· CANADIAN STATESMAN AND MERCH ANT, BOWMANVILLE, TIJURSDAY, NOVE!\iBER 30, 1876, - ~ - - -- -· - - - -------- REOEIVED HAY E THE- THE --~ : o: ~:::-- BEST STOCK Cook, Hall, Falor --OF- John(McLeod & Co.'sisthe place, everybody says, to purchase NEW FALL and WINTER G-OODS, TO BE SO L D B.OSS ORGAN General Groce I~ies, jtJJ'I N TO-W-N_ --~:-:o-:~-- Provisions, Crockery & Glassware, Hardware, CHEAP FOR CASHT Plated Ware, AT Paints, Oils, &c. -W-H-Y ' IS IT ? Bowmanville, Oci . 30, 1876. 14. an.d " Box Stoves, S ATISFAC T ION G UARANTEED. - - - :o:- - - - Because, ·1st. They sell the Cheapest. CALL and SEE THEM Because, 2nd, They keep the Best Gnods . Because, 3rd,. They have the Largest You will be SURE TO BUY. Stock. Because, 4th, You can get the article you want. EVERYTHING :NEW! . Because, 5th, If t he article is not what they tell you it is, they EVERYTHING CHOICE ! - .I will takB-it-baek-; For Sale-Scales and Measures stamped by th e Inspector. ...AEIG R U S H · is now · raging at A T TI-IE CENTE N NIAL I -TJSl: ~- .. TRELEVENSI /"D OM I N IO~N" RECEIVED THE -HIGHEST AWARD! International Medal and Diploma t o . continue to sell at the ruinously low prices than' the cheapest. Why he can do itI First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy. \ Second, what he can't l:)uy cheap enough, he manufactures. Third, he is satisfied with small profit5. F ourth, he sellsfol' cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. 1 Three lbs. of 50ct. TEA for a Dollar. F'resh water HERRINGS, No. 1, Expected in a few days. iiT STOVE :F URNITURE, EA VETROUGHING, and all kinds of TINW AHE Manufactured and Repaired, under the practical superintend ence of Mr. FRY. JOHN M'LEOD .& CO., B ow111a.11 vil1e, X ov. 8,-1876. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS . . A c~ isdermined ~fch eaper FOR T H E NOTE THISI - -- -·o- - -- --·--···------·-··------ === lBEST REED ORGAN i!TI N i!TT H E h2TW 0 R L D ! ft11~The WHITE FISH AND TROUT, CHEAPER TH AN EVER, - to suit the times.- - A N D- S. Nr:ASON --has received-- · BRING YOUR F R I E N D S W"ITH YOU. Exa nline th e stock, wh ich comprises e verything in the trade, of tho v ery la test and most elegant styles and patterns, of ltlnglish, Canadian, and ·.A.morica n man ufaCture. Ile sti ll continues to ma nufact ur e to order, from the best of m aterio.l, an d none but first-class workm en kept. . , only Organ outside of the U nited States receiving LARGE STOCK OF .LABRADOR HERRINGS ON HAND. H I S FALL STOCK ----:o:---- Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed. Ile has in stock a n endJe8s varlet)~ of Ladi~s' a.nd Gents' Saratoga 'l'rnnl~s. Valises otc., tt.11 of which he is selling cheap for cash, ' hcran International Medal, although seven Canadian rnanuj!2:1rfadurers were competing, SEND FOR PRICE LISTS, Remember the Stand-" BIG BOOT" drawn by two Horses, KING - of- One Car-load Good Potatoes Just arrived from Montreal - ---:o:---- STREET, BOWMANVILLE. G-OODS, . -which he will sell- Bow ma n ville, Octob er 2nd, 1876. M. TRELEVEN. Dominion Organ Co., BO-\YMANVILLE, ONT . -All the ~bove goods will be sold .at- Cheaper than any House in Town. - -o - - T ECE :I J101'\,11:J:N":XC>N S OCI ET Y, R. O CK BOTTOM PRICES FOR C.A.SEf_- - - :o:--Q Savings and Invetmen t CASH AND HEAP ·GOODS ARE HAVING TI-IEIR EFFESJT~ ! - -o- - kinds of Farmers' Produce. Bowni~;J.villc, N ovember, 1876.~ Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs -· N. B.-I:-Iighest Price paid .LOr a11 ONE DOOR 'VE~'l' OF EXI·RESS OFFIC.E. S. MASON. ----~ Great WINTER Ba~gains "7 --IN=-- - L ON DON, ONT AR IO. CA PITA .L . .. , . .... .. , . ·.· . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . .. , . .. . .. .. . ,· .. .. . . $1, 000, 000.00. SUBSCRI BED.. . . . . . . · . . . .. . . . . · . . · . . . . . . . . . . · . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 760,000. 00. P AID UP.. .. .. . .... .... . ..... .... ... ...... ... .. ....... .... 300,000.00. 60,000 .. 00 RESERVE· AND CON J'lNGEN'l' FU ND . ... . , . , .... .... . . . . _ l ... Money loaned upon real estafe on the most favorable terms, Mortgages purchased. Interest allowed on deposits. D. M:ACFlE, President. UEI!'E R ENCES BY PEUMISSI ON: "'.1-U EL P H Sewin.g co ~rP 4 N'v. MATI-IUSHEK· Machine PIANOS. I f FallandWinterl is 7o. McCL UNG BR 0 S., Bowmanville, Ont. - -- - -:0 : -- -- - F. B. LEY, Manag ... ' ' e t h e undersign ed , of Pianos at the }!.,air Of the ·A . m e;rican In st itu te , a.ftar a ~care ful oxarnination of the Concert Granrl.s, dn 1;1.,o;a.i.tl ----to FP.EllE R ICK M A l' ITUSHEK the HONOR KING OF A1\: CTCR IC..iN S EWI NG MACIJINiiiS. of m aking the BE Sf' p f thi13 c1a:i~ ofin_ > 1kumonts - ti ' t hen n.nd t her e exh1b1Led , or known to ua u1so ·where. {Sign ed ) ED" WAR,D MOLLENH.AUER, THE C>SB.ORN. Judge~ GEO. McGILL, Esq. , llfanager Ontario Bank, Ilowmanv;tI o WILLIAM ALLISON, Esq. , l\I. D., Bowmanville. . l~· ou1lon l\ifarch 1876, M. J. G t AN.,l.ilW l"l' J, Ct-lAR.LES FRA._UF,J,. A . D . 'W . BEBE:\ti\NN, 802 B t·oa.tl wa )', N. Y. These P iS:nos muat t a ke L11e lead of a.U known i11.struments, and Lh eh · peculiar coustruction rondera them b y fa r the. 1nos t d u r a ble , and t h o less liable t o get ou t of tl.ille. · Et:rGillNE MU S1CA.-L CONS ERV AT ORY,} CLOT HING CHE A p F U RN ITURE ! CH EAP FURN ITURE ! CHE A P F U RN ITURE I - AND -AT- J. MEnnIAM. Since tho date o:f this concot·t Lhe 'Mathush ek h a s be en my fa v ori te. J. Jx~ '\VATSON. l \\latson's Conservatory of Music, New York M ANN ING'S OLD STAND. - - -·- - - No money would t emp t me to ba.niflh it my horn&. 1?· fi3CI-IUYLER tf Mathus hek sup .e ri o:r to a,11 oLhers. H . l\{oLr_,ENHAUEn, New Yo1·k. LOCK·S TICH SEWING MACHINE D E P ...A. B T::M:: ENT S : ,GENERAL . A DA. .are n ov.· using these Machines. 'l'hey h a ve heard n othit1.f1 to equal i t in swcotncss h ave been J,csted beyon d a ll ques ti?n, ma-ko the oft tone. I ts n otes a re n1oro like those of our favorite l ock-stich, ali ke on both s1 des, _ and are JCX:O!f.L in ' 'olum e of tone. pron oun c ed ,;iu p crior t o t~n y othe1· 1na.clu ne offerL in firm n ess a n d pu rity of tone. ed t o t he p1iblic. I1 ' or w1d e l'a ng e qf wor k, per-. EXCE Exel:L jn v.oic e-lika quality of tone. f oction beau ty n.nd excellen ce of mechanism , E xmt.J L JI du rability and k eeping in tone. a da.ptability . .streng th and d u rability E:nrna_, f or t h H concer t-room. E XCEL for t eaching schools and seminaries. 'rH E OSBOR N SE WING llfACHINE E XOEL for the d r awing-room . T HOUSANDS THROUGHOUT CAN, Mathushak has in reality taken a. step in adva.nce of all makers of Pianos in t he w orld . J. G . SHAW, Mu sical Critio, barato:ga. Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Crockery, Tailoring, Glassware, Millinery, · China, Carpets, &c. Lamps, &o. . . The Bowmanville Furniture Factory h aving commenced rnnning ao·ain and the new Company htwing appointed th e undersigned Ret ail Acrent for the Town and surroun clllw country, he is prepared to offer t he ve~·y best styles of Furnit ure at pr~es below anything at which it can be procurell elsewhere in th e Province. ·DRY GOODS -AT-~ U NDERTAKI NG ! Funerals furnished in every respect in the very best styles and at prices lower than a ny other:. finn in, t he countiy. One o.f the finest Hearses in t he Province SENT FREE to any funeral furnmhed by the subscriber, within ten miles of Bowrrnmville. Also, ngent for Raymond's celebrated Metallic Coffins, New York. llA'S NO RIVAL. Improvem en ts: have lat ely. b e~n mn.de, enabl fn g th e n1 anufo.c t;u r_ers ~o cl1um i t nsthe Ne p l~ U ltra of Sewing Maclu~ e s. li':ludreds of testim on ialR a r e b eing receiv ed ~a1lJ'.' from old a.s w ell a s new oper ators attestl1;1g its w onderfi_1l capabiJities. W ill ' do an ~ 1n d s of d om estic 80 , ,..ing frou1 the fines t,_cambric t o the coa.rsest overcoat or u pper l e atl~cr . · :rJJ' G'Uara nteed lo be ail 1·_i:pregented , o-r no sa le. W a rran.tell for ·th ree years. 'f,he O sb~rn Out.fl t is comp let e and r ea.d~ly 'Compr ehended. I t. L; sold . a t one h a lf~he prwe ·hit.hHr t;n chal'ge d fu r NT 1 1cl11nes: doin g a .hke r~nge ot wor k , the ·1na.n11 fac1,urers bein_ ¥ deterp:nnecl to pl ace it wHh in '"each of every Iam ily tn th e b efor e : / '! , 'Ch a sing w ill convince all that ou r machines are u_ n equ alled . 'rhese nre br oad · a ssertioni:c , hiit oapa.ble proof. T h ey are u nlike a ny ot her in c ons_ truc tion ; aU t hQJ.r peculiarities a.re pointa of excel:1ence. '£heir illustr ated a.nd d_e s crip ti .,.e ca.ta.-logue, which w e send f r ee to any .address , explains conclusively , in harmony with acou stios and·fn eohanics, a.U t h a.t i1I cla ime4 for t h e Mathushek. Th ere a r e tho11 sa.n da of happ y owners _of Mathush9ks willing to oertify t o th ~ir superior exceUenoe. W e h avo r oom here for but a f ew brief ex tract s : It h a!'! g iven m y fa mUyith e very hig~est l!l~tl.a· faction. R Ev. JOHN BRED !N, Barrie. In each of these Departments we endeavor~ to EXCEL. I eoAn i.~fa1 Prof. J. R use,- DEAR SIR. ~'l'he l\lledium Math· ushek we got from you gives entire satisfaction in every .r BS'PBCt. I can unhesitatingly reoom· mend it to all desiring a good pia-no. D. S'.L'11:--w l1RT, P astor. Pre;eb. ,C ~roh. , EN.NIBKILLEN, J a nuary 13. 18'/'G. UNUSUAL ATTRACTIONS IN · Tweeds, Millinery, Cloths, Mantles, Hats and Caps, Shawls: Gents',Furnishings, Fancy Goods. F. A C> having been circulated that · L he undersign ed has been overcharging in his Undertaking department, he begs to submit th e following figures, which ho challenges nny one t o cont radict:· Reported ai~ount charged, $.50 , . _. Actual amolll1t charged, $12. " " " 30 . . . . " " " 9. ". " 45. . . . " 515. ." 60. . .. " ,,o, " 50 . . , . " u 30. " 72 . . . . " ,. " 50. F .r· l\1:cAR'l"'I~UR' S, LARGE STOCK - OF "MOURNJJ'1iLG _G_ O_ O DS, TH EG U E LPH R EVERSIBLE OSHAWA, F eb . 1st . J. R·1t se, ~T h e No. 11 M&tbushe.k _ purchased fr om you is pr onounced, b y judges here, a sup &- rior instru mon t . 1'-IBS. B . MlTOD~LI.. prc-c nin en th · t h e b est Single Th r ead M a.· H AMI'TON, I a n. 31, '76. hinc offererl ln the pn bli.O--:hen ce _ i ts mar.vellou s Mr . J. R1ise, - It affords m o grea t pleasure In u cccss. -Vl ill d o a ll varieties of d ~mes t1c sew- .!:1.ck no wl edg1n g th e entire S!!.t isfao tion, a nd u11 ng. Prices grea tl y r ed uced. h ig-h ap p!·oval, of th e 1'-fathushek: Piano pur· chased !ron1 you a. few days since. Hand lVfo.ch:in c , wit.h {uJl onttlt, $12; T r eadle S. J. SMITH. il.o. , $17. E ach Machine g-n a.runt: eed . .A gent.s "VYant ed Eve r~·w h ere . I@" Sp1endid HAMPTON, Feb. 1st. 1nducernents to mok e 1 n oney.- .A.p-ply t o Prof. .J. ,flu se,-DK.A. R. S1a, .,.... 'J'he Mathushc k P iano I purcliasod from you has given eDtl.rs ction , and p r o\·ed itself a Mllperior instru~ tJUELPH SEWING MACHIN E CO'Y. s.:Lti15fa m ent in every respect. I would reoommond all GUELPH, CAN ADA. to see them be fore purobasing elsewhere. . H . T. PlJlLLIPS. MANY NOVEL TIES IN Carpets, Curtains, Oil Cloths, Quilts, &c AN EXG[ELLENT ASSOR TMENl 0F HOU,SEtFURNISHINCS 1 BEAVER Bowmanville, October, 1876. BLOCK. w~ Bowmanvillc, Jlfarch 20, 187G. P . P ROWER. 35 ~' or ~ale, = ~·------ 1 ' ra.1·~ J)R DAYIDSOlf'S RESIDENCE IN th e 'Town of Bow n:nn ville. 'l'his offers a opportu ni ty fo r a we«'li cal gent.l eman , or R. & IH. O'HARA, Agen ts, - - - -· - -- -- --- N o1i ~e Market Buil dings, Bowman ville:. PR I OES. Full · Agrajfe, 7 Oeta;ve, from SPECIAL BARGAINS a ny other profession :i..! or b m;inHss ma.n for obtai nin g on e of t h e finest r e.."'1idences in t he town , Iin tJ1e ·v ery cen tr e of b u sin es1-;. AppJy on t h e t o Mi·3. Da vidson. I pr en1ises Ilowmanville , N OY. 1, 1870. 14-tf. -· ot· By-la w . N to ta ke place on Satu rday, D_ e cembGr 2nd.· :pro· vi d ing for U1e sal e of a portion of the or1g1nal l'O ad a llovoance between lots U. and 15.. in the !(} t h Concession of s aid township ; a nd f or estab· isbihg a new .r oad in li GU t her oot . By ortler, .R. \-VIN DA'l'r l ', 'l"p Clerk . 4--! w. '()cl,. 31, 1876. OTJCR 1S H ERE BY GIYE N THAT a Bv-lav..· will b e introduc ed - o.t t he next m e eting of t he 'l'ow nship Council of Darlington, $3 00. Piano s f 'i·o m ofhea· reliabl lUakci·s a t Bottoni Prices. Wholesale Agents for Canada for Dress Goods, Tea, THE KING OF PUMPS! Winceys, Crockery, Felt Skirts, &c., Lamps, &c. lover 4o~i~~o:P~rle~i ~:~~e~!, Winter F I RS T CL A SS C RAIN & DAIRYFARMFOR SALE ! -BEl::fG - Lot No. 3, in 1st Concession, Fenelon, Thr cc -qua.rtcr s ot I). lniJe souLh of the \-1'i1Jage of Ca mb1 ·ay, a nd on e In lle fr o1 n Lhe Cam bray sta.· Liou of th e :M idlan d Railway; it is on a g ood ro!id l eadillg to L indsay, s eHm miles distan t.- . It cont,11ins 157 acr es, of which a bout 120 ncrea a re cleared, w ell cultivated , and _well t"enced · fall ploug hing is a ll done; ba.lanee( 1 ffa..r m-is part h ard-wood , in?lt;tding fine i;p.a..,Ple sug ar bush, and par t cedar, g nllng lfl!.P rn1l tim ber. Th ere are first-cla ss barns ~o.d..-Ou t-tmil dings with all modc1 ·n in1i;iro".'ei_µe D.t s. A eo1 nfortable frame dwelling w~ te'C·h ouse. c ist er n, never failing \\·ell. .:~lie fa rm is well watered by a never ral!io g PRINC E ORGANS! 1'..GEN'J'S WANTED Jn ever y City, To wn and CoU>11ty of the Dominion. THE CHEAPEST TEA OFFERED IN TOWN FOR YEARS. I RUBBER-BUCKET PUMP. A EIG LOT OF BUFFALO R OBES ~ WILL . . I 1 P. CJ. :IE-l:Xl\l..CES' . Piano foll· Sale - ---01· Rent. BE SOLD CHEAP! . sale a La great barga in , or to ren t . May b e se e n at the residen ce of 'f. Fowke, Ha-n1pt on. Apply t.o PP.o-F. M ILLER, Bowm anvillc, or T . F oi..vKE, Ha.1npt.on. f14. ] ~ - - - -~ -- - -- A GOOD P I ANO IS OFFERED FOR I N 0 rr1· s & Soper, SALT, PLASTER, FISH, ETC., AT LOWEST PRICES. . 8 Adelaide-St. EMt, Toronto, NotiCe, SOLE AGENTS. .rosI:..PH HIGHEST PRICE PAID FCR BUTTEH, EGGS, ETC. 'WHEREAS MY WIFE , MAJW ANN CLE]i'IENS,hus left iny 'bed & boo.rd tvit h · O\lt 1 ny consent and \Vit hou t nny renson or prov ocation. I here by giv e notice t ha t 1 ·IYill ·n ot _.\ gent in l l u1n pton , D1:trling 1.on, 1iV1JHhr , Cart b e l'Cl:'lponsiblo for an:r debts contra ct ed. by her. · . \\-Tight, Cla 1 ·k e a nd R caoh. WI LLI4M H . CL EMENS. Als o A gen.t fp }.' the Domin ion Organ Bow· Tyr one, Nov . 14, 1876. Iti·'1in manvillc. U,6-ty: ) B o,..:nanville, September 27, 1876. M'CLUNG BROS. it st.ru ct ed, n o screw j oints t o becmne immov· a ble b y .rust. It w ill raise wate r- from a deep well v.: ith perfect ease ; w ill n ot fr ee-.ze u nless t he well itself is fr ozen ; 1uwe1· n eed."' primin n; al wa ys raises the pui·e st , c oldest 'vater , fr oui the bottom o1 the w ell, and ' vill raise a barrel of wat er per u1inute. · ·1 1\-Ianufa ctu red a.t B o'\vn1anville, Ont. P rico for _put in g in. r eady for use, $8 for first 10 fee L ~ i and forty cents tor each a ddit-ional foot. ' The follo\vi n g g en tlemen bear testimony to the uncqu ri.ll e d ex c. ~llenco of t his pump, v iz. : J oseph McClellnn . fisq. ,_lHa n uger Dominion Bank, Oshawa; F . \ V . . Gllc'rf, _ _ W . Hcpinstall. Thos. Conant, Ch as. Honey. L. Drew, A. S. \Vhiti.ng &. Co:, C. '\V. T ...ent, -~v . Scott. Agents w arned in ever y count y. Add.!'ess, P . 0 . lllMES, HIS PUMP IS THE CHEAPEST T and most desirable Pump in the m arket.. Th ere are n o v nlves about t o beco1ne ob- /I 'Zi--~-----------~= - - --- -- · - - - - - -- - . --~ - I TEllMS :- Small p aym e nt down . and t he bala n ce to suit pur cb aeer. lt'or fur th er pa rticulars. address for t w o weeks. 17-2w.) V . B O\.VE'.Rl\-IA N, Cam bray .. I Bowman.vl,IJ;~J. Q.P~~ lUO N!E Y 'l'O .IAJiU~ ! d ay a t. homa. ~'gent; w ant ed. Out i\.T. RE · 1 · E orrATE"' to le ·· tH a n t.1 ter~ns fr ee, 'I'ltU.H.: & CO., Au. 1 Te' paid by l~ · 11. J - o · ' · ._ .,. gust:.:i, l\ii a.1n c . in stalm ent . or otn er wise. TerrnH of JHlJ _ __ _ n1en t \\'ill be extended fr om one to t \venty y ears F.ND 25c. r o G. P . IW WELL & CO. , t o- s uit the conv e nien ce of t h e b orrow e1·. NeVi' York, f or .Pamp hlet of 100 pages, can Ap ply to ta in·Jn g list s oi: 3,000 n e ~v:"p apers, and estimates: W. M. H OUSEY, shO\\'ing cost of ad.ver t1smg. at tho Office of t lie B ow m a n v Hle nfach i.ncCo O $12 .. , S