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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1876, p. 3

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-----·- ' -HAVE 'l'H!<;- ---~:o::::;:::-- BEST 'STO CK Cook, Hall, Palor -o ~·- John McLeod & Co.' the place, everybody says, to_ purcr1ase, .> General Groceri~s, trzrI N TO-W-N_ ---:-:o--: - - - · . .. an.d: Box Stoves, D~:£ G-OODS, TO BE SOLD Provisions, Crockery & Glass ware, Hardware1 · Plated War.. e, . , · Paints; Oils, " & c: ""'\ATJ:1:-Y IS IT? Because, 1st, S rh,ey sell the Chea·p est. Because, 2nd, They keep the Best Guods. Because~ rd, They have the Largest · · S.t ock. Becausn, 4th, You can, get the article ·· ' ·you want. Because, 5th, If the article is n_ot what · they te11 · you it is, they will take it back. · For Sale- Scales and .Measures stamped by the Inspector, fJJf"' STOVE F1 URNITURE, EA VETROUGHING, and .AT B.ATTXN"G-' S .. Bowmanville, Oct. 30, 1876. CALL and S EE THEM. You will be SURE TO BUY. ~:o : ~ ..A.. B I G is now raging 'a t AT THE CENTENN IA - T JEE E -· - EVERYTHING NEW ! EVERYTlIING CHOICE ! TRELEVENSI "DO INIO N" S ATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. ---:o:--- RECE IVED THE HIGHEST A WARD I International Medal and Diploma A rd t o cqntinue .to .sell at the ruinousfr. :lo'Y:" Price~ · cheaper than the cheapest. Why_ ,he can:do it~ ., _ , . First, he buys for cash and knows just Second, w~at he can't J:my cheap en,orig4, he.111anufactl!, res. . i ; Third, he _ 1s satisfied :with small pro:flts. _ · , .. , . Fou,1th, lle sells for cash; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. · ' I Tl1ree lbs. of 50ct. TEA for a Dollar. Fresh water HERRINGS, No. 1, Expected in a few days. ' all kinds of TINWAI1.E. Mani1factured and Repaired, .under the practical superintend.ence of Mr. FRY. ' . . JOHN M'LEOD & CO., Bowmanvill~, NQv. 8, 1876. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. i~dermined FOR THE BE.ST REED ORGAN · ~1 N .~TH E~WORLDI 1¥H"""TJle On1J 0 rgan OUtSl ·cl e- 0 f t l18 ·U nite d S tateS reCelVlng . ' . .. . ., i , WHITE ' FISH AND TROUT, CHEAPER THA~ ---o -· '~' ·,'"",I ' OAX,.X.. .A.ND ISEE ;J;"O:EI. VOU:El.ISE:J:.I VES . - ,'. A N O - ..f ,,., (' EVER, S . . J\cIASON - ·-has .received-I . -to suit the times.- Exa..ID.1~10 the stock, which cD~vris~s ev~rything in the o~ the.' very latest a.nd most elegant styles and patterns, ot English, Canadian, and Amo.rlcan manufacture. ' · ·' · · . ti= · He still continues to manufacture to ·order, fi,om the best of . materia.l, and none, but · firat:;ola ss ·, ; , workmen kept. . .. , . ·., ,,, , .' . , .· BRING YOUR FRIENDS wi'~H trade, -Y ou: LARGE STOCK OF LABRADOR HERRINGS .ON HAND. H I S F --:o::--- AL ·L STQC ,-K _:__of- '01·ders Promptly Emecuted, and ,Good Pits , Guaranteed: ·. He haB in stOck.'a.n en dl e~s variety of Ladies' and GO nts' S~takiga Trunks, Vaiis·c~. etc., all of '\Vhlch he iB selling cheap for cash. ~ .· · · · . · l ., · . ~an l/· I . . Internat10nal Medal, although seven Canadian manu- One Car-load G·ood Potatoes ,Just arrived from Montreal. - - - :o :- - Remember ihe Stand-" BIG ~OOT" drawn by two Horses, SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. K 'ING STREET, BOWMAN VILLE. Bowmanville, October 2nd, 1876. ·W facturers were competing, G-OODS, .' . M. TRELEVEN. Dominion Organ Co., BoW.MANYILT...FJ, ONT -\vhich he will sell- -All the above goods w-ill be sold at- ' Cheaper than any H;ouse in 1 Town~ T H E DO~IN"XON" ROOK BOTTOM PRICES FOR O..A..S ::S:::_ ~ - - o- - Savi11gs and · Inve tme n t SO CIET y, .CASH AND CHEAP GOODS ARE ' HAVING · THEIR - -o -- , EFFECT! __ ~--'~.-Highest Price paid- for all kinds of Farmers' Produce. Bowmanville, November, 1876. · - : o:- . _ . · · · Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs - oNE n oon WE!i;IT o:F Exi>ilEss 0FF1c£. . - Great Bargains ·~-IN-= L ONDON, ONT.ARI O. CAPITAL . , .... , .·. . . .· ,,,,,. , .. , .. .. . . .. .. :.,, ,. , " , ,, ,,, .$1,QOO,OOO,OIJ, SUBSCRIBED , ,,.,., .· ,,, ,,, ,-, ,,--~-· -·-----~·----PA ID Up . . ..... . . ,., ... i . .. ...... , .... ....... ,, .. . .. . . . . .. soo,oo'o.oo. RE8EliVE AND CONTINGENT FUND ... ,.,,, , ,,, , ,, .. . . , 60,000,,0IJ Bowmanvi!le, October, 187.6. s. MASON. w: -E. I JVIoney loaned npon real estate on the most fovorablffterms; . Mortgages purchased. Interest allowed on deposits. D. MACFIE, l'resident. F. B. LEY, Manag~ . REFERENCES PETRICK S H APPY TO INFORM THE INHABlTANTS of Bowman vill e and sur.rounding country that opened his j 1876. S01V1ETHING NE}V . ~· . .. BY PERMlf,'SION: GEO. McGILL, Esq., Managei· Ontario Bank, Bowmanvill e WILLIA)1 ALL fSON, Esq,, J\L D,, Bo"manville. Mair-Oressing an~ Shaving rarlor one d09r 'Vest_Cof l\ilurdoch Bro's store, ·where he hopes by ~trlct attention to business to have a share of t h e p11 blic patronage. 'LonlI.on Ivfarch I87G, I Under th e Sun ! I ,!JI£!'- Special at~:" tiou paid to dressing "- Mcc 'LUNG BROS., Bowmanville, Ont. - - - :O: .CLOTlllNG .CH-EAP ·FURNITUR E '! . CHEAP FURNITU RE I CH EAP FURNIT URE.I - A'l'-· .Cbil;~h·~he--~ies.' "'ll' p repared to make up , A NEW MAN IN THE OLD HOUSE! rrr!!ci;;.~P~~~~IGNED HA YING -HI s· lVIAN NIN G'S T Com~.n~I that no 0 ---·-- OLb STAND. s;.n-s;;;. atehort notce, and would say D E p .A_ B T~ E N s : · ,' 'I .fcarnecd oe enterta1nedbythcmtocom·t mY i>"'r lor, as everything is orderly and respoctable, TOB~CCOS, PIPES AN DCICARS. I have also Qnice stock of Tobaccos, 1\-ieer~ 'sclnuns and othe~ · fipes, Cignr cases.Cigar hold<.ers, Cigars, &c., whice ' 1vill be s@ ld Mr. John Borland Dry Gopds, ·Groceries, , . Clothing' Crockery, BOOT & sHOEBUSINEss, Tailoring, · Glasswar;~, _ _, wm the aa,mc Millinery, China,: · · -Carpets, &c. Lamps, &c.·. continno the trodc 1n place, and · is .prepar ed to give ' The Bowmanville Fmniture Factory having com1i1enccd runnino· :ao-ain, and the iiew Company having appointed th e undersigned Retail Ao-ent for the Town and surrounding country, he is preparnd to offer the v:i-y best styles of Fumiture· at prices belo~v anything at which it can be procured ebewhern in the Province. . DRY }, UNDERTAKIN G! GREATER BARGA INS , thu.n any house in 'Ji the county'. In each of these Departme11ts we endeav61· to E:XCEL. ' · " GOODS 'l "CHEAP AS THE [JHEAP EST. Reinember the place-Si5'D of the large L AR G El ADDI TI 0 NS RED, WHI'l'E &; BLUE PL'µTI, Klngst rect Jlowman\ill~ I MADE TO TE;E STOCK, . ,_ ·which ha.ving been purchased at Botton~ Pdces /or CASI{ will be UNUS_ UAL ATTRACTIONS rN. · Millinery, · Tweeds, . Cloths, Mantle s, Hats and Caps, Shawls~ Gen ts':Furnishings, Fancy Goods . F ., \t 1 :B\mcrals furnish ed in every respect in the very best styles and at p1'.ices lower than any other firm in the country, One of the .finost Hearses in the ~rovince _ SEN_T FR~E t? any foneral furnished by the subscriber, withm ten rrules of Bowmanv1lle. Also, agent for Raymond's celebrated Metallic Coffins, New York. ! I --AT- - ~ having been circulated that the undersigned has been ov.ernh_arging in his Undertaking department, he begs to submit thd'oHowing figures, whMrhe challenges any one to contradict:---:, Reported amount charged, $50 ... . Actual amount charged, $12. 30 . · · · (( (( " 9. " u ." 45. . . . ': " ~5. (I " . --~ - ' I Sold for CASH, at !lguros that must command :Jublic favor. · A LARGE STOCK OF MOURNING GOODS; H ' NEW STORE! " The proof of the pu<ldlngiS thAeating Ofit,.- NEW GOODST L· CORNIS H ,.I__ \vhere he has opened out o. la.rge s:took of the best goods to be found in t he country, consisting or call nnd satisfy yourselves that our prices are right. ORDERED WORKj A SPECIALTY, ORDERS PROMPTLY Ji'ILLED, MANY N 0 VE LT I· ES .I N~ Carpets, . · ·: · Curtains, . Oil Cloths, Quilts,.&c ~ " . ' . . ' EEAVER . I. ' BLOCK. · ", " . 60. . . . -50 . . ·' . 72. : . - " (j · ." " i'O: 30. 50. Bowma;1ville, March 29, 187G. W. P . .PROWER. 35 Incorporated pursuant, to Cap. 53 Con.Stat.of U.O, -...,, : ., Bowmanville, October, 1876. THE HAllfILTON PROVIDENT , TJAS RE)10YED TNTO HIS NEW A .N EX C!E LLENT A'6SORTIVIENl 0 F~ HOUiSHFURNISHINCS 1 . , . . GOOD FITS GUARANT EED. WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, .JEWELLERY, FORKS, ,SPOONS, ELECTRO-PLA1'E!lJ WARE, , ,~c., "-£c. A n·of , vhieh a.rti uc"v· dPa:n, a,:nd vdll ·bS ·Wld a t lo,Vest p ri ces. Tu.tore g:oods to ai·rivc. Call aJ1d f;ce our st ock, and learn pric<',5 l.iefm· t mrchasJng elsewhere. a!U"No troub le to show goods. .Bown1unY.!llc, Sept. 27, 187G. 1 9) SPECIAL BA·RGAIN s IN ,,, -A..:."'fD- LO.AN SOCIETY. CAPITAL, , .,, .. $1,000,000. ... HEAD OF.F ICE : Mr.W· ,JENNINGS remains as superintendent of the MANUFACTURil'IG DEPARTMENT. R emember the old stand, &o., Post oince Bloc!·, l!'Hng st. Dress Goods, · Tea THE KING OF PUMPS! · ' Winceys, Crockery, Over 400 Stood the Test of Winter Felt., Skirts, &c., Lamps,.&c.: with Perfect Success ! P , C. :E£Jl::L'\IJ!:ES' JvfCinnes' Block, I<ing Street, HAi\1IL'1'0)[, ONT, T'Ri<:s1ngN'l', ·..·.... . ·~· .. ~ · · ·..' .. F. BORLAND. . October !lth, 1876. THE CHEAPEST TEA OFFER ED IN TOWN FOR YEARS. A BIG L01' OF JJUFF,ALO ROBES tr!ir WILL BE SOLD ClIEAP ! ADA:.\f llOPE. Notice of" Ry-Jaw. . · Notice. · ISALT · ~ (.,. - ERl p·ISH ' ETC , 7 AT LOWEST PRICES . ' ·· PLAST ~ · , , N meeting of the v iding for the ~ulc of a portion of tbe !_)l'~giual him fortl~with and he is authorized to Hl the ' 6,th Concession of Sfl.-id. to\Ynship; and fo.r estab- r an t r eceipts t.herefo.r ishing a ne"'· road in hcu thereof. · · ' By- order, JOHN BORLAND. H. WIJ:<DA TT, T'p Clerk. J Oct. SI, 1876. 4.,1,,v. J Bowmanville, October91 1876. 11. i·oad a llowance bct'A'Ccn lots 1:1 and lD, a Bv·la'iY 1vill be 111troduced at the Hcx t ' To·wnship Council of Darling t on, here bjr notified to settle t.he san)c ·with to t a ke .place. on Sa.Lurday, D~c01ubeL· 2nd 1 pro- H av:ing . d'ispose d 0 f tny b nsine,ss . t M O l", OTfCE IS HEREBY GIVE:'.< THAT F . Borland all 1 1arti0s indebtetl to me a .re HIGHEST PRICE PAID F( R BUTTEH, EGGS, ETC. Rerr'e-rn72,e7·~ :.~l-0003~ ar . "' . 1 ; ; J:t.T ,T able by rust. It "'"11lraise water fron1 a deep well ·with perfect ease ; ·will not freeze unless the well it.self is frozen ; never 1UMds pri111,in(J; a lways rnis'l' the purest, cold est water, from t he bottom of Lhe' well, a.nd ·w ill r a.ise a barrel of·vater p er minute. Manufactured at. Bowman ville, Ont. P rice ;t~~~1e':l,"n~ .~;~ ~·M~~ui~\!~0~~~0t::,':i,~i;: . lilS PUMP IS THE T 0 1 RUBBER-BUCKET PUMP. CHEAPEST ·and mpst desirable putn:p in tho market. l vrcJE-.PR Es1n£.NT" ... .. . ... ......'\v. E. sAxFonn '.fO THE OWNERB OF REAL ESTA'l'E VVho wunt. Lp )iorrow money, tbea'bovc inst.i tntiO-;;_ offers famhL1es and, adira.ntages ·w hich can be j obtn.i nec:t fr om. no other Cmnpany or Private Lcndcl' in tlrn P rovince. F AnMu:ns '".ho wis h to i m pl'ove t heir property the orect iou of houses, hd.rns or fenc:es h y t~o, construc1jon of drai ns, cister ns. or th n tu1g of fl.n orchard, or who wish t chase n101,e landfor themselves orth cir ~ on · ll co u.s~1lt theirbe3t interestf'! by availing them sclYcs or th~ mea n s \Vhich THE liA;lIILTON PROVIDt."'1-"'.r aifotcls for accomplishing these and kindred objccta. I l a. 7~.a: . 7 . "··?Iv , es'; G?r·i' Oes ai I the u11equullcd . . excellence or this M'QLUNQ BROS. Bow:nanville, September 'Zl, 1876. · ·"W41ting &; Oo., C. ,V. Lent, W. Scott. ,il,ge~ts wa~tedin cyerycouuty. ;\.<\d;ess, p, 0. HIMES, anil fo1·tycents for each additional foot;. 1'he· following gentlemen b1:1ar· testin1ony to pu1~TP. vi,,,.: .Joseph 1\fcClcllan, E·SQ., :Manager Dominic)IJ Bank, Oslu:i.wa ; F. W. Glen, V\"-t.... Heplnstall, !'J.'.40~:. qona.nt·, Chns. :S:oD.P-Y. ~- u rew, A. S. foqmt ing in', readyfor use,$8fm· ft rstlO feet, instalment er otherwise. Tenris of pay be ext ended frora oue to twenty rea.:i·s to suit t.h~ 0-0nvenience of the borrower. O ment ·wiH '· ' N REAL_ESTATE, to be repaid hy th eir 'busin ess pre1uises or private dwellings WJ\II'. THOMPSO~, Sept, 21, 1876. A..~ent~ or 0'rHERS, ·wh o desire to become ffwners MERCHANTS, l\'lECHA NICS,PR01·'E8STON AL MEN of vyill .tl.nd an easy m ethod of so doing by applying t.n this Society, 1.i'or furth er-particulars apply o Bomnn:pyille, Qp t. AnpJyto ."· . W, M. HORSEY 1 i\t the Otllce of the Bowman ville Machine Co Bowma.uy_ '

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