, as a ru1o, are firiot ( itusNI 1 by dev1at1ng from the path of nature antl over , indulgence, 'l'he Specific :rt'IedicilH· IH llw result of a life study and many year!'. of <·xpc11cnc1! in treating these s-peicrn.l iiumaseH. Full particulars in our pa1JTphle t, w1nt h V.'(' clesiIP to send froo by inaH to er~r} onP. 'l'hc' f!.rwl 1flc Ivfedicine is sold by nll Dru'i;"gists t i "il JH' I pad'-U\.iG, or six packages for $5, or >->i11 1w :.eul bv n:nul on receipt of the money, by ud drcHs1ng WILLI.l.M GHAY & C0 .. " V'{indsor, OrLt. .r:i"'"8old in Bown1a.n.-ille by J. Iligg111bothan1 ancl D. ~tott, and all Druggist'.! cvcryl'i'here. NOH'l'IIHOP & L-~{1\fAX, Toronto, 'Yhol{.,sale Agents 28 BLACKSMITH RA 'rTSF..-1_CTORI L Y DONE 10th, 1875. It is my intention on t11e above date tn wind up the longwinded uredit system, and ·ell only for CA~H, or ;is equivalent. It rcqui1 cs lN ~... A UPl<~RTOt. MANN ER. '"Then you 1yn11t anything in the oarriage line, give JAlliEIS IvIORRI S a cal1, a'"'{ ho "ill suit yon. J 1" rloor West o:tthc. Onta.ri0-Banl' 1 Bowmnnville, Oct. 10. 1871. 18-Jy no argument to eotnblish that it is to the advantage of both bnyer and seller to trade for ready pay; the buyer thereby getting goods at LOWER SOMETHTNG NEW AND DtlRADLE. Time, Money and Labor Saved. Couth)!JiOlllS or - Victim. PRICES, and tho seller bein 1 sa<cd from !088 by bad debts. We thillk Fancy _ Dress Goods. for the bcrncfit of Young 'MPn :rnfl othPtl'> om NEUVOL·s Dl:RJl,JTY, LO~~ OF1tfA;\ll01}1J, VITAL PO"\VF.R, etc., ~i.,111g hrn rule" of Sdf-l '11re, aftfff 1n uc~h sufferlllg an cl cxpenHfl, and SPn\,frr.H on rocenlng- a sta1np fo r return postage. AtldroHH N-"\_TfI:ANIEL 1.1AYF.1..IR, P. 0. Box 15:-3, B1·ooklyn, N. Y [4:8-6m. l :>UBLISHED AS AW ARNING AND whosntferfr. then that all parties will Conour in the wisdom of this chang~ on our part. OIL POLISH I This li1rench Oil Polish is prepared for Carringesi Bugg1esi Harness, l~oots and Shoes, AN D ALL Kl N D S OJ<' LEATH ER oily properties t<>nds lli nc b to preserve it; it w1l ahvaJs be n1oist and plHnt; and rna"\i l1e ffKp osed to \Yater and >vashefl :ind will no~ lose i ts bl'llliance, and it lf.! not lo bf': ft>1u·e11 1hat :i ny crnf'it >Ylll settle on said lealhPr v. hen 1ne::ieryed \\ilh the a bnyo nil. a::u· For the '\\rrnHlwo1k of Buggies, C. u riagcs a:nd Furmturt\ lhP-re rn not a 1J(>tlcr arti-:::k in use. l\.Tanufactu1ed by A. SITuION & CO., Tanners and Curricrs, formerl y of Ii':! m1cl! .10-..v of P biladelpltia. Pa. INSTl!UCTIONS Shake bottle. A fffW J. ro-ps on a piece of sponge, apply it JiC;'htJ3' to the leath01 1' ancl you ·will obtain the finest. lustre. Price 75 cents per Dottle , or $7' :50 per c1ozdn. Our goods·\vill hereafter be bought for CASH only, we and shall thereby reap the :i.dvantngo .if lnrge Lrdd e disconntR, which ndvnntngo we arc determined to give to DUI..' custonier8 . Parties purchasing from us liant rLppen,rante, and at the saJne tlmo fron1 it s It will giYe apy article of Le.ither n. ll\ost bril- may therefore depend upon getting gooch at least ten per cent. cheaper thnn under the old plan. BL.A.CK LUSTRES. CustonJ\>! .Departinent, ~ O'ITAW Ootober Z, 137.1. ~2 Our stock will this Fall be more replete than evet-. and a still higher cloSB of goods will be kept. \\re therefore gunrantec the greatest I cent. A UTHORIZED DISCOUNT on Amor. ican Invoices ' n1 l1l fnrtho:r notice pe J. JOHNSON, on1n1issioner of Custon1s. satisfaction lo all who may favor us with their patronnge. F'ancy Woolen Goods. Chronic Disea,.e!fl. now l rPaL1ng successfully the follo1v1ng diseases :Epjlcpsy, or falling E'rts, in their ,.,.·orst forrn Cons1.1mption, in its various stcl.ges, (\\'1th Dr J.'s rcn1edies consumption is 110 Jongcr an incu rnble disease); Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma Gravel Dropsy, General Drnp ,;y, &c., patrnnts \'t'hO luive been tapped st>Yera1 tirneis are curable unde1· J)r. Ja1nes' treatment· dJseaso'il the V\'ould respectfully stllto that ho is The following 'lines will be found foll: J. Sl\1A_LE, G tu Agent. Bo\Hnanvillc, ..1".._ugust 13, 1871. 2 D R. JA!'.iES ,.MLECTICPHY81CIAN; Ready-mad.,; Clothing, Cloths, Tweeds, Dr,'ss Goods, Silks, Shawl,, Skirts, Cottons, l¥ince)'S, Blankets, Bz!!fa!o Robes, &c.,&c- RealEstate for Sale: BHO\VN is offered for sale, in -..vhnln or in part, Seven Br10k Dwellings, ile"ir<tbl_y s1! 11 ated as f::illow3.on BrownStr~et. at ',.-, a. ' [ll es~nt occupie d by Col. Cubitt, l\Iayor. J,a1gf u11d commodious d-,,,clhng, good ba1'n ~ind outbuild1ugs, nnd one of the best frmt ancl vi·g( table garden& iu tO\\ll. CENTS' SUITS AND SHIRTS BoWNANVILLE, '11IIE ESTATE OF THF J,A1'E ~'HOS , MILLINERY Goods made to order in city c<t.yl.-;:, EYE AND RAn, Er1ors of "outh, Nervous Debility, Premature Decay ana a.11 tho effect s of indiscretions 1 ' youth- a cure is guaranteed; Dyspepsia, LiYo-r Dl.Scasos, and d1scases of JVmnen and Ohild1·e1& Ca11oors cured without cutting, and little pain Sore Legs, Salt Rheum, a11d Rorofnla in aU tt forn1s. Dr. J. ls happ~t t o !iay, dfaeaoies "\Vhich h ave hithert:o hl-'Pn i,hought incu1uhln are TIOW rapidly ywlding to hls trca.tnu:mt, a.s his gral,efu patientHarc \~1lling to tcstifv, l'o C11lon1el, no n1f'rc11r~, uo l\'Iincra.1 Poisc.ns, i.vill be admntis t r-:red u1 any for:m, in an:r ilisense. Tlic afthctcd, '-Yho cannot obtain relief from othor som:ces:, are particularly inv.ited to call and sec lriJn. JDV"Office in Neilso_p's lla.11, Belleville. Oili hours, 11 a. m. to 3 p. m. :.:~ les- 1 October 1, 1875. s_ 011 ~hortmt notir'c ErILL Tlle FI 'lllle"tCe d 1 'r~ Bro S ~- C EI a ' -0 ::1:.:r Bo-o~s y occnpiPl1 by the ttr1dcrs1gned fo\u1een 1001us bestdes f"loHt ts, etc. - one of t he moat co1nplete rc,,,irl<·111 P" in to-,,vn. Good ga1den attached. Kew Brick Dwelling ;;~11f.~~h;'t~'. Brick Dwelling (double) ~~~('.'.,1 T EA S. Yours most respcctfrtlly, Dl:ES. M. Coffees. One Box oC Cfarkc'i> B PHls. _ "CX, acquired L(J -------- --- -M1irdoch Bro's discharges from the Urinary Organs,in either or constitutional, Gravel and Pains in the ::3old in Boxes, is f5d each, by al Uhen1iste and Pat ent l\[cdi01ne Vendors. Sole 1-'roprietor, F . J. CLARICE. IS WA]{ltANTED TO CURE ALL APO'l'HEUA!(lES' HALL, Ll~UOLN, E~UL'D EX!)Ol't Agcnt6. BJ,1 ~ ~~~~· B1u·bri d ges & Co., STAT IO N- ER Y, PENS B1'1'c]- n,.. Pllinu· dence, and Brick Dwelling (double) ~}'il~~~~ ScHooL BO 0 KS, INKS SLATES, WitITING PAPERS Brick Building ~~c~~;~~ "~;c"!· l1~~c~~ SCHOOL BAGS, PENCILS otferPrl o n SAT C HE LS, ~/.[achine N eedleS SATIN ROOIVI p A p E R S \B:_:ru anv1lle ancl Gh 111·1 h Streets, at present occupied by tYl"O IP.11CLnls. Ga1·dcn att uchod. present occupied by J. rwnkin, F."'q., collector of Customs. Garden att:;i.chet!. 00 Km~ SJ,-e,,i , at 'f ' t"t p r·p;;1-mt occup 1P. <l hv l\Ir. John JYfurdo( h. 1\Iost coutfurtable re:-ii "·1th goocl gaulen outbuildings. Skirt Jl",\ ctory. 'Vith httle outlay a good residence could be cf th is b111 id1ng. 'l'he residences abnv1-1 nwntionl'<l :ire of a, su r1er1or class, v1 e ll b111lt, w1 tl1 8l1rne-\;,1llpd f"l'l l11r1:1, and all neces<itH'f ronv~nJPlltt'h _.\ 1·.1re op1mr~ I uu1ty j " no\\ 1 pm·Honx w1sld11g 1 pror tll csupcrior resid encl'H,aH ! he p1 011t·1 1) \\ ill"cm ly lie open for onle for a :.lh'll je1·111. T1ll1'ncl1ng pnrchase1 ,, d ~"f\ requP-1i'll 1o \ i('\\ ilt(' p1 01, e rJ y. For furthe~· infor rna. t ion tt[JlJ].V to 'l'. '!'. Uolu man, L. Cornish, 01· the 11nden11gned. JOHN UOLLAUD. _A _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Sugars. Murdoch Bro's s . 1 CROCKERY Barclay&· Son", 93 Farr..ngton StrePt, Loudon Sanger&· Sons. Oxford Street, Louclon. And all the l~ ondon \Yholesale Houses. ii.tents in {'a1utda 3-Iontreal.- Evans, .lVIerccr & Co., '\Vholcsalc Druggists. ' Lyn1a:ts, Clare & Co, Toronto. 1'-'Hlott & Co., \.Vholosalc Druggists. " Shnpter & O>Yei1 Jfamtlton.-\\ 1ner &Co. HalifC'x -Avery,llro-..,n & Co. Ncv·: hcny & 01 ~ans. 37 Ne>'t"gate oleman Strep reet, London. SPLENDID FANCY GOODS1' SPLENDID JEWELl.iERY, IJ1oy$ '. Bible Society Depository. · I PICTURE FRAMING-, MTJSIC, 1 AT I t{' every jl)int and crevice in clo~ets, bed.A v!SITOR at the F.xpos1tion, dining at steads, pantrv ahclves, and the like. Br~ sh a French restaurant, rneekly inti111ated the cre\ 1cca in t h e floor of tho skirting or board~, 1f yon SLl ~_IHJ ct th tt th ey harbor -v ern1in. I fi i n \,ln tewashing a oe] i:ng, p1enty of a.luin i.s a ddbrl to the hnH\ tt will also :se1'VC to keep insoct s at a d~ ~tance .CochI(' ctGhfs wll l flee fr 0111 the paint wl1ich ' t j; been wa::_.h cd ni. a.iu ru-wa or. Remember when 11ili bill was preseJJted that his boiled egg co11taincd a chicken. The pohte waiter s<.l.i~d ihat he wou1d haYC the bill cor1·ected, an<l soon returned with a now bill, upon \vhich the charge of 80 for . eggs had gi \' en pince to Ml ite1n of 60 cents ';!OTO Murdoch Bro's is the plq,ce to ·buy the BEST and CHEAPEST Goods kept in town. of of Lot Ko. 1, con. Darl1n,i.i;ton; about 70 acres, an'.l. the br.lance well 1vooclerl with pine and oak. If n ot sold by the 1st of April next. the cleared -portion "ill b· e~sed, J·~ or 08 ACRES, BEING CO}IPOSED 10 part Dth particulars enquire or S .U. UP ADSJ.fA W :EASTO~ and DOHENY BLOCK , LINDSAY. .Howruanville, .JuJy !JG, 18i6. 's,1 I GUE CUHE J<'on 8J<;MIN AL WEAK NESS, sent tu a ny aclare"'S ( fo Town Hall Buildings, Bo'\vanville. for chicken. 1 , BUILDINGSD Bowmanviile, Septembllr l*l, 1876. )ollars. Addres:; TT . II. 'T'. B ox 13, Y orL-i.J!le 1 { '

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